This post is one of a series exposing the real Caroline Macdonald. In it I give commentary on the dynamics at play for those new to the personality and voice of a woman that has been the butt of many a barb given to me over the years – from dozens of really angry and upset people, mainly BBX and ex-BBX megamblmbers from Australia and New Zealand. Caroline’s true nature can be seen from this recording, basically she’s showing herself to be the bully and crook she really is. Prepare yourself, for this one gets very real – and very quickly!

This recording comes from one of the participant’s website ( and is thus a “public document” as well as being approved by Rob’s explicit permission. My transcript here is copyrighted though and is subject to my standard terms of use – use it freely but you MUST acknowledge the original source as and a working link here when it is shown online.
First off, I find it quite rare these days for anybody to make this sort of thing available, especially because when taken out of context it could be used against you. I do things this way, sure, but most will try to cover things up and gloss over their faults or failings. Robert Tidy is obviously a ‘character’ and it appears that he has gotten himself all caught up in a very challenging situation. To say he was gullible and overly trusting is true, and that Caroline Macdonald “saw him coming” is also true. To what extent he is a con-artist himself or that she ripped him off and continues to attack him unjustly is a matter of individual analysis though. My take is summarised at the end of this analysis and I think I’ve got most things pretty right here.
The background was laid out in the Australian litigation that Caroline initiated in February 2022. In this she tried to get off the hook for money he claimed that he loaned to her and she failed to get a court to buy her story. The court basically called her a “BS artist” (i.e. a serial liar) and ordered her to cough up (politely of course) in the process noting that there were multiple strands of dishonesty from ‘Madam’ and her team . . . She had supplied different affidavits, she altered documents, she called liabilities assets, presented a BS story with a BS agreement with a forged signature and generally did what any crook would try to do when caught out, lie even more!
She’s sure to deny it as Jarrad’s commentary shows massive minimisation of this but it’s there in black and white, multiple lies – all proven in a court of law!
This conversation took place recently following Robert’s court win against Caroline. It was held by phone between Caroline Macdonald and Robert Tidy – she called him.
It shows Rob, who I would call a rather naive businessman (and possibly worse) but dealing with Caroline, a highly experienced bully and con-artist who is threatening him to comply with her muscle “or else she will take him to the cleaners in the PR department”. This is the blackmail seen right here and she has indeed done and did do exactly that – more about that in another post – and he has essentially lost all. I suspect that Rob’s high-level Channel 9 contacts didn’t know what Caroline’s low level hit-piece ACA reporters were up to at the time and that there will be a little tension around the ACA studios for a while, but whatever – let them fight it all out!
The Transcript
Here’s the transcript with my commentary interspersed. For those with a heart, I know it’s a little sickening in some places, but you gotta realise that this is real life . . . just be thankful for what and who you have around you!
CM: Morning Rob It’s Caroline How are ya?
RT: Been better you-know
CM: Yeah I can imagine
RT: Mmmm
CM: Like haven’t we all been better?
Platitudes over, Rob now gets straight into it . . . “WTF did you set me up with these ACA goons for, bitch?” came out of his mouth a little more politely:
RT: Oh well You know everything from record now, so . . . I went in and I spoke to them for 40 minutes. Why would you set me up like that Caroline? It was . . . you know . . .
So Caroline started to answer but she thought better of it (no prizes here for guessing why) and quickly changed the subject.
CM: It’s . . . What I’m calling about Rob is basically letting you know exactly where we’re standing with everything. You know I mean it’s a matter that . . . you know . . . you’ve been attacking Black Tie now for seven months and myself personally right? Reaching out to people all over LinkedIn, you name it, any part of your email . . .
RT: Mate . . . I . . . your staff . . . um contacted me when they left you, I’ve got all the contact . . . they rang me up and said, “Rob, blah, blah, blah”
CM: My staff? Put a name to it Rob
RT: Nicky, Nicky Stamos
CM: Yeah
Right, not a smart move here from Robert as now Caroline knows who the snitch was and Nicky will sure as eggs never talk to him again! Watch out Nicky too, for she’ll be after you somewhere somehow, I promise! These kind of people think they own their ex-staff the same as they do their existing ones! The better more ethical and more honest approach is to reply to this manipulator with the truth – “Honey you’ve got a very leaky sieve in your office and I send all the gossip right on down to the blogger too!”
RT: When he left you . . .
CM: Right
RT: He sat down and when he left he said that. I don’t think you understand . . .
CM: [Interruption] But it’s not Nicky that’s reached out to everyone, it’s you!
I like this comment from Caroline because she’s dead right! It’s also a breath of fresh air from a woman who is actually stating something that a man can understand – no BS! Male logic resonates well in the business world whereas the alternative, especially in a court setting causes one losses. Of COURSE it was Robert who shared it all online and all around town and country! Nicky was just the whistleblower! Oh and you can’t mention me now Caroline can you?
RT: Caroline I haven’t. I’ve spoken to people that have spoken to me about why did I leave and what happened and I said “I didn’t leave!” On the 17th December [2021] I asked for the books . . . I . . . like I normally got on a Friday . . . a questioned a few things . . .
Hmmm. I find this approach rather defensive.
Caroline changed the subject now and this kind of thing gives us clues as to what a con artist doesn’t want to talk about. Make a mental note of these two points for later.
CM: Well I called today just to let you know exactly what we’ve been doing, right? And where we’re standing and give you some options. That’s what I’m calling about today. Because as you know things are going to get ultra messy, right?
RT: A hundred per cent they are . . . oh look I’ve already
Back off now mate. This is not an ego battle and she’s not going to let you win, so you are far better to just STFU and let her spill the beans – you know? There will be no discussion. The only ‘option’ that she will be giving you is her way or else. Savvy?
CM: We’ve already contacted your guy xxx lawyers to let them know that we’re defending everything and that we’ve got a lodgement company . . . I also wanted to give you a heads-up basically what we’re sitting on . . . so you can decide on how messy you want this to become.
RT: Mate, I don’t care any more to be honest . . . it can’t much more messy can it?
Actually Robert does care but he’s getting played by a master, and he knows it, so he goes down into a form of defensive depression here. He is clearly not used to dealing with this type of person.
CM: Oh I think it can. I think you’re going to be . . . you know . . . I’m happy to share with you what we’ve got on file – what we’ve done
RT: That’s fine
The best answer is, “No thanks! CYA!” but Robert is caught here, like we say downunder, like a possum in the headlights. This can be viewed as a form of witchcraft, like a spell when the witchdoctor points at the little dude who fears, then goes away and withers up and dies.
CM: Because it is going to get ultra messy
RT: Yeah . . . Look . . . Trust me. It’s going to get a lot messier for you than me.
CM: Well . . .
RT: No, no, no
CM: xxx give you some numbers. Do you want to hear some numbers? – about what we’re sitting on?
RT: I don’t care . . .
Nope! Wrong answer Rob. “Not interested! F* off b*!” would have been a 100x better answer.
CM: What I think would be the best option for all of us, or what I’m after, before this all gets released? Pandoras box?
RT: I don’t care what gets released anymore. I’m . . . you know I’m not living in Australia any more, I’m . . . they can do whatever they want . . .
Rob gets out of this spell further on in the conversation but at the moment his only thought is to defend himself and try to give his adversary a good reason that she can see that he really truly doesn’t care. Caroline however is not interested in logic and she really wants something. Like a cat playing with a mouse, letting her prey just ‘give up’ does not give her what she’s really after. So she shifts the focus into male logic again, hoping to get her prey to bite.
CM: What about all the people that are xxx your collateral damage?
RT: It doesn’t matter – they’ll all be looked after because ZIPC will take off.
“Shit!” she’s now thinking, “This guy’s really not buying my BS!” So she tries this again, but another way:
CM: I’m not talking about only that, I’m talking about all the guys . . . you know we got a private investigation report um on you and all the associated companies, ventures, cohorts and that includes everyone who supported you through.
RT: I know, I saw the xxx I’ve seen all that stuff.
CM: Nothing to do with . . . xxx has got nothing to do with me. This is a professional investigation report.
RT: It doesn’t matter, Caroline! Do whatever . . . I’ve had, I’ve been investigated, there’s been three Police files on all that and they’ve all found me to be ‘not guilty’ so . . .
Again this is all a little defensive but Rob’s getting there, if slowly!
CM: OK, So then . . . you know . . . so just letting you know then that we’ll be releasing all these so we’re sitting on about 16,874 documents.
RT: Cool!
CM: 165 people, 35 of them gave media consent, so you know this is all allocation docs, bank receipts, SMS messages, emails all from you to them.
RT: Cool!
CM: Ummm There’s bank accounts that are going to be subpoenaed, 5 of them
RT: That’s cool! I’ve never been . . . signature on the back . . .
CM: 3:48 This will be going to Aust xxx, ASIC, AA triple C, xxx racing gambling commission, Federal Police.
RT: Perfect!
CM: So all these guys, when I say to you collateral damage you know that means BEEP everyone who’s been acting as director and stuff – everything’s going to go through to them, right?
Now I don’t know the full details on all this but it does seem to me that Caroline is very close to breaking the law here, indeed she may have. I’m located in New Zealand and she’s an Aussie talking to another Aussie about an Australian business fight but in our jurisdiction this threat and associated coercion attempt could easily be seen as illegal here. You can’t do this Caroline and get away with it, certainly not in NZ. As I said I don’t know what this guy has up his sleeve and what legal advice he’s got but Caroline is pretty close to the edge here I reckon, perhaps way over it too.
RT: That’s fine! You know you can sit down and say whatever you want to say because at the end of the day you lost in court! [silence] You owe the money.
CM: We lost xxx. I’m not worried about [cross talk]
Umm Hang on Caroline? If you’re not worried them why the phone call? Why the effort to do a deal with Robert to get him to settle?
Nah! I call BS on this answer. I reckon Rob’s right on the nail and he’s about to get wound up and back on his horse. Watch out Caroline – you’ve tickled the sleeping bear! Time to get out of the kitchen or you’re gonna get burned, methinks!
RT: But hold on . . . you forged my signature – the judge even picked up
Woah that was perceptive Rob! And what about the other BS and lies and so on too? Watch for the narcissist’s trick now – ignore the hard one and believe your own BS:
CM: You know full well that you’ve been paid a consultancy fee . . .
RT: Nah, Nah, Nah! No, incorrect! So, and also what you need to know is Caroline, you can threaten me all you like and do whatever you like …
CM: I’m not threatening you, I’m just letting you know what will be . . .
Ah Caroline, Caroline, Caroline . . . the whole purpose of this phone call was indeed to threaten Robert Tidy. You wanted him to fold under your pressure and he did the reverse ND Actually turned around and stood up to you! Ooooh this must really hurt a woman used to getting her own way!
RT: Caroline. I’ve already engaged somebody to start a xxx campaign and it’s going to be very public about YOU! [pause]
Hmmm. THAT got her attention Robert! Note that pause . . . I wonder who that will be
CM: Well they’re certainly not going to have a Pandora’s box like this on me!
RT: They have! Oh they have! I’ve spoken to a lot of people involved with . . . also I’ve got proof now that you forged my signature. I’ve also got that you transferred our share in the company out – that’s another case we’ve got pending, So I’ve got that ready to go. I’ve got also the judge that has picked up that you’ve changed the subject line. And Kim’s got the original one that was sent – there’s a lot of it.
OK so this seems to be Rob’s biggest hit from this conversation so far and it’s really his crowning moment when he has the accuser on the defensive now. She tries to carry it on but my take is that she’s failed and at this stage she knows it. For the record, I think that there is a good possibility that she is correct, that she didn’t fudge the accounts or forge the signature but she most definitely knew about it and probably gave instructions to others to do it. She also stood in court and lied to the judge more than once so that’s a few wins for Rob at least!
CM: Rob this is nothing compared to this, and I didn’t do all that!
RT: You did! Of course you did! Caroline . . . Who gave you consent to . . .
Caroline is now VERY uncomfortable with all of this, so she changes the subject again and refuses to admit to stealing half of a company? Nasty!
CM: The last thing that I also wanted to let you know that um flag BEEP that’s been reported because it says that obviously all your gambling stuff that . . . under a pseudonym while bankrupt. Just giving you a heads-up . . .
RT: That’s fine. Hold on a second, I don’t have an account. I’m not allowed to have a betting account.
CM: Yeah I know that but it’s ahh BEEP right so . . . [cross talk]
RT: . . . which has all been documented. My trustee knew all about that, That’s [name redacted] so . . .
I’d give this one to Rob. He’s still a little defensive here but from what I’ve seen and heard about and from him he’s been pretty clean, certainly since he was bankrupted last and that he’s probably right, Caroline have a lot of what could be seen as dirt on him but which really, when you dig into it like I have is without foundation or is only half of the story. Courts tend to look at evidence, which is why Caroline lost with her myriad of lies, and of course why she even phoned him here.
CM: So anyway this is what we’ve got. I’m happy to um . . . My deadline outside of all the legals that are happening anyway umm is that we can either just cease going at each other or um by twelve on Thursday we’ll be releasing those boxes out to all those authorities.
RT: You can . . , Just so you know too Caroline, just what you’ve said right now
CM: Mmm – hmm
RT: Is because you owe me money and you want me to . . .
CM: I don’t owe you any money!
RT: drop that. Well you do! The court said you do!
This really hits Rob’s message home and catches the crook out big-time, because she does owe him money – the court said so!
CM: Nothing but pilfer off all our reputation and you’re doing no different to what you are doing now.
RT: You won’t have a reputation when I’m finished! Trust me.
CM: Well that’s where we see differently.
RT: Well I’ve already spoken . . . BBX is involved now. BBX is involved too now – your father’s legacy. That’s involved now too.
I don’t like this part of Rob’s conversation because no matter how much Michael lied and stole and manipulated others during his lifetime, and I know a lot of the hows and where’s family is different for me. I think it’s fair to ping Magali for her immorality and Caroline for her skuldugery and Michael too for what he did too, but associating her father’s legacy with the crook herself is a bit below the belt. I know that there was some prior relationship between Rob and Caroline’s father and I suspect that there is quite a bit more to this than meets the eye but it still makes me uncomfortable to hear it.
CM: Don’t . . . The way you twist and turn words has no impact. All I care about is the evidence on file from all these people
OK So there’s a couple of things here that should be noted. The first is that Caroline is a master at controlling a debate. She does this through manipulation, deception, trickery, power plays and all the usual tricks that these people employ. One of these is called transference and whenever I see people like Caroline at work, I always remember my ex-wife’s accusations of sexual impropriety around the time of her multiple affairs. Eventually I cottoned on and used this as a guide to know when she was ‘mucking around’. Now what I have observed in this conversation thus far is the total opposite of her observations of him. Thus because this accusation is so far left-field that it appears crazy, I conclude that this is the manipulator getting rebuffed by a dude that simply called her out!
The second thing of note is the statement that the only thing that Caroline cares about is the people’s evidence. I think the opposite is true, that Caroline hates the truth; she manipulates others to get what she wants and that the last thing she cares about is . . . well what she says she does. Of course this can be proved to be a correct analysis by looking at the evidence , her lies in court, the hundreds (yes, hundreds PLURAL) of people who have been badly hurt by her BBX fraud and the people who she tried to coerce into giving evidence against their will for her jihad!
RT: . . . evidence that you forged a signature
CM: I didn’t forge any signature!
RT: Who signed . . . ? Well Jarrad must have! Has the affair with Jarrad come out yet? [cross talk] Hold on, Has the affair with Jarrad come out yet? [repeated four times]
This is quite tense on the phone. You can feel the tension in the air as this guy just repeats the question, again and again and again until finally she stops over-talking him and simply has to address it!
CM: What affair? You’re fucking joking aren’t you?
Now we’re REALLY getting into a scrap here! Did Caroline just swear and at Rob. Look, I tell you that I don’t know whether Jarrad has his ‘little bits’ anywhere near his bosses little bits but what I do know is that Sex, Power and Money all mix very nicely in this murky world of BS and that Madam has looked after this lad remarkably well, even telling the rest of her team that she has tgiven him the nod to take it all over ‘one day’ and that she is taking him up to Las Vegas with her (for business reasons only of course) and that the water cooler gossip is not always wrong and that her office has leaks like a sieve going right back to 2016 that I know of and . . .
RT: Well I’ve got proof!
CM: Oh yeah! OK Show me! . . . bullshit It’s not happening . . . so
RT: No, it is happening and it’s
CM: Not it’s not!
RT: I’ve got proof!
CM: Send it over then.
Keep it Rob. Keep whatever you’ve got to yourself and let her stew. I don’t get into this marital unfaithfulness thing – that way if I ever meet her kids in the eye, I’ll never have to lie.
RT: It’s all part of this website . . .
CM: . . . you trying to create dirt because you’ve actually got no dirt.
Maybe but maybe not! I actually don’t know but I’d be VERY careful that you are NEVER seen alone with Jarrad up there when you’re in Vegas, Caroline won’t you? I won’t be there because I’m a gazillion miles away and don’t do marital faithfulness investigations but I wonder which city has more PIs per 1,000 than any other? Could it be what they call “Sin City”, perhaps? OMG and you and Jarrad have rooms on different floors and . . .
RT: Caroline wait till you see the website, it will be great. Everyone will see it your kids, everyone’s going to see it.
CM: Alright. We’ll wait for it. Can’t wait! Outside of that as I said, my deadline is the . . twelve o’clock Thursday before this goes to all the authorities and
I’m assuming that this is the website that your adversary was talking about. Are you happy now Caroline? Was it worth the wait?
RT: Send it to them!
CM: I will! We are. Don’t worry!
RT: Do it now – don’t wait till Thursday! I’m not . . . Caroline, let me explain to you one thing: You do not . . . You do not scare me in any shape or form. You owe money and you’re trying to sniggle out of it.
I’m not so sure that Robert was so sure when he said this. I think he will be less scared than he was though, the more he sees Caroline Macdonald’s real nature get exposed. What I do agree with him on however is the last one – that she owes him money and that she tried to sniggle out of it. The judge made that one clear – as did this threatening phone call!
CM: I don’t owe you a cent Rob! Haven’t you figured that out yet?
RT: So what . . . you’re bigger than the judge – you’re bigger than the judge . . .
True! She does think that!
CM: Stop. You took millions from the sales team – we’ve got all the records. I’m not worried about it! You can say what you like . . .
RT: Hold on a second. You can sit down and say that I didn’t take anything from anyone and they were my coins, You sold 1.6 million of my coins. I own them I minted them.
CM: They’re not your coins. It’s part of the agreement. We had a very clear agreement in place [that] part of my role in pushing this project through was 150mil in tokens – that’s what BT sold. OK So . . .
RT: Hey . . . We . . . hold on
CM: What you guys got was a retainer and BEEP out of the BT sales as well ah and all you did was transfer ah token sales that should have gone to BT to your own xxx pockets.
RT: I, I . . . Just so you know I sold my, my . . . I bought tokens because you weren’t – March last year you were supposed to finish. You didn’t finish – correct? You didn’t even finish!
Robert, Robert, Robert! Can’t you see that none of this matters anymore? You’re not going to win any argument talking to her. You know what she’s all about. You’ve exposed her in court as a liar more than once and she owes you and you’ve told us all that you’re going to ping her again and again. Just DO IT will you and stop wasting your time here, please?
CM: Well I’m not even going through this . . . rehashing old ground. I’m just calling you today to tell you that our investigations holding this . . .
And here again we can see the real Caroline Macdonald escaping reality and getting back to her story and what’s important to her. Everyone who reads my posts, takes even a cursory look at Robert’s website and looks at his complaints can see that Caroline failed to deliver on a commercial contract and that Rob’s got caught up in a real hornet’s nest. We know this Rob. We know Caroline well now and we’ve got it all!
RT: Beautiful
CM: And we will be releasing it to all the authorities. Unless you want to do anything xxx you want to put all of this behind, If not then that’s it. As you said in your emails gloves are off eh?
RT: As I said, the only way this goes away Caroline is if . . . I’ve spent nearly a hundred grand on legal so
CM: Yeah but that’s been your choice because you’ve been so I’m going to keep fighting you all the way!
I think the first half of Caroline’s reply here was an excellent retort. Rob could have spent a hundred bucks or a million but that’s nothing to do with Caroline or BBX or BT. What I think is equally revealing though is Caroline’s vindictive attitude in the second half of her reply, “I’m going to fight you all the way!”
RT: That’s OK you keep fighting me all the way.
CM: Keep spending money on legals unless you decide that you want to do anything amicably, and then we can move on.
RT: Caroline, the only way anything happens amicably . . . you’ve already threatened me now, you’ve made yourself – you’ve set me up with your contacts in the media
CM: Well again that’s your d* . . . that’s your view right?
RT: Well it’s not my view – you’ve told people!
True. Caroline did admit to many people that she set Rob up to get tricked into an interview with ACA! She got caught and has to now admit it:
CM: Hundred percent got you to the meeting . . . but, you know these guys are running their own thing.
Ah yes and no! It’s very rare that things work like that Caroline. It was a set-up remember? You set Rob up remember? Your people got lots of footage because he didn’t run or hide, remember?
RT: Yeah but because you and Jarrad reached out to them – I know because I’ve got contacts in there as well. It’s not going to get aired.
RT: Alright Yup!
CM: You can be confident on it so, [cross talk]
RT: I am confident.
I’ll be sharing more on this in another post but Caroline got this right and Robert got it wrong! Caroline is a master at Dirty Tricks. Rob has a lot to learn!
CM: . . . till twelve noon on Thursday, cause that’s when we basically xxx anyway. If you change your mind before then just let me know. Outside of that I’ll see you through multiple courts!
RT: See you through multiple courts, bye!
CM: See ya, Bye
So the warning for us all is to think through how we would have done things differently to avoid getting scammed like Rob has been here.
Easy – you just don’t deal with the devil in the first place. You know when the devil lies because his lips are moving. My extensive research into Caroline Macdonald has shown me that she is all about herself and in my experience it is utterly impossible to work with this kind of person, period. Nothing people like her say will ever stack up and everything they say will be twisted around to their advantage.
Knowing this means that you do not ever, and I mean “ever”, invest anything – time, money, ideas or anything that requires trust to them. Rob went into business with Caroline in late 2020 on the basis that her company would deliver something by early 2021. It failed to deliver but Rob continued to invest. He failed to recognise the signs of a con and the stress between the business people grew until at the end of the day he was made out to be the crook, but by the crook.
Now I hasten to add here for those of you who think I’m endorsing the conduct of a gambler, a multiple ex-bankrupt and some dude who has a really bad history of Crypto and business failures, I’m not! I’m totally focusing on one of these parties – the one I know about most: Caroline Macdonald.
My advice is to:
a) Don’t get involved with crooks in the first place. Do your due diligence and ask around. The BBX Investigation was out there from 2017 onwards. No BBX member would ever stand up for Caroline Macdonald nor the BBX brand unless there was something in it for them. None. BBX is a con, plain and simple. A currency pilfered ‘to buggerie and back] by the crooks who originally set it up and who perpetuate it to this day . . . ‘Nuff said!
b) Do proper due diligence and don’t trust anyone, especially when it involves sex, money or power. Most people assess others the way they would want to be treated thus they are way too trusting. ‘S, M & P’ all corrupt and the greater the value involved the greater the corruption.
c) If it’s too good to be true then it won’t be.
d) When you’ve been caught out, seek help immediately and prepare for the worst. Crooks leverage their power over others naturally so that once they have you on the hook, they’ll come back for more. Rob didn’t do this so he paid a high price.
Spread the word team . . . spread the word because if you don’t then others will get caught!
My Take
This is quite an easy one for me to assess because I know one of the parties very, very well following years of research and the other one has shown an amazing willingness to share his sad story openly – if you can believe him. In the above analysis I comment many times that Caroline McDonald is a manipulator and self-centered. These core traits she inherited from her late father, Michael Touma and her running of the BBX brand since his death has appeared to reinforce this self-inflated opinion of herself. The world tends to revolve around her and what’s important to her, whereas compassion, reason and facts tend to come secondary. Like father, like daughter, her measurement of her entitlement went beyond the moral boundaries and also past the legal ones too.
In the recent court case, her contempt of others was shown by a multiple amateurish attempts to put one over the court, all which failed. This recording too shows her aggression and dare I say it stupidity towards a dude who used to be her business partner, Robert Tidy. Rob got a little knocked around on this call but he appears to be a ‘nice guy’ taking on a skilled aggressive and experienced manipulator at the peak of her game.
My prediction is that the tables will be turning, and Madam will be disgraced, most likely a bitter old woman blaming everyone else for her own arrogance and greed. What his opponents don’t understand is the mind of a gambler. You see Rob genuinely believes what he says that he is a good guy who has done nothing wrong. He genuinely believes that he will eventually show the world what it means to ‘honour your word’ despite how many failed business ventures he has and how many bankruptcies he has. Caroline however knows that she is doing wrong. That’s your difference!
Robert shows here that he’s gullible and is way too trusting for his own good. You can see this in his defensive responses to Caroline’s in-your-face approach. I also know that he has dealt with quite a few personal issues – dyslexia, financial and bankruptcy being the three biggies of the moment.
I hope that he can or will learn fast enough to realise how much of a magnet he is for the users of this world – those that can or will barge into his life, take his ideas or money and then try to convince him that he’s the cause of their troubles. Caroline exemplifies this kind of person. I tend to doubt it because in my experience the gambler never changes – because he simply can’t!
Lastly, I note that Rob refers here to him contracting somebody, probably meaning me to develop a ‘Caroline Macdonald expose’ type of website. For the record, every single word on my website is mine and I value my editorial independence hugely. Yes, I have submitted words for preapproval to Robert Tidy as I have to many others over the years. This is only a professional courtesy I would expect from any one else in the same situation. But no, I have not been paid to write anything in particular about Robert (or Caroline) and this will remain so forever. All analysis on this page is 100% mine and mine alone unless they are to be found in the comments section.
In a future post I will share the things that I do and recommend others to do when dealing with the devil (you know the sorts of things that put the fear of Dennis God into them). I also get into the ways that crooks, crims and crazies like Caroline Macdonald use the logical fallacy of an ad hominem attack to try to take the attention off themselves. In this regard I digest the ACA attacks on Robert Tidy and show how sharing the whole truth is NOT the goal of the ones that claim to present it.
Self interest however is . . .
[…] seat sidelining Magali in the process. I have previously blogged about how deception is a family […]