Massive changes in the global power structures have been occurring, increasingly ‘taking out’ previously powerful ‘Deep State’ people. This honest analysis mirrors a lot of the commentary and reporting I am getting from trusted original sources. In this post I update my findings of Guantanamo Bay events. Enjoy
The following analysis comes from Michael Baxter’s offering at Real Raw News. Established in December 2020, this site is Gitmo’s official unofficial release mechanism. The vast majority of Michael’s information comes from Gitmo although a little bit pops in from time to time – Feugo, DC, Diego and so on. My understanding is that there are tens of thousands of indictments ‘live’ out there and that the US Military has been furiously working through them all in multiple jurisdictions. As Michael has said himself, there’s no point in just repeating the gory details about how these people were taken out – a hanging is a hanging. You spend a day or two or three before a Military Jury, when found guilty (usually of treason) and sentenced to hang you are treated like an enemy combatant. On the day they decide, you are marched up to the gallows, given a chance to say a few words, then you hang until your neck snaps.
Most of these dudes and dudesses got the hanging treatment. Some cried. Some begged for mercy. Many spew forth their anger and venom as they went, but they all went or will likely go to the same place.
For those that question how this can be, when they have seen these people on TV or cannot believe it, find me one piece of credible evidence to the contrary – just one – and let me know. Benjamin Fulford’s recent piece about Fake, fake, fake explains the extent of the deception . . . read it, if you doubt me! I’m not always 100% with Benjamin as sometimes he slips up and puts in a few dodgy items and gets caught out, but 98% of what he says and reports, certainly the thrust of it all, does match with others and has high credibility in my books.
I’ll return after you’ve digested all this with a few final comments before closing. IMHO the best way to read this is to download the spreadsheet and view the RRN links on anything of interest to you. I’ve sorted the 46 people by surname and provided the links when they were indicted, arrested, convicted, sentenced and exterminated. Who they are (or were) is to the far right and I’m open to correcting anything you think I or Michael have gotten wrong.
It’s also appropriate to observe the analysis of credibility that another reader has recently posted. It mirrors my own thoughts having never found one porky or error in now years of trying, except for his surname Baxter, which is an alias, perfectly understandable methinks!
For the benefit of those not aware (e.g. those new to this site) and because this is a Military execution resulting from an OMC Military Tribunal sentence I will point this out again. NO Military Tribunal Prosecutor/Officer or Defense Attorney has ever spoken out against reference to themselves in any RRN articles. These are career high level Military NO nonsense individuals who would never allow such to occur if false. Especially since it involves matters of National Security. RRN articles get hundreds of thousands of views. MB has stated his sources are people in day to day contact with President Trump and the Military. MB has stated he stands by his articles and sources and any disclaimer is only on the advice of legal for protection. MB has stated he reports what he is given. As such some is likely transcript in part or whole of tribunals in some form. MB has pointed out the advanced technology of CGI, Deep Fakes, Doubles and Masks. MB and his site have been under attack from day one by Satanic Globalists, Deep State, Traitor Trolls, etc spewing propaganda, lies and deception while increasing the volume and devious means of attack (e.g. Feigning support for to gain False credibility and then withdraw such and attack. Trying to plant False/Absurd doubt to distract from TRUTH. Falsely claim to be a RRN site Admin other than MB. Large scale DDOS attacks.).
Robert Dziok
I confirm and concur – totally!
The best way to view the above for the dedicated is to download the above data in my latest spreadsheet.
Firstname | Surname | . | INDICTED | . | ARRESTED | . | CONVICTED | . | DEATH | . | METHOD | . | Comments | |||
1 | Huma | Abedin | . | . | . | | . | . | . | . | . | . | Hillary Clinton’s offsider | . | ||
2 | William | Barr | . | | . | . | . | | . | | . | HUNG | . | Former Attorney General | . | |
3 | Hunter | Biden | . | . | . | | . | | . | | . | HUNG | . | Biden’s son | . | |
4 | Deborah | Birx | . | . | . | | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | |||
5 | John | Boehner | . | . | . | . | . | . | Trial Scheduled 2021 | . | ||||||
6 | John | Brennan | . | . | . | | . | | . | | . | HUNG | . | . | ||
7 | Warren | Buffett | . | . | . | . | . | . | Trial Scheduled 2021 | . | ||||||
8 | George | Bush | . | . | | . | | . | | . | HUNG | . | Ex-president USA | . | ||
9 | Dick | Cheney | . | . | | . | . | . | . | Bush’s offsider | . | |||||
10 | Liz | Cheney | . | | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | Dick’s wife | . | ||
11 | Bill | Clinton | . | . | . | . | . | | . | | . | Prison then Poisoned | . | Ex-president USA | . | |
12 | Chelsea | Clinton | . | . | . | | . | | . | | . | HUNG | . | Bill’s step-daughter & Hilary’s daughter | . | |
13 | Hillary | Clinton | . | . | . | | . | | . | | . | HUNG | . | . | ||
14 | Francis | Collins | . | . | | . | . | . | . | . | ||||||
15 | James | Comey | . | . | . | | . | | . | | . | GUILLOTINE | . | . | ||
16 | Amy | Coney-Barrett | . | . | | . | . | . | HOUSE ARREST | . | Trial Scheduled 2021 Supreme Court Justice | . | ||||
17 | Patricia | Conrad | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | Special assistant to NIH Director Fauci | ||||||
18 | Andrew | Cuomo | . | . | . | | . | | . | | . | HUNG | . | . | | |
19 | Mike | Donilon | . | . | . | | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | Former Biden Handler | ||
20 | Jack | Dorsey | . | | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | |||
21 | Jack | Dorsey | . | . | . | . | . | . | Trial Scheduled 2021 | . | Twitter CEO | |||||
22 | Anita | Dunn | . | . | | . | . | . | . | . | Former Biden Handler | |||||
23 | Anthony | Fauci | . | | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | | ||
24 | Craig | Fugate | . | . | . | . | . | . | Trial Scheduled 2021 – Tierra del Fuego | . | Former FEMA Director | |||||
25 | Bill | Gates | . | . | . | | . | | . | | . | HUNG | . | . | | |
26 | Melinda | Gates | . | | . | | . | . | . | . | . | Bill Gate’s wife | ||||
27 | Tom | Hanks | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | | . | HUNG | . | . | ||
28 | Brock | Long | . | . | . | . | . | . | Trial Scheduled 2021 – Tierra del Fuego | . | Former FEMA Director | |||||
29 | Mitch | McConnell | . | | . | . | . | . | . | . | ||||||
30 | Marc | Mezvinsky | . | . | | . | | . | . | HUNG | . | . | Chelsea Clinton’s Husband | |||
31 | Gavin | Newsom | . | | . | | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | Former Governor | ||
32 | Mike | Pence | . | | . | | . | . | . | . | Prison | . | . | | ||
33 | John | Podesta | . | . | . | | . | | . | | . | . | . | |||
34 | Colin | Powell | . | . | . | . | | . | SUICIDE | . | . | |||||
35 | Samantha | Power | . | . | . | . | . | . | Trial Scheduled 2021 | . | ||||||
36 | Brad | Raffeensperger | . | | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | |||
37 | Susan | Rice | . | . | . | . | . | | . | | . | HUNG | . | . | ||
38 | Mitt | Romeny | . | . | . | . | . | . | Trial Scheduled 2021 | . | ||||||
39 | Donald | Rumsfeld | . | . | May 27 & then to Diego Garcia | . | . | | . | SUICIDE | . | . | Iraqi War Indictments | |||
40 | Adam | Schiff | . | . | . | | . | | . | | . | FIRING SQUAD | . | . | . | |
41 | Peter | Scolari | . | . | . | . | | . | HUNG | . | Diego Garcia | . | Hanks’ Former Co-Star | |||
42 | George | Soros | . | . | . | . | . | . | Trial Scheduled 2021 | . | ||||||
43 | Sonia | Sotomayor | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | | . | HUNG | . | . | Supreme Court Justice | |
44 | Kevin | Spacey | . | . | . | . | . | . | Trial Scheduled 2021 – Tierra del Fuego | . | ||||||
45 | Rex | Tillerson | . | . | . | . | . | . | Trial Scheduled 2021 | . | ||||||
46 | Mark | Zuckerberg | . | | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . |
Closing Comments
It is VERY hard for people to change, especially the older they get. Massive change has been occurring in the global geo-political space as the Illuminati and what is now called the Deep State have been getting their come-uppance more and more.
In conspiracy circles this is referred to as an awakening as an awareness of widespread corruption at the highest levels of governance is now seeping out. The rage that occurs in the awake and aware among us is palpable. While we can compare our war stories and share about x number of friends or families who have had their lives ruined from the ‘clot shot’ or have themselves had a stroke within days or had massive blood issues as a result of the jab, how do you react when you find that Hilary actually went to the grave a long time ago; that President Biden also is an impostor; that there is no war in the Ukraine or any embargo and you’ve been watching fantasy on your trusted source of news? What are you going to do when the ‘crazy conspiracy nut down the road’ is found out to have been right, and the bulk of the population have been fooled? Can you cope with the challenge that a major power shift like this brings?
It’s hard, I know. Of all people, I know. I’ve been at it for 63 years and while I haven’t seen it all, I have now become cynical enough to expect that what I see and am told is only part of the story, and that there could be major self-interest and deception afoot, especially when their is sex, power and money at stake. The problem that we face is not that all conspiracy is now fact and everything that the MSM puts out is false – no!
The problem that I see is that when we ascribe change to a belief system to an un-named, even an unknowable entity, we deny the true Creator that which is His by right. When we throw our hands up in horror and run away from a problem, we are simply jumping from the firepan into the fire. Those who hated President Trump ended up with a fraud. Those who hated Biden ended up with Putin. Those who hated Christ ended up with . . . what?
Our problem goes right back to the outset. It is called pride. It is only pride that causes us to reject His ways and turn to our own. If the bible is right; if the Christian message is on the nail (and I see these as two as facts) then the global consciousness change currently occurring is not, and I repeat, is NOT a spiritual awakening that will bring mankind freedom.
Bop off the names mentioned above by all means. Take out another 50,000, pr 100,000 pedophiles, liars and self-interested human beings by all means but our freedom means identifying the Creator correctly, then hearing His words, then doing them – NOT in killing ‘evil’ people. THAT then brings us the freedom that we seek. For then we will deserve it. No amount of politics, technology or New Age thinking or talking will achieve this.
As I’ve recently explained, we have to operate within the design specifications issued by the Creator. Humility allows us to hear His word and then obedience brings that blessing.
Cheers and thanks for reading today!
dennis says
And from Mike King:
Harvey Weinstein
Will Smith
Bruce Willis
Alec Baldwin
Ellen Degeneres
Wendy Williams
R Kelly
Charlie Rose
Matt Lauer
Jeff Zucker
Les Moonves
Jack Dorsey
Chris Cuomo
Rachel Maddow
Brian Williams
DC Lobbyist Tony Podesta
Senator Al Franken
Senator John McCain (no “cancer,” he was executed)
Congressman Paul Ryan
Senator Jeff Flake
Senator Bob Corker
Congresswoman Liz Cheney
Governor Andrew Cuomo
Jeffery Epstein
Ghislane Maxwell
Les Wexner
The Bronfman Sisters
Bill Gates
Hunter Biden