This post uses two stories about the arrest of Generals Milley and Hokanson on 14 April 2021 to demonstrate the process and skills a truth-seeker can use to establish reality. I write because evil attempts to deceive and identifying truth reveals evil. Truth identification requires the application of sound logic onto fact.

While I had previously determined that Michael Baxter’s work revealing the recent Guantanamo Bay events was essentially sound, it was nice for me to digest Simon Parkes’ recent update confirming a story Michael put out on 5 May, 2021, regarding the removal by way of arrest of the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff. I quote from the Real Raw News article, then transcribe Simon’s words, then provide my own commentary.
Michael Baxter
… we can now authenticate earlier reports that pointed to a dramatic shift in power at the nation’s most fortified structure.
On April 14, two days before the Pentagon Protection Force turned away a shocked and confused Biden, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley summoned the 7 other Joint Chiefs to the Pentagon for an emergency meeting, according to a confidential source involved in Trump’s mission to eliminate Deep State operatives throughout the nation.
Gen. Milley, our source said, lambasted his colleagues for allowing high-ranking officers from all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces to undermine Biden’s presidency. Gen. Milley said Biden was the democratically elected President of the United States, and that all armed forces personnel, from the lowest private to the highest general, had a patriotic duty to support and protect Democracy, Joseph Biden, and Kamala Harris.
“From what we know, he went off, ballistic-like. He was a cursing machine, swearing at and excoriating these highly decorated, lifelong members of our country’s military. He said he’d heard they were helping Trump do what he called ‘secret and illegal arrests’ of prominent active and retired politicians. He kept blasting them and told them he was going to recommend that Biden and Harris fire them,” our source said.
Gen. Milley reportedly offered the other Joint Chiefs of Staff a final chance to abandon their allegiance to Donald J. Trump and swear fealty to Joseph R. Biden and Kamala Harris.
Of all the Chiefs, only one leapt to his feet in support of Biden. Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson, Chief of the National Guard Bureau, denounced Donald Trump and told Gen. Milley that he and the National Guard would honor their oath to the Constitution He said they were prepared to defend Biden’s presidency with their lives, if necessary.
Our source said Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps David H. Berger, a longtime supporter of Donald Trump, passed Gen. Milley an envelope. The envelope held an arrest warrant issued by the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps. It named Gen. Milley as a traitor to America and its people.
“Except for you and this coward,” Gen. Berger said, pointing at Gen. Hokanson, “we all support this great nation and what it stands for, and we reject the forces of darkness destroying what our Founding Fathers worked so hard to codify. We stand for a nation, not a man. Why are you so eager to say Kamala Harris’s name in every sentence with Biden’s name? We know why.”
Gen. Milley, our source added, shredded the warrant, calling it a joke, and promised Gen. Berger he would hang for treasonous behavior.
“If anyone hangs, it won’t be me,” Gen. Berger reportedly said. “We’ve been expecting this for a long time.”
A dozen armed members of the Pentagon Protection Force entered the conference room and handcuffed Generals Milley and Hokanson.
In closing, our source said Milley and Hokanson have since been shipped to Guantanamo Bay, where they will ultimately answer to a military tribunal.
Asked if Donald J. Trump was at the Pentagon on April 16, our source replied: “I cannot say yes or not. I can tell that what’s happening now is a prelude to his reinauguration on Independence Day.”
Simon Parkes
[General Milley] … made a public apology, he was wrong to have been with President Trump.
A Marine General would never apologise [for] standing next to his Commander in Chief. I think we’re beginning to see cracks appearing …Now Milley was head of the Joint Chiefs ( so he was quite a responsible person [Simon means that he had a high position, not that his conduct was good].
One of the ways that they (the Whitehats) tried to bring Milley around was some weeks ago they had a vote amongst the flag officers to see whether they wanted President Trump as their Commander in Chief or whether they didn’t and that vote went through and the information that I was given that something like 20% didn’t want Trump back eighty odd percent did (some people put it higher or lower, but that’s the figure I’m going to go with) 20% of the Pentagon did not want Trump but 80% did.
So that was supposed to be a binding vote and for most of them it was but for General Milley I think it was a bridge too far. It was a bit too difficult and it had to come to a head.
One of the big obstacles for President Trump returning would be that the Head of your Chiefs of Staff was not supportive of you. In fact it would be damn near impossible to stage any sort of comeback if you had the chairman of that position against you.
I understand (it always falls to the navy doesn’t it?) that the navy worked behind the scenes but only because they had the vast majority of the support of the other flag officers … the meeting where General Milley was getting quite angry that there was this talk of Trump coming back on July the 4th; lots of other stuff that was going on.
Milley tried to bring it to a head but they’d been anticipating this I do believe, from what I’ve been told that both Milley and the National Guard General were arrested.
Now that’s interesting that the head of the National Guard was also anti-Trump … and they’ve both been replaced by Trump loyalists – loyal to Trump because they recognise that Trump won the election and therefore is their bona fide Commander in Chief, not because they are Trumpites, or Trumpeters but simply because they recognise that Trump won the election in 2020. He was the official winner. So all they’re doing is ratifying the truthful fact.
Having previously done due diligence on Michael’s work I believe that he has at least one official source within Trump’s team. He started his website in December 2020 and it appears that he takes information from this person (or perhaps people) and releases it every few days. I believe and have said this before that this is an “unofficial but approved” release mechanism – approved and/or established by Trump’s team/the Military.
Simon Parkes too has previously ‘passed’ my ‘sniff test’ getting a big tick for integrity in reporting accurately what he has been told. He too has people within the US military who use him to share nuggets of intel with the world when they deem it appropriate.
The possibility that Simon (or his source) has used the Real Raw News story exists but I don’t think so. This looks like two independent sources reporting on the same events. There is similarity but the timing, focus and differences indicate two reports of the same events. I have emboldened sections above to highlight. My take:
- Simon’s reporting is second hand and done verbally. It doesn’t have the same detail and literal accuracy that Michael’s does.
- The 5 May reporting of 14 April events by Michael means that his source delayed it a few weeks. Simon’s source came out a month after, 10 May, 2021.
- Note subtle differences and a more casual approach to details from Simon, but more analysis, opinion and commentary. Simon continues past this point in his vlog with commentary on what this means. I’d take Michael’s reporting over Simon’s when it comes to actual detail differences (such as who called the meeting and why) but these differences are minor.
- There are eight Generals involved. Two out of eight makes 25%, not 20%. Simon didn’t do the maths and/or doesn’t understand the US Military system well. I think the use of percentages is silly with these low numbers. Two of then were anti-Trump. Two of them got taken out. The others knew that it was all coming out with a showdown with Milley.
- Simon adds that they’ve been replaced. This is most likely because the story is now a month older and they weren’t replaced when the first story was written.
- Simon also backs off the 4th July date quite a bit because he doesn’t want to get into date speculation. Good move – once bitten twice shy, methinks!
- Michael gets quite heavy with the lambasting and swearing. By all accounts it seems to have been quite a performance! Spectacular scenes behind the scenes prove that politics always exist at the highest levels of the US Military, as anywhere that power and money is dealt with!
- Michael mentions Gitmo, something that his US audience will appreciate whereas Simon (from the UK) doesn’t. He also entitles the article with an emotive “power shift” whereas Simon is a lot more analytic, kinder and explanatory in his recounting. Both takes have validity IMHO. This is a huge event that opens up the Presidential return as Simon explains so well.
- In a stunning quote, I am sure well rehearsed, General Berger’s words, “We stand for a nation, not a man!” should be noted and repeated for a long time.
- The cryptic reference to Kamala Harris also makes sense only to those who know that Biden has an actor playing the part and that the Deep State has basically lost the battle.
My interest is not so much on who wins the political battle, and/or when or how President Trump engineers his reinauguration but how or when the American people return their focus to the Creator. It seems to me that evil may indeed be taking a surface knock but that no matter how the whole thing shakes out in the USA, true godliness is not the ascension of mankind by way of any political or military action; nor by way of any global consciousness change towards some spirituality (however that is portrayed) especially when democracy is still worshiped via a man-made document but a return to focus on the Creator and His word is necessary.
Returning power to “We the People” may feel good. Populism though can never replace true faith.
It is my experience that all claim to appreciate, speak and respect the truth. Nobody but a nutter says, “Follow me because I deceive!” Most however get caught by using a financial and political system contrary to God’s instruction, one which is based upon deception. Unfortunately this is simply a perception change, not a real one, akin to rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
I trust that the above analysis helps you see how I divine truth in the real world with current event commentators.
Because most people can’t handle the truth, and those that read this know me and do not want to get their head snapped off if they stupid things or argue with logic. The blog is a low-moderate blog somewhat censored by the big-tech oligarchy that does not get high interaction. Furthermore most of my subjects are contentious and politically incorrect and many people fear backlash from those in authority who control things. I get some thousand or so unique visitors a week and one or two comments from that, half of the spam, bots or trolls. Hope this answers your question. Thank you.
This is a load of horse shit. No arrests have been made and never will be. This is the same Q garbage designed to pacify into inaction people who do not buy the main stream media propaganda.
Hello John
> This is a load of horse shit.
My blogging contains multiple quotes and sound logic. I give clear opinion that shows me to a high degree of confidence that these stories do have a basis of fact. Your response however is an emotional outburst that appears more akin to unreasoned passion of a four year old stomping their foot shouting, “Nah, nah, nah-nah, nah! I can’t hear you!” because their sibling has caught them doing something wrong.
> No arrests have been made and never will be.
Can you prove this? No. It is a baseless claim akin to a troll’s actions.
> This is the same Q garbage designed to pacify into inaction people who do not buy the main stream media propaganda.
Logic and fact are required to divine truth John. You fail on both counts, and badly too. Q has nothing to do with my assessment that Michael Baxter’s stories ring true to me. Prove me wrong by all means but spitting out negative verbal diarrhea is actually garbage to the minds of right-thinking people. Get with it or go away, please.