Binary Thinking is a natural temptation but except for the one issue of salvation, the concept of good/bad is a trap and can be an error when we attempt to deal with complex issues in a binary manner. In this post I explain how my investigative & truth discerning skills have taught me to recognise that absolute truth does exist and so to seek the application of binary thinking but to caution against arrogance when applying my assessments into complex areas of life.

Let’s first deal with the one exception where our binary thinking is always justified – our personal destination.
The One Exception
The human mind and soul seeks clarity. It instinctively seeks to want to know right from wrong; good from bad and godliness from evil.
According to the Good Book, our choices in life, determine our ultimate destination – up or down. In this regard (of our spiritual fate following life here on earth) we have a binary situation. In fact this question of faith also applies to life here on earth too but that is a tricky one for a fallible human being to to apply so I won’t here, just for the moment.
According to the Christian worldview the deciding factor in pleasing God is not actually religious belief, because even the adversary believes that Jesus is very much alive and is the Son of God. It is instead the nature of the relationship that we have with Him that matters. What we do (what Christians call our “works”) naturally follow on from that relationship.
Matthew records how Jesus explained that He separates people (dividing the accepted from the rejected) on the basis of knowing Him:
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
Matthew 7:21-23
As a ‘black and white’ kinda guy, I naturally want to know right from wrong. I want to know and understand things as much as possible so that I can pass judgment on life situations and get things right. I ask questions and seek to apply wisdom into tricky life situations, applying logic onto facts as I find them. Unfortunately this makes it very hard for me when the Lord asks us NOT to judge others.
The point here though is that there is no greyness when at the end of time -we will either hear the words, “Well done good and faithful servant!” or if we don’t seek, nurture and cherish that relationship with the Master, the scariest words conceivable, “Get away from me, for I never knew you!”
The Political Murk
I’ve timed this post to come when all looks final for the result of the US Presidential hopes for Donald Trump’s second term but before ‘good news’ comes out for his supporters. He has recently lost the Electoral College’s vote which as David Farrar says, means that he’s a ‘goneburger’!
Alone in his office, Trump has failed. Despite everything he threw at it, the US system was resilient enough to stop his coup and the Congress of the United States has just this minute certified Joe Biden as the President-Elect and Kamala Harris as the Vice-President Elect.
For me, nothing could be further from the truth and posts like this will in due course be seen as disinformation, fake news and rightly show the writer for who he really is. The US President Donald Trump is a VERY intelligent and powerful man with a huge volume of accurate information at his fingertips with MANY loyal patriots all looking out for his and the countries best interests.
He won reelection with a landslide on 3 November 2020 and I believe is currently underground having already signed the US Insurrection Act and is currently working closely with Special Forces, the Military and others to deal with many high profile opposition forces.
Should Donald Trump act to remain in power, something I consider highly likely, it will be enough to me to validate much of my research that the 2020 US Presidential Elections were indeed a military operation designed to flush out the corruption – “drain the swamp”, as Trump so eloquently said on his first campaign trail.
It’s a catchy phrase that bought him votes and shows his capacity to explain things in simple language but one man (even the US President) can never change the system like so many want him to do. Pas possible! Human nature is to protect our position and with as far as I estimate things, 3/4 of the political environment already corrupted beyond redemption, you’d have to have enormous wisdom and power, way beyond what Trump has, IMHO. He can take a swing at things, ping a few baddies for treason and get his people into positions of power but the Lord will wait for the people to turn to Him rather than trusting in the US democratic system to resolve the woes of that nation.
The instant we move from the binary issue of our ultimate destination (note I said, “our” meaning ‘not yours, but mine’) we move into an area of greyness. This murk means that our analysis must ALWAYS be conditional – conditional upon the understanding that while binary truth does exist about these contested social issues, nobody actually knows it fully. There is ALWAYS something we don’t know; a nuance; another component; a different view of it; a different slant. Always.
Those who speak truth (say about the US Presidential Elections) always do so from their own areas of interest, expertise or viewpoint – be that economic, spiritual, political, marketing, personal, military, financial or whatever. They have to. This human dynamic needs to be taken into consideration when assessing reality. For example, in the quote above from Kiwiblog, David starts with a highly emotional phrase, “Alone in his office, Trump has failed” then continues talking about a “coup“.
When we understand that David’s bias is a clear seething hatred for Trump, you can see why he tries to paint his victim as a) alone, b) a failure and c) attempting a coup. If you think that things as presented by the MSM are on the up and up, and that there was no election fraud, then sure David’s approach is fine. If Trump though is believed to be a part of a military operation to flush out traitors to the American cause, this may be simply a ruse and part of what they call “The Plan” and Farrar has let his partisan hat show here. You’ll never rarely get a man though with a big ego to apologise for his error and back down. People [almost] always double down and fight for their previously held position, no matter if facts come out later.
Likewise my Christian blogger friend who denies conspiracy whom I shared about previously. His take that geo-politics are well represented by the MSM confirms that his perception of reality comes from limited life experiences, rather than from honest due diligence. It takes real guts to dig deep, ask those difficult questions that scare the living daylights out of “nice” people who really do not want to rock the boat. Oh a global conspiracy exists all right. It has existed for a very long time and is still very much alive and well today!
Bias in our belief system caused by the Mainstream Media is neither an accident nor is it incidental. At its lowest level it can indeed be attributed to political belief or innocence or youthful naivety but as you move up the chain of command to its highest level you get a huge increase in willingness to participate in evil. Open Satanism is known and acknowledged by those elite at the top of the global commerce who control and who seek to control more.
My Problem
The problem I have, as a black and white guy attempting to divine truth is that I have to spread myself far and wide, wading through truckloads of conspiratorial information, each commentator with their own bent, or slant in order to establish reality.
I’d like to go through a few sources with you now, and in future posts as well, describing how it is that I can get to the point of decision and how this analysis outworks in regards to the problem of a binary situation in regards to, for example Donald J. Trump’s re-election.
BTW, did you know that the J stands for John?
I generally hook into a particular commentator and stay with them ‘for a season’. If I get them at the outset of their writing or marketing career, I enjoy watching them gain credibility, increase in maturity and build their business. Sometimes they are at the twilight of their career and their methodology is superseded or their thinking or message becomes stale and their time in the sun passes. It is rare that I find one person or one source of information that I can concur with long-term as I find things to complain about, or things that grate with me. This also applies to other aspects of life too as I found myself moving from church to church and even country to country over the years. It has also been hard work to let my career develop and move from one industry sideways into another.
So our first example of a source of information comes via a very talented and passionate guy Mike Adams, who established Natural News. In the last few years after seeing the writing on the wall for Facebook and Twitter over free-speech, Mike has established alternative platforms and some of his resources are using them. One of his contacts is an ex-US military guy Jeffrey Prather who puts out a daily twice-weekly message. He sees evidence that the entire US Presidential election fiasco was a military operation. Others concur totally independently. My research shows me that there is a huge degree of credibility to these claims. It ticks all boxes and explains perfectly why some are petrified of what is coming. Be it a deliberate attempt to destroy a corrupt party and a dodgy commercial operation as part of a plea bargain (“give us our lives and we’ll cooperate with you Mr Trump”) or the perpetrators actually think that they can get away with it all I’ll know it when it comes out that Donald Trump has brought his 2018 Act into play and declares martial law.
It’s not too important to me whether Trump goes or stays because the real issues for me are spiritual but as a political aficionado it’s a hoot watching it all play out as it is. I think that Jeffrey and others are right, but we’ll see which deck chair gets re-organised where on the sinking ship in the next couple of few weeks.
If Jeffrey and other military people see things in their military ways and Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani sees them in a legal sense; political blogger David Farrar in a political way, how do we find real wisdom then?
Applying wisdom
If wisdom is defined as seeing things in a particular situation from God’s perspective (which is always an ultra long-term take) then the Christian worldview provides that to us. This is why to me, the value system I employ and apply. brings so much more meaning that running around like chicken with my head chopped off. Steve Bannon from the War Room Pandemic (another source of political commentary that I have been leaning on for understanding the more recent US situation) says that he strives to “look for the signal, not the noise!”. I like this idea.
Wisdom requires that we face reality; accepting that there are people and forces out to deny the Lord His rightful position on the planet, and then assess who is doing what, why, and how this fits in with His plan. It requires us to know Him; love Him and to serve Him with all our being so that when things come along (like for example censorship, political situations, disinformation and life/financial challenges) we can make our decisions independently and please Him.
[…] Political situations are popularly turned partisan, thus requiring this binary selection, an error […]