The Samoa Observer is Samoa’s primary daily newspaper, a privately owned business run by and known within the on-island Samoan community a greedy crook – he doesn’t pay his bills and humility is a foreign concept to him sort of thing.
An affidavit produced in court by his lawyer made a false statement relating to a commercial dispute. Evidence of this perjury follows:
The originals are high resolution photographs but even the montage here shows critical evidence proving the perjury – a series of articles under the banner/brand of “Palagi Perspectives” and a photo of the author. These were published online contemporaneously with these newspapers and emails were time & date stamped prior to the publication dates thus providing compelling evidence used in court.
Tell it like it is
Church buildings – Great but not biblical
The cross-cultural challenge
The hidden causes
The culture war
It is no good just to roll up to court expecting a judge to believe you because you are telling the truth even if the other guy is a known criminal!
A judge may believe you, even love you & your cause to bits, but if ‘the other dude’ lies through his teeth, then it is the evidence a judge will use when making a judgment.
TIP 3:
Getting evidence before you go to court is more important than putting your clothes on. Why? Because it is possible to win a court case without all your clothes on but it is impossible to win without evidence!
Get evidence or keep away from court.
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