An update here from Matapuna, deep, down and dirty . . . the temptation is to respond in kind with the “ways of the world”, (fighting fire with fire); to escape (as the Captain calls for from Scotty in the title quoted); or we can just box on. Most go the way of pragmatics but the genuine will never sompromise the truth and value justice. It is a lonely and can be a costly experience but there are a few of us who do fight the evil empire and according to those in the know, our numbers are increasing daily . . . Enjoy!

Drug use as far as I can tell has escalated recently, as has the violence around us and I include the COVID-19 Jab drugs and violence in all this too. The good captain assessed that there was no intelligent life ‘down here” and thus wanted out. I can concur with those sentiments but they are wrong. There is – intelligent life that is.
And hope!
Escapism, by way of TV, movies or drug use is a perfectly valid coping mechanism for a world gone or going insane but at what point does it become a part of the problem rather than just a coping mechanism? I note with interest that JAG has reintroduced hangings at Gitmo after the bullet to the head thing proved too up close and personal for the boys who pulled the triggers. Man, that didn’t last long! One topped himself and the other can’t sleep according to Michael Baxter (surname not real) so they’ve gone back to the old lever and a rope trick – it’s a little more impersonal they say and the hangman keeps on a keeping on doing his stuff despite the theatrics inherent in this form of execution.
While he writes from a US-centric perspective (he is after all one of them) Mike King has a good handle on the changing times and concurs that things are looking up in the truth in public perception department. His recent take on Russian propaganda, as opposed to his own bad-guys’ version puts it as a win for Boris (or whoever is playing him).
So I’ve been sporting a shiner since last Wednesday night when I got knocked out by a punch that I never saw coming. Yeah sh*t happens down this Matapuna way every now and then. It’s been pretty quiet down here for the last year or so but I surprised a few goons last week and they scarpered, thinking that they’d gotten away with their trespassing. My neighbour reckons that things are real quiet down here and that he’s not lost anything . . . umm, I guess my security services for the last three years have paid off eh?
A bit of blood and a few bruises never did anyone any harm did it? [That’s an understatement, a bit of sarcasm and a joke BTW!]
Word on the street is that a video has been going around the High School and that the four boys who I caught and got confessions from will rue the day they ever jumped the fences down here. Apparently their identity is well known and they’ll get their beans ‘just desserts’ in due course . . . a local mate of mine reckons that to put an old[er] dude like me into hospital in their ‘hood isn’t the done thing as it brings shame onto the whole place.
I concur, but the last dude to cross this path left with a few teeth or a bit of blood missing and won’t be back in a hurry, so I’d hate to be them!
The cop reckons that they had four cars out looking for them and that they got a few calls about it, so it must have been one hell of a punch from a 14 year old! Reminds me a bit of Samoa, actually – quite quick to anger and not short of a bit of power to boot. I’m no physical fighter but I’ve never given in yet.
There’s one village in Savaii that is minus an old man and his grandson because I waved the bone at him. I was told that they died in the same hospital on the same day three weeks to the day when I vented and gave the matter in question to the Lord. From then I am VERY careful what I say and who I point my finger at. I think of lions pouncing and eating up idiots who take joy at mocking or hurting older people.
So my face is still a bit sore and a little tender and the cops will probably do their thing and the pose will take these matters and protect the local reputation the way they want to . . . whatever!
Beam me up? Nah, not yet!
Fence Wars & More
I’ve been fighting with a couple of neighbours over some fences for the last little while. Most of them are cool and have agreed to either put up, update or improve their fencing but a couple haven’t agreed to contribute. Actually one did then changed her mind (a woman’s prerogative don’t cha know?) and I’ve already blogged about another who I have to pay to reinstate what I took down.
The thing with these neighbours is not that they have to chip in legally, they don’t because I’ve got railway land which is exempt from the Fencing Act, the thing is that they share the same lawyer, the one whom I have already pinged as ‘bad” and am suing for defamation. Following the Disputes Tribunal results coming back, I slipped “Madam” a little note asking her what she wanted to do about a few little things. She screwed up and didn’t read the reference number and name correctly. “Oops!” at least she admits it this time.
OMG and this is a woman representing others in a legal sense? Anyway that one client of hers responds to the questions I asked of another one of her clients is par for the course. I’ll let this one go for the moment but it’s not the first time she’s gotten caught out like this! Pretty much more of the same from a pretty unprofessional and sloppy outfit, I’d say!
So there’s more where that came from it seems . . . apparently my lease has been undermined by LINZ leasing the land to another dude. I got a trespass notice on Friday which of course I rejected out of hand. Here’s my reply for the record:
Hi Elizabeth (cc Paul Dowie, NZ Police).
I am in receipt of your Trespass Notice dated yesterday and just received, today.
Please take notice that this notice is disputed and that as the dispute between us is of a civil nature, therefore it should only be enforced with an appropriate court order. Please also take notice that as per the many communications between us to date, any attempt by you or others to evict me from this property against my will, will be defended.
Dennis A. Smith
NZ Phone: +64 9 817-6402
AU Phone: +61 29 067-2067
4/2a Para St, Taumarunui, 3920, NZ
Anyone would think that after a couple of dozen comms back and forward with these fools threatening to trespass me off my own land that they’d get the message but, no. It appears that they really, really want to get rid of me by force.
I rolled on up to an Aussie dude who came onto my land on the 4th July this year. “Hi! My name’s Dennis what’s yours?” “Gary Bott” “Sorry I have a hearing loss. How do you spell it?” “B-O-T-T” “You came onto my land before. Did you want to lease it?” “No I didn’t.” “Yes you did” . . . at this time on this date and you did this and then you did that. “Oh maybe I did!” “Mmmm Hmmm!” “Oh yes I came to see xxx and I went into your office (there is no office BTW) and there was nobody there and . . . ” “And then you went here and did that.” “No I didn’t.” “Yes you did because I followed you and I saw you.” “Oh that, well maybe you saw me go into the other shop next door.” “No, I know this because Kerry told me that she’d give you my name and details.” Silence “And then you drove up by the golf club and turned right and . . . ” No, No, No. “Oh that’s where I live . . . ” FFS! Why do people want to lie all the time?
Look people my gate was locked for months before but it was opened the day that LINZ sent their prospects up to scout on around. Funny that eh? Four cars drove in and checked the place out – all of them keeping their distance and not coming all the way in. So how on earth would I have ever known this pray tell? Wake up guys!
I’ve been fighting LINZ since 2018 when Peggy Veen from the local council wrote up a few concerns RDC had with me seeking to lease railway land in Ohura. I didn’t know this at the time but it seems that Peg’s informant Michelle from Ohura was keen to keep me out of Ohura. It couldn’t possibly be that I was a private investigator and she had a few properties (yes a few!) hidden in her maiden name and that her husband was doing them up and making a sly buck or two without the Official Assignee’s knowledge could it? Surely he wasn’t a bankrupt and this was illegal – surely not? Oh and was this lovely woman whom Peggy took a liking to also a Missionary Kid turned New Ager with a mother that I got on well with and whom I suggested that she should actually listen to? Surely she too hadn’t also been a bankrupt too herself a few years before and knew how to do the naughty things from then and helped her new husband to do the same was she? Oh nooooo!
So my Official Information Acts request of LINZ in 2022 showed that there had been a ‘little bit of gossip going on’ between RDC and LINZ (hmmm) and that combining this with another matter where another ‘high powered idiot’ had also lied to protect herself from seemingly actively participating in a conspiracy there was real BS afoot all around me!
“Beam me up Scotty!” would really be starting to appeal now . . . surely?
A mate of mine said it straight, “Get me out of here, please! Once this project is done I’m outta here. I’m going to ‘hang in there’ [get it? ‘H-A-N-G in there?] and wake up dead. I don’t know how you can do it but I can’t hack it any more!” he says. I think I understand – both him and Captain Kirk!
Sticking Around
It’s tempting I know, but there isn’t a doubt in my mind that there are many people, many who hold out hope that somebody, somewhere will step into the breach for them and speak it like it is. The little people across the globe cry out in unison, “Please, Nisi, please never give up! You bring us hope! We’re rooting for ya!”
Now, the temptation to opt out is there, but I can promise you that if you ever find me dead by way of non-natural causes it will be because I have been suicided. It will not be suicide. Nobody takes 95 pages of evidence down to the Police along with an Injunction all ready to put in front of a High Court duty judge in preparation for a crooked government department official and then takes the easy option. Nobody!
Nobody dares to sue the Deputy Mayor of his own town for defamation taking all manner of BS from a woman he’s been warned to be very careful of and then opts out. Nobody!
Nobody stands up to the lies and the gossip and the physical violence from a horrible, crooked, greedy, dishonest and corrupted world only to take the easy option. Nobody!
The secret is not that I’m special in any way – nor that I’ve got some sort of ‘rosey life’ somewhere. The secret is that I know that the truth will always out. I know that many people across the globe are starting to realise that they have been lied to – that my website for example has some very pertinent facts and that they may have been caught out trusting people who haven’t been entirely honest with them.
In 2022, I’ve been trespassed from my own home, business and building by people who have lied and tried to use deception to get their way. It hasn’t worked. The truth will be coming out shortly, I promise.
In 2021 I was charged with a crime of dishonesty against all the evidence and I faced the possibility of seven years in prison. It failed totally and this year the crooked ones will get exposed and hopefully held to account. I promise.
I’ve recently taken one for the team and spent some time in hospital after I chased down and caught a few chicken-losers who trespassed my neighbour and me, then ran away when spotted, then turned on me when I caught up to them. They’ll pay though! I’ll get the last laugh though as they will face justice.
I’m sticking around folks, for better or for worse. Hopefully the world will be a better place for it. Chin up all!
Do the same too in your neck of the woods too why don’t cha eh?
None of us want you here. You’re a plague wherever you go. Always stirring up trouble because you think you know best. Destroying relations in the community. Cheating people out of money. Even going so far as to cheat the tax department.
It’s very obvious that you’re a loner, nutter, conspiracy theorist with psychological issues. No one else behaves like you with your self-righteous behavior, claiming that women should be subjective to men because of a collection of cobbled together documents which you rely on to justify your hatred of others and bitterness (now let’s not forget the multiple interpretations of the bible, the fact that ALL other religions must be wrong by default, and that there’s missing books of the bible, or that it was collated hundreds of years after the fact – no, nutters like you use it to manipulate people into subservience, use it to justify your bad manners and hatred and your desire to be put on a pedestal.
We don’t want you here in this town. We’ve all made it clear you are universally disliked. Piss off mate.
Oh diddums … Got a problem with exposure have we? You know what cockroaches do when the light comes on eh? They either scurry away back into the darkness or get squashed with a shoe! Troll away please and get used to being shown up for the “obviously” angry, ungodly, frightened, hate-filled fool trying to hide with a BIG chip on your shoulder that you really are!
Unlike you, real men stand up and are counted. Unlike you we do not try to hide our identity. Unlike you we do not seek to be liked. Unlike you we are fearless to speak it like it really is, and unlike you we can handle people with alternate views, so get used to it you ‘goose’, as there’s a lot more to come! As I have told you before, please, keep on commenting here and keep it coming!
Taumarunui is right on the nail. You think you’re right about everything while everyone else is wrong. You’ve alienated a bunch of people and then you go and blog about them in a way that is defamatory and sickening. Who the fuck do you think you are? You shit all over people and then blog some pathetic bleating story?! Funny thing is, your blogs make you look stupid. The assumptions you cast about people – none of them correct and just your opinion – are equally as stupid but you routinely use them justify your arrogant and shitty attitude, There’s a word for people like you and it’s narcissist. The only truth that comes across in your blogs is that you’ve picked fights with some prominent and respected people in Taumarunui and lost. The only thing you’ve achieved here is to fuck up your own reputation. Word gets around fast in a small town and you’d be surprised who talks about ‘that git living at 2A Para Street’. What a joke. You clearly don’t belong here.
Ah! Mr Anon again? The thing is that you may be right about me being a narcissist, but equally maybe I am not and you are transferring your tendency onto me. You can’t be the judge of that because of your self interest, bias and hatred. Perhaps things may be the other way around and that you instead are the one who hides, gets pissed off when you can’t get your own way and tries to bully others. Get a life, mate.