Researching the Holocaust is one of the most dangerous tasks that can be undertaken in the West. The Shoah hoax is widely perceived in the Muslim countries as a Jewish “thing”, and is largely ignored in Asia. The fear of becoming labelled an anti-Semite has a massive dampening effect on all but the bravest.
It is though an effective lesson in truth-divining where the absence of facts and logical failure abound.
The core tenets of the Mainstream narrative are threefold: a) Hitler instructed the extermination of the Jews in WW2, the corollary is of course that he was an [evil] monster who hated the [innocent] Jews;
b) That six million Jews were subsequently killed; &
c) That these deaths were by Zyklon-B gas poisoning in Concentration Camps, such as Auschwitz.
My detailed research over many years has led me to believe that all three claims contain a large component of deception & are all patently false. All evidence provided by Holocaust proponents, and I mean all here, has been proven to be not only ungrounded, but in many cases is simply preposterous. Belief in the Holocaust as told by vested interests is akin to religious belief.
a) It is widely recognised, even by those who would prefer otherwise, that while Hitler fingered the overly self-serving interest of the Jewish bankers & business leaders in Germany; that he hated them with a passion & that he sought to have them exported. A stunning fact to many is that there is actually no evidence of any order for execution! Zip!
b) The six million figure is a marketing meme with spiritual connotations and was used by Jewish interests long before the Second World War. Any claim endorsed by figures and facts later disproven from one source, then validated from another source, must lose all credibility. The six million figure has remained embedded as ‘gospel’ in Western minds despite the changing ‘validations’. I have shown this clearly in my blogging.
c) All credible evidence shows that what is claimed is not only impossible, it never occurred, period. Gassing by Zyklon-B (let alone in the volume, location and circumstances claimed) is practically and technically impossible. No credible evidence exists. None. Many revisionists have researched & proven this claim many times, over many decades but their work, careers (& sometimes lives) have been actively suppressed.
The two competing stories are best summarised as, “I don’t care what you say! It happened so therefore we must/will interpret any evidence available (even if it questions the narrative) in that light that it happened”.
On the contrary, others prepared to face the wrath of vested interests say, “I don’t care what you say! Because, something cannot happen [as you claim], it obviously didn’t!”
It’s difficult for a truthseeker seeking to find the truth to argue with that logic.
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