In this post I address the way that fear in a godly sense is correctly seen as ‘the beginning of wisdom’ but that when ungodly it brings foolishness. I use the matter of taxation as the subject basing this commentary on a recent adverse commenter who clearly lacks wisdom. I share examples of fear akin to that of the exposed parties in the original sin – futile blaming, shaming and hiding, all before the ultimate accountability.

A recent commmenter has shown a high degree of contempt for my conduct revealed in a recent blog post, one in which I have commenced an expose of New Zealand’s government taxation agency, the IRD (Inland Revenue Department) now known as Inland Revenue. Most of my haters are women, I think the way I speak riles up the Jezebel spirit due to my direct male chauvinistic streak speak, or if they are men then they are usually agin anything religious. Sometimes it can be a mix of these things that rile others so much. In this case I assume that this commenter is female with inside knowledge of my situation, likely working within the Department in question and one who has taken a personal interest in ‘getting’ me. If so, she will never fess up and identify herself, fearful of repercussions when her identity is exposed. Whatever.
I detail the two comments and my two replies shared on the first post in a series which will grow to be the book, as detailed. In essence Wilkes claims impropriety from yours truly; that a claim of a GST refund was immoral and that an uncontested court ruling (one which I view as sloppy, shallow and wrong) determines fact. My response is that this matter actually turns upon intent, and that while I teach tax minimisation, taxation per se is actually morally neutral.
For the record, it is morally repugnant for anyone to pay money to others when they can and should do it themselves. The idea that the taxman (or tax woman in NZ’s case) can do it better than us is in most cases utter nonsense. My contribution to society is far better done myself and charitable and other trusts than through the bureaucrats I know and have observed. Much better! Thus if I am to be accountable for my spend, it is incumbent upon me to do something better than the government. I do thus I do that. Because I believe what I say and do what I preach I thus teach tax minimisation. This is not only a legal practice it is also a moral imperative.
The First Exchange
You fail to point out that you’re not trying to PAY GST, you’re trying to get GST refunds by claiming that eventually “writing the wrong” will have taxable activities, thus anything purchased now will give you a refund for the GST portion.The rejection was perfectly normal. You never quite reveal the full story of what you’re doing. That’s normal for a criminal like yourself.Just confess you were trying to get a GST REFUND and be honest. – Wilkes
In reply to Wilkes.
Thank you for bothering to make comment here Wilkes but your aggression is foolish and you falsely accuse. Do some basic due diligence and you can see that I am not driven to criminal activity. Sure, like all humans I have the capacity for self-interest and greed but I choose to play it straight. You ascribe immorality where none exists. Yes, of course I was (and am) seeking a refund of GST! ‘Refund’ means that you get back what has already been paid does it not? You know like actually already paid to the government? Wilkes, this is normal business practice! Anyone experienced in business will know this. The question up for grabs is not whether there is GST already paid due back to me, the question is whether or not WTW is (or intended) to conduct a taxable activity. My contention is that it is and always has been its intent. Five years of trading should be sufficient proof should it not?
So to Wilkes’ second outburst, revealing her (I assume the gender) pathological hatred for either men, Christians or taxpayers generally – who knows? She also doesn’t get it in business or in regards to taxation.
You’ve traded 5+ years without a declared profit, and sought GST refunds consistently.
No, not at all, in fact where did you get all this information from Wilkes? Nobody normal would guess at this so you surely must be an IRD insider trying to pretend otherwise?
For the record, I prepared to trade (this is called “intent”, note: intent). At the outset of business, I legitimately claimed a GST refund (this is “normal business practice” as I have tried to explain to you – a refund means that something has already been paid) and the IRD commenced an investigation but determined that the claim was invalid when they established the I was building a house truck. IMHO they should have determined that portionality rules applied (part business/part personal) but they claimed (I claim in error) that no taxable activity had occurred. Embarrassingly for them the company still trades – for 5 years!
Now, “profit” has no bearing on conducting a taxable activity. New Zealand law makes this very clear. Neither profit, large or small nor breakeven matters -NOTHING like this matters to tax law, which has clear definition of a “taxable activity”.
If every individual could register a shell company with no obligation to actually trade commercially, and then claim back GST, then the purpose of end-user Goods and Service tax would be nil.
First, unfortunately Wilkes you are not describing me, nor my situation. In the world of logical fallacies we call this a “Strawman Argument”. I established a company, bank account, phone number, domain name, website, branding, P O Box, registered a TradeMark, registered as a licensed Private Investigator and then actually traded! What more a man can do to intend to conduct a taxable activity I’m buggered if I know! Do you?
Secondly despite my warning above, you misconstrue what you call “the purpose of [GST]”. If a business trades in order to make a profit, who gives a sh*t cares whether it makes a loss, a large or small profit or breaks even? GST is payable and returnable depending on the transaction(s) undertaken – simple! If there is a profit – GST at a taxpayer or at a country level is up. If there is a loss, it is down. If it breaks even, then it will be nil. That’s called commercial reality, honey! But the matter here turns upon intent.
That you don’t like us and claim that taxation is somehow immoral is aside from the point.
Who said that I don’t like “you” or claim that taxation is immoral?
I stand against all liars, cheats and thieves as well as all immorality but where have I ever said I am agin you (a Freudian slip being the IRD, I am presuming you mean) or have said that tax is immoral? Yes, I have used Linda Dzaferic’s photo on the front cover of my book, and yes I see her as a dishonest person desperately trying to hide her professional failures. Yes, I teach tax minimisation, but are these crimes or immoral? No!
The law is for everyone. Not just for those who believe it applies to them. You are not above the law.
Finally we agree! You are of course talking about the same law that bases itself upon the biblical laws . . . the one that (now) determines that homosexuality and prostitution are fully legal [sarcasm]?
The audit discovered that your income tax returns were fraudulent because:
1. You were not in business for the purposes of paying income tax.
2. The expenditures you claimed GST refunds for were private in nature and they did not contribute to the creation of a taxable activity within a reasonable period.
3. No taxable activities existed for the periods that you claimed GST refunds.
A lot of juicy information released here eh wot?
May I make a suggestion Wilkes . . . when you’re trying to be incognito, best to only use information and terminology that has already been released so that you do not give away your inside knowledge eh?
As this series develops the public will learn more about how the IRD, Crown Law and the Courts work. It is presumed by the public that the IRD remain neutral; that the Crown wishes to deal with facts and that the Judiciary too are out to determine truth based on evidence. None of this is always true, although it may be. In my case, I have consistently claimed that bias has been present, that the Crown’s task is to ‘win’ a legal battle and that the Judiciary in this case Judge AA Sinclair was wrong, issuing a sloppy and shallow ruling, one that I did not contest.
A judicial ruling is not always a determination of truth, especially in these kinds of rulings. As I have previously stated, my intent to conduct a taxable activity has been proven to have existed for five years by actual trading. Always remember this Wilkes, especially when sharing your venom.
You have asserted throughout your post that you were trying to register for GST to pay tax. The opposite is true. You were trying to obtain a GST refund to which you were not entitled. Please stick to the facts.
Ah, them facts! The facts! Maintain your position please Wilkes and prepare to apologise as the IRD continues to claim the ludicrous . . . no taxable activity!
Nowhere do you mention your huge GST refund demands in this entire post.
Ummm? What ‘huge” demands are you referring to? Do you mean the 15% GST portion of monies ACTUALLY PAID?
My General Response
I write from the Christian perspective and this is that all sin (that is anything ungodly, anti-social or self destructive) can be traced back to human pride. Fear and pain are the two pillars that perpetuate sinful behaviour, both of which dissipate when we humble ourselves, thus dealing with the root cause – our pride. Humility, such as saying, “Oops, sorry, I may have got this one wrong!” can be seen as facilitating love or godliness whereas the accusatory, “You’re such a Dick!” is more likely to start a war.
I note that it is perfectly possible for a so-called “good Christian” to highlight anothers’ foolish conduct while at the same time giving them the grace to back down and get their act together. I always try to do this, but when the chips are down, I’ll always go for the jugular. I think this was the way that the Master taught us to act – firm but fair is how we call it when parenting.
The commenter above clearly has an agenda. You can see her pushiness, naked hatred and willingness to ignore common sense when it comes to assessing whether or not one of my companies was entitled to GST registration. She should know the law, but even if she didn’t, her approach is brutal, aggressive and oozes arrogance. These kinds of people do not listen, and when exposed they run. They are forever living in the shadow of fear. COVID-19, a myriad of variants. . . before that the Y2K scenarios . . . before that Ebola, AIDs, Avian Bird Flu and before that it was “Reds under the bed” . . . it never ends. These are the kind of people that get the jab despite serious questions and justify their accusations by blaming others.
Adam and Eve did the same. She just shut up and let the man take the rap. He blamed her, then slipped a little accusation back to the Creator when he blamed God for giving her to him! It mattered not because the cover up didn’t work – they both got booted out of the Garden of Eden the same. As if a fig leaf or two could fool the one who Created it all!
Scriptures talk of the way that fear is the beginning of wisdom. The Hebrew word used here is not the same one used for the fear of a man running for his life from an angry, hungry lion. This is a fear best described as a cross between fear, respect and reverence. When we honour God, we do things His way because we love Him and His word and we fear Him in a positive sense.
I have lived long enough to know that the opposite also brings us a real fear, one that causes us to get out our knives and lash out, or to hide and to try to cover-up. Linda Dzaferic has good reason to fear. This book exposes her professional failings which include a serious, long-term cover-up and how she uses power within a powerful organisation to ‘get’ a taxpayer. Unfortunately for her, as with many in politics, it is not the crime that gets you . . . it is the cover-up!
Much more to come . . . standby!
[…] are really scared of is the public finding out that they are desperate to cover for a Team Leader Linda Dzaferic who has done and continues to do a few naughty […]