This [large] document was prepared by IFTB editor/researcher, Ron Cooke as an important [re]search and reference tool. It details John Ingley’s research notes for a book about the Crewe murders of June 1970 initially called Legacy of Silence/Greed, which I renamed to “I Fed The Baby” then published. IFTB named the woman who fed the baby, Leslee Sinton (John’s ex); the murder weapon was identified as a .22 pistol (not a rifle); and the motive was identified as money-driven greed of [autistic] Len Demler who ordered the murders (but who did not actually do them). It flows in rough chronological order.

The Crewe murders of June 1970 shocked New Zealand in that the public saw and had no real choice but to admit to the corruption of the authorities – basically for the first time. The Media, the Judiciary, the Legal Profession, the Politicians, the Racing Industry, indeed the whole of ‘Demler Country’ was involved to some degree and depending on how much you knew and dare I say it “know”, the rabbit holes got deeper and deeper. So, 53.5 years later and this ‘little puppy’ keeps on giving!
For those who still believe that this either was or is a ‘cold case’, it isn’t and never was, but was it a cover-up and did those involved do more evil? Yes! You betcha!
The following 10,000+ word document was written by ITFB editor and researcher, Ron Cooke, and he, then we, used it to reference back to John’s many research and personal notes. It must be remembered that John’s work was (like all revelations are) a Work In Progress. His research work for example around the Australis trip becomes unimportant when you know who he was chasing down. Likewise the question of who pulled the trigger when you know who instructed it and why. The other thing is that John’s work exposed much and many and while he knew a lot, many others since have helped me to understand who, what and why crimes like this are committed then covered up and ignored.
Human nature does not change, not over time nor in different cultures.
Page 1 & 2
First attempt 1986 – disappointment and hurt
Second attempt 2002 – invisible links, lies, guilt
Page 3
Early life – leaving Ongarue to new job in Whangarei
Page 4
Visit to lady companion Leslee – start of a shaky relationship
Helped to do up her old villa
Meet the mother Bernice and father Alan
Page 5
More on condition of villa
Leslee has top plate for two centre teeth, moody, widow, as a nurse, her car, newspaper cuttings and mail
Page 6
Leslee mentions 22 pistol. Asks if it can be repaired
Leslee says she was married 1970-74 to Don Sinton
Page 7
Mudslinging match with Leslee
Attend Grandad Ingley funeral with Leslee
Visit Ongarue with Leslee
Page 8
Return to Whangarei with Leslee – more on progress of villa
Overhear conversation (part of) with names mentioned of Alf, Demler, Maisie, Bernice, Olive
Page 9
More on conversation, sneaking home when wet
Sawmilling activities
Don Sinton’s grave
Page 10 & 11
Leslee puts flowers on husband’s grave – vacant plot for herself
Leslee talks of past life, visit old house belonging to Uncle Alf – her grandfather’s half brother
Spying on Leslee at old house
Met more of Leslee’s friends
Page 12
Leslee talks about things I didn’t understand
Old farm truck was a Dodge or International
Brick house at Opotia where things will never be the same
Page 13
Leslee asked what should become of it ?? Sell it and get out
Leslee sees ad in newspaper of a sawmill for sale, Warkworth area
An equal partnership agreement with Leslee supplying the money with interest
Partnership dated 30 Sept 1976
Mill delivered to Te Kuiti area
Page 14
The McGee Bros mill – one brother wanted to be a partner, turned down
Leslee owns a Daihatsu
Recognise car at Orewa with three people
Leslee stayed at job in Whangarei teaching Home Economics at Intermediate
Fordson tractor working at mill also bulldozers
Page 15
Cookhouse rules – wrote poems
Leslee as a cook has not been on job until now – says she was employed as a teacher
Page 16
Timber contracts at various places – Waitomo, Pokeno, Kawhia
Leslee now on job 1976 – uses white Transit van to bring worldly goods from Whangarei
Attend Ongarue jubilee 4/3/1977
Page 17
Helping at home with sheep shearing – problem with divorce papers
Mill broken down – cut lot of timber at Kawhia
After Xmas 1977 Leslee talks about going on tour, Jon not happy but decision was made by more than one. Janice Clark, a passenger on Australis marries Bill
Page 18
Leslee’s brother Chris Howard arrives – asks about world cruise
Things are on edge with Leslee but she is determined to go
Car parked in rose bush
Thought Leslee had no relations around Te Kuiti but I was wrong
David and Trudie Howard arrive at Te Kuiti
Page 19
Maraetua Rd house, winter 1977. Large furniture van to shift all goods
Leslee said goods belonged to someone else – pots and pans not used
Found some wigs on a stand
Sawmilling – became debt free and on cloud 9
Page 20
Mill cutting well
Found photo album with family snaps – old truck Dodge or International
Baby photo with date and name of child
Page 21
Sister Laurel comes to stay – she liked smelly soap that belonged to Leslee
List found of entire cupboard – Leslee was a list maniac
Diary kept – Demler did the same thing to account for movements
Leslee has short hair and three wigs
Leslee sends some letters to Ann, Jon’s other sister in Hamilton
Father grades timber – does tallies – timber sold to builder
Page 22
Accountant grizzles on behalf of Leslee
No personal letters in mailbox
Sawmillling progress – mountain of timber to be sold
Money is getting short
Page 23
Leslee arrives home after six months – acted like a stranger – put it down to jet lag
Past six months has been a nightmare
Leslee sorting her photos – photos described
Page 24
Leslee writes to tell of her travels – phones from Melbourne to say she is broke and wants to run away. Her father has run off with another woman
Home from world trip – Leslee arrives at mill
Finds price timber sold for and wants half as a partner
More on sawmilling
Leslee and Jon go to Whangarei as her parents are getting a divorce
Back at Maraetua Rd where mill is going well – dirty clothes cause tension
Put it down to parents divorce – lot of tears and foot stamping
Shearing being done – Leslee will not budge from car – the filth and smell made her violently ill
Page 25
Xmas 77-78 when Allan asks about his relationship with Leslee. Learns family is divided
Yvonne was with Leslee abroad also names of others on Australis
Littons shearing quarters
Big pine logs at Puketiti Station – also rimu sales that should have been questioned
Page 26
Mill shifted several times
Leslee puts sales figures to accountant – doesn’t look good so talks about selling mill
Mill sold as accountant’s figures do not lie
Page 27
Photos sorted Dec 1978 – mainly women on Australis and one man who looks out of place also an older woman nor recognised but knows in 1981
Mudslinging match between Bernice and Allan – someone ratted on him on world tour
Leslee is mixed up in a dispute over an estate – told to mind his own business
Page 28
Mill cutting every day, early 1978
Leslee in tears and foot stamping about money and conditions
Leslee goes to new job in Remuera
Mill packed up and sent to Fiji
Nov 1978 contract signed in Rotorua – feel trapped
Page 29
Helps to design a mill for Carl Petersen who later wins Expo award
Bach at Lake Rotoiti – three big men and two women to contend with
Lowdown on Charles Edward Spicer
Page 30
Leslee announces she and Jon will go there own ways then leaves for Auckland
Photos and invoices burnt in incinerator
Page 31
Rings Leslee before visiting but thinks he saw her at Farmers Car Park
Other mysterious sightings
Turned a blind eye to things
Page 32
Leslee writes from 1152 New North Road Aug 1979
Met Leslee at Cambridge to settle finals on sale of mill – unpaid accounts etc
Leslee pleads for money – would she consider coming back
Accountant will know facts about any money
Rose Amy Hodgson details – died 5/10/1979 – questions asked
Page 33
Labour Dept job – to sit an exam
Failed one and passed one but didn’t get the job
Wanted Leslee to help with the paperwork
Found work at Ongarue
Parked my Mazda car at Leslee’s place and almost got killed when car got hit
Page 34
A blue Morris 1100 smashes in rear of Mazda – maybe drunks
Knock on door and tell Leslee what has happened – bed offered in spare room
Asked if she had another man answer definitely not
Two bottles of beer were in fridge and Leslee doesn’t drink beer
Leslee explodes – hit me you bastard – held temper – more details
Page 35
Jon tells Leslee he will stalk the man and give him what he deserves
Leslee goes into hysterics and falls on floor – I fed the baby!
more detail – told to leave
A woman knows about Leslee’s new man – told to wear it and like it
Page 36
The next day – more discussions and reasonings – explanations given
Talked about how things might have been but told to bugger-off
Thoughts on blue 1970 Corona car
Looking back to accident outside Leslee’s place
Page 37
Followed a yellow coupe – saw Leslee’s green Toyota coupe with a male driver
During this time never took into account Crewe murders
Driver of Davies Transport truck looks like a man on Australis
Leslee claimed to have no relations in Te Kuiti
Page 38
Time when mill was sold was start 1980s recession figures don’t lie
Reflection on having back to wall
Page 39
Tried to visit Leslee to apologise but told to piss-off by a woman
Spotted a yellow coupe – familiar man
Too many names in relationship to Demler and others
Page 40
More on trying to visit Leslee – tried to figure out what was happening
Life very unpleasant with threats from Police
Leslee’s continued shortage of money got me wondering
Leslee’s comings and goings hard to trace
Page 41
Working long hours in effort to save more money
Hardly see Leslee now
Episode with a Davies truck – hell of a joke
Saw Leslee farewell the woman who told me to piss-off – both looked like twins or cousins
Page 42
Leslee’s car sighted near Kaiwaka area which I follow. Leslee turns off at Warkworth.
Police visit a week later with compliant from Leslee of being tailgated.
Police say Leslee is under police protection – if I persist a charge will be found
Jon boards a plane for Solomon Island on 13/1/82
Note on two policewomen who happened to be at same place
Page 43
Believe Leslee was living a double life – started to realize full extent of deceit
Talk of a world trip – chance meeting with Te Kuit lady who arranged it
Money made from sale of house etc
Page 44
Alan and Bernice divorce – she seemed to come out well. Wonder how much of estates Alan kept.
Note on murder scene – disturbance on ground recovered in five days after rain
Evidence washed away – nature hid many secrets
Jon met Leslee during winter of 1976
Page 45
Parents now live in Morrinsville – retired.
Now have another partner – bought land in Te Kuiti
Father looked at returns and note discrepancies
In letters Leslee wrote in 1977 there is mention of Te Kuiti people
Page 46
Working conditions are good in Solomon Islands
Noticed an advert for learning by correspondence – interested in locksmithing and surveillance
Study locksmithing for 8 months – gave up due to cost of key cutting machinery
Page 47
Returning from Solomons in 1983
Met woman who is mother of my three children
Past events concerning partner in Waione sawmills
Page 48
Rebuilding old Bedford truck in 1986
Built a small sawmill
Page 49
Bought a house for removal at Ongarue Sub Station 1985 – lots of detail
Page 50
Hernia operation May 1986 so read Yallop book
This proved something was wrong – start asking questions – try to write a book
Lots of odd things happen – size 12 syndrome
Alan Howard’s Ford Transit van
1991 period saw paper and research notes everywhere
Page 51
Goat and opossum hunting – E&B bush
Page 52
Still out hunting using motorbikes
Spreading nuts
Page 53
Thyral Perrit, friend of Jeanette, little helper with Rochelle
No mention of foul play – was there a code of silence?
Bodies prepared for deep burial
Forensic doctor gives advice
Page 54
Len Demler very evasive about family accounts
Maisey Demler’s book keeping skills astute – knew to last penny
Remembered things overheard earlier
Page 55
Evidence destroyed – working from wheelbarrow backwards (details given)
Page 56
Getting used to the beat around the bush approach
My second child Belle is born (1988)
Page 57
Bruce Roddick points to another car being at scene of crime
It was not Demler’s red Cortina
Page 58
A two part report that wasn’t
An investigation to find those responsible never put into practice
Page 59
The Crewe house before 1970 – burglary and fires
Crimes were given as warnings
Page 60
Condition of house
Brand new 1970 Hillman Hunter in garage
Much said about day of murders but little prior to
May Demler changed her will in July 1969
Page 61
The Crewe house may be without character but reason why not explored
Did the family intend living in the house or were they planning to move elsewhere
Page 62
Second opinion on how Harvey died – was he shot in the house or outside
How was the wheelbarrow used
Page 63
Copper wires used not identified
Harvey was at some stage in the armchair but was he shot there
The killers knew the temperament of Harvey
Page 64
The mysteries of the Tendril bush
and its relationship to getting in firewood
Page 65
Position of bloodstains, unused slippers, gumboots on body or only socks, coat in wheelbarrow
Len Demler talks about wheelbarrow and its use
There’s a pattern of silence
Page 66
Mat, carpet burnt in fireplace – to destroy evidence
Spread of blood where there two types of blood
There was an accessory to the crime
Fireplace use was three-fold – exactly was burnt there
Page 67
A close look taken of fireplace with theories about what was burnt
A roaring fire cause sparks (which were seen)
Page 68
Fireplace again – was mat a part decoy to cover other stuff burnt
People responsible had two days and nights to destroy all evidence
Page 69
Eggleton watch – discount Fisher watch
Alibi for Peter and Arthur
Page 70
The assassin theory
Maisey would not let theft be publisised as she knew who did it
Motive to kill was happening over a few years
Maisie’s will is the key – murder was planned
Page 71
Taking a close look at each item – trying to keep an open mind
Would have cheerfully thrown this terrible story in the fire
Convinced deep down there was a motive
Wonder at today’s legal system
Search for the truth continues – taking a hard line with individuals
Some people will lie through their teeth
Page 72
More questions and thoughts on use of wheelbarrow
How long did it take to shift two bodies
Lines of vision – woolshed access would conceal movements
Page 73
Evidence to ponder – back door locked from outside
Rochelle was roaming loose inside
Light left on
Page 74
Mistakes were made or was it sabotage – the list goes on
The coat, Tendril bush, furniture moved, evidence discarded at will, shell case. who fed the baby
Where was the wheelbarrow washed out
Page 75
Mystery as to time of the crime
Thoughts on how crime was committed and how Harvey was killed
One problem was the samll hole in hood of Parka
How Demler recognised Harvey’s dead body
Page 76
Did Alf Hodgson die before the girls got inheritance
Crewes did mention expanding their farming workload
Crewe farm was only big enough for one man – expansion needed a manager but not on 350 acres so where was Harvey thinking of buying or moving to
Page 77
Have rebuilt another Bedford truck at Te Kuiti
Stopped outside her mother’s mansion – an English garden setting similar to Howard Castle
Recognised woman who told him to piss off
Also overhead a relation running down my character at Sorrenson Transport
Page 78
Thoughts on types of people being dealt with – a pattern of conduct
Nothing being done to right a wrong – something to hide?
Thomas family think truth will come out
Page 79
More on fireplace and wheelbarrow
Took longer than first anticipated to clean up
Suspects had to be in direct contact with the Crewes – a relation or trustee
Books published all point in one direction, a dead end
Where is the money coming from – there’s more assets than meet the eye
Page 80
Shots fired or heard – number has been with held by police
Indication is another agenda – there was a pattern forming
Page 81
Thoughts on a .22 pistol that was misfiring in 1976
Use of old ammunition and other technical detail
Page 82
Demler does not mention Rose Amy taking over as trustee
Demler has trouble with farm accounts
No mention of Alf Hodgson involvement in Chennel, Crewe and Demler family business
Some detail on family members
Page 83
Fishing at Aotea-Kawhia and in other places
Leslee is teaching home economics and cooking at Whangarei Inter School
Seen her wearing school uniform, riding a bike
Page 84
Fishing with Alan Howard at Pataua Beach
A lot of changes on Kamo Rd – taint on family name
Partner must have been going through hell
Have no pity on who committed crime – the rest suffered because of it
House at 65 Mill Rd has changed, not my favourite
Page 85
May Demler land transfer in 1962 shows a few things in common (listed)
May’s book keeping skills and details very precise
Page 86
May Demler’s Will studied
There is no detail within detail – not itemised until 1962
Three Wills run in sequence – details shown
Page 87
During 1993-1994 sawmilling had grown ten times = logs stacked everywhere
Page 88
Marriage of Len and Maisie catches attention
August Bartz owes money – Will has a truckload of conditions
Disappearance of Section 7 – a detailed answer given
Page 89
Baby Kathleen has arrived with thoughts on own health and other family matters
Nearly burnt lots of notes but dug into the reality of how bodies were disposed
Page 90
Chris Birt’s book “The Final Chapter” read and analysed
Doubts on whether horses were used to move bodies – road would be better
Suspects were seen by Sandy Fletcher by river
Page 91
The weight factor on horses in wet weather would be a problem
Signs described of any travel
Page 92
Which farms form part of residuary estate
No mention made anywhere of owning or having a farm truck
Thomas family not very helpful with info
Chris Birt also cagey and wants to know what I know with nothing in exchange
Page 93
Thomas family give nothing away and are evasive
Will remember red light of tape being on when they promised not to
Details of feelings while dealing with Thomas family interview
Discovering site of Hodgson’s old cottage
Birt discards things mentioned about Leslee – he kept asking for proof
Page 94
Thomas Estate – in answering questions kept saying truth will come out
Mention of tape recording again
Bach at Pataatua – spelling was corrected by Ray Thomas
Chris Birt said there was no trace of Demler’s old cottage
Page 95
Taradina Farm – old CT records
Monkey business over mortgages in 1924
Buried side by side are Thyrall Pirrett, Gordon Jones, Leslee Smeed and others
Woman reminds me that we have met before
Page 96
Land transfers re Taradina Farms
Page 97
Graeme Hewson tried hard to even the score in favour of Crewe family
System turned on him – discredited by police
Was all this to do with exhibit 350
Wild goose chase on Olive Jones
Page 98
Time taught me patience – research turns up some answers, not all
Items put before public were simply not true – swallowing a square peg
Thomas family dealings again – feelings were telling me to be careful
Opinions only – trails led nowhere – nothing mentioned about other side of story
I know something is wrong – will find the truth
Page 99
People came forward with info but all discarded
Last witness said he saw a car and trailer but time of murders didn’t suit some agendas
Not one piece of infor put to media by Jon was not mentioned
Jon was nothing more than the village idiot
Page 100
Woman Jon saw at Pokeno was one of the brains
ID of person may be genuine but was not my partner Leslee
Toyota Coupe in a shed at Kuratau
Page 101
John Toa, shearing contractor, had two gangs and worked Upper Waikato area
He knew the area and people – Norma Thomas Demler worked as a cook for shearers
Crime was within a time frame of five days – thoughts on those five days and what could be done to destroy evidence
Page 102
The system within the system protects itself first
Powers to be would never allow this book to go to print
People met at Kuratau include K Spicer who may have owned Crewe farm later
Page 103
A wall was put up by businesses involved with financial backing of land
The seed of douby is ever present to mislead
Page 104
Names were starting to link up where previously they were discarded
From start to finish, the whole affair has been deceit
Truth being hidden about murders
Leslee wore a big gold watch that used to belong to her husband Don Sinton
Page 105
Thoughts on cousin Peter – points to think about
Crown knew others were involved over that five day period
How can those involved live with it
Page 106
Spilling the beans will cause many financial ruin and worse
The one who fed baby was 49 years old – bullshit
All within original Chennell Deed of Family Arrangement would gain
Winners were in a position to remain quiet and would end up debt free
Roddick’s statement treated like a classic beat around the bush trick
Very few have mentioned a pistol – who would believe the window shooting theory
Page 107
Distance of other rifle
Another part of riddle is Newman Chennells Will
Sold to August Bartz in 1936 so sale money belonged to May Demler
There were four or more estates in Chennell Estates
Rifle or pistol – butt of rifle hit Jeannette’s jaw
Pistol used to control Harvey – Jeannette fights for life
Page 108
Did Leslee have a child to Thomas in 1962 – was she under witness protection
Who supported this child – no wonder Leslee was always looking for money
Too many ifs and buts – stretch marks I saw in winter of 1976 return to view
Proving my suspicions sickens me – going in full circle
Four names in circle before and after 1970: Demler, Thomas, Howard, Harris
Have respected Rochelle’s private life so far
Fair play and justice would be prize of the day
Page 109
Kuratau and Ruamata
Man who bought Crewe property on holiday down south
Shooting of horses – a woman’s name mentioned
Warned off – bit tongue – don’t know answers yet
More research on Harris – link with Jones and McKinnon
Tie between Alf Hodgson and Olive – more research needed
Turn now to Emmanuel Howard – Kennedy, Jones, Edward Thomas, Newman Chennells
Page 110
Went to Putaruru to see uncle Reg – talked about Pukekawa fat stock in 1950s
Grandfather Charles went to a sale at Tuakau around 1942
Drove cattle on road to meat works
Page 111
Research on Lynley Jan Howard whose father was Peter William Howard of Tuakau
A balls up with Wills for the Howards and finding where they are buried
Lynley Jan saw the Australis off in 1977
Leslee spoke of Emmanuel in 1976
Search for Smith death certificates
William Gladstone – plenty of info
Tie up between the families of Howard, Chennell and Lewis
Page 112
Mabel Howard, outstanding lady for Labour Party – died 1972
Determined to see family name as proud and outstanding and correct
Within a week of murders Mabel was committed to a rest home
Two Howard Wills arrive – both were made in 1947
Important details mentioned property
Another mystery – Alan had another brother Edward Howard who died in 1965
Change over date of all leases are within time frame
Back cutting timber
Page 113
Pattern similar to Lakey murders at Pukekawa in 1934
Copy cat behaviour with Crewe murders 1970 – details of similarities
Another remake film on Crewe murders – most of it was crap
Told to leave it alone – privacy act
Page 114
Reasoning of Wills puts death of Edward Howard in 1965 as when fires, theft started
Emmanuel and Sarah caused problems until deceased in 1969
Passing on to beneficiaries – other later deaths give a disturbing view
Page 115
Newman Chennells Will was dated 24/6/1938 but contained minor changes to probate
When is a sale not a sale
Demler trys to get May to change her Will – interesting detail
Page 116
May Demler’s Will studied – lots of questions raised
Len Demler in court only had to explain May’s half share
More detail to expand on
Page 117 & 118
On 15 June 1970 Demler saw the balance sheet of his wife’s Will
Motives started to appear – long explanations why
Page 119
Chris Birt claims May’s Will was a forgery – further detail is in the Will
Page 120
Signatures compared with May’s marriage certificate then Nellie’s probate, then May’s Will
One signature was bleached but picked up by the photocopier
There was five days to alter anything before murders
Jeannette had right to foreclose on any lease or sell
May’s Will is further explained
Page 121
First stage of forgery of May’s Will and why it was done
Page 122
Jon’s house and building inspector saga
Page 123
Howard and Nellie Chennells Will explained with dates
Page 124
Looking back to lead up to Leslee’s world trip
Migration to Te Kuiti in Nov 1976
Julie Crouch – wants to pick my brain
Leslee counts the money twice
Allan Howard doesn’t recognise grand daughter
Page 125
Looking back to Australis trip – what was the real reason
Speculation about timing – could it be the Probate of Will dealings with land
Letter mentions Alan not recognising his grand daughter
Page 126
Worry about researchers talking to each other and are getting too curious
Getting list of probate credits and assets seems to be a no no
Family tree is being questioned
Page 127
Appointment with Shane Ardern MP – told I was late and only had five minutes to state case
Asked question of injunctions relating to Crewe murders
Pat Booth and Chris Birt have handed their files in to police
Shane Ardern gives a politicians answer to injunctions
Page 128
Meeting with Shane Ardern about documents being available
Want to lay this tragic affair to rest – Crown has been deceptive
There’s a silent few who remember those five days and nights
Another appointment with Shane and his secretary
Only bare outline put to her for broad understanding only
Injection questions was being put before the Commissioner
Suspect things could get dirty between Crown, legal system and police
Page 129
All was not well with this case – consistent pattern
A trial by ambush
Feeling of being bleed for info without anything being given in return
Watching for body language
First Adams & Smith report only tip of iceberg
First rain in weeks and other news of the time
Media are having a ball – ring of truth missing
The sad fact of reality only seen by those affected
Pae 130
1997 defamation Thomas vs TV1 – million or more settled behind closed doors
Visit to Shane summed up – stall, bluff, go around – political bullshit
Page 131
Bad times for sum – Blue Chip investors
Plumber extras – from now on all work by contract
Building inspector problems – building code
Doors shut and hurdles put in place
Many have faced the smug attitude of local government
Page 132
Copy of Probate sent to Somerset House
Research lady holdups
Wills of Chennells family – land transfers points to people responsible
There are 10 separate Wills in common with Chennell estate or legacy
Common pattern is to hide or destroy the truth
Those who fed Rochelle would have known about the lease arrangement
Page 133
No record under the name Peter William Thomas, first cousin to Arthur
William’s mother’s maiden name is Foote – other family tree details
From top to bottom, many were dishonest with criminal intent – swept under carpet
Law protects white collar crime – no redress for victims
Page 134
New info on Edward Howard and his family – marriage lines found
Who are you and who wants to know
Thought I recognised a woman in Whangarei
Been gun shy of Kevin Spicer for three years – ho bought Crewe property in 1973
Book on Howard Castle mislaid – now not listed – listen to the wind
Page 135
Only tie with mystery woman is a letter dated 1977
Many sightings in 30 years always left doubt as to true identity
Page 136
Family honour or fear of the courts may be the answer
Was led to believe who she was until she had a fit and fell on the floor – Leslee
Same in 1977 when she returned on Australis
Didn’t take long for the mill to show a loss
Two similar woman – only 50% sure of identity
Health on the down hill – research not consistant
Crims have beaten or conned the public and so-called experts for years
Page 137
The name Spicer – seen signature somewhere before – on a wedding certificate
Charles Spicer and Ted Howard file held by Marge Marsh – further detail
Copy of wedding certificate asked for – never ordered
Spicer book read
Ten families have links in Te Kuiti – Thomas says town is now Demler Country
Nobody willing to tell of Len’s movements onward of 1977
Heather Demler got on plane with a full suitcase
Home life reflected on – medical for driver’s license
Most of old players are gone only leaving my generation
Did Heather know the workings of this dreadful crime
Page 139
Marriage certificate of Hilda Needham and George Howard arrives 2008
Howard clan had experience in killing animals with one fatal shot to head
Lake Rotoiti bach relations – were from Taranaki
Very ill again – seafood poisoning
Check ownership of bach at Lake Roto-iti
Affidavit of Roddick
Page 140
Visit to Lake Roto-iti bach – very secluded
Ollie Smith’s jigger, Mamakus – worked there as a bushman at State Sawmill
Page 141
Lots on sawmill life
The name Williams and Peters – what is a name
No idea how many people are involved in this crime
Page 142
Have the key but can’t find a compatible lock or locks
Fighting came to a head on afternoon of 17 June 1970 – situation explained
Battle lines drawn – value of May’s Will becoming clear
Page 143
Len and others knew the contents of May’s Will at least the day before the murders
The complex situation with the probate explained
The name Spicer is in Ongarue book skinning a bull
Not one word was produced on true content of Chennells Will
Len was being very evasive
Page 144
Location of Spicer and Howard in 1970 much clearer
Request for Chennells transmission certificate 1939
Third attempt – others lost in transit
Page 145
Tried to stay clear of Heather Demler – her non involvement against all odds
Media have never put her in the hot seat
Chennell Estate business would have been known to all family members
Page 146
Legal council for Demler family was not their legal rep on land or estate matters
System of search was not thorough enough
Len’s phone call to Heather from the Willis house – was it an alibi
Family life
Page 147
Owners of Rotoiti – Wright family
Leslee movements 1979
Family ties in land deals
Page 148
More brick walls – a problem
Norman Thomas says people put hand on bible and tell lies every day
When Newman sold to Bartz there was money owing – can’t prove it yet
There must be a mortgage filed sold to Bartz 1936-39
Page 149
About lease or grant held in British Isles – could be ruled non valid
Part probate Newman Chennells estate has arrived
More land found in Parish of Waiparera
Mystery of farm sold to Bartz proves to be a non event – fully explained
Page 150
Surprises – Nellie’s signature not on transfer, probate documents parts A & B
Waipareira details and signatures – Sturrock
Dividing of estate was at hand
Nellie’s Will 1950 saw Mat Demler being sole survivor
Page 151
Family life – gardening problems
Friction with cover up has finally disappeared
Feeling expressed on hostile feedback
Page 152
Read “The Final Chapter” and was absolutely gutted
Comparing Wills and documents reveals common thread – it’s misleading
Bits missing or simply left out – confusing
Nellie’s Will does not mention estate in UK
Page 153
Breakdowns on farm dealt with in stride – more farm action
Loose ends – suggest giving up and walking away
How the system works for the criminal
Page 154
Archives NZ says no probate filed in NZ for Nellie
Discussions with Ron Cooke
Page 155
Blood lines is reason why the family all worked together
The finesse of doing business was handed down through families
Page 156
Mistakes made in this cold case – threads of truth are distorted
Some of the answers lie in the dividing of the Chennells and Demler estates
Time to go back to Whangarei – ledgers containing stock numbers
Page 157
The pistol that misfired with wrong ammo
Page 158
Kevin Ryan died a year ago (2009?)
Tantalising paragraph in Kevin’s book on Rochelle Thomas
Records show Rochelle’s mother but one wonders about the father
August 1967 Wills are out to any surviving children aged 21 with vested interest
Page 159
Info on Charles Spicer
The word justice questioned
Page 160
Should Rochelle not qualify to inherit it would be kept by Len
Dianne Souter and Norma Demler were in full control
Page 161
Kevin Ryan’s book describes how second trial was a total disaster
Three points of interest bear the Thomas name
Page 141 on Rochelle very intriguing
Page 162
Progress made on Australis nit encouraging
Comments on book “Beyond Reasonable Doubt”
Page 163
Visit to see Pat Vesey to talk about the pistol
Faced question asked many times – spoke of woman who fell on the floor
Page 164
Called on Janey Jensen (nee Hewson) and how family name was treated by Crown
Public apology sought from Police
Note on Bob Rock
Page 165
Dick Marsh’s sister, a genealogist, made some files disppear
Dick introduces an old friend named Rocky who was mates with Hughes and Hutton
Page 166
Jon’s health packs up again
North South articles on Vivienne, Hewson, Roddick all had a part to play
How each were discredited and why
Page 167
Tried to find a link with an estate in England
Excellent explanation of what would happen if Jeannette inherited
Open invitation to negotiate leases and rents
Page 168
Proving thoughts is another thing altogether
Truth has been hidden – real criminals now deceased and cannot be charged
Interviews by Chris Birt saying never any redress or accountability
Nothing has ever been done to correct cover ups
Page 169
Police and their dogmatic tunnel vision
Witnesses come forward then never heard of again within a Police file
Locals got their backs up and withdrew
No luck with Australis list or Chennells probate
Page 170
Sunday News reports on Judge Taylor’s comments about the Crown
Been hitting my head against a brick wall
Last attempt to get Australis passenger list
Nellie Chennell’s probate leaves blood on the ground – mine
Page 171
The film Beyond Reasonable Doubt played again on Maori TV
The tales of two rifles Thomas clan – bullshit smoke screen
Page 172
Bit of a ripple over money paid to Thomas in compensation but not shared with family
Questions asked – where did Richard get the money to buy Taradina in 1973
Page 173
Episodes with woman while cleaning saws at workshop
Page 174
Tracing marriage of Vera Emmerline Mann to Edward Howard
Letters in Waikato Times caused (Bob Knight) David White to go to ground
Page 175
When Len filed Jeannette’s probate all looked above board but was it?
Details of how land is shared seems to be minimum
Note to Bob Knight: burden of cost
Page 176
Len’s conduct and pattern of behaviour when questioned
Only said something if it couldn’t be proved wrong
Len’s approach to identifying the bodies
Len went silent and white when told Rochelle was learning to talk
Len and others set about stealing all money, assets and land
Page 177
Hamilton Court dealings with incomplete Howard Chennells probate
Legal jargon and running over hurdles experienced
Page 178
Consistency with all Wills – same rules of land management
No record of NZ land in Nellie’s Will but there is in Somerset House records
Getting a copy of the deed – one may think Will and deed are two separate issues
What do the terms and conditions mean – is it a trivial point
Page 179
No 3 the deed – am I barking up the wrong tree
Parts are missing due to info held by Govt Depts or evidence destroyed
Silence is golden has worked for the criminals
The result had Harvey Crewe lived
Page 180
Zero result for deeds and mortgage of Edward Howard and Alf Hodgson
Work on the house
Rules have changed for getting copies of birth certificates
David White letter – sick of the bullshit
Page 181
Family money problems with parents
Bob Knight does not reply to letter
Deed of family arrangement of 1940 is a legal document – read between the lines
Place names on certificates are not coincidences
Page 182
Searching for owners of 4 Royd Lane, Todmorden, Wales
Visited during Australis voyage
Page 183
Len Demler died in 1992 not long after making daughter Heather and wife Norma trustees
There was no mention of grand daughter Rochelle
There are no details of unexplained clauses in the Will
Came home and found hut on fire – also health problems
Howard – Vera, wife of Edward died 12/11/1995
Page 184
More info on Charles Spicer
Many have over the years lived in comfort and gain with a secret
Line of transactions should tell a story
Obtained legal terms for Grant of Representation and Revisionary Land or Lease
Have copy of the Law of Property in Great Britain
Understanding all this is not easy for one who has cut timber for most of life
Page 185
Feeling of being under surveillance – reasons given for what was said or not said
People say they know the full story and everyone else is wrong
Told this is all beyond you – police don’t give a rat’s bum if case is solved
Media have been a tool of deceit – legal system ends in a brick wall
Page 186
Journalist Earl Bailey of Tauranga tried to write a true account from all angles
His logic was human error but powers to be swept all under the carpet
Justice system patted itself on back while criminals counted ill gotten gains
Mr Bailey’s opinion and logic summing up rejected by counsel
No criminals were held accountable – damage control became a way of life
Page 187
Charles Spicer married a Harvey around 1940
Colin Harvey was sole executor and trustee in favour of Rochelle
Record of marriages of Edward Howard – Vera Mann and Vera Chavaul (same person)
Summary of 40 years – same dogmatic outcome
Key witness told he would be next in the river – Johnson is now dead
Outcome still a big zero – nobody has been held to account
Page 188
Informants come forward in good faith to correct an injustice
Instead informants were set upon, intimidated and humiliated – treated like criminals
Crown and media would not accept any written statement of truth
Past and present ownership of XIII No2-13-14-XVI was an eye-opener
Page 189
Section 4 from Newman Chennell’s Will then follow up on other land records for section 7
Mystery of section 7 solved with help of man behind counter
Notice name of Jones in 1945 – told family name was Harris but grandmother’s name was Jones
Page 190
Details on Newman Chennells Will of sale to August Bartz with proviso
Taradina also mentioned – Thomas family supposedly purchased in 1934
Name of J W Harrison appears on original CT survey
Page 191
More on August Bartz
Chris Birt has been to USA to see Heather – wanted info on Norma Demler
I know Chris and I will not be friends over research I have already done (not to be shared)
Page 192
Can’t let slide the deceit and theft of land stolen from Rochelle
Waiting for more info before telling world – the villiage idiot will print this book
True identity of person known as Leslee Howard – true age worked out
Page 193
Leslee lived with Donald Sinton for 14 years. He died of cancer in 1974
Details of house being sold in 1976 plus other properties
Birth certificate helped with her ID
Leslee kept a man hidden since 1977 – married in 1984
Leslee was just acting the poor mouse
Page 194
There is more to Chris Birt than meets the eye – Six bullet points on his faults
Heather not telling truth – she knew of family’s affairs
Very little trust in Chris Birt
Hearsay that Leslee has a twin brother
Page 195
Too many people related to each other around Pukekawa – I know more than they think
Birt says maiden name of Len’s wife was Easton – thought it was Thomas
Nothing rings true with Birt – think he wrote a book mentioned by Leslee in 12976
Put issue of pistol to Birt who said I was wrong – details given on various bullets used
Page 196
Alf Hodgson’s name was quickly put aside by Birt
Demlers, who helped Chris write his book, hadn’t told truth on amount of land and assets involved
Was not prepared to give particulars on estate
Refer the name Weston to Chris – there was comment
About Norma in butcher’s shop – blood on the floor set her off
Page 197
Leslee Sinton teaches English at Selwyn High – also tutors
1977 – there is another Leslee mentioned while on tour in England
Conflict of interest with Icon Investigations
Page 198
Lots more on Leslee Sinton and another Leslee as a teacher – quite confusing identities
Details about Pam who fell on the floor
Page 199
Leslee Sinton estate of land transfers listed out in date order
Page 200
Events leading up to the murders in 1970 reveal where it all started
Details of who knew about all the land dealings
Before 1947 Wills relating to land in NZ or UK rulings would be under Sovereignty Decision
Explanation on how it worked
Page 201
Dealings with Winston Peters
Page 202
The Taskforce went very close to the truth
The battle between the Taskforce and Trustees etc must have been intense
Did the Royal Commission get to the bottom of it
Page 203
Debate on whether Rochelle was fed or not
Why did they feed Rochelle – answer could have led to a motive
The system not only failed but muzzled
Page 204
Alibis for Len and Heather with phone calls
Times and dates all thought out carefully
The five day span – did Heather take a flight before discovery
More on time frame
Page 205
What happened to money from sale of Crewe and Demler estates
Rochelle only got $2000 from her grandmother May
Len and tax man in 1962 could have been cause of it
There are wild guesses about who got what
Lease money still being collected
Page 206
The inheritances to Jeanette and Heather and what they did with it
Bitter disappointment from May Demler over Heather’s choice of man
Page 207
Having close contact with some of the family involved with crime
Others unknowingly got caught up
Wondering what part Vivien Thomas actually played in this case
Wasting time trying to get info from Pat Booth after selling files to Govt for $1
Page 208
Thomas family on TV Feb 2006 – Des trying to put blame on Michael Eyes
Norma Thomas/Eastman taken to task over who fed the baby
Pat Booth had limited vision – evidence will not hold water
Attempt by Birt to involve me with Norma with questions
Putting book at risk
Page 209
Discussed book with Peter Brown MP and TV programme
Woman seen at crime scene several times – who fed the baby while moving bodies
Details revealed to Brown along with suggested motive
Thomas and Birt were not told about my idea of motive or people involved
Page 210
Peter Brown MP gave impression NZ First were not interested in the book
His help and advice were options (9 points listed out)
Page 211
Most of the players had ability to remain on the sideline
It was not what she said at the interview but what others didn’t say 35 years ago
Suspicions about Chris Birt
Page 212
Helen Bain rang to ask questions
Half a mind to bin it and walk away – seems nobody wants to leave their comfort zone
The overseas travel by Leslee and the money it would have cost
Page 213
Looking down the drive where Leslee lives at 6:00 am
Area described along with woman who came up the drive
Page 214
Visit to Waikumete Cemetery to check graves – Don Sinton’s grave not cared for
Also visit Tuakau Cemetery and see Demler and Crewe headstones
At feet were headstones of Gordon Hamilton Jones and wife Jessie
Also other names that fit the puzzle – will check again later
Page 215
Words on Crown leases and conditions
Debt would remain with borrower
A big man from Wellington came to see Len in 1970 – from that day Len was left alone
Handled by none other than the Commissioner of Lands
Private investments hold no guarantee by the Crown
Page 216
Taking a wide look at Leslee Sinton with Hugh Thomson from Icon
A woman is described but doubts whether same woman he lived with for five years
Questioned Icon’s interest – Icon was involved with film Beyond Reasonable Doubt
Page 217
Leslee was on campus – movements noted also with Leslee’s car
Suspected Hugh told Leslee that I was at the school
The woman who looked after Norma was a McKinnon
Page 218
Chris had said Rochelle only got $2000 but now have doubts
Chris always wanting info but giving nothing in return
Chris keen to learn about Howard’s farm
He asks who fed the baby and who else was there – both agree to Norma Thomas
At meeting Chris put me in view to other people – same as Icon did
Chris didn’t like me knowing about transfer of land to Rose Amy Hodgson
Page 219
I gave Chris copies of original transfers back to 1921 and pointed out defects (listed)
Chris got a little irate at mention of Heather’s name and discrepancies in conduct
Chris backed up or went around some subjects
John Rex Hughes surfaced – Hutton’s man of 1973 soon faded into background
I know who fed the baby but undercurrent in river runs much deeper
Snug approach makes me want to dig deeper – got to get to the heart of the matter
Page 220
Reasons why Chris Birt was picking my brains
Let him know that I found the motive and knew the woman who fed the baby
Had not told Chris I was writing a book – it would be disaster for him if it was printed
Leslee introduced a journalist also called Chris
If police deemed case was closed it would solve a lot of problems
Chris Birt keeps changing the story – now says Len Demler was only one involved
Len told Chris the truth while drunk – Len knew of family feud since 1961 (more)
Page 221
More unhappy dealings with Birt – everything I had told was pushed sideways
How could he be wrong
Chris was rattled when I brought Rose Amy into the picture
Chris mentioned case being put on film – suggested he ring my brother at Sky TV
Chris says May Demler’s Will was false to which I disagreed
Chris wasn’t interested in changes to Newman Chennells Will
Page 222
Birt has article in Sunday News – no intent to bring other people in
Chris not willing to look outside his own agenda – has got angry
Told Chris that without a motive there is no case
Not willing to show Chris any of my proof
Talk again of Len’s rifle and involvement of Norma and Roddick
Reluctant to give Chris his research and if used will let cat out of the bag
Page 223
Blood lines stretch between Whangarei to Wanganui including Te Kuiti, Pukekawa, Auckland
Talk about name changes through marriage
Fears of book being prevented from going to print
Nagging thoughts on section 7 – flogging myself to a standstill – becoming the village idiot
Section 7-XVI was the old Chennell estate
Never ask a question unless you know the answer – village idiot has been certified
Page 224
Info on section 7 of no value in the case
Very small print reveals Nellie Chennells held a mortgage over the old Chennells estate in 1939
Page 225
Having no access to police files gives me an opinion only – truth will be found using logic
Black mark has been written against fabrication of evidence by police and journalists
Fair go is requirement for publishing this book
Page 226
Powers to be will never let this book be published – they know the truth already
Other feeling expressed on whether the right thing is being done
Murders must have been well planned according to George Foote (Len’s neighbour)
May have to go back several generations to see the connections
Blood is thicker than water
Page 227
Main issue in case is who fed the baby
Who gains? Appears to be Rochelle – different scenerios followed through
Part played by Mrs Crewe senior (Harvey’s mother)
Interesting to see result of how Rochelle’s estate was handled if she was still in charge
Page 228
If Rochelle had died then who would handle the estate – why was she kept alive
Len was number one suspect
Reason why Rochelle was kept alive
Page 229
The conduct of Len considered during visits to house where Rochelle was found
On the second visit he didn’t enter the house
Probate could be held for seven years until settled – the implications need thought
When Owen Priest and Len Demler arrive at house
The focus was having Rochelle cared for
Page 230
Pat Booth – the pattern
Booth saw Bruce Roddick in Australia and was told not to mention photos yet he did
Should Bruce be told ID of women and what course of action be taken
Booth, in his book, put all blame on Demler – a murder/suicide theory
Roddick’s statement was changed after 8 years about ID of photo
Page 231
Change of direction – why did Roddick change his opinion
Description by Roddick of woman he saw
Journalists and police etc have all ended up with no apparent motive
A mould of guidelines were handed to public
Roddick’s remark on two women he saw
Heather says she wasn’t in NZ on 20 June 1970 – she should have been put on the stand
Page 232
Shooting never took place inside the house
Difference of opinion about weapon used – a rifle, shotgun or pistol
Logic about type of weapon
Roddick’s sighting of woman and car
Queenie McConachie sights Rochelle by gate als the car
Both would have know Crewe’s Hillman Hunter
Page 233
Someone saw a blue car being washed out at a sand pit near where bodies found
A neighbour and son saw sparks coming from chimney
Times noted for these events
How many changes would a baby need over say 12 hours
Page 234
Pattern started in 1990
Shot from window was a point I could not agree with
Sandy Fletcher’s statement of two people on the river never brought forward
Under orders from old boy’s network
My own run-in with police for tailgating person under police protection
Warnings given by authorities on what might happen if I persist
Page 235
Hutton/Bruce left the police force 1970-77 – had they lost the plot
Lots of evidence destroyed during this time
Summing up of overall pattern – child never fed – shooting inside or outside
Statements were changed to suit murder/suicide theory
Birt writes of only suspects to conclude his final chapter
Page 236
Visit to Tuakau to check on a few things
No word on ID of Zena B – lives in NZ without a birth certificate
Viewed familiar person at Pokeno Challenge Station seen before at Selwyn College
She spoke with Pom accent – Hugh Thomson said Leslee had same accent
Four photos missing from lab with info on Emmanuel Howard
Discussion about photo of Leslee
Page 237
More on woman at Pokeno – very little found to prove her identity
Cover-ups again – only land or money – tip of iceberg
Private eye costs too much for very little
Page 238
Private eye on Zina’s ID pushing his luck – he’s fishing for info
Starting to mistrust people close to me – dropped anything to do with Crewe
Plenty of suspicions
Page 239
A toast
Page 240
Returns from estates to spend as thought fit for over 60 years
Twists and turns, dead ends, the truth at times hard to bear
In 1976 trust and honesty came into the picture
Page 241
Grants of Representation explained
Page 242
Flashback to Mt Albert when car was rammed by two drunks
Both described and seemed like brothers – think they were the Gurney twins
Their stepfather was Alf Hodgson who married their mother Rose Amy, formerly a Gurney
She inherited part of the original Chennells estate, twins had control until 1967
Page 243
Recap on section 4 and Bartz – more detail through to May Demler
Page 244
To be read carefully to understand the implications of Newman Chennells Will
Trouble arose after death of May – more detail
Death certificate of Alf Hodgson – his health caused changes in trustees
Indication of how Len acquired Lot 1 – part land left in trust to Jeannette and Heather
Page 245
Looking into activities of Hodgson, Sturrock and Demler
Been running trust for 30 years – what happened to investments etc – were hands in till
Page 246
Belief that investments of May Demler started in 1946 – Port Waikato sections
These people held leases for large blocks under name of Colebaker
21 year old leases were due to be renewed in November 1967
May already gained probate for estate in England in 1948 and part of brother in 1960
In 1966 Heather sold her share to Harvey – battle line drawn between Mother and daughter
Theft and fires started – outcome of trustees to changer
Page 247
John’s own experience when his mother died in 2012 was similar
Brother Charles ended up in sole charge – sorting debts
Trust, honesty, pledges hold no value when it comes to money
Family falls out big time – costly and painful experience
Page 248
Wheelbarrow and oilskin revisited – went up in smoke
Very little mentioned officially about both items
Detective Graham Barry Abbott in spotlight as being in charge of all exhibits
Land transfer on beach sections – true ownership hidden – in name of Abbott
Other exhibits officer was Detective Keith
Page 249
The missing bloodstains – signs of body being moved
How it was done
Page 250
Back to burnt oilskin and wheelbarrow
Thoughts on what happened and where body fell
Page 251
Time line checked – shows up facts being changed
Smother and destroy the problem
Page 252
Details of events days before the murders
Settlement of probate of estate and assets of May Demler
The what ifs explained
Page 253
Seen the woman who fed the baby many times – 8 points listed
Page 254
Events after the killing of Harvey through reading the blood signs
Page 255
Read the book “The Missing Bloodstain” – blaming the dead is the pattern
Pistol in offering mentioned to Thomas family, Chris Birt, Pat Vessey, and others
Rifle recognised by father as a single shot
Julia Priest heard three shots, two close together and another 3 or 4 minutes later
Page 256
Area code of life explained – honour, trust, harmony, honesty
Knowing the difference between right and wrong
Page 257
Cutting down some big pine trees
Page 258
Len carried on business as usual – altering dates and claiming land
Police must have known of the intent of Demler and his handling of May’s estate
Deliberate attempt to sabotage the course of justice
Page 259
Settlement of the Wills – to be read carefully
Wills were not settled in the correct sequence
Jeannette came before May’s Will so as to give Jeannette a low value
May’s Will was changed to suit land transfer
Court had decided total probate for Jeannette to be correct
Page 260
Len Demler’s Will was a legal minefield
Rochelle was not mentioned
Len had two legal documents that were not compatible is explained
Page 261
Papers referring to settlement of May’s estate were not available by request
Drama of getting info from Land Information along with excuses
Page 262
Bureaucratic nonsense and whistle blowers – only three people knew of request
Page 263
Progress of the home garden
Cutting logs and joys of being a bushman
Loss of a dear friend and partner Ron Kyle
Page 264
Red herring with where both bodies were found
Area described
Page 265
Time frame peacekeeping, from June 1966 to June 1970, between the Crewes and May
What about what was not mentioned during these Tit for Tats
Crewe’s behaviour over the time frame
Jeannette stuck to her guns and married Harvey
Page 266
May’s signature is found on many documents, all being legal tender
Some bad debtors
Howard Chennells Will clause 3 explained
Page 267
Dirty napkins and drier – was switched on and running on 22 June
Time estimated to wash and dry nappies and to feed the baby
Women who feed baby was probably still in the house when Owen Priest arrived
Leaving drier on was a mistake – woman escaped out the back door unseen
It would be a calculated guess when the Crewes were actually killed
Page 268
Public tend to believe the police and legal system
How injustice is achieved
Page 269
There is no mention in May’s Will of Bob Souter, Heather, Tania and Norma Demler
Page 270
Reason why May Demler’s Will was in a deliberate mess
Chain of events described
Len put in place a system to keep Jeannette from fully inheriting
Page 271
Trouble brewing in Demler household from as early as 1961
Norma Eastman jumps into the dogfight boots and all – neither a trustee or married to Len
Centre of story is the Memorandum of Transfer – hidden until 2004
How did Len get Howard Chennells land – Lot 1 in 1962
Page 272
The Brian Bruce documentary shown on TV – his computer was later hacked
No thought now of pulling pin on this book
Odds of this story having a happy ending are slim
Seeking a conclusion to this crime
Page 273
Crown had an agenda and opinion of winning at all costs
Page 274
Cold case is at a stage where nobody gives a damn – it’s in too hard basket
An answer to a question has never been direct – passing the buck
The deterrent
Page 275
Harvey Crewe went to Glen Murray to buy a bull – where did money come from
Probate granted to May Demler’s Will three months before murders
Remember where May’s money came from – listed out
Final paragraph says it all – the motive
Page 276
1980 report on Hutton, Johnston, Hughes and others
Foreman of jury, Bob Rock, was an associate of some of Crewe Taskforce
22 June 1970 was not the start of inquiry – this happened four years previous
Len Johnston and others were on Crewe property for burglary, arson
All books so far point to an untouchable villian – now dead
Ian Johnson’s sister married a Souter or Sowter
Page 277
Mystery of L Sinton deepens – Lloyd Designs shop says L Sinton, proprietor
Rena news and actions of Government was pure political bullshit
Problem with info on computers and how it disappears
Page 278
Visited sites where bodies were found off Aitken Rd
Farms were allotment 67-68 Onewhero Port Waikato
Find a suitable boat in this area would not be a problem
Page 279
Locations where bodies were found and link with farms – not made public
Len Demler removed a building from Section 67-68 in 1970-71
Right of Norma Demler to speak about estates to be sold
Jeannette held mortgage of Section 67-68 – Heather and Len also had an interest
Location very close to Waikato River – two marked locations
Page 280
Attention drawn to the name Pam or Pamela more than once
Mention of Alf Hodgson refers to childhood at Pukekawa
Daughter Kathleen’s 10th birthday
Page 281
A local would know the movements of the Crewes – ability to monitor or watch
Paper road closed in connection to Crewe property
Many facts and bits of evidence bypassed – fires and burglaries
Key is end of any agreement made prior in Chennells estate – as of !6 June 1970
Page 282
Norma has steadfastly denied all knowledge of double murder
In 1952 Noeleen Demler married Norma’s brother
At same time estates of Nellie and son Howard had been probated
Norma starts to battle for Len for control of these estates
Rose Ann put section 13-14 price tender to buy the Crewe property
Vested interest of Alf, shares held in trust explained
How did criminals know when Crewes were not home – fires etc
Page 283
Visit to investigator in Newmarket – request had been dumped
Old Boys Club had dug their toes in
Page 284
Comments on Ian Wishart’s book “Inside Story” – ran close to truth
Examples include results of tests in England that a pistol could have been used
Demler knew bodies were not in river
Horse trek was not practicable
Page 285
Met geneaolgy group in Pukekohe – rules pointed out when looking for info
Same happened for request on land owned by Alf Hodgson, Opuatia-Tuakau
Page 286
Another associate’s boat used to recover Harvey along with axle
River at this point is tidal – locals explain
Old ties between relations and associates exist in Pukekawa
There is a direct line between taskforce members and associates
Page 287
One wonders how the bodies were ever discovered in this vast expanse of water
Efforts to defeat and destroy the course of justice – the axle
Debate on where bodies were dumped – Churchill Rd
Which side did the current run on
Report is not correct – one doesn’t throw a body into midstream
Page 288
Orton report is not really what took place
Victims are generaly found where the killer is familiar with
Len didn’t bat an eyelid when confronted with the body
Page 289
Gathering info on sighting of woman by Roddick and how words were put into his mouth
Other sightings listed
David Yallop denied visiting Roddick in Australia then suddenly Pat Booth appears
Page 290
John’s health update – severe pain in lower body
Patient has will to live
Page 291
Not getting it right – is report on where bodies were found true or false
Odds of finding both bodies on same side of river – many channels to navigate
Page 292
Down in the dumps after talking to Chris Birt over amount of evidence put down
Dividing the estate was apparent as was bickering and arguments for years
Advice was to leave well alone – just accept it – you can’t prove a negative
Don’t imagine things happening to me between 1976 and 1981
Royal Commission report says they can’t find anyone to blame
Engineering of reports started in the first week
Page 293
There was a second man courting Jeanette – name Booth mentioned
Jeannette wipes both suitors and marries Harvey Crewe in June 1966
Around 1960 there appears to be three main players after Jeannette
Arthur Thomas attempts are well documented
Someone else is waiting for Jeannette to return home
Page 294
Although Thomas is now married there’s a hint in Kevin Ryan’s book
A burning desire to destroy two men who caused trouble in first place
Jeannette may have told the murderer the truth about Ryan’s statement
Last debt was against Arthur Thomas
Page 295
Mr X mentioned in Wishart’s book “The Inside Story” had a very close sister
Informant told by Len Johnston to keep his bloody mouth shut
Woman who fell on the floor had other people around her
John has seen this man’s sister before – Piss off John
Killer would not be able to handle the bodies on his own – probably four involved
Page 296
Wishart also mentions the word rape
Jeannette fought for her life – big clean up followed
Clean up destroyed all evidence
Went eeling with family
Info arrives – no record of L Sinton teacher at schools
Page 297
Quiet Xmas – work around home
Page 298
L Sinton could never be the person I knew – two separate people
Thomas pardoned in 1979 – now no threat of disclosure
Check register of teachers at Whangarei and did not find L Sinton
I lived a lie for 34 years
Page 299
Severe kidney and back pain
Rochelle asking for an inquiry 30/10/2010
Checking other schools in Whangarei for L Sinton
Page 300
Now have death certificate of Alf Hodgson
Rose Amy and two stepsons – what happened to the money
Who stood to gain – May’s investments
Alf died 1961 – May Demler died Feb 1970
Page 301
Jeannette leaves for England within days of Alf Hodgson making his last Will (Jan 61)
Estate in England was in May’s name
Jeannette writes to Arthur Thomas from England on 14 Feb 1961 – now 21
Should Len outlive May total control becoming apparent
May had three separate titles of land to give her favoured daughter
Page 302
Alf’s Will gives Rose Amy control or life interest on all the estate
On her death then two stepsons would inherit estate
Three Wills made by Newman Chennells, Howard Chennells and Alf are all similar
Clauses dissected and explained – what happened next
Page 303
Demler lied in court about Alf Hodgson – details given
Page 304
Trying to find Alf Hodgson’s farm – a lady says it would be better if Alf was not found
Page 305
Last Will of Bluet Jones in County of Chester
John Ingley – Author, I Fed the Baby

John Ingley was the eldest of two boys and has three sisters – in age order: Janet, John, Ann, Charles and Laurel. His parents were Albert and Jean Ingley. Albert arrived in New Zealand from England. At the age of three months he went to live with his grandparents at Waitara until the age of 10 or 11.
JohnOver the years John worked for many in the timber industry, starting with E&B at Ongarue as an apprentice sawdoctor/machinist under Basil Maud. By 19 he was working for Fletchers at Tokoroa, various other companies included Borum Bros at Western Bays, Speirs, Reg Hansen at Orini and became an all-rounder in the industry.
He worked overseas for Foxwood Timbers in Solomon Islands and Novac Timbers Vanuatu. John came back home to Te Kuiti in 1986 and worked for himself until his death in 2017.
A lot of his research materials are available online at: which, along with many conversations with Ron Cooke, much I used to re-write his book, IFTB, which I published posthumously in June 2020, actually 50 years to the day of the Crewe murders.
RIP John.
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