Viewing complex issues in a binary manner may suit Hollywood Westerns but is unwise when talking of complex political issues, or indeed people. In this post I show how Mike Adams hits the nail on the head in regards to the 2020 US Presidential appointment saga. Essentially he believes that the US military will never allow Joe Biden to be their Commander in Chief and that deals have been done to progress the country.

Divining truth in the murkiness of life becomes hard in a sea of deception, none harder than in politics. Amplify this challenge into the politics of one of the most powerful countries on the planet, the USA, then place yourself on the other side of the globe in a tiny rural town and you have a challenge and a half. I’m up for that challenge though!
The premise of these series of blog posts is that there is a global conspiracy exactly as described in the bible – mankind vs the Creator. Mankind has chosen to go its own way against the God who created ‘good’ and that the voting process (aka democracy) is the process by which mankind conspires to achieve its aims – power and money used to maximise this control of its own destiny. In the USA, this idolatry is epitomised by worship of their Constitution, the founding documents supporting a “Democratic Republic”. Democracy is the easiest and most natural form of human government where evil can have its way – through the influence of money.
Applying wisdom (defined as seeing things as God does in any particular situation) into this political situation requires us to first know Him, His desires for His people and His modus operandii; then to accurately assess the US situation; then lastly to apply His wishes for the US into that situation.
Mike Adams catches my attention every now and then with his daily UPDATES and while rather more verbose than I generally have time to wade through I’ve found them to be quite perceptive. To date, for example, he’s not been wrong in any of his analysis that I know of. He also has my respect for putting his money where his mouth is, and his essentially practical approach to his concerns. Founder of Natural News, he also has a heavy metals laboratory that I watched him create. His investment into social media has also got my attention.
His most recent update contains a detailed description of the politics that is occurring around the activation of the 2018 US statutes that protect the US from foreign interference. His underlying premise is that the US economy (as is the Chinese economy too) is destined for short-term failure and that those in the know are “looting the system”; making hay while the sun still shines.
Declaring a form of martial law via a state of emergency is the Trump plan to secure the country from foreign attack. While not spoken of much in the MSM, World War Four is now underway and I believe knowledge of this reality will seep out to the populace more over the next few weeks as Trump acts to defend the Republic he so clearly and desperately loves.
WW4 was declared surreptitiously a few years ago and has heated up quite considerably as the 2020 US Presidential Elections progressed. The “alternative press” has various takes on these matters and depending on the commentator’s area of interest (be it military, religious, technical, financial or political) the story goes like this:
The bad guys (China, and to a lesser extent Iran, Russia and others*) want to rule the world and have declared war on the USA and the [primarily] Judeo-Christian, Western World. China collaborated with the Vatican to get rid of Donald Trump who stood in the way of their plans through the 2020 election fraud. Soros, Gates and the Central Banking fraternity (who also go by the name of Royalty, the Illuminati and more) are also supporters who own the MSM who are totally complicit [biased]. Pedos and Satan-worshippers at heart, these guys and girls are called the Deep State. They seek the New World Order and have gotten their ‘evil’ hands on the FBI, CIA and populate big business and mainstream politics. COVID-19 is/was a bio-weapon intentionally released to lock-down the world; create global mayhem and increase central control. The US political environment was prepped in advance of the massive electoral fraud. Trump lost according to the MSM but actually won in a “populist nationalist” landslide.
Big Tech’s banning of Donald Trump and purge of conservative influencers is the current face of this war. The recent False Flag attacks in Washington DC and the subsequent Impeachment issues are the current distractions while the real power plays occur in Texas. Q, (also spoken of as Q Anon) is a military insider, his identity kept anonymous but is a well known secret, who has communicated a simple cryptic message of hope to true patriots. The essence of his message is that Trump is a ‘good’ company man; that he is in perfect control and that the military does and will support him. Everything is well planned and ‘The Plan’ is working well. I like what the Deep State call it, “hope porn”. That’s a clever phrase that holds an element of truth, although I do accept the Q messages to be essentially all valid.
According to my current understanding (more on this later) the True US Patriot movement started with the aftermath of the JFK assassination in late 1963 when some 200 US Generals determined that they would protect the US Republic from the Deep State and they have supported Donald Trump to prepare for his “Make America Great Again” mission.
In Mike’s most recent post, he talks about the recent activation of Trump’s laws (as do other alternative/conspiracy sites) but more importantly he describes the complex negotiations inherent in such decisions. Military interests seeking to maintain power and influence (essentially funding of perpetual warfare for the Military Machine) will need to fit in with Trump’s personal agenda to MAGA and look after the little peoples’ interests. That will be an interesting negotiation, I’m sure!
Understanding these political pressures where the generals currently meeting in Texas with the President will be seeking payoffs for their support, along with Mike calling Q’s posts an “over-simplification” is exactly what I have been trying to describe – that real life is NOT a binary situation like the ‘good guys vs the bad guys’, despite what both our natural human desire seeks and what the MSM attempt to present us.
In my next post I dive into a couple of conspiratorial Military sources, again describing how I divine truth by understanding human nature; taking into account who the people are; their backgrounds and then showing how their messages can be seen best in proper context.
Thanks for swinging by again today.
* I use the “bad guys” label as part of the ‘binary’ narrative, not because I believe that say, all Chinese love their CCP leaders and therefore ARE all ‘bad’, nor that the other guys are all ‘good guys’.
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