Exposing the truth surrounding the US Election Fraud opens the door to understanding more than just geo-politics; it creates the opportunity for what they call the Great Awakening, and from a Christian perspective this increases the possibility of our worship reverting to the Creator. This requires a spiritual sensitivity as well as awareness. In this post I recap the primary message of this series, that Election Fraud not only occurred but that this is ‘situation normal’ in a fallen world. The solution is only to be found by addressing that fallen nature constructively.

Jesus claimed to not only speak the Truth but that He was the Truth. No one comes to the Father but by Him. Logically these are extraordinary and divisive claims akin to those of a madman or He is indeed the Truth.
My take is that indeed His life did demonstrate perfection and that He does live today. We mere mortals struggle with the lies, deception and temptations all around and within us and need to lean on Him for a good grasp of reality. This series and book is designed to help achieve that goal.
If the Christian message is that He came and offers us reconciliation with the Father, then our humility is required to reconnect with the Creator. On the other hand it is pride that will then cause all manner of immoral, self-destructive, anti-social and ungodly conduct.
The Election Fraud perpetrated on the American people hit at the heart of Democracy. I watch as the American people rise up, some 80% supporting a President who on 3 November 2020 again tapped into the patriotism of the American kind.
God will not be mocked however. He is outside of time for He created it, and it is my belief that He will tolerate ups and downs of the people struggling among themselves. He will wait until the current revolution has its day before the promised implosion of Daniel and Revelation occurs. Whether this be only months, years, decades or centuries away matters little in His timing.
I am in two minds over the current ‘Great Awakening’ – I love it when I hear that crooks are getting their come-uppance, yet the massive support from American Patriots for things I know to still fall short of His guidelines (such as Patriotism, Democracy, and Usurious monetary systems) deeply concern me.
As a Christian prophet speaking forth the Truth, it is no good for me to settle for the second best, when I watch worship going into a man-made document like the US Constitution, or to an ultra-intelligent and popular President. When our worship of an ungodly practice such as Democracy remains, He is effectively sidelined, no matter how many leaders go to church, or claim that they are standing for their people by fighting deception in the name of God in the game of politics.
I conclude then with my take, that the identity of Christ is the primary question of importance in life, followed by a true understanding of money, which of course represents power.
When Jesus asked of His followers who they thought He was, Simon Peter responded with wisdom IMHO, by stating that He was the Messiah. Understanding and acting on the belief that money is a primarily a measurement system and not a commodity, puts the power into the Messiah’s hands when we humble ourselves and obey Him. This immediately puts the authority and power back into the Creator’s hands, right where it should be.
The most amazing thing is that no matter what political and financial system is in play around us, be it the Alliance’s Nesara or the Deep State’s NWO, when we individually consciously bypass all human focus, we gain the freedom that we all seek while we live in the world.
A, B, C, DS, E & EF!
Adrenochrome, Blackmail [long-term & systemic], Corruption, the Deep State and Evil most certainly exist all right . . . Election Fraud also occurred in the 2020 US Elections too, but so too does the Solution.
I encourage you to make sure that at the end of your time on earth that you too hear those incredible words, “Well done good and faithful servant!” and that you (like I do) fear the alternative, “Get away from Me, for I never knew you!”
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