In this post I dive into dealing with the depression that results from realism; the normal process of awakening and dealing with increased knowledge that the world is indeed a wicked place, not the benign environment that we are led to believe by TPTB. It takes maturity and a deliberate, conscious effort to counter the pervasive evil that surrounds us, as President Trump quipped once, we were in “The calm before the storm!” and the storm is currently upon us. I show how fear (used to control) can be countered by knowing two things, timing and our personal purpose.

When I was a child the fear-mongers talked fearfully about the “Reds under the bed” – a reference to a pervasive Communist influence. With New Zealand’s current Prime Minister an ‘open but closet’ Socialist (“Comrade” Jacinda Adern) about to be removed from office (according to Australian secret service*) the fight-back appears to have begun here in Godzone.
An Awakening
Awakening is now occurring across the globe though, as people start to see that their questions actually have conspiratorial answers. Gradually the term “Conspiracy Theory”, or a “Conspiracy Theorist” is becoming a mark of honour. It may be too late for many who have been jabbed but recent conversations have anecdotally confirmed for me that my multiple hours of research resulting in our Club Wairua Vaccination Free Zoning has indeed been validated. Thank God that I had the smarts to write the website and while it has only had a few hits, the feedback is all positive from those that do (or did) escape the local rag’s active censoring.
One 91 year old friend told me recently that he always suspected the jab was BS, and after I shared my take that our Club has been “Vaccine Free” since May, he swore that he would never take another one. Another friend’s husband had a stroke within days of the jab. Another man shared how he had been as crook as a dog fror a few months. “You’ve had your jab of course?” another wasted question. A couple shared their own experiences about lethargy as a direct result of their jab. Another listened intently as I shared the Taumarunui Bulletin’s efforts to silence any dissent, saying, “I find this all fascinating” and explaining that her daughter refuses to get a jab. Suddenly, from living in my own world researching reality, I find that I am surrounded by neighbours, friends and others suffering as a result of “the jab”.
Holy sh***!
The point for me is not so much whether a jab is good, effective or needed, the point is that people are now beginning to see reality; the quality and source of their information is improving as they can see the forces at play – politics, big-business, big-Pharma, big-Tech, whatever. This increased awareness excites me – not the exposure of evil – these dudes ply their trade no matter, but the increased capacity to handle alternative thought is hugely beneficial to the country. It comes at a price though.
I’d be lying if I claimed that I never get depressed when I find out that there is another fool or corrupt cop out there or that yet another conspiracy is proven to have legs. I struggle with fear and depression as we all do, but before I get into that and how I handle it, to give you an idea of how these events are unfolding, look at Mike King’s list of celebs who have been replaced with mask wearing impostors and doubles, many already “taken out” in the last recent while:
The “Editorial Board” of The Anti-New York Times has, for some time now, maintained that the White Hats have already been using Deep Fake technology, masks and imposters as fill-ins for certain Satanic celebrities and crooked politicians who have already been “disappeared” to the military prison at Guantanamo Bay on the island of Cuba. We also believe that actors — some wearing sophisticated masks — are being utilized for the same purpose. These assertions always draw a mixed response from the loyal readership — ranging from: “Holy shit! You’re right, Mike! These ARE fakes!” on one side, to: “Mike, love your work, but you’re really discrediting yourself with this crazy talk!” – on the other end … Let’s have a look at some of these imposters — and some headlines from various entertainment media sources, all containing the word “unrecognizable.”
KHLOE KARDASHIANThere’s something strange going on. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t quite look nor sound like herself; Alec Baldwin (who also looks “unrecognizable”) is finished after that “shooting” incident; the once holy names of St. Andrew Cuomo and St. Bill Gates are shit now; and a 40-year personal friend of Bruce Willis’s (whom we will not name) tells us that the star actor has disappeared.
Even a couple of years ago, if I had suggested the possibility that the Pope was a body double wearing a rubber mask, or that Tom Hanks or Hillary Clinton had already met their maker, I’d have been laughed out of the room as a kook! No more. Sure, people may still be shocked and laugh it off, as Mike’s list of commentators say, “unbelievable” but many of them do the research, and are a little less convincing in their rejecting responses. Some friends even come back to me and say things like, “Nisi, you’re right!” and “How the f**k did you know this?”
Deeper thinkers will engage further and question the basis for my conclusions – politics, big-business, even evolution (sometimes) and for the real brave, the God-thing.
Have a look then at this analysis from a “Conspiracy” website with inside sources. Michael Baxter/Tuffin claims that all these dudes too have faced justice in 2021, most getting put down in the process:
John Podesta
John Brennan
James Comey
Chelsea Clinton
Andrew Cuomo
Hunter Biden
Bill Clinton
Adam Schiff
Hillary Clinton
William Barr
Bill Gates
Susan Rice
Tom Hanks
Gavin Newsom
Deborah Birx
Amy Coney
Liz Cheney
Anthony Fauci
Mike Pence
Huma Abedin
Mark Zuckerberg
Jack Dorsey
Brad Raffeensperger
Get a surprise at some of these names? Hillary went to meet her maker in April (with Trump watching it all), screaming, “You can’t do this to me! I’m Hillary Clinton!” but she was still hanged by the US Military at Guantanamo Bay according to a ‘reliable source’. Chelsea followed some months later and Bill got poisoned while serving a life sentence at Gitmo. Tom Hanks – gone. Bill Gates – gone. Barr, Schiff, Cuomo, Pence, Coney, even Fauci all gone or going with rubber masks and body doubles all over the place! Truth or fiction? Reality or just wishful thinking?
The former if you ask me!
Is There Hope?
So what is the answer then? What is actually happening here, as people awake? Is there an end to it all? Is there hope that there is such a thing as truth and something more than a dream that the questions can stop, or is it just a Matrix that keeps going on and on without hope?
I answer this at two levels, hopefully they can reconcile. The first I answer at an experiential level, sharing my personal experiences and the second I share the philosophical answer, given from a theoretical perspective.
As I dived into the concepts of evolution (in my late 20’s) I was astounded to learn that there were thousands of reputable scientists who rejected the concept of ‘macro-evolution’. The fact that there are two ‘levels’ of evolution is largely hidden from the public, BTW. The concept of macro-evolution (the goo-to-you-via-the-zoo idea) is IMHO just unproven nonsense. The concept of micro-evolution however is observable and undeniable – some call it adaptation (a dog can mutate into a hyena or a Chiwawa or an Alsatian or visa versa sort of thing, but a cat is always a cat and a dog is a dog).
This revelation aroused my curiosity and the shock of the revelation that I had been a victim of a conspiracy to deceive over something so fundamental caused me grief. Grief is the essence of all tension as we see the world in new ways. We grieve when we lose something – in this case our innocence or a previously held world-view on something. Grief is a cyclic thing where our emotions go up and down and around and around – not normally a lineal process where time always heals day by day getting better.
Understanding that those in power routinely lie to us, can be hugely destructive but it is a necessary learning process for us to mature. This applies at both a personal level and at a societal level. This grief is caused by the loss of trust and creates pain and stress for us as we deal with reality.
In a negative sense, not watching the goggle-box helps us mature as we realise how it is simply not possible to get quality information from a polluted, biased source.
In a positive sense, seeking to think for ourselves and deriving information from reliable sources helps us to deal with the pain and stresses of new learning. I’ve also learned over several decades of sticky-beaking that it is NOT conducive to long-term survival of truth-seeking to attempt to advocate. I don’t mind getting my nose bopped if I stick it into places that people do not want me to see, but trying to convince others of what you think is a fool’s errand!
So the theory behind this is that our pride prevents us facing reality. Speaking from a Christian perspective, we’ve all screwed up somehow, so we’re all on the run (from God) and accepting the concept of [macro] evolution means that we can now easily deny His existence. The solution to pride is humility [duh] so as we humble ourselves and acknowledge that there is a Creator, perhaps we can listen to Him and perhaps even DO what He asks us to?
Games We Play
When discussing a crooked Aussie Cop, Mark Standon, an Australian Cop turned shrink, Stephen Barron answers a question from Nine’s Investigative Reporter Adam Shand by talking about this in the sense of “playing the game”. Take note of his answer here, especially the part about “no rules”:
AS: How does someone live coherently when all they are doing is lying and cheating everybody around them?
SB: It’s the game. He’s in the game! Now if you’re in the game you play by the rules of the game and in the end there are no rules to the game! You backstab your colleagues. You backstab peers. You bury investigations. You betray search warrants – the people who are going to be the targets of the Search Warrants, it’s the game.
Trust meant nothing to Standon. Trust was access. If Brady [his boss] trusted him it was Bradley’s problem. It wasn’t Standon’s problem.
It’s the game.
But there is another game that we can play . . . doing the honourable thing. Speaking the truth and doing what He wants from us.
Those who play this ‘good’ game inevitably make themselves fair game for those that play the other ‘bad’ game. For example, corrupt cops that think that they are the law because they have the power target others whom they see as weaker than them. I’ve shared this from my life with a Crooked Cop Samuel Edwards pinging me for taking some scrap steel [supposedly] under false pretenses, despite the fact that he knows that I was given it and that the matter was already before the civil courts. Naughty, naughty.
Having pleaded not guilty and elected trial by jury the matter is now before the Hamilton District Court, and the Hamilton Crown Solicitor is currently playing hard to get. This probably means that she has already assessed the case as a problem and has determined that the evidence does not validate the crime. She will probably wait to the last minute before attempting to withdraw the case. Good luck with that one, ‘honey’. You might find that the court has to deal with my request that my surname be spelled correctly first and my refusal to consent to her jurisdiction in the matter first.
It’s enough to drive one into despair!
And this is the end objective – fear, pain, oppression, profit, use & abuse, depression and ultimately death. This is not a depressed and overly negative slant . . . it is reality. As people realise the true intent of TPTB, which is to main, hurt and eventually kill others they will see and face this impact on their own life and reality. While the following clip is a little sad, to see a top man so down and depressed, work your way through this one and then return here so that I can show you how I deal with this very same tendency toward depression.
Depression & Despair
In an interview with John Anderson, Peter Hitchens says that he has given up. Listen as Peter quotes from the Good Book:
Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
Ecclesiastes 9:10
Peter Hitchens “I believe that I’ve done that [but] the result in material or temporal terms has been zero or less than zero, over many years … I draw a lesson from that: the temporal stuff is just a waste of time.
John Anderson [shocked] “Please don’t give up”
Peter Hitchens “I have given up … I don’t anymore entertain the slightest hope that the things that I do will result in any good outcome. &
Likewise the high profile early-adopter online conspiracy theorist Henry Makow:
Dennis, I would love to be more positive. Until I can be, I would post your positive vision, but not if it is based on “prophesy.” I believe in a spiritual and moral order represented by true religions like Christianity but i do not believe the Bible is literally the word of God. At best it is the word of men partly inspired by God.
Henry Makow, [private communication]
Henry shows the direct causal link between a crisis of faith and depression, despair or death – it is not the issue of what we believe about the Bible, or scriptures that matters, it is the understanding of and obedience to our calling and relationship with the Master that actually matters. This can be derived logically from Jesus’ words where he posits on one hand that it is a good and faithful servant that He welcomes:
The master was full of praise. ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!’,
Matthew 25:21
and with words that should put the fear of God into us all:
‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
Matthew 7:23
Dealing With Evil
Like all before me, as I worked through the issues of who controlled the world, I had to face the words and concepts of evil and came across what they called “the Illuminati”. I then had to deal with this evil and Satanic worship; the role of Alistair Crowley and others; the historical power of the European Dark Nobility; the influence of money creation and debt upon politics; the manipulative power of the Jews and Khazarians; the Mafia, Yakuza, KGB, CIA, FBI, MI5&6; the Vatican, Venetian & Asian wealth, the Rothschilds, the bankers, big-businessmen like the Rockefellers, the English royalty and the power and influence of evil historically going back to the Babylonians, pre-flood times and right back to the Garden of Eden and to the point of Creation.
It was tough, and especially in the early times I would get down and depressed. There was a period of a year or two when my entire demeanour was essentially negative but two things dragged me up and out of this process of coming to grips with reality – first recognising the influence of time, and timing; secondly recognising my own calling or role in exposing this all.
The first breakthrough occurred probably thirty years ago some 2-3 years into my research when I had established to my satisfaction that yes, the Illuminati did exist and that yes, the core claims of conspiracy theorists (in this area of endeavour – power and money) indeed stacked up. The breakthrough for me came when I realised that future events as spoken of by both the Good Book and the purveyors of evil coincided, but that the timing was in God’s hands. I could see a truckload of effort from evildoers yet they appeared to be fighting against a God who held them back and thwarted their plans. The Good Book talks about how the Holy Spirit “restrains” evil until an appointed time. This revelation enabled me to see things from an entirely different angle. I perked up noticeably although this is clearly a long-term and lifelong process!
Along with a solid understanding that Jesus had passed all authority in heaven and earth back to the Father upon doing His stuff here on earth this led into a deeper understanding of my own role in sharing knowledge and wisdom. If it was not my job to save the world, then what was my job? How could I get to hear those magical words, “Well done good and faithful servant!” too?
It is logical that one cannot obey until one knows WTF we gotta do! I have always noted that our conduct is determined by our capacity to hear. In my case I went to Samoa because my calling to go there was so unusual and clear. Likewise my investigation and writing by way of asking questions and blogging is not and has never been about making money or ‘getting eyeballs’! Indeed just like Peter above, I would say that the vast majority of my readers remain pretty much the same as they started a result of my work. This is a primary cause of depression in me . . . except for one thing – I know that He does what He wants, when He wants, how He wants with me and through me. Sometimes, well actually quite often, they pass back feedback which is always appreciated. Deep thought is rare these days and I enjoy helping others to share my learning. I am a writer, so I write. I think, mostly logically and enjoy dealing with the truth.
And this is the secret that the long list of celebs who have ‘gone” didn’t understand. It’s the secret that Peter [above] needs to learn. It’s not about being successful at changing people’s mind. It is the secret that Henry Makow never grasped, thus his eventual demise into oblivion without hope. It is the answer to Adam’s question about how one can live without integrity – we can’t. It is the secret that the crooked Taumarunui cop Sam Edwards has yet to learn – you’ll get found out and exposed eventually. It is the secret that the writer of Ecclesiastes (most likely Solomon, widely recognised then as the wisest man in the world) knew and it is this – that nothing, I repeat, nothing is of any value in the temporal world, if we never know the Master and do not know that we will hear those beautiful words, “Well done good and faithful servant! Let’s go and have a party eh wot?”
Woah! That was a wild ride today eh? Thanks for swinging by today again. Make sure that you do the honourable thing. I’ve said it before – as that wrecker’s signage at the top of Newton Rd said for years, “Drive with care or you’ll end up here!” [on my Hall of Shame].
* H/T Benjamin Fulford
[…] when the un-vaccinated are seen to be contaminated and are refused travel because they played the game. She is finding this out the hard way. Let’s learn from this and hope life hell that our […]