This post gives the backstory to the publication of John Ingley’s book, I Fed the Baby, and it shares the personal protection mechanisms I have put in place as a result of the work I do. In this case, the subject of my research and writing is New Zealand’s most infamous ‘cold case’, the Crewe murders.

I do not fear death because I know where I am going. Except for pain (no honest, sane person would ever actually seek that) I would actually welcome an exit from this crooked world, but it hasn’t happened and it won’t ever happen at my own hands, of that I can assure you!
I should have been suicided when I took on Samoa’s Prime Minister and I revealed the identity of his Mistress on 1 June 2015 – after all he was certainly actively involved in the elimination of a political opposition ten years previously. What’s it really to him if a troublesome Palagi foreigner is taken out in his country?
I am also recovering well from a major heart failure in 2016 when it was touch and go, thus my conclusion is that I still have work to do here before I get beamed upwards.
People have killed before though, and often over much less, but it would be remiss of me to hand the fate of John’s life’s work to the very people that he established had good cause to fear the publication of his research.
To this end, I have established a Dead Man Switch to ensure publication of John’s book on the promised date; informed the authorities in a full and timely manner, and publish today here what I have done, and why.
Dead Man Switch
This simply means that when the man is dead, it switches something on. It is a simple device (technical and/or social) that ensures that the bad guys can’t prevent the good guys getting something out. In my case, if I am ‘suicided’ (or die by natural means prior to the publication date), the book gets published no matter what. A key strategic component of implementing a Dead Man Switch is that the knowledge that it exists, for this knowledge acts as a deterrent to malfeasance.
If I were the Police and were attempting to prevent publication of unwelcome information provided by yours truly, I would use a Search Warrant and perhaps in conjunction with an urgent injunction to try to stop publication. I would go through Interpol and attempt to gain access to my GMail account, to search for HARVEY CREWE, JEANNETTE CREWE, ROCHELLE CREWE, ARTHUR ALLAN THOMAS and similar spellings.
I would seek to find any communication to third parties, friends, contacts and lawyers who may have the file(s) they wanted suppressed on all or any computers they could find near me or around me. I would also search for and through papers for anything else “of interest” while I had the chance.
I have informants in thirty one different countries going back many years and my Dead Man Switching has nothing to do with such predictable conduct. All third party computers around me have had Crewe data professionally removed. I do nothing knowingly to break any laws.
If I Fed the Baby is not published on my website by Wednesday 17 June 2020 as promised, it will be published elsewhere in multiple jurisdictions without my active involvement.
Assessing the Risks
I consider that the risk of such adversity to be real but small. Kiwis hate corruption and while they can be (and are) fooled easily by their gullible trust in the authorities, they do have an innate sense of justice. Our leaders know this, thus it would be a high risk strategy tempting fate to do something serious like that.
Publishing my actions to prepare for this possibility and sharing my analysis of this risk will minimise this risk, but remember, two people have already died and an attempt has been taken on John’s life, although this was quite some time ago.
I do not know the exact details that the crooks fear getting out but it has to do with the identity of the woman who fed the baby – Pamela – and the financially driven motive of the original crime. These are the two Achilles Heels of the cover-up that “they” wanted suppressed. Since then of course much of this cover-up too must be protected.
The potential consequences of my failure to publish though, are huge, thus I have had no choice but to do the needful in this case. This is the sum total of a man’s lifetime of work we are talking about – certainly the last 40 years of it nonetheless. People need to understand this – I am sharing my thoughts, true – but it is John’s life’s work that needs to get out there as much as my message.
Most crooks, crims and crazies get over a sole blogger pinging them online after a little while. Mostly they get back to their crooked business in various ways, usually wounded but they will usually pop-up again doing something similar, somewhere else. John though entrusted certain people to carry it on with his passing. His original researcher & author aged before he could complete it. His lawyer just pays the bills and will not stand strong for what John actually wanted. His widow is incapacitated and his surviving family is divided and dysfunctional. There is only one able to publish though, thus the way that I look at it, I will ensure that this happened, no matter what.
One of the risks I have also assessed is that of court involvement, and I consider this quite possible. An injunction could be issued by a few different sources:
- Other authors whom I ping for being corrupted or compromised could attempt to prevent my words getting out there;
- Rochelle too could take offense and instruct a court to gag me. Her lawyer is a relatively recently appointed Crown prosecutor too, so it would be a huge feather in her cap to cause problems;
- The Police have a very good reason to have me silenced, and although they could find it pretty hard to do it themselves, they could easily support others to achieve this.
Remember that truth, logic & justice may not apply in this case when there are vested interests at stake. I’m actually not worried about any potential gag order from NZ’s authorities because the Dead Man Switching will ensure publication in offshore jurisdictions without my involvement.
Personal Thoughts/Motivation
I was nigh-on 12 years old when Harvey and Jeannette were executed. As Arthur Allan Thomas went through his various ordeals over the couple of years following, I, like most Kiwis followed the story through the media at the time. The radio and the daily NZ Herald newspaper were our families primary sources of information back then. I spoke to a senior Police Officer who knew our family well (I was only 14 at the time and yes, I was ‘engaging brain’ and asking pertinent questions even then!). I asked him if he really thought that Arthur did it.
Policeman John (‘John’ was his name and so we all called him “Policeman John”) replied firmly. “Yes! We [the Police] know that he did because we have information that we can’t talk about!” He may have included, “. . . yet!” but I can’t be sure after this amount of time. John was a straight dude. Don’t laugh but yes there are some, he was an ‘honest cop’!
Knowing what we know now, it is clear that some within the NZ Police misled their own at high levels. Indeed this deception leads to the highest levels at the time, as well as since then, because finding that Hutton and Johnston were crooked cops is actually just the start. It is inconceivable to me that Hutton (Johnston’s senior) was not under influence from above, if not direct orders. Ross Meurant explains well the pressure exerted at the time for political purposes, but while this is clearly true, and a major factor, it’s only part of the picture.
I don’t just see a Police force under pressure to come up with the goods for political or appearance reasons alone. Please don’t tell me that this has remained the sole reason for fifty years and that the other disciplines I mentioned previously have all just screwed up at the same time! No, untangling the Crewe murders gets a LOT messier and deeper than just answering three questions as to motive, murder weapon and the identity of one of those involved.
This then is where my personal drive comes from – to understand it. I have dug long and deep in this investigation to the point that I understand how it has all occurred – pretty much, anyway. Some details of John’s assessment may need validation and may go either way, and people may correct me on some minor details but I’ve definitely got the big picture now.
John’s questions for example of Rochelle’s pedigree; his describing of the actual murder weapon as a pepperbox .22 pistol; his naming of the Gurney brothers as the actual heavies; the sum total of Maisie’s wealth of almost (probably more than) a million dollars in 1970; the significance of the Port Waikato, 3C4, S67 & S68 properties and how the financial fraud was undertaken through reverse ordering of the probates may require others to comment and tweak. The facts remain however that fraud did occur; that properties were involved; that ‘old’ English wealth was indeed hidden in trusts; that a high profile lawyer deliberately named Rochelle as a “Thomas”; and that Pamela had given birth to a child c. Rochelle’s date of birth.
I’m a little different to most, in that to be quite honest, in 2020 I really don’t care if the Nazi controlled Auschwitz of the 1940s gave the Jews, political dissidents and fruitloops of Nazi Germany a swimming pool, hospital and opportunity to give birth to 3,000 babies 75 years ago or whether they marched 6 million of them straight into showers of poison gas.
I don’t care if 99% of the Western ‘Americanised’ world believes that a gazillion years ago NASA repeatedly sent their human beings through the van Allen Radiation belts in their ‘flying bathtubs’ or not.
I don’t give two hoots whether Arabs with a box cutter led by a madman in a cave on the other side of the world took down a 47 storey steel frame building for the first time in history “in sympathy” with WTC1 & 2 or not.
I want to see the evidence. I want to work with facts and I want to have the freedom to apply logic onto those facts.
Fifty years ago, after the balloon had gone up at the Crewe farmhouse and after the initial Police crime scene photographs had been taken, somebody moved an item from beside a wheelbarrow at a crime scene a few metres to the East then burned it on or beside a small tendrill bush. They repaired or moved a bottom rail of a fence back into its original position, then over the following weeks and months, they or their mates systematically removed certain critical evidence, planted evidence that wrongly convicted AAT, and continued for the next 50 years to attempt to convince the gullible that they do not know who the ‘mystery women’ was; that Rochelle Crewe was never fed nor changed in five days; that Harvey Crewe was murdered inside his home then dragged OUT contrary to the photographic evidence that he was dragged IN and that Jeannette Crewe lost half a dozen front teeth through spending a few months wrapped up in a rug in a river!
Spare me days!
Then I read the 2014 Police [as the Thomas family call it, a “white-wash”] report. It starts by declaring that it will only look at evidence. “FFS, you’ve removed half of it yourself, you fools! Do you think I’m an idiot?” I cry out in disbelief!
Then I watched the media conference in which the Police present one of their own, a man I know to be a true “company man”, known to those on the inside as ‘a nasty piece of work’ speak about his report following four years investigating his own which found that . . . wait for it, they don’t know “the significance” of the missing evidence; & that “the baby was never fed”! OMG!
Then I watch the top notch lawyer employed to monitor the investigation say that the investigation was all above board, thorough and . . . well he actually came to a different conclusion than the cops did. Umm, ‘scuse me? I really must get back to Alice in Wonderland – it makes more sense than this comedy show.
Then I waited months (yes, months) for a redacted copy of the Appendix 1 which I had to get via an Official Information Request and then I knew . . . I knew . . .
My work analysing John’s research brings a greater understanding of human nature into the equation. I naturally trust people, a common failing of those of us who can be trusted. I have though learned through the school of hard knocks that all of us lie. We all deceive. It is the human condition to puff our chests (or breasts) out a little when we encounter one of the opposite sex. We mostly all protect our patch and care more about ourselves and our own welfare than others. We all stretch the black and white absolutes of good and bad; right and wrong – at times, when it suits us.
It’s all a matter of degree. ‘Taking out’ those to whom we owe money. Putting a problem down with a bullet, or two. Presenting only the things that help us achieve our goals, passing over a few missing clues . . . stretching things in court just a little. Grey stuff, you know.
I’m sure that you get the picture!
My Motivations
My motivation in putting John’s book out there is multifaceted:
- To conclude my contract to do so. I bought the company that gave the undertaking to a dying man to publish – posthumously. It was supposed to be a commercial project but John’s family didn’t agree to a minor account and weren’t even interested in talking about what they wanted to do! I gave them a year to sort it out and tell me what they wanted; warned their lawyer that I’d publish it no matter what after a year and this was more than a year ago. So you can now get John’s findings without having to wait for the opportunity to buy a book that may never even get published;
- To help those more involved than I am with ‘solving’ the Crewe murders. While there is a lot more than two key questions, there are two pieces of information that many genuine truth-seekers want to know that have never been released that I know of to date. First, the details of the murder weapon and secondly the identity of the woman who fed the baby. I publish here those answers.
- My own reputation. I want to be seen and known for who I am – a man with a brain, who uses it and who is fearless to speak the truth; and
- It’s the right thing. It’s the honourable thing to do. Sure, maybe Rochelle might not want to hear it all, and the cops may want the public to keen on feeding off their crooked spoon but too bad. They’ll ping me if I do something wrong no matter what, so the saying applies: “heat – kitchen”.
It only takes one person to speak the truth and an entire population can see that the Emperor has no clothes. Many people benefited from these murders. The cover-up began with the moving and burning of the cloth beside the wheelbarrow and the restoration of the bottom rail of the fence, then silence. My estimate is that this started within hours (possibly 12-36 hours) following the Police’s involvement. One phone call is all it would need. “Harvey & Jeannette Crewe have been taken out. Missing for 5 days. Blood all over their home! OMG, the balloon will go up over this one. Sort it – now!”
I do not believe that Hutton or Johnston were the instigators of this travesty of justice. Others above them were and the senior Police as well as many in the Pukekawa district knew the motive VERY well right from the outset. We do know that Pamela had Police protection in 1980. I strongly suspect that this though went right back to 1970, which is why her identity has been suppressed all these years, and even those supposedly wanting the matters solved are guarded, and “hold certain things back”.
Of course I too would like to see these crimes ‘solved’ but this can never happen formally when the solving proves a knowing Police cover-up at the highest levels, at least until 2015 that I know of!
More importantly than knowing the information that John reveals is encouraging my readers to engage their brain. Think people, please! PLEASE tread carefully and ask questions. I’ll help you with the key questions that I have as we go through it all, but to assume that the Police (or anyone in authority for that matter) always speak fact and that the Police want to solve the crime, is totally unrealistic.
In my next post I get into the nitty gritty of the crime scene and do my best, as I do in the book proper to explain how things went down on the night. Gruesome, sadly but necessary to do so first, so that we can dig into John’s research into the lead-up with the facts behind us.
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