Every now and then, actually measured in years, somebody does the honourable thing and I shout out about it. Here is post that describes how one lady does and how she deserves a bouquet. Enjoy this one from the guy who has made a name as the town PIA speaking up about what he calls “the crooks, crims & crazies of the world”.

You have to go back a long way dredging through the filth to find a happy story like this one, but they do exist.
The Backstory
Basically ACC engaged a company to help me out a while back. They sent a worker from outta town and we got on pretty well. She did a good job and it was pretty much all over once she had done her time. But on her last day, out of the blue, I said, “If you happen to know of any young men who would be interested in working for me, please let me or them know that I need a bit of help every now and then.”
She explained that one of her ‘rellies’ was in the car outside, waiting for her out of sight, but that she wasn’t allowed to have anyone with her on the job, so this was to remain between us. I agreed, despite things being a little unusual. “No big deal to me,” I thought.
Then that night, while I was sleeping, the Lord told me to offer the guy who had helped me a position, and land as well. Hmmm. That too seemed a little unusual but I kept it to myself for the moment awaiting the right time to raise the possibility with them.
Then this worker returned with their relative and I thought that I’d lost a B&D hammer drill. I thought I knew who had taken it and having lived in Samoa for a while I was used to tools walking. It was worth only $50.00 so no big deal really. These sorts of things are consumables aren’t they? But seeing as that was all I had and this money was already scheduled for $10 diesel, $10 LPG, $10 dog food and $20 for me for bread, milk and meat for the week I wasn’t especially chuffed to have to spend it on a drill replacement!
Now the day before I got my titties in a real dander I had asked the Lord, “Do you really want me to engage someone I knew was a thief?” His reply, “And any reason why not? Do you trust me, or not?”
“OK. Got it!” I thought. “There but for the grace of God go I!”
So of course I did what any good Pakeha/Palagi investigator would do . . . I looked up who the directors of the company were, I told them what happened, sent them a request for contact and then the ‘fun’ began.
I got an email . . . one that started the most extra-ordinary exchange. Basically Gina, the area manager did the honourable thing. She said, sorry (I note, “unequivocally”) and said that they would pay for the stolen drill.
Now how hard was that, all you others? I really don’t care why she said nice things or what happens now (I actually found where he had relocated it on Saturday), but only $49.99 at Mitre 10 has got me a friend for life as far as I’m concerned! Well done Gina. Your company should be proud of you, and I mean, ‘REALLY PROUD’.
Others Protecting Their Patch
So now let’s contrast that with lots of other idiots out there. From what I can see the last decade or so has seen a real growth in company service levels. It started about a couple of decades ago from government departments but a decade or so ago it seemed to slip across to companies with a growth in metrics becoming quite prevalent in the last 5 years or so.
The problem that I see is that most of the time this is only window dressing – trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. I’ll give you example of what I mean.
In early 2023 I found myself in Waikato Hospital with a nasty leg infection. I then got myself offside with the authorities by not believing their lies. Push came to shove and I complained about the ring-leader as I saw it, Carey Lobb and she wrote a pretty nasty letter to my GP accusing me of some BS. Fortunately I knew how to deal with defamation and they said, “Oh so. sorry Mr Smith – she got it a little wrong. We’ll apologise formally and it will never happen again” sort of thing. They wanted to say, ” … and please bugger off and leave us alone too” I’m sure.
So of course – nothing ever came to my GP! Proof.
Nothing like this crowd above!
Christine Chandler calls herself a “Consumer Engagement Manager” but her job is clearly like that of Gwen Doria from ACC who calls herself a “Recovery Coordinator” – another show-empathy-but-deliver-nothing person engaged to make a client feel happy and then do everything to get them off their back.
I won’t say anything much about ACC at this stage because they are still investigating but ACC appears to be experts at smiles and then stabbing you in the back.
And of course don’t forget the IRD, and Linda Dzaferic covering your arse thing as well!
There’s a lot of idiots out there for sure, but occasionally you get the good ones! If you have control of matters, make sure you’re in the former category eh?
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