This post is one in a series exposing an Australian business woman Caroline Macdonald. In this post I try to explain how the perception game differs from reality and how crooks, crims and crazies live, work and play in the murky area, before I give advice on how to deal with “the devil”. Enjoy this one and hopefully there will be enough understanding from you to justify the read!

In previous posts I have shared how Caroline Macdonald’s appearing on stage as a keynote speaker at the upcoming IRTA conference brings more shame upon the organisation struggling for relevance, membership and credibility. The reason of course is that she is a confidence trickster and lives in the world of perceptions, ignoring reality. Her beloved BBX trade exchange is a fraudulent ‘dead-duck’, and her new crypto currency business Black Tie is getting sued out of existence by her very angry jilted ex-business-partner as we speak.
I have also shown her true nature in a detailed analysis of a very revealing phone call – one that shows the world her true character; one that I wouldn’t want to be associated with if I wanted to stand tall and proud.
In order to know how to deal with the devil, one MUST move away from the falsehood that “truth will win in the end, so therefore everyone wants to know the truth”. The first part of this false belief is founded upon fact, but the second part is a falsehood. Most people think that they want to know the truth. Most people say that they want to know the truth. Most people even say that they claim to know the truth and most people I know claim to speak the truth. But nobody, I repeat, nobody, and yes this includes me, can actually handle the truth.
“WTF? Are you nuts?” you might say and I’ll just simply ask you to tell me who stood by the Truth when it would have been so simple to say it? Nobody, not even His most trusted follower Pete could do it when push came to shove. Three times a denial? Cocks crowing anyone?
Think about this for one second before I get into this . . . when did you last hear someone say, “Don’t listen to me! I’m bullshitting you for my personal gain!” No, they do what all politicians and sales-people do, they simply ‘put the facts into a light that favours themselves’ and most of the time done in order to gain sex, money or power.
The point here is that most of us err because we believe this mantra, that simply speaking the truth is enough to achieve justice. It’s not, and never will be. One has to think like the devil in order to catch him out (or her if we’re talking about a ‘Madam’).
This is why good people fail and the crooks seem to always win. In my analysis of the international barter industry it has been my findings backed up by the hard knocks of experience that 97% of this industry has major issues of inflation and that their currencies have devalued, sometimes grossly. What this means is that everyone attending IRTA’s 2022 conference in Las Vegas will know exactly who their speaker is and what she represents. Yeah sure she represents BBXI as an innovative award winning (and I’m sure IRTA will award her with SOMEthing for her sponsorship, oops I mean . . .) but they will all know that they all have a finger in the till – all of them!
You say, “But Dennis you are so negative – even that 3% could grow and turn the tide, and what about all those hundreds or people who will lose their jobs if you wind them all up?”
I can reply then with the logic, “Well it used to be thousands of people and the 3% that I know play it straight are not in the IRTA fold and the situation has gotten worse over the years, not better and . . . I know, I know but still I repeat what you call my negativity . . .”
The point here is that everything noisy and public (the Caroline Macdonald BS for example) is all for show, to influence, to sell, to make money and to get what ‘they’ want, generally for themselves! This is the message that the Master tried to show us and He did it a most incredible way . . . through sacrifice! He also focused on getting the message out ‘IN THE END’ which is the part that most people miss in their haste to fight evil. It takes time but there is an end, and we’ll all be accountable in the end.
I’ll give you an example of this, and how this reality vs perception thing works in and around my own life today, here and now, which can then be extrapolated out into the answer of how to deal with the Caroline Macdonalds of this world.
My Situation
I’m a blogger with more than 2 million published words online, an author with an investigative bent and I speak from a Christian perspective, I call this a Christian world view. In the last couple of decades in the process of living, I have asked many people many questions, I have thought and shared those thoughts. Being a man of integrity (that’s what I think anyway), by speaking truth into difficult situations I have rubbed a lot of people up the wrong way.
In Samoa for example I was very close with the Prime Minister of the time Tuila’epa and over the course of a few years this relationship became more and more difficult for us both and I was turfed out of the country. I say that the PM had to break his own laws to do it, and that I only spoke the truth about him and Sonya having it off in my book Corruption in Samoa! He says though that he hardly knew me and that I [whatever]!
The end result though was although I lost everything up there but gained a form of credibility that can never be gained by those who seek, live by or wield power. Quietly, secretly they come to me and beg me pleading, “Please, Nisi, you’re a national treasure! Never give up [speaking it like it is]”. You see, my words and actions bring the little people up there hope – hope that just one person out there knows the real score.
Another example is the local trolls currently trying to get me out of the King Country. “Bugger off mate!” they say. “You’re hated by everyone here and we want you gone – the Police, your neighbours, all the ‘good & upright’ people around town, we all want you gone. Even your own wife and kids left you you such a loser!” To which my reply was, “Diddums! Get used to it!”
You see my quieter and more reasoned neighbours; my ex-wife and my kids know where truth sits and say things to me like, “Oh I’ve never had any more trouble with the local riff-raff since you’ve been living here. WTF are they on about?” and “Dad, WTF are these losers on about? They’ve clearly got a bee in their bonnet haven’t they?” and reports that my ex-wife tells the kids, “You just make sure you honour your father!” or suchlike. They all know the score!
The point here is that most people operate by perception not truth. This is the reality that we must accept then and just like the Master taught us, we all know that the man with a fork is full of BS, and we all know his (or her) ultimate destiny, the truth will ALWAYS win out . . . IN THE END.
So what to do then? This man Roberty Tidy is clearly a victim of injustice. The ACA media beat-up was arranged by ‘Madam’ and he was lured into the trap she set for him. My thoughts are that Channel Nine will find that they really are in the shit having taken this guy on and that they will be a lot more careful when discussing targets with Caroline Macdonald in the future! But what next?
Well this dude has gone down.
Yes, he won round one and got his judgment in court. The court has found that Caroline lied and cheated and essentially tried to steal what was his, and they awarded that back to him. Robert Tidy:1 Caroline Macdonald:0. He’s won round one.
Round two though goes to Caroline. The ACA media beat-up was arranged by ‘Madam’ and he was lured into the trap she set for him. Anyone doubting that claim simply needs to listen to her confess towards the end of the recording. Caroline got pretty defensive towards the end of the conversation and this all came out – I’m dead sure that she had NEVER planned for her ‘close relationship’ with Jarrad to be exposed when she phoned Rob to attempt to muscle him into submission, but it did!
ACA did do their part of the revenge campaign and nobody in Rob’s position could handle that king hit – nobody! He went down immediately and this was a great short-term move by an experienced dirt-fighter which was implemented very, very well. The setup was perfect – she lured him down there by promising to do a deal to pay him what she owed him and to do it with his lawyers. I know that he said he smelled a rat but he did go, she tricked him into the set-up well by luring him in.
So that’s ‘One All’ on the scoreboard . . . what next? What do I predict and what do I advise both parties moving forward? I’ll get into the future in the next post and address the advice thing now:
My Advice
- Play for the long term and play for keeps. This is not a Sunday afternoon church picnic this thing. It is a war, a real war a battle of two proud people who both have a lot at stake. Seek to gain peripheral advantage and to minimise collateral damage. We call this asymetric warfare – fighting a major fight is a mug’s game but picking off various things in the process one by one (guerrilla-style) is often more effective. Rob this means getting rid of BBX in NZ, or getting word of her Black Tie wind-up into the hands of the IRTA people somehow (Trust me, I know these guys and there’s NO WAY IN HELL that IRTA will ever tell them that they’ve just paid to hear a lemon tell them how to suck eggs!) For Caroline, this means survival and swatting away any perceived attack like she has always done – “Oh he’s just a blogger, what does he know?” sort of thing, and talking up her IRTA experiences and any award they will most likely dish up for her.
- Up the ante if you’re in the right or settle as quickly as you can if you know you’ve lost a round. Nobody (even Bush or Obama) wins every time as the enemy always has a vote. Learn to back off and shut up when you’ve gotten a hiding and you’ll survive enough to fight another day. Only a fool goes to war knowing that he or she is going to lose. As the Good Book says, settle with a King with a bigger army when he’s a long way off, for your own survival! Caroline, this means that if you know that the SHTF you gotta get it off the table, quick smart. I know you know this because that’s why you paid out the liquidators as quickly as you did way back then. Rob, you may have to learn this one.
Prepare for all the dirt to come out and for there to be no winners in the traditional sense. Nobody ‘wins’ a war. Nobody. Yes the lawyers will get the money and you’ll get something maybe a bit at the end but unless you’re in my business (which is applying thought onto fact then sharing those thoughts with the world) you WILL lose. Caroline will too but you must realise that things will get dirty, “ultra-messy” is what she called it. Rob’s dirty laundry is starting to come out too now. Most underestimate the cost of having your dirty laundry hung out to dry and it can take years, sometimes decades if ever for this kind of damage to be undone. - Get smart! Rob you’ve got a long way to go before you’re up to Caroline’s skill at BS. She’s a master at this PR game. She’s a nasty bully and always gets her way – always, especially around her men. Look at how she’s setting up Jarrad to take the fall as she moves her focus from BBX to crypto. Look at her ‘strong’ husband [cough, cough] and his ‘integrity & leadership’ in an excessively feminine home environment! You’ve really got to wake up and smell the roses here mate.
- Pick your fights. Rob, let her win a few battles so that she exposes herself. Think of the IRTA speaking engagement. Don’t try to convince Ron to pull her – that will never happen! Let her win that one and let her take the silver home. Let her win a few minor scraps here and there but prepare the sting operation well so that the BS stops. Caroline you’re a seasoned fighter so I hardly need to advise you but I’m sure that secretly you will be preparing for a ‘political’ final retraction from New Zealand. Let Rob win this one so that you can live to fight another day.
- Expect the unexpected but control the narrative as much as you can. In the art of any PR war you have to control the narrative. Caroline this means that you have to keep the focus on Rob and off yourself. You do NOT want people reading my blog or asking you any questions about BBX NZ, especially not the value of the currency. Keep any narrative on Rob, his bankruptcy and his past gambling issues. You’re currently doing this REALLY well, so don’t stop it – keep the pressure on him. I doubt that he’ll crack but you have no alternative. Rob the opposite is true. You are right that Caroline has a lot of dirt she’s hiding but you’d never think so from your defensive responses.
Caroline has lost the first round but bounced back from her loss in court in fine style with the media hit-pieces. Rob is clearly an amateur at the PR game, naively believing that by simply speaking the truth he will sometime, somehow win back what he believes was his – credibility! It will never happen Rob and your life has now changed forever. He believes that he’s a “nice guy” and he may indeed be but from my experiences in the world it is the arseholes, the fighters, the liars and cheats that win public acclaim. Sometimes justice and the law coincide but that is a happy day and one happy day doesn’t make a summer!
Lastly I conclude with WIIFM (What’s In It For Me)?
If everybody has a beef (as my daughter says, “a bee in their bonnet”) then what’s my game, because it’s certainly not fame or money?
Rightly or wrongly, I just want to be seen as a dude that uses the brain I’ve been given and have the balls to speak it like it is. Proud – sure! Right – usually and thassit!
In a future post I will be predicting, predicting not only who will win in this war, but what will happen with the BBX operation worldwide. I will also be sharing a new development that will talk about the ways that scammers achieve their goals to fleece others of what is not theirs –, starting with money and (you guessed it) Crypto-currencies.
Thanks for swinging by again today. I trust this one was worthy of a read!
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