In this post I share a little more from the Baileys, for two reasons 1. To me they speak the truth and 2. Because one of their relatives poo pooed them, when I discussed a legal matter with him. It is my take that people like these two, with the balls to take idiots on, need support. I give it to them here. Enjoy.

I recently invested quite a bit of time into listening to the Baileys, again! From this I have determined [again] that:
- Mark has it together.
- Sam is a ‘real’ woman.
- These guys are switched on, solid and smart.
There is a group of these guys who all quote each other and scratch each others’ backs and I love them all, Mike, Eric, Jon, the Baileys and more. As a Kiwi of course Dr Sam and Mark Bailey come out on top, every time!
Erc Coppolino though puts it nicely:
The claimed “virus” was cooked up in a computer using metagenomics in early January 2020 by a team that included Johns Hopkins Medical Center, one of the sponsors of the Event 201 planning session. By late January 2020, there were several different versions of the in silico sequence, none of them matching.
They have names nobody has ever heard of, such as 402123 or MN908947. Today there are approximately 14 million claimed sequences of SARS-CoV-2, no two alike, with no “original” to match against.
The question of whether SARS-CoV-2 exists is much simpler than it seems; and when you look more closely, you will see that the same problems exist with every other claim of the existence of a virus.
What is the claim, and what is the proof?
In a very interesting summary, Eric has published Mike Stone’s work which has extracted quotes from Mark Bailey’s seminal work, “A Farewell …”.
I publish these comments here, with permission previously granted of course. Some of these quotes are very clever, and this is the best breakdown of his work I have found.
Quote, quote, quote!
Quotations from ‘A Farewell to Virology’ by Mark Bailey, MD
Compiled by Mike Stone, author of, for Planet Waves FM and the Chiron Return investigative team.
Virologists create their own pseudoscientific methods to replace the longstanding scientific method
Virology invented the virus model but has consistently failed to fulfill its own requirements. It is claimed that viruses cause disease after transmitting between hosts such as humans and yet the scientific evidence for these claims is missing. One of virology’s greatest failures has been the inability to obtain any viral particles directly from the tissues of organisms said to have ‘viral’ diseases. In order to obfuscate this state of affairs, virologists have resorted to creating their own pseudoscientific methods to replace the longstanding scientific method, as well as changing the dictionary meaning of words in order to support their anti-scientific practices. (Abstract)
No direct evidence, 209 inquiries
As of 11 Sept. 2022 and following extensive enquiries through Freedom of
Information (FOI) requests coordinated by Christine Massey, not one of 209
mainly health or science institutions in over 35 countries have been able to
provide direct evidence of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus. (Page 5)
It is a game of deception, whether realised or not
It is a game of deception, whether realised or not. It simply involves the
assertion that a virus was in the sample, blaming the breakdown of
experimentally stressed cells in the test tube on the imagined virus, and
then declaring that some of the vesicles (whose biological composition and
function were not established) were the viruses. (Page 8)
No sense of irony
As is typical, there seemed to be no sense of irony for them that the
purported human respiratory virus cannot be shown to ‘infect’ the relevant
cell type, let alone the relevant species. And their experiments were once
again invalidated by the absence of appropriate control cultures. (Page 9)
It appears more likely that the virologists are distancing
themselves from their own techniques
In May 2020, a publication appeared in the journal Viruses that claimed,
“Nowadays, it is an almost impossible mission to separate EVs and viruses
by means of canonical vesicle isolation methods, such as differential
ultracentrifugation, because they are frequently co-pelleted due to their
similar dimension.” ‘Nowadays’ means in contrast to the past and it is
unclear how such an observed technical change may be reconciled with
biological laws. It appears more likely that the virologists are distancing
themselves from their own techniques in order to avoid refutation of their
own postulates. They may have to accept that the reason differential
ultracentrifugation is not able to separate viruses from other vesicles is
because their assertion that viruses are present in the sample is ill-founded.
(Page 10)
At the heart of the matter is a simple concept
Virology invented the hypothesis of viruses so whatever method it employs
in an attempt to prove their existence, it must satisfy that definition. At the
heart of the matter is a simple concept and we need to see evidence that
alleged disease-causing particles cause new particles that are clones of the
former. Claiming that detected proteins and nucleic acids are of a specific
viral origin is not possible unless the alleged viral particles have been truly
isolated by purification and shown to have these key biological
characteristics. (Page 11)
You won’t get a visible band
In response to an email enquiry, Dr Marica Grossegesse from the Robert
Koch Institute responded that, “We purified SARS particles by density
gradient. However, just from the cell culture derived virus, as you wrote. The
challenge with purifying SARS from patient samples is that you won’t get a
visible band.” (Page 13-14)
There has never been a physically isolated particle
SARS-CoV-2 remains nothing more than a hypothetical computer construct,
assembled from genetic fragments of unproven provenance. There has never
been a physically isolated (i.e. purified) particle shown to be responsible for
the production of identical particles or a particle shown to be the cause of
pathological effects in any human or in an experimental animal model. (Page
The complete absence of the scientific method
It is hard to know exactly what to call virology, but it is not science. The
current practitioners are engaging in some form of algorithmic or statistical
speculation added to circular reasoning and confirmation bias, with a
complete absence of what should be the corresponding process of refutation
that lies at the heart of the scientific method. While the abandonment of the
scientific method may be unnoticed or accidental by lower level participants,
there are almost certainly conspiratorial motivations at higher levels of the
global hierarchy. (Page 14)
Has virology ever been a scientific pursuit?
It is thus a reasonable question to ask has virology ever been a scientific
pursuit? With regard to the scientific method, the virologists create
unfalsifiable hypotheses by setting up paradigms where any number of
observations, whether it be illness or alleged test results can be attributed to
their ‘viruses’. The observations are passed off as proof of virus existence in
the manner of a circular loop of reasoning that no longer requires the
demonstrable existence of a virus. Any claims of reproducibility, for example,
in the form of a PCR process or a purported viral genome, are simply more
circuits of the same loop. (Page 15)
The lack of valid control experiments
Historically, virology has been characterised by a lack a valid control
experiments and none of its foundational claims have been established
through proper exercise of the scientific method. (Page 15)
No further tolerance should have been extended to virology’s
unscientific experiments
In 1954, when John Enders and Thomas Peebles claimed they had
propagated the measles virus in human and monkey kidneys cells, no
further tolerance should have been extended to virology’s unscientific
experiments. Enders and Peebles added throat washings and blood to their
cell cultures and on observing CPEs, or dying and breaking down cells in
their test tubes, concluded that the in vitro appearances, ‘Might be
associated with the virus of measles’. They did warn that, “Cytopathic effects
which superficially resemble those resulting from infection by the measles
agents may possibly be induced by other viral agents present in the monkey
kidney tissue or by unknown factors.” (Page 17)
Dr Stefan Lanka has documented the history of these
unscientific practices
The virologists however, have continued to repeat the uncontrolled
methodology of Enders and to this day claim that such CPEs are
incontestable evidence of viruses. Dr Stefan Lanka has documented the
history of these unscientific practices, and in 2021 demonstrated that CPEs
could be induced in cell cultures by the laboratory process itself. (Page 18)
Virology disqualifies itself from the scientific method
As this essay outlines, the virology establishment will not divulge or carry
out these required experiments, seemingly in order not to refute itself. It
intentionally limits itself to ongoing opportunistic fishing-expeditions backed
by confirmation bias, thus disqualifying itself from the scientific method due
to its inconsistency with the hypothesis-driven and falsifiable approach
described by Popper. (Page 19)
A scientific theory demands evidence
Because a scientific theory demands evidence that has repeatedly been
tested and corroborated in accordance with the scientific method, it is clear
that ‘viruses’ never even reached the stage of a theory. According to the
science, they remain mere speculation. (Page 20)
Guilty of failing to perform any valid controls
FOIA requests have revealed that New Zealand’s Institute of Environmental
Science and Research (ESR), who have claimed isolation and genomic
sequencing of the SARS-CoV-2 particle in the Antipodes, are also guilty of
failing to perform any valid controls. In the tradition of Enders, they have
not paused to check whether the CPEs they witnessed, or genomes they
assembled via computer simulations, could also be created in valid control
comparisons. That is, by performing experiments with other human-derived
specimens, from both well subjects and unwell subjects who are said not to
have the alleged disease COVID-19. (Page 20)
The World Health Organization (WHO) cannot point to one valid
positive control experiment
As has become apparent, the WHO cannot point to one valid positive control
experiment, yet on February 11, 2020 they named the new disease they had
invented, “COVID-19” with the associated claim that it was caused by a
novel coronavirus. They have provided the green light for anyone around the
world to “find” SARS-CoV-2 in their backyards without the need for valid
control experiments either. (Page 21)
Shotgun sequencing and subsequent artificial assembly
With all of the failures to culture postulated viruses, modern virology now
favours direct metagenomics of crude samples, often with shotgun
sequencing and subsequent artificial assembly of these genetic fragments to
create new in silico ‘viruses’ out of thin air. This invention then provides
other virus hunters with predesigned PCR primer panels so that they can
also discover the same sequences and claim it is the same virus. (Page
Nobody else has performed these required scientific
experiments either
Despite the resources available to them, ESR apparently do not believe in
the necessity to check for themselves whether SARS-CoV-2 can be shown to
exist. On 19 July 2022, in response to an OIA request they stated that, ‘ESR
has not performed any experiments to scientifically prove the existence of
SARS-COV-2 virus and can therefore not provide you with any records’. On
17 August 2022 in response to another request, they admitted that, ‘ESR
has not performed any experiments to scientifically prove that [the] SARS-
COV-2 virus causes COVID-19 and can therefore not provide you with any
records’. Nobody else has performed these required scientific experiments
either. (Page 22)
More circular reasoning
In summary, it engages in more circular reasoning: no protein has been
shown to come from a virus, including the nucleocapsid protein in this case.
It was simply asserted that they injected “viral” proteins into animals and in
response the animals produced other proteins that are claimed to be
“antibodies.” However, a virus was neither shown to exist, nor required to
exist for this sort of exercise. (Page 25)
The most flawed aspect of the animal experiment was that it
did not follow the scientific method
However, the most flawed aspect of the animal experiment was that it did
not follow the scientific method as it lacked controls. That is, a comparable
group of monkeys was not subjected to an internal assault with the same
composition and volume of biological soup, sans the alleged ‘virus’, being
poured directly into their lungs. (Page 26)
None of the studies show the actual existence of an infectious
particle they are purporting to test
Unfortunately, such unscientific methodologies are sadly replicated in all
such animal studies that have been reviewed. Not one of them
demonstrates: (a) a natural method of exposure utilising the samples
alleged to contain viruses, (b) valid “mock-infections” (for example, the
disingenuous use of phosphate-buffered saline only), or (c) animal-to-animal
disease transmission. That is of course in addition to the foundational issue
that none of the studies show the actual existence of an infectious particle
they are purporting to test. (Page 26)
Why not simply aerosolise a sample into the animal cages so
they inhale it?
Additionally, if the ‘viruses’ are so infectious, why not simply aerosolise a
sample into the animal cages so they inhale it? Once again such experiments
are avoided in order for the virologists not to refute themselves with regard
to claims of contagion involving the imagined particles. (Page 26)
A lot or a little?
We are led to believe that inside a host such as a human, the viral particles
are produced in such great numbers that they can rupture the very cells
containing them, while at the same time they are present in such tiny
amounts that virologists say they can’t be seen in any patient specimens.
(Page 26)
So why can no viral particles ever be found?
Essentially, the virologists have offered multiple hypothetical pathogenetic
mechanisms for a particle hypothesised to exist in an organism such as a
human. And again, even if these speculative mechanisms were at play, it
would require enormous numbers of cells to be affected to produce
symptoms. But enormous numbers of cells would result in astronomical
amounts of viral particles coming out of them — so why can no viral particles
ever be found? Virology has a habit of diverting attention away from such
aspects that raise doubts about its phantasmal model. (Page 27)
Genetic fragments of unknown origin
In The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity we documented the invention of
SARS-CoV-2 by Fan Wu’s team who assembled an in silico ‘genome’ from
genetic fragments of unknown provenance, found in the crude lung washings
of a single ‘case’ and documented in, A new coronavirus associated with
human respiratory disease in China. (Page 28, link)
The treasure chest of virological nonsense
The GISAID database is the treasure chest of this virological nonsense and
by 29 August 2022 had over 12.8 million claims of having ‘found’ SARSCoV-2. However none of them can point to an actual virus, they are simply
calling ‘bingo’ by assembling similar sequences which they have aligned with
Fan Wu et al. and other previous assemblies, no actual virus required. (Page
The general medical community acknowledges that no
‘pathogen’ is identified in around half of the cases.
It should also be noted that while the author does not make pronouncement
as to the cause of any case of pneumonia or acute febrile respiratory
syndromes, the general medical community acknowledges that no ‘pathogen’
is identified in around half of the cases. So what reason did Fan Wu et al.
have to suspect that their patient was harbouring a brand new virus? (Page
PCR itself cannot identify the origins of the sequences
This is a sleight of hand as the PCR simply amplifies pre-selected sequences
and has no capacity to confirm a previously unknown genome. As PCR
expert Stephen Bustin has explained, “PCR requires you to know what the
sequence of your target is…so once you know that there’s something in your
sample, then you would try to isolate it, yes. And then once you’ve isolated
it, then you sequence it again, or PCR it up.” In other words, PCR itself
cannot identify the origins of the sequences and the methodology of Fan Wu
et al. did not establish the origin of their described sequences. (Pages
A virus is claimed to be a tiny replication-competent obligate
intracellular parasite
A virus is claimed to be a tiny replication-competent obligate intracellular
parasite, consisting of a genome surrounded by a proteinaceous coat: it is
an infectious particle that causes disease in a host. All Fan Wu et al. had was
a 41-year-old man with pneumonia and a software-assembled model
‘genome’ made from sequences of unestablished origin found in the man’s
lung washings. (Page 30)
These alleged genomes are also simply in silico constructs that
have never been proven to exist
These alleged genomes are also simply in silico constructs that have never
been proven to exist in their entirety in nature, let alone been shown to
come from inside a virus. (Page 31)
The virus genomes have become what is possibly the greatest
illusion in virology
The virus genomes have become what is possibly the greatest illusion in
virology, an illusion which propagates a belief that viruses are indeed being
shown to exist. The virologists themselves don’t seem to appreciate the fatal
flaw in their methodologies even when they state it themselves.” (Page 31)
How can metagenomics be used to establish the sequence of a
previously unknown genome?
The more important limitation with ‘viral’ sequencing is that the process
itself does not determine the provenance of the genetic fragments, so how
can [metagenomics] be used to establish the sequence of a previously
unknown genome? (Page 31)
None of the virologists are demonstrating that the sequences
are viral in nature
Additionally, it is nonsensical to arbitrarily declare that sequences are viral
by a process of elimination, that is, based on the fact that they do not have
a previously conflicting assignation on the genetic databanks. None of the
virologists are demonstrating that the sequences are viral in nature when
they assemble the very first template and declare they have discovered a
pathogenic virus. At no stage are any of them purifying alleged viral particles
to prove their relationship with the sequences. And yet the first invented de
novo genome becomes the touchstone with which other virus hunters will
align their own in silico genomes or design ‘confirmatory’ PCR protocols.
(Page 31-32)
No way to directly verify the size of the sequence
Virologists do not have any laboratory techniques that can directly check
whether there even exists a complete 30 kilobase RNA strand in any of their
samples. (Page 32)
Not on direct evidence of a virus but on detection of sequences
of unestablished provenance
In other words, their declaration of discovering a viral genome was based
not on direct evidence of a virus but on detection of sequences of
unestablished provenance aligned to yet more fictional ‘virus’ templates.
(Page 35)
The bat virus story has been in play since the 2003 SARS
Of note, the bat virus story has been in play since the 2003 SARS ‘outbreak’
and apparently after thousands of years, the human race is now under
constant threat from viruses percolating in Chinese bat caves. (Page 35)
Unfortunately, this zoonotic folklore has spread from the
virology literature into the imagination of the public
They duly warned the world that, “genetic diversity exists among zoonotic
viruses in bats increasing the possibility of variants crossing the species
barrier and causing outbreaks of disease in human populations.”
Unfortunately, this zoonotic folklore has spread from the virology literature
into the imagination of the public. (Page 36)
No demonstration that any sequence comes from a virus
It should be clear at this point that each coronavirus genome has been
templated against other so-called genomes without the virologists
demonstrating that any of the sequences come from a virus. (Page 36)
Virology’s fictional genomic inventions have been relied upon
to create wholly unnecessary medical and political
The danger to humanity is that the putative coronavirus genomes that have
been templated out of the virologists’ speculations are now used as
templates to create and inject products into hapless recipients who were
conned and gulled into believing that virology’s latest invention was real.
That is, virology’s fictional genomic inventions have been relied upon to
create wholly unnecessary medical and political interventions. The
dangerous and highly experimental mRNA and nanolipid biotechnology has
killed more people than all other vaccines combined over the last 30 years,
and we have only just begun counting. (Page 38)
CDC appear[s] completely ignorant to the fact that they are not
following the scientific method
In other words, the CDC appear[s] completely ignorant to the fact that they
are not following the scientific method or they have realised that the game is
up and are engaging in disingenuous responses. Either way, they cannot be
taken seriously as a source of reliable scientific information if they are also
promoting uncontrolled experiments as proof of viruses. (Page 41)
The lack of reproducibility of their own experiment instantly
raises questions
Aside from the fact that virology’s current methodologies for finding viruses
should be rejected, the lack of reproducibility of their own experiment
instantly raises questions about the circumstances in which the original
inventors of SARS-CoV-2 announced their new virus to the world. (Page 43)
If the virologists want to find a virus, it all depends on how
they design their protocols and what they ask the computer to
look for
The independent analysis revealed that Fan Wu et al. could have found
better in silico consensus matches for ‘HIV’ and ‘Hepatitis D virus’ than “a
new coronavirus” in their 41-year-old man from Wuhan, who presented with
pneumonia as one of the first claimed COVID-19 cases. If the virologists
want to find a virus, it all depends on how they design their protocols and
what they ask the computer to look for — and how would these fortune
tellers know what to look for? (Page 44)
It remains unclear to us as to why Stephen Bustin failed to
decisively point out the inappropriate use of the PCR
To sustain the illusion of the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’, cases were required.
These were provided by the world’s largest ever human ‘testing’ programme
involving billions of PCR kits distributed
around the world. It remains unclear to us as to why Stephen Bustin, who is
a, “world-renowned expert on quantitative PCR, and his research focuses on
translating molecular techniques into
practical, robust and reliable tools for clinical and diagnostic use,” failed to
decisively point out the inappropriate use of the PCR process. (Page 44)
It makes no sense whatsoever
Aside from the issue of specificity, it was not well publicised that the worldexpert on PCR said to David Crowe in April 2020 that, (even on virology’s
own terms,) calling a coronavirus PCR result
“positive” at 36-37 cycles, as was happening around the world was,
“absolute nonsense. It makes no sense whatsoever. (Page 45)
None of the PCR assays have been developed as Bustin’s MIQE
Guidelines specify
Even if SARS-CoV-2 had been shown to physically exist and the PCR was
accepted as a valid diagnostic tool, Bustin would have to admit that none of
the PCR assays have been developed as his MIQE Guidelines specify and
none qualify as being clinically-validated. (Page 46)
The ‘tests’ are simply a molecular amplification tool
Has Bustin forgotten that the ‘tests’ are simply a molecular amplification
tool? As the inventor of the PCR, Dr Kary Mullis warned in 1993, “I don’t
think you can misuse PCR, no, the results, the interpretation of it [is
misused]. (Page 47)
Clinical validation studies would need to be performed before
the test was introduced into clinical practice
However, if claims are being made that the PCR is a diagnostic tool, it should
be obvious that clinical validation studies would need to be performed before
the test was introduced into clinical practice. The Corman-Drosten paper
skipped this step and the WHO accepted the fraud by placing versions of the
PCR protocol on their website on the 13th and then 17th of January, 2020,
before the paper had even been published. After that the PCR was simply
used via circular reasoning to make claims about diagnosing “infections” in
people. (Page 48)
Senanayake implied that if you don’t have a gold standard you
can just assume that a new PCR test can validate itself
The next phase in the early stages of the alleged pandemic involved
“experts” such as Australian Infectious Diseases Specialist, Associate
Professor Sanjaya Senanayake promulgating unfounded claims about the
accuracy of the tests to the public. In an interview on the 26th of April, 2020
he stated that with regard to COVID-19 testing, “there’s no real gold
standard to compare this to…for COVID-19 we don’t have a gold standard
test so so the current tests we are using, the PCR tests…they’re our gold
standard, but trying to work around that, we think that it’s probably picking
up around 70% of cases.” Senanayake implied that if you don’t have a gold
standard you can just assume that a new PCR test can validate itself.
However, this goes against all scholarship regarding test validation. It is
unclear through this departure from the established tenets of validation logic
how he calculated that it worked “about 70%” of the time, not to mention
the mental gymnastics involved in a “gold standard” that detects itself only
70% of the time. It would be agreed with his inadvertent admission that,
“there’s no real gold standard” in COVID-19 testing because the real gold
standard is something that doesn’t exist — that being the physical isolation
and proof of a viral particle. (Page 48)
An absurd new definition of ‘pandemic’
The WHO invented an absurd new definition of ‘pandemic’ and are now
subverting the definition of infection — one that disconnects it from the
concept of disease through the sole use of PCR results. Kary Mullis couldn’t
have put it any simpler when he said the PCR is, ‘Just a process that’s used
to make a whole lot of something out of something’. Unfortunately, on more
than one occasion in the COVID-19 era, influential figures such as Bustin
and Senanayake have supported the virologists use of a molecular
manufacturing tool to make all sorts of unfounded claims, including both the
unratified ability to diagnose a novel infection and the detection of an alleged
virus. (Page 49)
The abandonment of the scientific method may be unnoticed or
accidental by lower level participants
We are familiar with the allegation that it would be impossible for the
majority of the medical and scientific community to all be knowingly
complicit with virology’s unscientific methodologies in the COVID-19 fraud.
The author does not advance such a hypothesis, although it is wondered
whether and for how long ignorance may be used as a defence? Indeed, that
is why it was suggested earlier in this essay (in ‘What Is Virology?’) that,
“the abandonment of the scientific method may be unnoticed or accidental
by lower level participants.” Freshly-minted virologists are trained to follow
the methodologies of their seniors and are unlikely to get far with their
chosen career, and of course funding, if they dispute the basis of their
laboratory’s work. (Page 50-51)
There is a complete absence of any appreciation of the fact that
a virus must possess an actual physical existence
And just like that, it is “confirmed” that the virus existed on the basis of
comparing some new in silico assemblies with other in silico assemblies
previously submitted to genetic databases. The author goes on to describe
their next activity of phylogenetic tree analysis and building an evolutionary
path for the latest addition to virology’s fictional family tree. There is a
complete absence of any appreciation of the fact that a virus must possess
an actual physical existence as a discrete particle with specific biological
characteristics, including the ability to infect hosts and
cause disease. (Page 52)
The circular reasoning and self-referential process of inventing
a ‘virus genome’
To this day COVID-19 is not a legitimately-defined clinical condition, as the
“confirmed” cases simply refer to the result of a molecular detection process.
Additionally, we have already dealt with the circular reasoning and selfreferential process of inventing a ‘virus genome’ through virology’s
methodology and then claiming that detection of almost identical assemblies
in other places is confirmation that “the same virus” has been found. (Page
The only thing that was spreading around the world, aside from
fear, was the fictional WH-Human 1 ‘genome’
There was never any virus to spread. The only thing that was spreading
around the world, aside from fear, was the fictional WH-Human 1 ‘genome’
and the PCR tests that were calibrated to its sequences. The ‘pandemic’
could have been stopped its tracks by the rejection of these tests; instead
ignorant public health “experts” bought into virology’s anti-science and have
been parties to the COVID-19 fraud since. (Page 53)
The results of the simulation were sent around the world as
digital code over the internet
The “virus” was certainly invented in a lab but it was a computer lab and the
only entity that was intentionally leaked out was a computer simulation. The
results of the simulation were sent around the world as digital code over the
internet and the resulting PCR primers that were deployed in kits en masse
created the “cases” for the COVID-19 fraud. (Page 53)
There is no evidence that either the particle or the proposed
novel disease exists
As was outlined in The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity, there is no
evidence that either the particle or the proposed novel disease exists.
Further, in this present essay there has been a more detailed breakdown of
the Fan Wu et al. paper and their false claim regarding “identification” of a
virus in Wuhan in early 2020. On the other hand, lab leak proponents such
as Sachs and Harrison start their analysis by wholeheartedly accepting
virology’s unestablished premises. (Page 55)
Such experiments do not establish that their samples contain
viruses or have any pathogenic properties
Such experiments do not establish that their samples contain viruses or have
any pathogenic properties in the natural world. If they can’t even
demonstrate the existence of viruses in their promoted public attempts,
there is not much to worry about — it doesn’t matter what goes on behind
closed doors because they have no viruses to start with. (Page 56)
However, none of this requires the existence of particles that
qualify as viruses
Similarly, their mention of alleged virus research taking place at the
University of North Carolina (UNC) or “leaked” grant proposals such as
“DEFUSE” made to the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency are
not evidence of viruses. To be clear, it is not being disputed that institutions
such as UNC have been experimenting with entities such as spike proteins
for decades. Some of these sequences have been patented and used in the
development of injectable biological agents, recently forced onto many
people under the guise of COVID-19 vaccines. However, none of this requires
the existence of particles that qualify as viruses. (Page 56)
The Book of Nonsense
Unfortunately, virology’s book of claims has become so convoluted that most
readers do not realise that it is largely composed of nonsense. (Page 56)
The lab leak hypothesis is simply another narrative in the
COVID-19 era
The lab leak hypothesis is simply another narrative in the COVID-19 era that
keeps alive in the public’s imagination the illusion of the material existence
of SARS-CoV-2, as well as pathogenic viruses and microbe-related contagion
in general. In recent months the fear-based narrative has continued with
declarations of monkeypox outbreaks, alleged detection of polio “viruses” in
London, and the COVID-19 lab leak theory even received backing from the
Director-General of the World Health Organization in support of the phantom
disease and pandemic he named. (Page 57)
‘Little Mountain Dog’ story relies simply on the belief that there
is a virus
Like the “Little Mountain Dog” story, the lab leak story doesn’t rely on any
scientific demonstration of a virus, it relies simply on the belief that there is
a virus, aided by some apparent supporting evidence. (Page 57)
All of these stories lead back to the same fear narrative
involving a contagious and “deadly virus”
The corporate media and Wikipedia’s lavish promotion of the “cover up”
would be comedic if it wasn’t part of a war against humanity. All of these
stories lead back to the same fear narrative involving a contagious and
“deadly virus.” It allows this fraud to be propagated and paves the way for
other similar frauds to be carried out in the future. It astounds the author
that so many of the ‘health freedom’ community do not trust any of the
corporate media’s claims about COVID-19, except the declaration that a
deadly virus is on the loose, the biggest lie of all. (Page 58)
There is nothing in any of these documents that contain
scientific evidence that viruses exist
Despite the numerous patents involving, “methods for producing
recombinant coronavirus,” and federal grants to the likes of “gain of function
specialist” Dr Ralph Baric and his team at UNC Chapel Hill, there is nothing
in any of these documents that contain scientific evidence that viruses exist.
Patent office staff and those approving research grants are not the arbiters
of biological plausibility and simply carry forward that claims of the
virologists. (Page 58)
Are the authorities worried that if they officially admit as much,
there will be a revolt?
It has been exposed that the virologists are not performing valid control
experiments and their claims of “isolating viruses” have not been established
in the scientific literature. Are the authorities worried that if they officially
admit as much, there will be a revolt when the wider public realise the
crimes that have been carried out on the basis of claims stemming from
fraudulent virological experiments? (Page 61)
This is the virus hunters’ basis of identifying what they claim
are viruses
It is pointed out that with regard to virology, a far bigger concern than
“computing resources” is that a process that can be employed for
sequencing genetic material of known provenance (e.g. human, bacterial,
and fungal cells) has morphed into algorithmic assembly of genetic
fragments of unknown provenance. This is the virus hunters’ basis of
identifying what they claim are viruses. Computing resources are no longer a
problem for the virologists as they mine information from their completely
anti-scientific “wet-lab pipeline” methodologies involving crude samples and
feed these generated unfiltered reads into their theoretical “dry-lab pipeline”
and its in silico models. (Page 63)
The descent of virology into further anti-science
It would seem that the combination of massively reduced sequencing costs
and shortened time frames have accelerated the descent of virology into
further anti-science, for which humanity is paying a very dear price for nonexistent viruses that are invented at will and used as excuses for spurious
interventions and enslavement. (Page 63)
If nobody can culture or physically isolate alleged viruses, how
can various genetic sequences in environmental samples be
claimed to come from them?
Once again however, if nobody can culture or physically isolate alleged
viruses, how can various genetic sequences in environmental samples be
claimed to come from them? As has been outlined, the declaration by Fan
Wu et al. of a “new coronavirus” in Wuhan was based entirely on such
proffered genetic sequences. Virology’s attempt to pass off this methodology
as proof of virus particles has introduced an unfalsifiable hypothesis that is
inconsistent with the scientific method. (Page 64)
They certainly never demonstrate that the sequences they
claim are ‘viral’ come from inside such an imagined particle
The virologists invalidate the ‘virus genome’ process from step one by never
establishing that they have a particle that meets the definition of a virus.
They certainly never demonstrate that the sequences they claim are ‘viral’
come from inside such an imagined particle. Instead they claim that such
declarations can be made by consensus decisions, whether the sequences
are labelled ‘non-human’ or ‘novel’ and by how much they happen to match
‘known viral’ sequences that were previously deposited on the genetic
databanks. However, nature does not obey stories created by mankind.
(Page 64)
Metagenomics has allowed virology’s merry-go-round to keep
spinning into the 21st century
The metagenomics process allows for the de novo invention of such viral
sequences and has allowed virology’s merry-go-round to keep spinning into
the 21st century. However, due to the inability of virology to to fulfill its own
postulates for the past century, its future is almost certainly going to be built
entirely around this misuse, or at least misapplication, of metagenomics.
One might hope that the recent failure of multiple organisations to prove
they are performing valid control experiments indicates that viral pandemics
are on their last legs scientifically. They can only be propagated for as long
as this final fraud is hidden from the public. It could be expected in virology’s
final gasp, metagenomics will continue to be deceptively sold as a
‘technological advancement’ conveniently claimed to have rendered the
proper scientific proofs obsolete. (Page 64-65)
Is it really pointless to entertain discussions concerning
whether SARS-CoV-2 or any other pathogenic viruses have
been shown to exist?
The author has observed and been in contact with a number of individuals in
the ‘health freedom’ movement who contest that it is pointless to entertain
discussions concerning whether SARS-CoV-2 or any other pathogenic viruses
have been shown to exist. Some of the arguments that have been advanced
include that it distracts from the crimes being committed against humanity,
that it is a strategic mistake as it causes more division, and that if the viral
hypothesis (or wider germ ‘theory’) is being disputed then an alternative
theory must be presented. (Page 65-66)
During an investigation one should not stop for reasons of
convenience or because one’s current state of knowledge goes
no further
The difficulty for some, even those in the freedom movement, could be that
the repudiation of virus existence would come at the cost of calling into
question much of their life’s work. However, during an investigation one
should not stop for reasons of convenience or because one’s current state of
knowledge goes no further. On the contrary, it is a grave mistake to allow
the foundational “facts” to be dictated by the virology establishment. The
heart of the COVID-19 fraud is based on virology’s claims. It is not a
strategic mistake to direct our energy towards exposing virology’s fallacies,
otherwise defeating COVID-19 responses while leaving the virological
nonsense intact opens the door to any number of “viral pandemics” in the
future. Gaining insight into the entire fraud eliminates the unfounded fear of
contagion and equips one with a more robust path to enduring freedom.
(Page 66)
Virologists have provided no direct evidence of pathogenic
viruses and instead have resorted to indirect observations
The virologists have provided no direct evidence of pathogenic viruses and
instead have resorted to indirect observations that are invalided due to the
uncontrolled nature of the experiments. Additionally, adhering to the
scientific method places us under no obligation to provide an alternative
explanation for these phenomena — when a hypothesis has been falsified,
even once, it is done for. (Page 67)
And more…
just to quote another of this loose team of experts quoting experts Mike Stone, says:
The problem for virology is that they have completely debased the meaning of the word “isolation.” Instead of separating one thing from everything else, they add multiple things together into a petri dish and assume that a “virus,” which they have never isolated or identified prior to any experiment taking place, exists within the fluids. In other words, rather than isolation via subtraction as it should be done logically, virologists do “isolation” via addition which is not logical in the slightest. This process consists of taking the unpurified fluids containing host materials and other contaminants and adding them to a solution called “viral” transport media. This solution itself is a mixture of nutrients, chemicals, and fetal bovine serum (the blood from the heart of a baby cow). This is then added to a cell culture which is also contained in its own media consisting of similar components. The cell utilized is usually taken from the kidneys of an African green monkey, but they also use cells from dog kidneys, cells from cancer patients, and cells from aborted fetuses. Antibiotics and antifungals known to be toxic to cells, especially kidney cells, are also added at various stages. The researchers will incubate this toxic unpurified mixture until they see signs of a cell dying, and then claim that the cell death, known as the cytopathogenic effect (CPE), was brought about by the “virus” that was assumed to exist, but never identified, from the start.
One major problem for virologists is that this cytopathogenic effect is known to occur due to various factors, including:
- Bacteria
- Amoeba
- Parasites
- Antibiotics
- Antifungals
- Chemical contaminants
- Age and cell deterioration
- Environmental stress
Thus, this effect that is used to claim that a “virus” is present within a cell culture is not specific to any “virus” and does not require any “virus” whatsoever as an explanation.
And they say there is no God?
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