In this post I share the [increasing] challenges in identifying truth, particularly around death. Who’s alive, sick, and or gone, really? A difficult one but deception does abound. Enjoy!

In a recent exchange with the bearer of sad news, I asked him for his source that David Irving had died. A family member had denied the rumours of his death and said that he was still alive so I was just checking as to whether a man who I truly respected was alive or dead. It seemed at the time to be an important thing to me. Somebody was lying, or got it wrong.
Seeing as I trusted this man to date (Michael Hoffman) and the victim’s family had failed to show any proof that they were still looking after the old man (and that they keep on asking for a handout “please send us money” sort of thing) I think along with my other source that David has indeed gone and the family deceives.
What a Mess
It’s hard to identify truth nowadays isn’t it? So many lies. Deception seems to rule the day.
Others who have gone but who seem to be alive still are Joe Biden, who has been shown to really be an actor, indeed for many years, Hillary Clinton, yeah, she was taken out way back just after the Trump fiasco in November 2020. Apparently he was actually there at the time too, in early 2021!
Our own Cindy seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth, and Oprah too suddenly ‘lost a lot of weight’ in a hurry too back around the time that she was arrested on 3 December 2023. A real miracle that was eh? Perhaps 345lbs was too much for an actor to put on when she was arrested and hung!
Wikipedia is part of the deception too. I’ve found it to be great as a source of some kinds of information but I recommend that one leans on the more alternative sources like Benjamin Fulford or Simon Parkes for really important information. I like Benjamin’s take on geo-political things as he appears to be well connected, and Simon (while he is a part of Trump’s team and has always been New Agey through and through) certainly speaks the truth fearlessly, as he knows it.
So let’s go through the various people ‘taken out but kept alive’ for various reasons . . .
Jacinda Adern
Australian Secret Services advised us many months before she ‘suddenly’ resigned that she was going AWOL. I shared with some three weeks before she left us that she had been put under house arrest. Cindy and her boyfriend have gone.
Joseph Biden
I’m not sure when, but probably before the election of 2020, Joe was ‘terminated’ for treason. [UPDATE]. They put him into his basement for the election because of this fact and the Americans allowed him to steal the election for sure. I tracked this all in realtime at the time but only started sharing it on 31 December 2020 when I knew enough and believed it enough to go out on a limb to say it. My book on the Election Fraud, came out shortly afterwards, revealing that this was indeed a US military sting operation.
Oprah Winfrey
Arrested and sent to Gitmo, to be eventually tried and hung there, Michael Tuffin (aka Baxter) reported this all, which I duly reported. Michael clearly has a contract to report the White Hat’s message. He started the RNN website in 2020 and kicked it off in December, 2020. His material and writing has had and always has had the aura of fact to me. Even now years later there would be nothing I can see that would be dodgy up there.
Killary Clinton
Once again we have a reason for deception. Michael reports her death accurately and I have done the same. The issue of timing however remains to be proven. I have yet to see any reason to doubt this source and very many reasons NOT to doubt it, but again, who do you believe? The real question though is what is the significance of a particular person being alive or dead. I think from where we get our information and how we determine its credibility is more important. It’s crucial.
Prince Charley, The Queen & The Pope
Anybody remember the hologram in the carriage? And then in late February an elite source said: “Prince Charles is basically dead”. Basically? You mean . . . Spare me days how obvious was that? Holograms all over the place mean that these old people are really gone (and sometimes for many years) before their death is confessed by those with an interest, if you ask me! I note also that Benjamin says recently,
… Canadian intelligence sent us the following: “The Princess of Wales Kate Middleton was murdered in an Illuminati blood sacrifice, according to Princess Diana’s best friend who also revealed the ritual killing had long been been planned as part of the royal family’s dark occult traditions. The fact that Kate would be offed has been an open secret among the British aristocracy for years, according to Christine Fitzgerald, who claims that just like her friend Princess Diana, Middleton was carefully chosen for the sacrificial role due to her personality and bloodline. As the public in Britain and around the world demand the royal family release proof of life, the woman who was once Diana’s best friend is urging the world to wake up to the dark truth about the Luciferian House of Windsor.”
David Irving’s Fate
Reading through the comments that appear on his current website (that I note primarily sells his books) and comparing his Wikipedia page makes for revelation. Wikipedia has always had a primarily Jewish feel to it . . . David seems to have a huge following in the alternative news community, which of course despite his protestations to the contrary David did represent by default.
I know that both he and [badly shadowbanned] Michael Hoffman were targets of Jewish wrath but this is to be only expected, surely?
So here’s some of the evidence I found when researching this matter.
I received these emails from America, basically saying, “David is sick. He needs money. Please send.”
The truth is that he had rich supporters, all pretty much up with the play, who looked after him.
Then I got another one this time from a man whom I trust, “He’s dead.”

Then I got much more from this obvious new marketing operation saying, “Thanks, guys. Please give more and enter into a draw (or some other gambling thing!) – The Family”
Seeing as David would NEVER have permitted this sort of thing and as I too am not into gambling of any sort, and that I immediately smelled a [very stinky] rat, I went back to the guy who told me he had died. “What’s your source?” I asked.
“Can’t tell you but I can say that I checked with him recently and I know that he knows and he’s dead!” was the essence of his reply.
Then I saw from Paloma Irving that she said, “No he’s not dead! He’s alive and has relocated back to the UK and still needs your help. Thank you for your prayers and donations.” or similar.
“Nope!” I thought.
Somebody tried to tell me that there was a video up there and what I thought that I knew was BS, so I thought, “Oh shit! Here we go again . . . another bunch of porkies”, methinks.
Michael also came back saying dunno why you would dare to ping a family without knowing why they would get things so wrong but he had previously said that he trusted his source, and would change it if he got it wrong. He didn’t and so to my eyes “The Family” speaking through Paloma is lying. Simple, Paloma. Prove it!
So here we are – Michael Hoffman relies on his source, validates this fact then tries to warn me off his friend’s “Family”.
Sorry Michael but if you read the many notices of condolence online and how they value the way that David spoke the truth, then you cannot keep “The Family” from admitting the truth. David died, your source is ethical. You are right and yup, I know this hurts, methinks that one of David’s offspring isn’t really kosher.

“The Family”
While I live on the opposite side of the planet from his girls (David had five daughters), from what I can see while one died at her own hands, the oldest three showed no interest in David’s work and only his youngest Jessica, seemed to inherit the Irving Spirit. To me though this doesn’t really matter except that I reckon that it is Paloma who took over David’s books and now attempts to deceive.
My take is that Michael and his source are accurate, David has left us and Paloma Irving is “playing games” with the truth, attempting to convince us all that David is still alive. Why, I do not know, but usually this sort of thing (falsehoods) are done for a monetary reason – greed. Usually.
Furthermore it appears to me that a strong man of truth must be turning in his grave at the moment, probably wishing that he had sorted things out a lot sooner down here than we all will. Often you find that great men indeed produce a ‘mixed bag’.
Falsehoods here from somebody then, for sure, but take your pick from whom!
I have already – Michael is right – and the same as he says, I’ll let you know as or when I am proved wrong. After all it’s really so easy to prove me wrong. Videos can never be back-dated especially when they are already out there and a simple challenge to show the man will suffice to one of his friends, surely?
So there – have you got it now?
So now what are YOU going to do about it all?
UPDATE [24 March 2024]:

It is my contention that truth trumps all and ALWAYS outs – ALWAYS. What game is this girl playing at? Paloma represents the entire Irving family? Yeah right!
Prove your words Paloma. Just send me an undoctored series of photos of your Dad alive with today’s date or some other proof. It’s easy to do and I promise to share it with the world and like I always say I’ll present your story to the world here, even apologise for my gross insensitivity to ‘a family not in grieving’ if you want!
Also, using a Proton [Swiss] email service then trying to hide behind anonymity is also rather unwise too, methinks. Do you really think that we don’t think for 2 seconds and that we all believe you because . . . well, just because?
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