This post discusses Advanced Information in the context of the current Information War. It explains how the New Age concept of [spiritual] Ascension is a falsehood (an ego trap) and how logically it is impossible to prove a negative. It touches upon the concept of how Alien (ET) warfare and advanced technology is also a party to information warfare. It’s a heavy & serious topic but enjoyable nonetheless.

Disclaimer: I write with the Christian perspective, but claiming that a binary situation exists does not mean that I claim to know all, nor indeed that any one person can even know all.
The term “consciousness” came of age in the latter 1900’s as I grew up. What I have learned to be a temptation to seek enlightenment, while currently popular in its various guises is actually an age-old deception. This difference is best shown by the graphics above whereby a progression of spiritual growth is shown in the three examples of a funnel, spiral and colour chart contrasting with a binary (black and white) in or out scenario.
Life is not a simple lineal progression, although of course we usually do mature and grow over time. We gain increased knowledge too and this can increase our capacity to exercise wisdom. The concept of Ascension, ascending (or progressing) to another dimension though is the direct polar opposite to the message of Christ.
I learned this in my teens when I commenced a conscious spiritual search and it bore frustration for me when there appeared to me to be a never-ending sequence of pointless tasks set before me by the various teachers, spiritual gurus and religions that I examined. Some sought of me to chant, meditate, count beads and live in certain ways. I found myself still myself though, and while I felt good Earthing, eating good foods, and feeling better for my various ascension-type activities I was still myself, deep down inside. What really was the point of levitating, or speaking the magic word, “Ohmmm!” at the point of death and dying if I still struggled with reality on other more mundane matters? “Don’t tell me that I’m drowning or that I deserve it, or that if I do something more or different then I can get out of my pickle FFS!” I would have screamed. “Just give me a hand up will you?”
The fundamental difference between these activities that attempted to affect some change in my spiritual state, and Christianity was that the former relied upon human thought or action (perhaps best described as an upward activity, man to God) and the Christian thing came from above (outside of) to me, God to man. It’s a little coarse in terminology but use the phrase that “I was zapped” to explain this experience that happened to me. Yes, I was open and seeking but nothing I actually did caused the experience. It is then becoming of a truth-seeker to ask Him of who He was and what He wanted from me, and it was not my right to overrule His teaching. For that, I can take the credit on the surface. The deeper things, though point to even that being empowered by Jesus’ Spirit – the Holy Spirit. That’s the biggie I had to deal with before even tackling advanced information matters.
Now as I have said many times, it is not possible to prove a negative, but proving an opposite to an established fact, or truth can be. In this case, if we accept Christ’s claims of exclusivity then we MUST reject any alternative as deception. Specifically New Age concepts of stepping upwards and progression are contrary to the Lord’s word. This was the test extended to Adam and Eve; repeated to Jesus on His temptation and that lives today for all of us. Are we prepared to accept the Lord’s/Jesus’ claims or are we not? It’s that simple, regardless of where we may fit on some arbitrary scale of consciousness.
This understanding is vital. It is the difference between the scriptural teaching and the New Age thinking that has to be properly understood to see reality. It is also a deception to attempt a synthesis of the two and from a Christian perspective it is a falsehood to attempt to gain “Perfected Man” status by human endeavour. In Christianity the “Perfected Man” comes only through Christ.
David Bay describes the concept of Paganism which also describes this worship thing well:
The Pagan will worship any number of created objects rather than worshipping the Creator, Jesus Christ. [John 1:1-4] Thus, we see where Pagans worship the Sun, Moon, stars, constellations, trees, rivers, insects, birds, and Mother Earth.
This is the essence of the Gaea movement as well as most Satanic activities, taking (or attempting to take) the glory away from the Creator. But we come to the real insidious part now for which pride is the underlying motivation to take the bait.
But, the most common creature for Pagans to worship is man himself. From time immemorial, man has been subjected to the insidious lie from Satan himself that a “Divine spark” resides within each person that only needs to be discovered to be activated. – David Bay
New Age teaching is shown in the above graphics representing Hawkins’ concepts but they are also written about in Masonic teaching using the same concept of steps but the word, “degree”. Norman Frederick de Clifford, a Masonic teacher (and author of ‘Egypt the Cradle of Ancient Masonry’), wrote the following:
It is so with the Neophyte. He will begin to realize that Heaven (Wisdom) is not gained by a single bound; but is only to be obtained by mounting step by step, or degree by degree …
According to this [false] viewpoint our progression from step by step (call it degrees if you take the Freemason route) leads to the Nirvana, aka Enlightenment, or Ultimate Consciousness (if you lean towards the New Age terminology). Initiation into a particular level (aka dimension) is often associated with this New Age belief system thus we are all (according to this thinking) on a progression ‘up the stairs’ – and towards heaven, whatever that is defined as.
He will realize there is no Death, for what we call Death is simply the disintegration of molecular forms, to be made manifest eventually in many others…
The concept of deathlessness is a natural follow-on from this thinking, also opening up the possibility of second life (aka reincarnation). Of course this runs contrary to the core biblical message that not only does Jesus love us individually & unconditionally and saves us individually & conditionally, but that He did this once and for all. Period.
When man stands erect in his God-hood before the Divine Glory of Light and Truth, with arms outstretched and head uplifted, in conscious knowledge of Divine Love, willing to accept his Karma, then the cross will fall behind him and he will realize that he stands before his Higher Self, the Divine Presence of the Supreme Architect, and positively know that he and his Father are One.
Here we have a direct challenge to the claims of exclusivity of Jesus’ message. Nobody can possibly stand erect before the Godhead (the “Divine Glory of Light and Truth”) and live, save Christ, and those who have trusted Him. He alone claimed to be at one with the Father. It was actually the enemy who claimed to be this, way back in the Garden of Eden as the same today, thus the deception becomes apparent here. The Christian viewpoint of course is that the Creator created. We are the creation. The temptation is that we can become like God, thus the core claims of New Age thinking requires that Christ be equaled. We either become like Him or He becomes like us or that we are Him or He, us. The former is the Christian message; the latter the deceiver’s.
He will thoroughly understand that Resignation is what brings him perfect peace and happiness, and unlocks the door leading to Immortal bliss.
Well … or otherwise. The difficulty is that in both cases explained here, New Age & Christian, the negative isn’t very pretty. One obviously has to get this challenge right!
We all have to make this choice of whether we will embark on an upward journey through levels of Consciousness and take the various spiritual steps, or whether we simply accept the Master at His word. Pride drives the former; humility the latter. The reason for this is that it is impossible to reconcile what is casually passed off as “the Christ consciousness” with “Christ the Man; the Son of God”. Based on Jesus’ claim of exclusivity, we have a binary choice. Twisting or denying ‘the Truth [of Christ]’ in favour of ‘a truth [any New Age concept]’ logically pits us against the Lord, because at the end of the day all New Age thinking comes back to humankind determining its own reality agin Christ’s claims of exclusivity.
The application of this worldview is important to think through and imbibe as increasing revelations of advanced technology; substantial changes in power-structures and tests to our established norms all occur. They are happening now whether we like it or not. Paradigm shifts in understanding geopolitics must then arise for those who have trusted the MSM narrative. Realising that countries previously viewed as adversaries (say the [USSR]Russia/USA divide) have increased their practical collaboration towards a common enemy shakes us to our core. Grief, represented by anger, confusion, denial and self-doubt can deeply threaten our perception of reality. Did you know for example that the EVERGREEN shipping line container the Ever Given was deliberately rammed into and blocked the Suez Canal recently? Are you aware that the US Military were on one side of the blockage and that the Russian forces were on the other and that they worked together? Did you know that there were around 2,500 people recovered from these ships all stranded, many of them children and more than half of them dead? What about the multiple coincidences all predicted explicitly more than two years before the events actually occurred?
Has anybody really understood the UFO & Alien thing? I have never bought into the UFO/Alien thing because I have not seen sufficient evidence of their existence to ‘go there’ and I’ve observed a consistent New Age theme to all people who have promoted the ‘conspiracy’. I’ve noted though, that a consistency of message exists from all people both experiencers and deniers for a very long time – which does indeed support this hypothesis. I note that in March of 2021 thousands of substantial earthquakes have occurred globally at exactly 10km in depth with a uniform 4.5 on the Richter scale indicating that stories of tunnels; mag-lev trains running at ultra-high speed; underground warfare with aliens and international super soldiers especially trained for this task could indeed have some credibility. Explosions of some sort definitely occurred, but what? And why? This does support the claim that advanced Directed Energy Weaponry (DEW) space weaponry was used.
So then what about human trafficking and rampant pedophilia within the elite ruling class. I can verify the existence of Adrenochrome back to 1996 from my research but is/was this related to Alien advanced knowledge. To what extent is this big hornets nest fact or fiction?
For years we have been subjected to government outright denial of UFO existence, yet anti-gravity devices certainly exist as do energy from the vacuum devices (free energy) and among the hidden gems from President Trumps legacy there recently came a formal recognition that indeed the government did have advanced technology as a result of something untoward that did indeed happen in Area 51 a very long time ago. Do you remember seeing this admission in the MSM, or twig on the massive significance? Probably not to both issues here.
I’ve been telling my friends that my recently released book US Election Fraud UNMASKED!! chronicles way more than an election run by the US Military as a sting operation against the Deep State in just one country. It is IMHO hugely probable that the events of the current moment will surpass the global impact of World War II by a factor of five, perhaps even ten. This is IMHO, indeed a momentous time in global history, which includes spiritual matters at their core. The current war clearly has information and disinformation as its main weapon which means that the declassification documents not yet released, as those in the know warn us, will truly shock the world.
As Anthony Migchels puts it in reference to the financial landscape:
This is it. What we’ve been discussing for two decades or more in the Alternative Media is now coming to pass.
The Petrodollar is officially over, and the IMF is creating their own World Reserve Currency, the Special Drawing Rights. They are no longer lending in Dollar, but in their own money. Washington no longer dominates the IMF, the IMF is now the morphing into the official World Central Bank. Officially owned by all the Nations, but in reality owning all of them.And let there be no mistake: if there’s a World Central Bank, and a World Reserve Currency, open World Government is not far away.
Serious stuff. Very serious stuff indeed!
My caution here is not that we should all wake up tomorrow and blindly accept the idea that the Greys (‘benevolent’ aliens) are working with senior political and military leadership across the globe to help us defeat the Luciferian Cabal. Nor should it all be that just because we become aware that the Great Awakening is in mid stream and that we should all suddenly jump into the ‘so-called’ Fifth Dimension with reckless abandon the moment that we learn something more about our world that we never knew before. Nor should we panic and throw the baby out with the bathwater and find the nearest cliff to run and jump from.
No, the real concern I share here is that we understand and embrace the clear unambiguous differences between the New Age, step by step, progression of mankind in the area of advanced knowledge towards Enlightenment (or whatever you want to call it) with Christ’s unique message, one that to me has been well proven over millennia to have the utmost of validity. He is indeed the Way, the Life, and the Truth and I fully accept that nobody can get to the Father but by Him. That is a decision of the will. It requires us to humble ourselves and consciously choose to do what He asks of us, personally. Please understand that I am not Jesus and I do not proselytise. I simply speak the truth as I find it, know it and perceive it.
It has been said that all wars are bankers wars. It has also been said that all wars are spiritual wars. Both of these claims can be true if the bankers choose a spiritual side. My take is that indeed they have embraced the Satanic, and for a very long time, right back to the beginning of evil. Let’s’ chose to not play their game. Our response will depend on how we perceive evil and our capacity to humble ourselves to do the honourable thing.
Thanks for swinging by again today. It’s been a heavy one but it is important.
UPDATE: The following image taken from Appendix A of a book “Ascension Christianity” by Veðrfölnir also explains the concept of Ascension. He shows a concept of an advancing faith of five levels:

Note that the phrase used for the ultimate goal here is “Christ consciousness” which ultimately denies His true position as Saviour (Christianity 4.0 as described above). You can see the New Age thinking more clearly in the words of Veðrfölnir’s Introduction:
The terms God, Godhead, Supreme Being, Lord, Yahweh or Jehovah are too limiting in that each implicitly assumes a separation of man from what created physical reality. All is one and humanity is not separate from the prime mover who created physical reality. Because “God” is man and man is “God,” it is better to use a more neutral noun to describe the ultimate and prime source of all.
Adding to the core Christian world-view (as described above here) reduces the power and authority of Truth and places the point of worship back into mankind – the same temptation that Adam and Eve failed with back in the Garden of Eden. The idea that the Creator is the Created (and visa versa) is illogical nonsense that belies reality, no matter how popular it is or becomes. In my experience of wrestling with the Truth, I have found that Jesus is not an “Avatar”. He is indeed real, alive and the Son of God regardless of what New Age ‘wisdom’ teaches.
[…] Take his endorsement for example by way of writing the Forewords of a couple of books, both with major reference to Aliens and ET’s: i) Satanic Empire’s, “Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy and The Deep State” (shown in the image above) and ii) PhilBetaIota’s, “Ascension Christianity”, quoted from previously. […]