The true Christian walk is primarily a relationship – not a religion. The power that is available to the Christian believer though, is far more than just knowing somebody. Enter, the Holy Spirit and His incredible, indescribable wisdom, power and ways. Enjoy!

At the age of five years old, my father responded to my childish repetition of a simple obvious fact, with anger and denial. His outburst was, “I’m not the boss, I am your father!”
But he WAS indeed the boss, and we all knew it, so I became confused and lost the confidence to assess reality very early on in life. This put me into a head-spin and the resulting confusion over my identifying of reality set me onto a lifetime path of truthseeking, which has morphed over the years into investigative work, and truth-speaking, in particular this blog, but also a range of books.
At the age of 20, some 15 years after this formative event, my wife at the time suggested that as she was spooked by my bead-counting and chanting that we attend a “real church”. We did. I did nothing but simply had an experience, one where I was essentially ‘zapped’. It has been my challenge to deal with that experience in the more than four decades since.
Nobody converted me to Christianity. In one sense I was a reluctant convert. I was though an active truth-seeker, and I met the Truth. It was less than a year later that I had my first ‘heated discussion’ with the local Pastor. As I recall it, he insisted that Section 228, clause 59B of the bible, when read in the full moon on Sundays with your finger up your [deleted] advised that he (the Pastor) was the only person allowed to do [whatever it was that I disagreed with].
Our relationship therefore came to a rather abrupt end! “I quit!” “No, you’re fired!” was the kind of thing that we engaged in.
So there you have it, the short version. I look back after all these years and marvel at how the imprint has outworked so miraculously – a paternally induced challenge, answered in an experience engineered from outside of my own thought and actions – then a career developing my confidence to speak and share, the investigative skills that have stood me in great shape to identify, then communicate truth to others.
The key to this is the work of the Holy Spirit. A silent humility; wisdom that transcends human reason and a divine capacity to understand; a genius with unlimited power to affect His purposes on earth, the Holy Spirit is the friend that those with Christian faith need to know and appreciate.
My bible tells me that:
- Jesus came by way of a virgin – His Father sent the Holy Spirit at the point of [immaculate] inception. Woah!
- The Holy Spirit attended His baptism in visible [dove] form. Wish I was there to have seen that party!
- When Jesus passed His test of temptation in the desert it was the Holy Spirit who tended to Him. Have you ever noticed that it is the Holy Spirit who actually leads people like Jesus, Paul and others into the desert? Actually leads them?
- The Holy Spirit guided Him and taught Him who the Father was – and ultimately who He was.
- When He completed His work among us, He promised to send the Holy Spirit to earth. He did this at Pentecost a couple of months later.
- The body of Christ (that’s the plebs like Ewen Me for the uninitiated) will do more than Jesus did by an order of multitudes through the Holy Spirit.
Read that last one again eh?
There is a deception that all hell is breaking loose on earth. That’s BS. My bible and everything I see around me tells me that all HEAVEN is breaking loose. Another deception is that there is a big fight between good and evil. Again that’s utter bunkum. The fight’s all a huge deception when you know already the outcome! Another thing that fools the populace is the negativity that surrounds us. Corona virus; JFK, 9-11, Pearl Harbour and more – if only the fools that watch and believe the stuff on TV would look outdoors and they would see what I see . . . fruit trees laden with fruit, free for the picking. Nut trees laden with so many nuts that it is simply insane . . . and people all around me, desperate for answers, yet fully aware that their inbuilt antenna that picks up the deeper things of life (and death) has been seared by the BS of religion.
So apart from hating religion, I also despise proselytism. I find it fascinating that Jesus taught the crowds when it was needed but that He really enjoyed the quiet times alone with a few. Holy schmoly this is supposedly the Son of God, whose whole purpose in life was supposedly to come to earth and sort things out and He . . . wait for it . . . pretty much ignored the desperate and needy out there. And then those that did get in close, He whacked them with the list of their sins, told them to sort themselves out or else. Excuse me?
It seems to me that He deliberately took it to the stupid, greedy, religious leaders of the day; He pretty much ignored the masses (He certainly showed contempt for their political leaders) and He made it as hard as possible for people to follow Him by showing all that they had to play for keeps, especially when He marched off to Jerusalem to meet His own Waterloo!
Nah . . . if people don’t ‘get it’ when you tell them, then show them the Truth, then let them go their own way!
The point of this post is that the Holy Spirit is alive and well on this planet. He is doing (current tense) what He has always done, working in individuals’ lives to draw them into that closer walk with Him. He speaks. He teaches. Through our conscious choice of humility, He draws us into a closeness that oozes confidence – generating an aura of godliness that belies human reason. He is the power behind the true Christian walk.
Go God!
In the next post in this series, I share the practical aspects of what some Namby Pambies call “walking in the Spirit” but which is simply normal practice when you have a relationship, and I personalise it with my own situation, specialising in the prophetic. Stay tuned!
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