The concept of a “Conspiracy Theory” and/or the label of a “Conspiracy Theorist” was unspoken of prior to the JFK assasination. This condescending phrase is not only a failure of logic (is there no such thing as ANY conspiracy?) it was consciously introduced into society by the very perpetrators of the Presidential murder in order to bring doubt into the validity of any daring to doubt the official story!
Those who support the Moon Landing narrative mockingly use the phrase, “Hoax Believers [HB’s]” again to imply craziness on the part of the doubters.
If a movie actress slips up and calls Obama’s wife a “tranny” then she may be silenced and the newspeak won’t mention a thing . . . until they have no choice. That I have a photo of Michael in his football gear before he became a Michelle then becoming Mrs Obama is not allowed to be talked about, yet!
Control of language is not an accident, as Orwell noted in 1984 when he had one of his characters explain, “Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought crime literally impossible – no words in which to express it.”
Aware of this, I try to use the words “homosexuality and gay” in their traditional manner; I note that purple is my favourite colour simply because of its colour and I use the rainbow in a non-sexualised manner. I’m dogmatic not racially insensitive calling Whangarei, “Wong-gar-ray” & the Whanganui River as, the “Wong-ga-nooee” because that was what the society I was brought up in called them at the time. I’m unrepentant & I oppose arrogance.
I call myself a “Conspiracy Analyst” because I am an independent thinker who resists social pressure. The three photos shown here are all taken from a swinging camera on a very high publicity balloon – one that reached space and could photograph the curvature of the earth. As the camera lens swung back and forth in relation to the earth’s base shape, it reported the curve, an apparent flat earth but also a [seriously] concave earth. Any thoughts as to which frame the Flat Earthers used in their marketing materials?
TIP 12:
Truth is obtained from applying sound logic onto fact. Independent thought is maturity in action. Asking good questions at the right time in the right place from the right people gives us the best chance to get to the bottom of the matter in question.
I’m OK with that cherrypicking for impact, even for financial gain but NOT if deception is used to deny that the earth (in only a few frames) LOOKS flat in this photograph, because it does! As it does too, when you stand on it & simply look for the curvature.
The Earth is NOT flat despite what it looks like in one photo hand picked from a video sequence. Just like NASA did NOT send men to the moon in their flying bath tubs.
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