Hopium, fearmongering, disinformation and human nature make a toxic mix deliberately designed to confuse mere mortals like us into compliance with an ungodly agenda. Fortunately there is a simple solution to this deception, but this requires humility. In this post I analyse and quote from Benjamin Fulford, a widely respected long-time journalist who has an inside seat on global geo-politics. Enjoy.

In this series I am picking out various aspects of evil and highlighting how the Christian message can be applied into the challenges that result from the Fall. As most will realise, I blog from a Christian perspective, taking the view that the Christian message best represents reality. Essentially there is a Creator, who created ‘good’ but mankind screwed up and elected to go our own way. This event, often referred to as “The Fall” passed the authority bestowed upon mankind to evil (the early English translators used the word “dominion”). Jesus’ life and ministry showed a messed-up world what He called “the Way” and faith in Him restores our relationship with the Father. When we humble ourselves and get real with God we find that He is indeed very much alive and well, doing His stuff in and around us to outwork His intentions.
Global geo-politics is an area of concern to many and the world is supposedly in a real mess, apparently “going to hell in a handbasket” according to the talking heads – IMHO just loudmouths, given a voice. I see things differently though and Benjamin Fulford’s posts tell a lot about how the hidden hand is operating to sort matters out. By way of explanation, the description that Benjamin uses, “Kahzarian Mafia”, refers to the Jews that falsely claim Semitic origins and who according to Henry Makow, manipulate their own people, among other things through Zionism.
Russian FSB, MI6, Mossad, and CIA sources all agree that humanity faces a common enemy in the form of the Khazarian Mafia (KM). The KM members are now circling their wagons around their G7 slave civilian governments, NATO, and the banksters in Switzerland.
When an FSB source asked if the White Dragon Society was going to hit Geneva, Switzerland with a nuclear strike in order to take out the KM’s Octagon politburo, they were told the WDS “have decided… [paywalled from here] that pinpoint surgery is the way to go.” To this, the FSB replied their analysis of the KM was that “the total top management is 2,500 people and at the very top are 200.” These people are now being actively hunted by MI6, the FSB, the CIA, and Asian secret societies [and] death warrants have been issued for these people, they say.
Benjamin has personal allegiance to the White Dragon Society and has good sources within MI6, the CIA and Eastern secret societies. I respect his deep knowledge of real global affairs which he has been sharing for many years.
However, MI6 sources say that if push comes to shove “better millions dead than billions, that is how the real world we live and work in is… and it’s not for the faint-hearted.” This is no exaggeration. Top-level military and agency personnel have taken action after receiving scientific proof the vaccines being pushed on much of the global population are highly toxic. That is why suddenly the pandemic and vaccines are vanishing from public discourse. In a sign of this, some corporate media have started to refer to Covid-19 by its traditional name “the common cold.”
And in relation to bringing the Power/Money down:
From a military perspective, the way to stop [the] criminals is to remove their control of central banks, because then they will lose their ability to finance mayhem. We have talked to IS and other mercenaries and they say they are paid in Swiss francs. So Switzerland remains a high-priority military target.
Switzerland was kept out of the World Wars and is the hub of the central banks, TPTB, the CIA (yes the central CIA, USA CIA is only a branch, an offshoot) and is site of the massive CERN projects.
Also, KM [the Khazarian Mafia] control of the UN, the WHO, the International Civil Aviation Organization, and the International Maritime Organization needs to be ended. It was control of these organizations that allowed them to use a fake pandemic to shut down the world economy and blackmail humanity.
Benjamin is a Westerner who lives in Japan but has deep contacts in multiple jurisdictions. IMHO his analysis comes as close to the geo-political truth in a global sense as is possible, at present from outside.
… the world’s military and intelligence agencies have come to the conclusion that Western civilian governments have been hijacked by a satanic cult and need to be removed.
The process is being started off with the removal of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mossad sources say. “This particular character is a very difficult one and the only way to remove someone like him is to manage them out,” the Royal Family source said. The implication is Netanyahu possesses plenty of blackmail insurance and needs to be given certain guarantees in exchange for relinquishing power … After the removal of the de facto most senior sitting Khazarian Mafia leader, a campaign will take place over the summer [US, 2021] to cleanse most civilian governments, multiple sources agree.
Benjamin’s sources are good therefore his understanding of the intricacies of geo-politics is also good. It is not a binary good-guys vs bad guys game. Except for the binary decision each of us has to make which is assessed at the end of our time, Truth, like all real-life human matters is a complex thing.
A separate MI6 source located in the Americas confirmed action on the ground saying, “Something really big is taking place Now. Senior Members of The Cabal are going down. Gates is out of the system now. He has disappeared. Not a word was spoken about him. Now it’s Fauci’s turn. Then, guess who’s next, Matt Hancock, followed by Boris Johnson. Humanity is waking up.”
These purges will prepare the ground for a complete revamp of post-World War II institutions including the UN and the BIS, the sources say. “There has been a coalescence among the world’s intelligence agencies because we share a common enemy,” was how the head of MI6 (the real head not the public one) described the situation.
The CIA, which is a consortium run out of Switzerland, agrees, according to senior CIA sources. These agencies have come to the conclusion that if urgent action is not taken “billions of people will die by the autumn,” the MI6 and CIA sources said.
The DVD [Deutsches Verteidigungs Dients*] has been on a massive killing spree ever since World War II that culminated in their seizing of power in the U.S. in the coup d’etat that followed 9.11. The execution of George Bush Sr. helped put an end to it but the battle is not over yet. As long as we see the fake Biden presidency show and pandemic pushed in the media, we have to keep fighting. We are dealing with a cult that has run large parts of humanity literally for thousands of years and they do not plan to go quietly into the night.
The rabbit hole runs very deep. Basically though, the world’s military and intelligence agencies have finally realized that a cult of Sabbatean Frankist Jews really is trying to kill most of the global population.
They realized the ongoing “pandemic” was “another 9.11 or Fukushima being carried out by these genocidal fanatical lunatics.”
When asked, “how in the name of God did these people seize the world,” a senior European royal said, “The Rothschilds are particularly dangerous people, they are beyond evil.”
When you consider that last statement in light of the scriptural record of the disaster of life and living before the Flood, we can see that evil, defined as anti-God sentiments truly does bring death. I continue with more from Benjamin issued at an earlier time:
… the U.S. government has been selling slave-labor backed bonds to the Chinese …
Woah! That’s straight talking!
… we may see a lot of “suicides” with no investigations in the coming weeks and months.
I say this because I am in daily touch with the CIA, FSB, Defense Intelligence Agency, MI6, P3 Freemason sources, etc. and they do not know what is going to happen with 100% certainty. It may well be the Final Act for the Deep State Bad Actors who are ruthless and evil beyond imagination.
As a White Hat, we are instructed not to reveal sensitive information into the public spotlight too soon. We are chosen as a negotiator and public face because we are not afraid to die for the just cause of bringing the truth to the world in whatever manner possible.
This is a hard part of knowing a little more than most. We have to trust others to know more than we do, and that’s a hard thing for those with skin in the game. Is President Trump a lunatic or the White Hat’s Saviour, or is he actually on the Cabal’s side or something in between? And how have things changed over the years as this game of chess is being played out, people fighting among themselves for positions of power and wealth?
Please understand, secrecy is necessary to provide operational security in these final stages when any leak could alert the Deep State international swamp criminals to the venom that awaits them, with the massive sting operation that has been years in the planning. The WDS has an ongoing operational exchange with Pentagon White Hat sources in order to provide security as well in Asia.
There are some indications the Deep State realizes that Trump is not just looking for reelection, he’s completing the work of JFK who got knifed in the back by Bush Sr. and the European Banksters, when he tried to end the CIA and Fiat-Debt-Based “Currency” Insta-Magic-Credit System. Let’s call it the FDBC- IMCS for short.
Perhaps Trump is just a frustrated patriotic businessman who was recruited to become President and complete the White Hat triangle of Constitutional power necessary to defeat the dark enemy of mankind and bring in a new age of awakening and freedom from financial slavery.
Catching the corrupt MSM and social media swamp creatures going way over the line into electioneering, with whatever fabrication necessary to demonize Trump and the Patriots, may prove to be a key element of the sting operation. And now the net is tightening as the share prices of Twitter and Facebook plummet. Print media and broadcast networks are also in line for a complete housecleaning.
In some ways it is interesting that people in the know too have questions. I note that many including Benjamin have suggested that the White Hats will be “leaving the Media and Israel to last”. Predictions based on sound ‘intel’ however have a higher chance of coming true.
The Deep State is making its last stand now that its members realize they’ve lost at the political game of chess. The report on election interference by a foreign government is still due to be released.
Trump is cleverly taking back control of the Constitutional Republic and destroying the central banking system like Andrew Jackson. He’s freeing the country from financial slavery, which, through the power of pubic awareness of a global audience, may eventually cause all the other BIS central banks to fall like dominoes around the world.
All half-a-dozen countries, including Canada, involved in the election fraud are being identified with power-outage special operations and curfews.
Thank you for your insights Benjamin Fulford. They give huge clarity in a sea of global geo-political trauma. If evil involves deception, we now know that the world can be a scary place when you treasure truth and can see evil!
* Not accepted by another German commentator: https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2021/06/04/thomas-anderson-response-to-benjamin-fulfords-report-for-may-24-2021/
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