The bible records a Creator God that retains some things to protect his creation from certain [evil] knowledge. In this post I dive into the current human frenzy to throw discretion to the winds, and dive into the gory details. I use reports of the second day of Hillary Clinton’s trial as the basis for this topic. Enjoy, but not too much!

The Good Book reports that when God created mankind he identified the knowledge of good and evil to be off-limits. I take the Creation story to be literal as I see this take aligning with evidence around me when interpreted properly. Yes this means that I see a young earth, probably little less than 10,000 years old, a global flood some 4,000 years ago and a pretty nasty period on planet earth from the Fall to the Flood. A physical Garden of Eden and a physical change of planet earth c. 4,000 years ago isn’t a particularly popular idea but to me, it makes a lot more sense than the alternatives.
If so, then the concept of circumspection in terms of knowledge becomes critical to the study of evil – ponerology. Think why the Creator set some information aside for a moment. It is entirely possible that having created time, that He was outside of it, and knew what would happen when mankind tasted evil. Like a ripple that turns into a wave that crashes on a shore somewhere else, evil, by its very nature continues without measure until it implodes.
God has no interest in racing around chasing evil, like a madman trying to put out fires. He knows that truth always wins in the end; He is Truth; why bother playing a game? His methodology to deal with this scourge is to restrain evil by the power of the Holy Spirit, then when the time is right let it implode under its own weight. The best example of this is the events surrounding Jesus’ life and Ministry, specifically His sacrificial death. While it hurt Him at the time (to feel abandoned by His Father), Jesus trusted His Father and allowed evil to kill Him, which was the ultimate expression of evil. On the surface, that would be considered a success to the devil except for His rising from the grave three days later which nailed deception once and for all.
That’s the essence of the Gospel message, anyway. It is the resurrection that makes the Christian world-view so meaningful. Anyone can speak truth, but to claim to be the Truth is unique.
According to most of my deep research, President Trump is poised to return to the public arena for his second four year term shortly, after a pro-longed period of stepping out of the limelight following the 2020 Presidential Election Fraud. He too has applied biblical principles to His clearing the Washington DC ‘swamp’ by letting the people suffer the consequences of their choices. They are the ones who voted crooked politicians into office. They are the ones who buy from and believe corrupt journalists. They are the ones who use and get abused by career politicians who play games with truth at their expense.
I noted with interest President Trump’s first words on return to the public limelight, “Do you miss me yet?” These indicate a conscious effort on his part to let the people experience the consequence of evil run amok in a US political sense, prior to him announcing his return, as I understand it scheduled for inauguration on 4 July 2021 at Mt Rushmore. For the record, it is my understanding that the 3 November 2020 elections were essentially a Military sting operation known to be planned at least in 2018 when President Trump signed protections into law. Seen in this light, all events since are pure theatrics – the Biden ‘clown’ show (according to those who are supposedly in the know, he was actually executed for crimes against humanity c. March 2020 and we have actually been watching a series of doubles through the campaign and since!); the Supreme Court was setup (it really wouldn’t surprise me if Trump engineered their betrayal of the Constitution, or at least baited them to pass, on the electoral subject); the MSM and big-tech censorships which really are totally self-destructive (again, do not put it past President Trump to have engineered this nuttiness); the [insane] banking bailouts (where the people underwrite the elite’s profiting) and the global political and medical interventionism that looks and smells more like Brave NWO population reduction rather than actual medical science.
It is my understanding that in January 2021, President Trump retained his Presidential power through the Military, and that since midday on the 20th, the Military has run the US – validating the key findings of the DNI report formally on 12 March 2021. Tells that President Trump has remained the Commander in Chief are numerous but clearly obvious from international leadership’s silence (they know who’s really the boss); the talk of war and sabre-rattling (which always means that peace is about to break out) and the ten-fold increase in indictments including the Queen of Evil herself, Hillary Clinton just to name a few.
I’ve been deeply impressed with Real Raw News, the primary news source relating to Clinton’s trial, and share here feedback from the second day of her trial at Guantanamo Bay before concluding with the problem we all have of studying evil. I have already explained that the desire for retribution is ungodly.
Hillary Clinton’s military tribunal resumed on Monday morning at Guantanamo Bay, following a 72-hour pause that began Thursday afternoon when a disheveled Clinton collapsed to the floor in what seemed like an epileptic seizure. But on Saturday GITMO’s medical staff gave Clinton a clean bill of health, saying she had likely feigned illness to stall the trial.
At 10:00 a.m. Monday, Vice Adm. John G. Hannink’s opening comments derided Clinton’s behavior.
“Hillary Rodham Clinton knows she is guilty. Otherwise, she wouldn’t pretend to be sick to delay these proceedings. This woman is thoroughly evil, corrosive, bereft of morality,” Vice Adm. Hannink said, addressing the three-officer tribunal that will ultimately decide Clinton’s fate.
Veering from the context of Thursday’s interrogation, Vice Adm. Hannink leveled accusations against Clinton that we at RRN had not heard before. He produced documentation connecting Clinton and the Clinton Foundation to the disappearance of 23 Haitian and 3 American children who were presumably orphaned in the aftermath of a massive earthquake that killed an estimated 220,000 people on the island nation in 2010.
Since the incident involved American citizens, it was the tribunal’s duty to judge Clinton’s culpability in the matter, Vice Adm. Hannink said.
The three American children—ages 4,7 and 12—belonged to a humanitarian couple doing missionary work on the island nation. A day after the quake, Haitian authorities found the children and the corpse of an older Haitian woman, apparently the babysitter, in the rubble of their collapsed home. The parents had been volunteering at a village west of Port-au-Prince, near the quake’s epicenter.
Haitian authorities spent a week searching in vain for the missing parents, but concluded the couple must have perished in the quake.
Vice Adm. Hannink told the Tribunal that on Jan 24, 2010 Hillary Clinton, then Secretary of State, contacted Haitian President René Préval and said she wished to aid parentless children whose lives the earthquake had shattered.
Vice Adm. Hannink showed the tribunal a chain of email correspondence between Clinton and Préval. In one letter, Clinton stated explicitly that the overture to care for orphaned children was made on behalf of the Clinton Foundation, not the U.S. government, and that the Foundation would find foster homes for the children until such time they could be properly adopted.
“Préval belived [sic] she was sincere, and when he told her about the 3 American kids, she told him she’d take care of them too. But Clinton had ulterior motives, the evidence shows. She never ran this through the State Department, of which she was in charge. No, the Clinton Foundation chartered a boat to get those kids off the island, a boat that picked them up in Haiti and then vanished from the face of the planet. Neither State nor Health and Human Services has any record of the American children setting foot on American soil. Not the Haitian children, either. Where did they all go? Did they vanish into thin air? You made the offer, your name is on the emails, your Foundation arranged transportation. Do you have anything to say?”
Clinton, who hadn’t uttered a word since the proceedings began, said, “You’d have to ask the Clinton Foundation.”
“You are the Foundation,” Vice Adm. Hannink retorted. “The Clinton Foundation is a foundation in name only. You and it are the same entity.”
Clinton sat bone still and lapsed into silence.
Then Vice Adm. Hannink introduced a material witness, former Clinton Foundation accountant Bethany Greenbaum, who via ZOOM testified to Clinton’s criminality. The Clinton Foundation, she said, had paid IYC Yacht Solutions, which runs from Spain, $3,000,000 for a week-long yacht rental. Greenbaum called the 145’ Bliss a “party boat” with hot tubs, a sauna, and a loaded minibar.
“I know the ship was delivered to Miami with orders to sail for Haiti. Beyond that, I don’t know anything, and I was smart enough to not ask questions,” Greenbaum told the tribunal.
“But the defendant, Hillary Rodham Clinton, approved the expenditure?” Vice Adm. Hannink asked.
“Yes. Yes, she did,” Greenbaum replied.
After a brief recess, Vice Adm. Hannink said Italian authorities and IYC Yachting refused to cooperate in the military’s investigation of Hillary Clinton.
“We thought they’d help, but they didn’t. The defendant was a powerful and protected woman. Consider this: The average cost for renting a luxury yacht for a week in 2010 was, give or take, 300 grand. Yet Clinton paid ten times that much. Why? She certainly isn’t charitable, or a philanthropist. She paid for their silence, that’s what she bought for $3,000,000,” Vice Adm. Hannink postulated.
“Hillary Clinton in 2010 was arguably the most powerful woman on the planet. As Secretary of State, she wielded practically limitless power. As a government official, she could’ve rescued those children using official channels, but she was running a side business. The military argues that Clinton trafficked those children for personal profit, probably much more than the $3,000,000 she spent getting them out of Haiti. This is what you three officers must decide,” Vice Adm. Hannink continued.
(Part 2) Monday afternoon’s proceedings began with a solemn moment of silence to honor the four valiant Americans who tragically lost their lives in Benghazi.
Vice Adm. John G. Hannink stood leering down at a shackled Hillary Clinton, who noticeably averted her soulless eyes to avoid digital whiteboards that displayed photographs of Ambassador Chris Stephens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.
Their deaths, Vice Adm. Hannink told the three-officer tribunal, were preventable, but Clinton wanted to nurture amenable relations with Libya’s provisional government and the anti-American Islamic militant groups that rose to prominence after the killing of Muammar Gaddafi.
“Detainee Clinton was more interested in making friends with terrorists than she was protecting American lives. For many people it’s easy to forget what happened 7 years ago, but we cannot forget. We cannot forget that thanks to the detainee’s callous disregard for American lives, four Americans went home to their families in a wooden box draped with an American flag,” Vice Adm. Hannink told the tribunal.
He asked the two men and one woman on the tribunal to imagine, vicariously if they could, the terror Ambassador Stephens must have felt as he choked on black smoke and burned alive after Jihadists set fire to the American diplomatic compound. Or the exhaustion Woods and Doherty endured as they, propelled by sheer adrenaline, defended the CIA annex for 13 hours against swarms of encroaching members of Ansar al-Sharia.
“Clinton’s role no longer needs to be ascertained; it’s well-known. Yes, she has said she had no knowledge of the incursion until it was over, but that’s a provable lie. When personnel at the CIA annex saw the diplomatic compound, less than a mile away, ablaze, they immediately notified Deputy Secretary of State William Burns, Clinton’s #2 man, and he telephoned Clinton, asleep in her bed at 3:00 a.m., we can’t begrudge her that, and told her the CIA contractors, knowing the annex would be next to fall, wanted to defend. But Clinton refused, and here’s how we know this,” Vice Adm. Hannink said.
He played an audio recording of a telephone call that transpired that night. It was clearly Clinton’s witch’s cackle talking to Burns.
“State is under a massive attack. Arrow (the State Dept’s codeword for the CIA annex) wants to defend. They think they’ll be next,” Burns said.
“It’s 3:00 a.m., what do you want me to do about it?” Clinton said.
“Can we give Arrow the greenlight?”
After a long pause, Clinton said, “Absolutely not. The last fucking thing we need is to antagonize al-Sharia. If this explodes, it could fuck everything.”
At that point Vice Adm. Hannink paused the tape and dropped a bombshell. He asserted Clinton’s primary concern was protecting a clandestine government operation, that the diplomatic mission in Benghazi was used by the CIA as a cover to smuggle weapons to anti-Assad rebels in Syria. If the CIA’s presence in Benghazi became a matter of public record, the arms-smuggling operation would collapse and Libya’s provisional government would view unfavorably any American feet on Libyan soil.
Vice Adm. Hannink let the recording play.
“Arrow is to stand down, do you hear me? I don’t care what happens next. They are not to move, at all,” Clinton could be heard saying.
“What if Americans die,” Woods asked.
“What happens, happens. Brief me in the morning. I’m going back to bed,” Clinton said.
Vice Adm. Hannink killed the tape. “Do we need to hear more to determine her guilt in this matter? I don’t think so. The tape speaks for itself. The detainee sitting before you is directly responsible for the deaths of those four men, and must be held to account. She is complicit in their deaths and guilty of treason,” he said.
He asked the tribunal to digest what they had heard, and said proceedings would resume Tuesday afternoon.
So there we have it – two ‘jobs’ out of thousands they are pinging her for. There a few takehomes from this exposure of evil:
- The reporting talks of Clinton not having compassion, “… a shackled Hillary Clinton, who noticeably averted her soulless eyes to avoid digital whiteboards that displayed photographs [of the killed soldiers]”.
- The price of a human seems quite high to me at more than $3m for only a few, “She paid for their silence, that’s what she bought for $3,000,000“. As with all these things, what we see is only the tip of the iceberg and it does appear that human trafficking is a massive growth industry about to or actually exceeding that of drugs.
- It is interesting that even someone so clearly so far ‘gone’ as Hillary still knows right from wrong. “Hillary Rodham Clinton knows she is guilty“. I find this fascinating in that often psychiatric illnesses interfere with our conscience (when they get seared) but if we have no moral compass (for psychiatric reasons) this poses society a problem. It is interesting that the prosecutor puts the blame right back to Hillary.
- Clinton’s callous self interest can be best seen in the chilling phrase, “What happens, happens.” This is the evidence that self-interest when taken to an extreme, self-destructs. If she is put to death, it will have been inevitable.
The worldwide growth in human trafficking (which includes child sex abuse, and more) has yet to become mainstream news, but it will. Nasty and evil events conducted underground have started to come out in the alternative media especially in Q1, 2021, and while President Trump and what are called the “Whitehat Alliance” are leaving the MSM and Zionist Israel to last, it is inevitable that word of the evil gets out eventually.
Summarised, this evil is that child sex, pedophilia, is simply the tip of the iceberg. Satanism involves much more than older males having sex with underage children. It pains me to speak of it, but the sale of body parts of aborted children is also the tip of the iceberg – cannibalism, torture, ritual murder and sadism of all kinds will be eventually exposed. While I reserve my judgment on the validity of these claims for the moment, this could also involve events of Alien involvement.
Humankind opened a Pandora’s Box of trauma when it entertained evil. There is an innate desire to “be like God” and the desire to gain this knowledge was the means by which evil succeeded in tempting Adam and Eve way back when. It is our challenge today to learn to deal with increased knowledge of many of the ills that befall us today. People may indeed be concerned with the legislating of transgender rights being foist upon school children, or the necessity to comply with Politically Correct social controls, and dubious medical procedures being enforced but how do you discuss sexual misconduct from political leaders, and the drinking of adrenalised children’s blood by the elite without normalising evil?
I remember the depression that I had to fight back when I first started researching the Illuminati and suchlike 30 years ago. It seemed to me like I was losing all hope . . . it seemed that evil was normal. It’s not. That’s a lie. It’s wrong.
Because of this normalising process as we see and hear more and more, this will be societies challenge moving forward into 2021. My advice is to make sure that you centre on Truth and love as you become more and more aware.
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