“Escape” is the theme of two books I wrote while in Samoa. Both “Escape the Church’ and ‘Escape the Police State’ provided commercial opportunity from a rural location that had no obvious income streams.
The point of this example is that anybody, anywhere in the world, with any level of experience can create value for others – if they put their mind to it. I’ll put this out there a second time . . .
Anyone, anywhere, with any experience who desires to create value for others can monetise that value when they help, teach, give to or enable those in need.
These two products resulted from simply sharing my personal life experiences and they became income streams as a direct result of writing a book and including a workbook.
I developed relationships with those who sought to escape from two common problems – the stranglehold of the traditional organised Christian church, as well as what was perceived as a police state.
Who among those becoming aware of the subtle restricting influence of a church out to control them, (rather than encouraging the freedom that faith in Christ promised), would not want to know how to escape from whatever it was that concerned them?
Likewise, who among those who were alarmed at the increasing negative effect of overt police abuse would not want to consider moving their family to what was perceived as a tropical island “Paradise”?
Monetisation of our lessons learned – be it the deep & personal things such as our faith or the opportunity to enjoy a change of lifestyle in a South Pacific Island Paradise – requires a three-fold understanding:
1. We need to know and understand what it is that we have to offer, be that inside knowledge, wisdom, or experiences. In marketing terms this is the “steak”;
2. We have to know and understand our target market – i.e. who they are, what they need and seek (not always the same I might add), and
3. How to connect those two mentioned. We talk of & develop the “sizzle”, not the steak.
If you get those three things right, people will pay you for what you have to offer. If you are getting value from this resource, then we have the three things done right. Understand?
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