Crooked property investor and developer Yusufa (Tom) Faye thinks he is a big-shot businessman, but he’s actually an immature lowlife crook and a fool. In a recent coup for justice he was forced to cough up what he owed. Indeed under threat of liquidation he did, he but threw a paddy at having to pay the collection costs. My take is that he’s made yet another error of judgment, proving to the world again that he’s lacking in maturity and ethics! Have a good laugh now …

Yusufa (Tom) Faye is a self-confessed big-shot businessman based in Auckland but operating a small business at the bottom end of the property market and out of town, in the southern regions of both NZ islands. He’s actually a failed salesman, failed IT entrepreneur and low-level property developer pretending to be a success. I generally let such dreamers be, note their wishes and move on but for all his BS, Tom is actually a crook – a user of people and he has made a few “mistakes” shall we say, that really p*ssed me off.
I’ve previously shared this loser’s story but the essence of it was that he contracted a mate of mine to fix the roof of a house he was working on, then bought a fight with him and generated a BS reason for not paying, because … well, because he couldn’t. He then bought a fight with me. My research proved that not only could he not pay, but my mate was not the only one. Ouch, so he has ‘a reputation’ then? Hey, normally them’s the breaks in business eh, you lose one – you win one. Just get smarter and deal with people who can pay when they have to. Normally.
Tom however, took on the wrong guy, ’cause my mate had just come out of a successful sting operation exposing crooked businessman Clarry Withers and my mate slipped me Tom’s details. “Can you help me with another idiot ‘problem’?” my mate asked me. He also shared a few of Tom’s written words and that made me see red, because to put it briefly, Tom’s attitude sucked!
When a businessman says, and in writing too I might add, “You made me wait on delivery for three months so I’m going to make you wait for payment the same!” then I want to know what is really going on. Is this really a genuine grounds for delay or is it just BS from an immature guy who genuinely owes the money?
Now I know my mate and if there’s one thing he’s not going to do is rip the punter off. He’s as straight as a die and when he says that he did the best he could and that he was jerked around by the client and that he did a whole bunch of extras and that he worked his a*se off in inclement weather to help this fool, I believe him over Tom’s BS all the way.
My research also showed me that Tom had assets, he had a reputation and that he had just secured a finance loan, so that he most definitely couldn’t pay up (hence all the BS about having to wait) but that with his loan arriving he now could pay up. We slapped him with an s289 Notice (That’s a Statutory Demand) and left it the required 3 weeks. Then we showed him we were serious and went after him with a liquidation proceedings in the High Court and today, this morning he coughed up. TOTALLY COOL!! Thank you Tom, I should be blogging that, “You’re a good man after all! Let’s all kiss and make up and get on with our lives shall we?” You know, it was all ‘a big misunderstanding’ sort of thing?
But no!
To the end, this idiot makes it a lot worse for himself and pays only the original amount, not the collection costs! OMG! What an idiot this dude seems to be. Tom, I don’t know what sort of business environment the Kenyan one is but the s289 notice served on your company, (you know the one you ignored?), and the notice that my mate was serious and was actually going to liquidate your company states an amount owing that you never disputed that includes collection costs! Do you know what that means here in NZ Tom?
First it means that my mate is dead serious about getting you to cough up what you owe him, even if it means taking you out.
Secondly it means that the courts can still wind you up for not paying the full amount owing, you fool!
Thirdly it also means that it is clear that you knew that you owed and didn’t pay until you were threatened. Not good Tom, VERY not good to future business people who bother to search you before they do business with you!
It also means that you have shown me that you really are everything I have spoken about you – immature, low-life, a crook, a fool and more.
It also shows the world that you really do not understand the power of speaking the truth – nor the power of the Internet. Despite your claims to the contrary you really do not seem to appreciate the very technology by which you have laid claim to being an expert in. Tom, there’s a good piece of advice in marketing, if you are stupid, keep your mouth closed because if you never open it the world may still think you’re smart. Open it though and you will show the world who you really are.
This is surely the reason why Govett Quilliam have shut up big time over their stupidity to threaten defamation against yours truly. They don’t understand defamation laws but I am very sure that their underwriters do and while they may hate me until their dying days for my exposing their errors and coverups, at least they have the brains to STFU when they have to!
Specifically then my advice for Tom (or others, as this dude apparently doesn’t have the smarts to learn from me) if you’re going to screw others in business, don’t put it in writing and choose people who have not taken on other idiots in business and won.
Rant over! If you’ve got half a brain, go and do the honourable thing yourselves eh? Tom won’t, that’s for sure, well at least until probably an hour before the judge forces him to! I’ll let you know when this idiot coughs up the rest he owes my mate . . .
Chin up people. There are a few honest ones out there!
[…] being served with his 289 and then taken to court for a liquidation Tom coughed up part of the account this morning. Like all fools he thinks that if he pays the portion he has and lets his matter go to […]