Hello, you have reached the digital home of Dennis A. Smith.

I am a prolific NZ-based Private Investigative Author, Blogger, and retired IT entrepreneur. I provide commentary on social issues, in particular the Samoan culture, alternative currencies and conspiracy analysis – all provided from a Christian perspective.
I have written/published 37 books, blogged more than 2.5 million words and over the years have exposed a raft of “crooks, crims & crazies” (Interestingly, many of whom have some form of ASD*) In 2021 I wrote the book “US Election Fraud UNMASKED!!“, In 2022 I worked on and wrote the book DECEPTION -The MH370 & MH17 Stories and in Q1 2023 I experienced a medical ,misadventure at the hands of a Dr Carrie Lobb. During my partial recovery in 2024 I commenced unmasking Karl Lobb in a [currently withheld] book and posts “Karl Lobb UNMASKED!!“.
I also discuss revelations by the late John Ingley in his book, I Fed the Baby – Confession & Motives in the Crewe Murders Cold Case. In this book published in 2020 he answers the three key questions that the Police supposedly haven’t been able to answer for 50 years, “1. Who fed the Crewe baby? 2. What was the motive for the murder? & 3. What was the murder weapon?”
I am fearless to speak the truth as I find it and never . . . never . . . give up.
Thank you so much for visiting. This website is currently being updated from www.dennis.co.nz. If you seek articles prior to August 2019, please use the Wayback Machine [Tip: Close the Wayback Machine’s date selection bar top right to see my Menu Top Right]. Enjoy!
* ASD = Autism Spectrum Disorder