I’ve been working hard on Declan’s book Deception – the MH370 & MH17 Stories. Here’s an infographic that I’ve developed for inclusion. Enjoy!

Let’s go through this infographic step by step then . . . The title explains the infographic – the main sightings and core evidence. The subheading teaches us that there is truckloads more, but the main ‘sexy stuff’ is here.
- Declan says that the oil rig sighting of Michael McKay is most likely that of after-burners and in his book he shows why he claims this. Michael has had difficulties as a result of reporting his sighting – being hounded by the media and losing his job!
- MH370 went dark and did a 180 degree U-turn at the time of the handover between Malaysian and Vietnam air-spaces.
- Some say it climbed from FL350 to FL385 (38,500 feet) – logic however says that it descended to where it was seen flying at a low level.
- As it’s flight controls were taken over remotely by the thieves, it attempted to minimise its presence by staying inside the Malaysian airspace but hugging the Thai airspace border as it scooted over the mountainous region there.
- It was sighted zipping up the Malaccan Strait at top speed, (again all within Malaysian airspace).
- It headed West at the final way point.
- A sailor saw it in the dark before it
- … headed on to the Maldives
- … and then landed at Diego Garcia.
Obviously if the plane landed at Diego Garcia, the red dotted line (the official story) is bunkum – a falsehood.
Declan’s book explains in enough detail what happened, who did it, how and why that it will be well worth the read. It’s taken a while to tidy it all up but it really does make sense. You just gotta take what the goggle-box and news media dish you up with a grain of salt, don’cha?
To the die hards who can’t accept that any conspiracy exists the two key factors that you need to grapple with are:
- On what basis can you determine that the red line is fact? and
- On what basis does the ‘found’ wreckage have validity?
Having helped this author with his book, I can concur with him and others that the evidence used to establish the dotted red line has very serious questions – it basically came from one source, is totally unverified and unverifiable (it’s essentially as dodgy as h*ll!) and that there is no actual evidence of wreckage that stacks up – none!
Hmmm! Now where have I seen this sort of thing before? Shhh . . . don’t say it a way that anyone can hear you say it, but does this remind you of the “Six Million” story?
MH370 didn’t ever go missing. Powerful people in the know just stole it. Not everything went according to plan for them but the second part of this book explains what happened to the aircraft’s frame, post the Diego Garcia landing.
I can’t wait for this thing to get finished and published!
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