In a recent post I explained how my understanding of fraud in the 2020 US Presidential Elections was best seen in proper biblical context – while the world was created good, since the Fall it is indeed a corrupt place! In this post I explain why the widespread acceptance of this reality excites me . . . it is a critical step towards mankind recognising its prideful folly.

People who use the mainstream media as a primary source of information are generally older, and to put it crudely are dying off or at least will be gone soon. This gives the newer, and hopefully wiser generations a chance to break free from the enslavement that has occurred with the power-brokers of the last decades. Whether this does occur, or to what extent is as yet unproven but the mesmerising narrative that the likes of the BBC, CNN, the AP and even more recently Fox News has hamstrung widespread fact-based, intelligent thought.
With the overt censorship of Google, Twitter and Facebook getting out, most of the younger generations (not beholden to the MSM) are now aware of the reality – at least to varying degrees – that the authorities have an agenda. Sure, the globalists and power hungry still continue to use the newer technologies for their own purposes but the awakening process is, I believe occuring.
This process of awakening is akin to my own journey of realisation – that the world is NOT like that presented to us. We all seek perfection inherently. We all want to believe that the world is a benign place, and that we are liked, loved and are the centre of it all. It is a big thing to understand that this is not the case. I recently put a puppy on a chain for the first time. Previously free to walk wherever she chose, whenever she wanted, it was a tough experience to learn that at night time, she had to do as the older dogs do. She cried all night for two whole days nights before she learned that she wasn’t the centre of attention any more.
I learned as a child that my father denied emotional reality and that my mother deceived me over Santa’s existence. I learned as a teenager that the newspaper journalists lied (um, how can I put it a little more politely?) … exercised their literary license liberally; and increasingly that the church and its religious leaders were more interested in power and politics than genuine faith; that there were thousands of scientists who did not accept the faulty conclusions of our claimed evolutionary [i.e. chance] background; that power and money had huge influence and that essentially that the world was a crooked place.
This maturing process is enormously important to our spiritual path as well. It is when we choose to obey the Lord in maturity that we ‘get’ it best. This realisation that politics is crooked PER SE, will be coming shortly following realisation that the US political scene is crooked in the 2020 US Presidential Elections.
You see, those who cannot see reality in the little things will never see how they have been manipulated in the bigger ones. Except for divine revelation (I’ll get to that shortly) they MUST realise how they are being played at any level on any discipline or sector of life before they can get the big one.
Breaking free from deception (say from a cult) can be a revelatory experience but it is more often a gradual process of learning. Sure, Muslims and Chinese Christians have been coming to faith in Christ through divine events like dreams in the millions, but it is more common for people to talk to people about their own experiences; their own learnings and revelations (like me here and now) and then to gradually see how there is truth and integrity in the ‘conspiratorial’ message.
In an emotional sense it is easy to argue with some dude that sees conspiracy everywhere than it is to deny logic and evidence, piece by piece as it comes out. You just write him off as a nutter, without evidence, baseless, unfounded allegations and so on. It is a lot harder though to counter facts and logic, one after the other, over years.
I remember the 9-11 attacks and a friend who was living with me at the time racing in to wake me and telling me that ‘they’ had just flown planes into the towers. I had just gone to sleep and even though I was really drowsy at the time, I had the presence of mind to know that it would be disinformation or a false-flag thing, and go back to sleep, saying, “If it’s important enough, it will all be revealed in the morning!”
It was. All of the above.
So the two ways that I know of how someone learns reality (especially if it is conspiratorial in nature) is first and most commonly through the hard graft of asking questions and applying logic onto fact, and secondly through revelation. And I’m not referring here to intuition – I mean divine revelation. I have found and seen the latter to be less common by an order of magnitude and only on the big-picture things and single events or sequences of events. In my lifetime there are only three times I can recall specific big revelatory experiences – my initial getting ‘zapped’; events surrounding marriage to my third wife and events surrounding my emmigration to Samoa in Q4, 2009 and early 2010.
Many dozens of my conclusions in other situations however come from the application of sound logic onto fact. It is when I do the research . . . when I ask the questions that others don’t, that I ‘get it’.
I have opinions, some would say strong ones, and often contrary to mainstream belief systems, but these opinions come from doing the hard yards. I have those opinions BECAUSE I am curious to know the truth and I follow the evidence to its natural conclusion.
Before I apply this to the biggest and most important one of all, which IMHO is the identity and calling of Jesus Christ, and before I dive in to the Trump election fraud issues, I’d like to show you how I see the use of questioning evidence and applying sound logic in one high profile example – the Holocaust.
This is a taboo subject in most Western circles (it isn’t in the East which largely knows the full score and mocks the West for what it sees as its blind subservient lunacy to vested interests!).
For the record, my extensive research has found that the three core tenets of the Holocaust story have no evidence and are essentially false: (a) Hitler at no time ordered the extermination of Jews in Concentration camps, b) Six million Jews did NOT die in German Concentration camps and c) Gasing by Zyklon-B is technically impossible and therefore didn’t occur. A lot of other dodgy stuff occurred in WW2 but I have found no credible evidence of these three specific claims – they are totally unproven.
First, my alarm bells go off when it is illegal to even ask questions, let alone hold contrary opinions. Amazon, Google, Twitter and Facebook censorship anyone?
Secondly when the subject gets twisted automatically at the outset, this is another red flag to me. Why can I not ask a question without being fearful of resultant ad hominem attacks? Am I really an anti-Semitic dude when I simply ask questions over some dodgy evidence? Of course not! Perhaps there is an agenda here?
Thirdly when I see a lack of understanding of the other side’s position, I know that there is ignorance and a failure in the areas of truth. It could be willful but unwillingness to apply logic and fact-find to any degree is obviously deception. People who ‘believe’ in evolution who don’t even know the difference between Macro-volution (which is simply blind-faith BS) and Micro-evolution (observable reality) need not be listened to. Just as people who do not even know what the central claims of Historical Revisionists are who dispute the core Holocaust story. People who also lean on the MSM for their information on the US election must by nature be fooled. Genuine truth seekers always get away from the indoctrination and disinformation dished up by vested interests.
Fourthly following the evidence is vital. When one piece of information is proven false or propaganda, we will naturally dig deeper. Another one; then another; then another and you get the picture. Story upon story! This is the mark of a genuine truthseeker. Deception causes us to dig in deeper, not to turn away.
So the exposure of China’s role (specifically the CCP) in ‘stealing’ the US Presidential elections was a claim Trump made early in his presidency. It was why he introduced the laws in 2018 that beefed up his power to act decisively when the situation needed it. As president of the USA he has intelligence (both information and IQ) light years ahead of the rest of the population, and certainly that which comes out in the MSM!
His conduct to date shows me very clearly that he is much, much smarter than those against him politically. He has outfoxed many of those out to bring him down and the massive effort to attempt to defraud the American people of his second term in office has simply flushed out those who seek power over truth.
I’ll conclude now with another quote from Jordan Peterson regarding attempting to hide from truth – you can’t:
You don’t have the power to bend [manipulate] reality without it snapping … you can bring new things into being but you can’t get away with a falsehood
More that half of the USA know that election fraud occurred and this number is increasing daily. May it increase further.
But let’s go further now and understand that the Lord is outside of politics and He seeks to break the power of the spell that this worship of democracy brings. Yes, one political party (the Democratic party) engineered fraud. Yes, big tech too participated and the MSM has for a long time deceived its readership. Oh you can say for as long as you want that the Founding Fathers believed (and like the corrupt Samoan PM claims, his powers “Come from God”) but what really needs to happen now for the wheel to turn a full circle is for the trust of the people to return to the rightful source of real governmental power – God.
Understanding the person of Christ and His mission on earth is the ‘biggie’ of all people in all ages. Since the cross & resurrection of Christ, actually since His return at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit is the One who has the ultimate power here on earth. He doesn’t force His ways like we all want to. He simply requires our authority to act as He so wishes then He does.
It is when we, individuals, listen and obey Him that He outworks His will on earth and godliness immediately reigns, and yes I mean immediately – it is instant. It is not any commitment from us to a philosophy, religion or belief system that matters – be that the Republican party, the President, the US constitution, the Catholic church nor even Christianity as a concept, it is personal faith in the Word, the Rhema (spoken Word) of God individually and then our action in obedience.
Hear . . . Obey. Simple.
IMHO, with increasing revelations of evidence of US election fraud, breaking the public perception that US politics is worthy of worship has just taken a giant leap forward. It will continue now with the genie well and truly out of the bottle. I cannot predict the timing of this process, indeed it may take generations but I’m excited! You too should be.
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