In this post I dive into the concept of origins. Simply asking questions really pisses arrogant people off – and I mean REALLY pisses them off! I start with the SARS-COVID-19 origins then more to another touchy subject (the MH370 disappearance), touch on another Sandy Hook cover-up attempt then finish with the big one – Jesus and my usual biblical take. Enjoy!

You can really piss off TPTB by asking them questions. I’m currently embroiled in a few disputes with idiots all around the country – people who have lied and done something bad or wrong. Just ask the right questions and share their response and you will piss them off, especially when they think that they have power over you.
A recent engagement with the IRD proves this nicely. I have asked for a copy of an “on the record” conference call we conducted three times. Twice they have ignored my request and the third time they have promised a response to my request within a week – which either means that they did not record the meeting as they said they did, or they do not want the recordings made public. In both situations they have lied. “On the record” to me means on the record. Recordings of meetings with IRD are not normally made public but hey, they’re dealing with a blogger, so too bad. What they are really scared of is the public finding out that they are desperate to cover for a Team Leader Linda Dzaferic who has done and continues to do a few naughty things!
This is such a hot topic that the senior goons attending the meeting to cover for her would not even admit that they knew who the Team Leader was, when I actually asked them both point blank! Of course they knew – we all know! They can’t admit that though can they?
Never giving up and just asking questions is NOT the way these fools like things to be played, so out come the knives and while the smaller crooks come and go, it seems to me that the real bad ones stay and fight!
The Real COVID-19 Source
I recently received a tip (thanks Robert) that snake venom (not bats) was the original source of the SARS-COVID-19 virus. I’ve updated the Jab Questions website this morning with the link to Dr Bryan Ardis’ interview with Mike Adams. The thing is that this knowledge has come from some dude just asking questions. Good on ‘im eh? He’ll be taken out for sure as he’s on the top of the crooks’ hit list, and whether this is physically being killed or suicided, or professionally is up for grabs but this kind of thing gets you the same anger that I experience when I ask questions of the arrogant.
The MH370 Disappearance
I’m currently working on the MH370 disappearance from 2014 and it’s the same thing. I was told that the EXIF data on a photograph taken by an IBM employee Phil Wood tracked back to a hangar at Diego Garcia. Knowing from the author’s detailed research that the plane actually landed at Diego Garcia is fine. There’s enough data to run with that aspect of the author’s story as fact but the claim that the GPS co-ordinates pointed to a hangar came into question when I read another story which explained that the GPS coordinates showed that it was another area of Diego Garcia, that the image was taken from.
Woah! “Hello, ‘ello, ‘ello! What do we have ‘ere?” I thought. This story really needs checking out. Sure enough, it appears that the hangar story seems to have been an embellishment, guesswork or assumption on more than one writer’s part. Perhaps even the entire GPS data and his survival was a porkie?
This kind of shock to the system, i.e. challenging an important component of years of research, is not appreciated by anyone, let alone the arrogant. I can tell you that it really doesn’t go down well, to be asked questions like this can be hugely challenging but it is my job to validate; I consider that it is my role in life to make a judgment call on what is, or is not true – BECAUSE I ask the questions.
I want to know the basis upon which you are telling me to get jabbed with the clot shot. I want to see the GPS co-ordinates and to see who has guessed or assumed and to do this from the raw data. Tell me how you know that the EXIF data points to a hangar, or to another location and it goes into the book. Until then, it’s just pointing to the island of Diego Garcia in the middle of the Indian Ocean, and it is a ‘claim’ only, until proven.
Fortunately this author is with me – he really wants it all to be based on fact and is humble enough to deal with the pain and depression that comes from being challenged, unlike the others who usually dig deeper when they are in a hole.
I am currently trying to understand the path of this missing plane, MH370. My questions currently relate to the path it took during the 7-9 minutes immediately after it went dark. It is reasonable to accept that all was normal aboard MH370 up until the last point at which the transponders were working. This puts the airplane on a heading flying to China on a North-East trajectory, at FL350 (which is at 35,000 feet) the normal cruising height, flying at Mach .84 (which is again normal cruising speed for a Boeing 777). Within 7-9 minutes this thing was supposedly tracked by Malaysian Military radar returning on a South-West trajectory back into Malaysian airspace. Apparently it was then at FL385 (being a net gain of 3,500 feet).
The three scenarios I see are this:
- MH370 turned around 180 degrees and climbed according to the data supplied and which has been widely accepted.
- Malaysian Military data is not accurate; or
- The returning airplane was not MH370 and some other scenario played out.
The point to me here is not which of these scenarios is true. It is that I want to see the evidence behind the conclusions ‘you’ want me to believe. I ask the question, or anybody – show me the evidence please. I can believe that 2 or 3 might be true if I see evidence, but I want to know how a B777 can do a 180 degree turn travelling at an ungodly speed up in the thin air of FL350, and to climb 3,500 feet to boot. When my question “How?” is answered we can publish. Until then the book is a Work In Progress.
The way I currently see this issue is that a B777 cannot do a 180 degree turn at that height and speed within that timeframe, so my question “How did they do it?” remains – no matter how many people repeat the marketing mantra perpetuated by Ganad’s customer, that the plane went South and crashed into the ocean. It didn’t but “How does a B777 do a 180 at FL350 climbing to FL385?”.
Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
I recently received a DMCA take-down notice for a free PDF written by James Fetzer and anor that was offered to me a few years back. Again I’ve asked the tricky question -“Ummm, so what has changed?” I do not expect a reply as this was an American issue and it is not the capitalist way to deal with facts, especially when money is involved.
For years this work (written by 13 intelligent brave individuals) showed me beyond doubt that Sandy Hook was a false flag event. Suddenly the book is now suppressed? WTF is going on here? Apparently one of the parents has won their defamation case, I note that the judge called establishing the facts “going down a rabbit hole” and didn’t want to know whether the death occurred or not.
Hmmm – I thought a defence of defamation is the truth?
So James has apparently lost half a million bucks to the same people who fact checked an entire book that reveals deception after deception. Same old same old! The dopey thing is that suppression actually doesn’t work the way the fools who try to suppress something think it does! A case in point, did you know about this court case before reading this post? Do you really think that James Fetzer has got it all wrong and that fact-checking is actually that?
The Jesus Thing
The same old same old thing gets us back to the big one then, this JC character.
I’ll never forget the first time that some random asked me at High School what I thought about this Jesus dude. Without noting the instant recognition that there was something different about this name, I responded, “Well He was probably some good dude that lived way back when, eh?”
But later, years later actually, I asked Him what this was all about and got the shock of my life to find that He was alive. Don’t ask questions that if you’re not prepared to pay the price, would be my advice to those ‘on the run’. Look, let’s be honest, people are really not interested in what you or I think – whether there is a Creator or whether [macro] evolution explains it all; whether Jesus was or is the Son of God; and whether He is alive, today, doing His stuff as and when He wants despite the efforts of the Deep State to achieve their goals.
But we are all desperate to gain meaning and purpose in life – I promise you!
So, I teach the biblical perspective, that pride is the root cause of everything anti-social, self-destructive and ungodly. Humility is the antidote to this global curse where we are all up ourselves. The thing is that when we humble ourselves; as we say up in the Islands, when we “come down”, we can then ask Him who He is, and other stuff, like, “Well what’s it all about then?” and specifically, “What do you want of me?”
I’ll never forget the moment when after doing quite a few websites for churches and community groups I paused, I think it was early in 2001, and assessed the value that I was creating for the community with about 40% of my time being charitable work. In a monetary sense this made me feel good, but the real shock came when I realised that God actually wanted me to do what I was good at and enjoyed! Holy cow! Christians doing what they like, and what they are good at? How can this be, me thought!
Seems like a no-brainer to me – a true win-win!
Most of the time we are too scared to ask the hard questions because we fear the response. What if [enter your fear here]?
Ninety nine times out of a hundred, I’ve found that the answers are the same old same old, and the one percent that do give us challenge are the opportunity that when reversed, show up the other 99 liars, cheats and fools that they actually are.
Chin up team and box on . . truth will always win, in the end!
Yes U cannot fool all of the people all of the time. But U can make a huge ass of yourself on the international stage. Pissing down your own back and insisting it is climate change.
It sure is something to behold.
The new reality TV shows will be something else me thinks.
Stay in the question. Good time for those with eyes to see.
Thanks Lisa