This post is specifically written for Elsa and Eric, but can be read by all interested in establishing reality in a confusing social condition. I share the similarities between a conman with Aspergers that I ‘took on/out’ more than a decade ago with a more recent manifestation – Reiner. The essence of this post is that to understand unusual people with HF-ASD, we must accept and understand the psychiatric – FIRST. Enjoy!

In 2009 and 2010, I exposed an international con artist, Australian born David Harlow (aka Daniel Mensi Evans) who at the time established and ran the Ormita fraud. Daniel had Asperger’s Syndrome. I predicted and analysed his conduct which then resulted in The Ormita Report and his demise, certainly within the international alternative currency community. I’ve followed him since, despite his thinking that he has disappeared but I can smell him and his activities a million miles away.
Asperger’s Syndrome
ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) is just that – a “spectrum”. My strongest recommendation is NOT to diagnose any aspect of ASD unless you have a lot of training and/or experience. Simply, DO NOT DO IT! I diagnosed my ex-wife with Asperger’s and got it wrong. She fed my incorrect diagnosis right back to me with interest and she denied the later professional diagnosis of Excessive Self Reference, another ‘condition’ on the ASD scale. She of course highlighted the shrink’s observations that I would be a PIA to live with because I was so black and white!
Aspergers, (aka High Functioning Autism) is a condition with dozens of symptoms but the primary ones are excessive self-referencing, lack of empathy, unusual focusing on one subject, aversion to repeating sounds, social issues, dishonesty and much more. Not all symptoms are present and not all human failings besmirch ASD sufferers. Intelligent males are often the target and AFAIK it has been low volume and genetic mainly through the males until vaccinations in the 1960s/1970s pushed the figures up.
This summary has all been from memory. Please do your own research.
An Interview
Earlier this week I watched an interview Eric Cappolino did with a woman Elsa, who alerted me to Reiner’s uniquenesses. Elsa showed me in her replies to my questions the exact same biased thought process that I had experienced 13 years previously when I investigated conman Daniel Evans. Elsa “saw things differently”, her words, and used Reiner’s explanations without thinking that there was anything to them. The thought that there could be anything to RF’s detractor’s claims was denied outright during and post-interview. In any other situation this could have easily been attributed to money, sex or power at work but these words “seeing things differently” became a lightning rod for me. I watched her as she said the ‘right’ things, but I knew she would do nothing as a result.
So then I pushed back.
I was also fascinated to engage with the interviewer more.
While Elsa was clearly tricked into supporting her mentor despite evidence that he had done some pretty bad things, but what about Eric? I engaged, warning him of my concerns into his investigation. I found him to be great, so here are a few of these words:
> I agree there is something off with all of these guys, and what seems on the face to be extreme lack of empathy, obsessive self-dealing and living in a world apart.
YES! 100% right there! Three times perfect! …Tell your people PLEASE to look at ASD, particularly High Functioning ASD (aka Aspergers). I will blog more about this and what it is, but especially as it applies to RF and your investigation. That is critical, and not the diagnosis per se, exactly as you said yourself previously.
Eric questioned me further about the significance of RF having a psychological issue. To me the issue is vitally important.
> That said, what is your point about the potential diagnosis of Asberger’s? That he cannot be handled and is not subject to MKUltra tactics?
In this second question Eric seems to assume (like many in the USA do) that money is the primary driver or motivation of an individual. Mainly it is, (power, money and/or sex) but with ASD it is usually not. These people can never ‘work for someone”. Never. They are just not built this way. It is OUR job to learn to think differently BECAUSE WE CAN. They can’t.
No, it is 95% about you and 5% him. When you (and your researchers) exercise caution b/c you understand HF-ASD then I will have achieved my goals:
1. I don’t want you to make a meal of it and be seen to be a fool in this case and 2. Sure, I care about him. Falsehoods including false accusations (Note: as seen from HIS PERSPECTIVE) make it much worse for him (and his supporters) as they reinforce his [crazy] view of how he engages with the world.
He thinks differently and people either get him wrong because they don’t understand him (ASD) or they side with him (generally older ladies – like Elsa) because he has conned them, although he can’t see this because of his condition and they won’t look at it all ‘properly’.
And there is the real rub. Daniel and Reiner see the world differently to the rest of us.
In Samoa, I found that if a High Chief told a boy that the grass was blue and the sky was green then the boy would die for that lie in order to protect their reality. To a Palagi they may agree but to a Samoan they would ‘lie and die’ for the falsehood. To us we treat colours as facts and “bugger the relationships” but to someone out to preserve a relationship they will lie and hold two opposing realities in mind, simultaneously.
I also experienced this recently with a local South African man who knew that another Kiwi had lied to him. You don’t value his friendship as much as I do!” he told me.
True, I don’t. So bye bye liar.
Elsa’s belief that Reiner is a “good man” (i.e. that he is ethical) will be defended no matter what he does or has done that is ‘wrong’. And why is this? “… Because he is a good man”. It matters not whether logic or facts come into play, she will never change even when 100x people tell her that she has ‘got it wrong’ and especially if they produce evidence to support their claims!
The Similarities
Elsa’s replies to Eric’s interview alerted me to RF’s ASD because it was exactly the same response I got when I spoke to Daniel’s investors and supporters years before. Older women usually trusted him with their money. “He’s such a lovely boy and would never . . . [do that]” . . . means nothing to us all until you too wake up to the reality that the money has all gone!
So I took a real risk when I diagnosed RF because I’ve never met him. I have tracked him and have seen his marketing materials and they appeared to be professional, and very akin to Daniel’s efforts in that regard. I understood his subject matter well but his track record didn’t stack up.
He is clearly intelligent, like Daniel and just like the other con artist, RF had the gift of the gab, able to convince others.
I saw too many similarities, and then Eric confirmed that someone else identified HF-ASD as well. WTF? OK, thassit then. Aspergers it is. To me RF definitely has HF-ASD.
It could be a dangerous thing to ‘attack’ others with a claim like this but I back myself on this one and warn other investigators to take real care. Mess with ASD at your peril. Get to really know it and understand it and especially as it relates to your target.
Issue warnings by all means.
Tell the world what you think and why you think this by all means but be very careful in what you say and how you say it. These guys think totally differently to most of us. Remember that grass colour? It’s blue and the sky is green – OK?
Enjoy your world team, but be careful when you go for it!!
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