Negativity abounds in the world as the human spirit seeks to pull others down and most of us naturally see the world negatively. This is especially so the longer we live and the more realistic we become.
The Pumpkin People is an example of a conscious effort to show the power of positive.
The setting of this book is an island environment with an outsider who was a target for greedy and a small thinking populace. The people were known across the globe for their pumpkins and as the plot progresses, their leader had a chance to influence the community for good.
A missing visitor from a cruise ship, when eventually found, revealed things that shocked the people and brought them and their leader to their senses.
In time the people did the right thing and moved onwards and upwards living happily ever after.
It is again a Christian Allegory and the story is a ‘type’ of Samoa, a country of people with the arrogance of ignorance, where an outsider is not trusted nor liked. Indeed the more honourable the guest, the greater he is mistrusted and despised.
Of course, this plot is based upon my own personal experiences living in Samoa.
When dealing with what could be called the “lower of life” in my professional investigations it is extremely easy to see a dogmatic refusal to acknowledge human error, to watch crooks, crims & crazies dig their own grave and their lemming-like march to their ‘death’.
It is exceedingly rare to have one of my subjects of exposure repent, confess or change their ways, thus it is normal to expect that change cannot occur when it seemingly never does. Our worldview determines our attitude and approach to this scenario but the Christian worldview is that change from choosing evil is indeed possible if we humble ourselves & that we must always give that opportunity to others to do the honourable thing.
If I am not given the opportunity to do the honourable thing when I am corrected then I feel hard done-by. Even though it rarely happens, I will always give the recipients of my wrath the opportunity to do the honourable thing.
TIP 24:
Speak it like it is because . . .
Cockroaches flee when the light comes on
Sunlight is the best disinfectant!
I am though very realistic and am always prepared for the worst. In some cases this may be the activation of a dead-man switch, in others it is a technical backing up, defamation protection activities and my will is always up to date.
The Pumpkin People is an attempt to show what can happen when one leader (contrary to the norm) does the honourable thing.
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