This post explains how evil works in regards to the 2020 US Presidential Elections and the upcoming Inauguration of Joe Biden. I show how the crooked government, Media, Big-Tech, Political & Religious leaders use deception to retain power but when we read the tea leaves correctly, the truth is that the Conspiracy is real. Enjoy.

The big-picture here is that what is presented as a tightly contested Presidential Election in which Joe Biden won, and President Trump is simply a #soreloser and has been causing mayhem since, was actually a landslide victory for the Presiding President and massive election fraud (the “Conspiracy”).
I detail this Conspiracy now paraphrasing a recent message from Simon Parkes:
The “unawake & unaware” do not know that President Trump secured some 75% of the entire vote in the 2020 Presidential Elections, and this includes [incredibly] the flipping of California. Who in their right mind [sic] would think that after the investment of the last four years that this man would “go quietly”? He has not and will never concede but instead he and the ‘white hats” will move to implement the plan to arrest a massive number of crooked individuals, probably some time from Sunday [17th January 2021] onwards but before the inauguration on the 20th [US times/dates].
While not likely to get this far, any video of a fake & illegal inauguration of Joe Biden will be CGI/analogue false reality, with perhaps Tom Hanks as compere. It is possible that Biden may attempt to drive up to the Whitehouse but he will be refused entry if he does. Any such events will be trickery and if presented on the MSM will result in a takedown of the MSM within 12 hours. The authorities “have enough [evidence of fraud]” to take down the MSM anyway already. Biden will never get to inhabit the halls of power and with 21,431 loyal soldiers in Washington DC there may be “ten days of darkness [more correctly described as 10 days of no communication]” but all is well in the Trump camp [with the good guys].
Simon continues with his predictions:
There could be 5-7 days of disruption, with the UK [Simon’s country of residence] being cleaned up last. There is likely to be a prolonged period of [lesser] trauma elsewhere. Mobile phone & TV services will be lost and a global lockdown as TV defaults to one US channel which will display live court martials and testimonies beneficial to Trump’s position shown on a loop.
Whether this Conspiratorial view is realistic or just simply crazy will be proven shortly. My take, like Simon’s, is that those who are “unawake and unaware” (Simon’s phrase) will get serious egg on their face and that as events unfold those who are more alert, analytical and informed will be rightly respected and leaned on for wisdom moving forward. Indeed the reason for my timing of this series is that it is my belief that the above summary is indeed reality. Things are in the process of occurring and pretty much as outlined here, despite the deception from the MSM.
And that is the clue as to what this is all about – deception.
The altering of reality into a dream-world that suits evil – just as what occurred way back in the Garden of Eden – deception is evil and evil manifests through deception. Adam and Eve fall into sin because they allowed their pride to believe a lie and they then became slaves to a master with evil as the motivation.
Genuine truth-seekers seek to identify the hidden agenda behind any source of information – be it in their personal lives or big-picture issues like geo-politics.
When I was in my early 20s I moved to Centrepoint Community in Albany which was essentially a sex-commune run by Bert Potter. Eventually they put him away for underage stuff, but when the temptation came to me for what I called “adultery” I was ridiculed and encouraged to, “give myself permission” to try different behaviour. As a young Christian I chose to remain sexually faithful and of course had to leave that environment, with a huge personal cost resulting through my inevitable divorce. My wife at the time chose to “stay & play”. The point though was not that I was pure nor that I needed to be tested, but that I needed to see how the temptation came to me through deception.
If I had mucked around with other women then I would have denied the faith that He asked from me. Real godly obedience first required me to see where the deception was. It took me time to see how that relatively ‘blind obedience’ (while costly) was actually a stand for truth. I dodged the bullet of deception.
Belief in a Conspiracy for conspiracy’s sake is just nutty, but when it stacks up, it is vital that we stand by it when we see it. Understanding how deception is at the heart of evil then is the essential first step.
It is rare that anyone will claim to want to worship deception. Everyone claims to want to know the truth . . . everyone. With division widespread though, truth divining is vital.
I aim to know and speak the truth like many, but I don’t agree with everybody else, even though I can agree with much that many others talk about. I may agree that a certain preacher or commentator speaks truth on a certain topic but may disagree (even vehemently) on some other aspects of their take.
For example I have a lot of time for Henry Makow‘s take on the Illuminati and the Jews, but I cannot accept his essentially negative hope for the world, and his blanket refusal to deal with the difficult subjects surrounding the Holocaust. He speaks truth to a degree but does not hold the Truth in its fullness.
Likewise with others I have mentioned previously – David Bay has taught me the importance of looking for truth in the polar opposite direction to the official story but I do not accept his eschatology or theology. Ron McKenzie has my biggest vote when it comes to eschatology, his core understanding of scripture and especially the heart of God, but to me fails the Truth when he uses the MSM as his guide on geo-political issues. I absolutely love the logic and discipline of the Catholic Church, especially in social justice issues but abhor the evil inherent in a pyramidal power structure system and sexual immorality. Anthony Migchells has my vote on the topic of usury and appears to have a hugely accurate take on the way that the charging of interest enslaves humanity. Even the source that I have quoted above as the most accurate Conspiracy information doesn’t seem to understand that “going back onto the gold standard” doesn’t solve the financial crisis in the slightest like Anthony does, but this most certainly does not mean that in my eyes the man personally is worthy of worship!
Jesus & Dealing with Evil
Evil defined in my book is the failing to hear and obey the Rhema (Spoken Word) of God. This is a matter of humility and choice – to hear requires us to humble ourselves and to obey necessitates a conscious decision for obedience.
God has no need of fighting evil. For various reasons He prefers to let it implode. He restrains it, then when ready simply removes that restraint.
Jesus said that He was the Way, the Life, and the Truth. In my analysis He alone is worthy of that claim. So the way He dealt with Evil is worthy of critical analysis.
My take is that His primary role in Ministry was to show, practically who His Father really was. He did this by example and taught, using His three years of Ministry as a real-life example. He consciously confronted evil, but not with force, nor with the political power systems of the day, but by using the communication mechanisms of the day intelligently to expose it. At the outset of His Ministry He took water and turned it into wine – a simple demonstration of His divinity. He returned the evil of His adversaries and applied logic to destroy it and He was fearless to speak the truth as He knew it, indeed even deliberately p*ssing the adversity off and charging into their ‘head office’. He knew exactly who He was and what He had come for and when the time had come, He set His face towards His trial and crucifixion. He heard and obeyed, paying the ultimate price.
It is my observations that Donald J. Trump is akin to the Master in terms of political skill, and IQ, and basic street smarts but despite my conclusion that the US Conspiracy theories that he is currently poised will bring the US, and a large part of the world into a New World Order with a greater bent towards the US than Chinese, he is still a “he” and not the “He”.
IMHO, it is still many, many years away (and most certainly outside of my lifetime) before the predicted and sought after 10,000 years of peace and tranquility reign. I see an awakening all right, as people are shocked, but returning Trump to power shortly, even returning one major currency to the Gold Standard and even the reelection of a resurrected JFK, Jnr in 2024 (if that even happens) is not the big “Great Awakening”. It is simply a step towards that direction.
Simon Parkes continues [paraphrased] in his recent analysis:
Look around you. Look at the MSM. This is not a normal transition. “Bad people” in power know the score – it is Trump or them! It is a fight to the [non-literal] death. It is actually a straight fight for an existence of a way of life.
The Industrial/Military Complex has dissolved to simply the Industrial Complex with the impending Military actions – luckily because otherwise there will be “no America in 4 years”. They haven’t come this far to simply go away into a corner. The impending actions can’t come soon enough but they are so well controlled that they do not need to panic. Trust the President and look at the astonishing amount that has been achieved – more than any President – and especially in the face of adversity.
They actually did the same thing in the 2016 election to get Hillary Clinton elected but they totally underestimated the level of support for Trump and got beaten. The support for Trump was even bigger than in 2016, and it totally swamped their algorithms. That’s when Leonardo was used, and votes had to be trucked in. This was allowed by Trump and they did exactly what they were expected to do – 75% to 80% of [the corrupt politicians/] government will be replaced. Both sides have planned and what is playing out … what is actually happening is no surprise.
Apparently among Trump’s remarkable achievements, some 34 quin-trillion was seized from Vatican bank. If this is digital funds it is worthless but not if it is backed against physical assets or gold.
Simon also notes that Tax law is essentially illegal and comments that our efforts to “Flower & develop” are being “crushed by the system”. Umm, yes!
When it all comes out shortly, Simon encourages us to ask the question, “Why did we get tricked? Who got it right? Why? Of Course, conspiracy will never been ridiculed again!” I think that this is perhaps an oversimplification but it may have some validity as the honest face up to their gullibility.
He calls it a “final battle” although I tend to doubt that, although many will be undoubtedly called to account. He does IMHO correctly describe the MSM as the spear-point of the battle. Indeed it is their only weapon with biological weaponry having failed – COVID-19 having accidentally escaping inside China during the struggle.
IMHO, Simon’s assessment that this is a battle between good and bad is only partly correct but if evil exists then logically godliness also exists.
Another conspiracy commentator and political activist, Robert David Steele calls the focus on China’s geo-political ambitions a distraction and [IMHO rightly] explains that it is the UK (actually the Money-Power based in the City of London) who are the real enemy of the USA.
To me, the worries of the world are not mine, nor yours. It is though incumbent of us to divine reality around us, to hear Him and to do what He asks us to do – minute by minute; hour by hour; day by day.
Remember then that divining reality accurately avoids deception, and that deception is at the heart of evil. People who deal with truth always work with the application of logic onto facts.
I trust that this summary has helped you understand things as they really are! Thank you again for swinging by today.
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