“Piss off mate!” some troll finished a rant with recently. “Diddums . . . get used to it!” was the essence of my reply. In this brief post I explain things; I confess (to loving the sound of my own voice) and then I teach why fools like this should keep doing what they do. Enjoy.

A troll (that’s a dude or dudess who says stupid or nasty things about you to try to bait you or wind you or your followers up online) has latched onto me and pops up anytime I give them something to bleat on about. He (or she) thinks they can keep their identity secret but the scared ones can never pop their heads up round here otherwise they get whacked like a mole. Hello Karen?
I find it funny that the term “narcissist” only seems to be leveled at me by those I stand up to eh? … and that the gossip really gets going when the gossipers get going eh?
Bring it on I say, but before we ignore the fool, I think it important that we understand something about me . . . I’m up myself! Really truly, I am and I admit this and it’s a real confession too. Do I like this arrogance about others? No! Do I like it about myself? Well sort of but the answer needs explaining.
In some ways I think what I do is cool – all that thinking and blogging and writing. In some ways it’s really neat to look back at what you’ve written and compare it’s constructive criticism of society, and the myriad of crooks, crims and crazies that I’ve outed over the years. It’s pure logic based on fact and especially when I compare it with the shallow drivel of people like this ‘anonymous’ troll who really takes the art form of gossip and backstabbing to a new level.
Different horses; different courses though! Some play the power game – they win some and they lose some. Others of us play a different game and it has a much longer payday.
Look, nobody likes people who are ‘up themselves’, so in the sense that I don’t actually want to piss others off, the fact that I am a proud man, saddens me. I do though accept that we all love the sound of our own voice, specifically me. On the other hand when we do speak up for something that is right, it feels good. When others do compliment you on the logic that you employ, or the fact-finding that others appreciate it does make you feel good and keep you going on doing what you are doing.
While it is a pain in the butt to deal with anonymous haters like this fool, it does encourage you to carry on!
The Troll Says:
None of us want you here. You’re a plague wherever you go. Always stirring up trouble because you think you know best. Destroying relations in the community. Cheating people out of money. Even going so far as to cheat the tax department.
It’s very obvious that you’re a loner, nutter, conspiracy theorist with psychological issues. No one else behaves like you with your self-righteous behavior, claiming that women should be subjective to men because of a collection of cobbled together documents which you rely on to justify your hatred of others and bitterness (now let’s not forget the multiple interpretations of the bible, the fact that ALL other religions must be wrong by default, and that there’s missing books of the bible, or that it was collated hundreds of years after the fact – no, nutters like you use it to manipulate people into subservience, use it to justify your bad manners and hatred and your desire to be put on a pedestal.
We don’t want you here in this town. We’ve all made it clear you are universally disliked. Piss off mate.
So, I Reply:
Oh diddums … Got a problem with exposure have we? You know what cockroaches do when the light comes on eh? They either scurry away back into the darkness or get squashed with a shoe! Troll away please and get used to being shown up for the “obviously” angry, ungodly, frightened, hate-filled fool trying to hide with a BIG chip on your shoulder that you really are!
Unlike you, real men stand up and are counted. Unlike you we do not try to hide our identity. Unlike you we do not seek to be liked. Unlike you we are fearless to speak it like it really is, and unlike you we can handle people with alternate views, so get used to it you ‘goose’, as there’s a lot more to come! As I have told you before, please, keep on commenting here and keep it coming!
A Deeper Analysis
There’s a few more criticisms in here (22 to be precise) than this troll usually spits out and there’s more where these come from, but these are quite specific so let’s get a little deeper. The big one is the biblical one which took a while for her to get around to but it is probably the real reason for this hatred. I’ll leave that one to last.
- None of us want you here.
What this troll really means to say [talking to them here now] is that YOU and YOUR circle of friends don’t want me around. Some do want me and many don’t care nor even know about my presence in town. Some who listened to your gossip at the outset and have now changed their mind but shhh! don’t tell anyone about that eh? - You’re a plague wherever you go.
Agreed! It seems like the whole world is corrupt eh? - Always stirring up trouble because you think you know best.
Yeah! Fortunately some of us have a solution eh? It would be a horrible world if it was filled only with people who . . . - Destroying relations in the community.
Yup! Just like the Master eh? Funny how speaking the truth polarises a society! There is actually nothing to this particular accusation though because the reverse is true! - Cheating people out of money.
Nope and this fool has NO IDEA! Nobody can EVER accuse me of not paying my bills nor of cheating others! As usual this fool knows nothing and gets it all wrong. The opposite is true! - Even going so far as to cheat the tax department.
What an idiot! This accusation is ridiculous because the dead opposite is true! I sued the tax department so that I could pay GST, you ‘goose’! - It’s very obvious that you’re a loner,
Nope, just hated by those who don’t want their lives looked into – you know, like you! - nutter,
Yeah, I must be crazy to stand up for the little guys; to take on the crooks, crims and crazies of the world; and to take on the bullies who call others names, try to muscle in on anothers’ turf and who speak falsehood from what they think is anonymity! But I do! - conspiracy theorist
No! I am a ‘Conspiracy Analyst’, not a “Conspiracy Theorist”. I research a subject; I establish facts; I apply logic and come to the conclusions that I then share with the world and THAT’s what really pisses you off when you are found wanting! My conclusions to this conspiracy analysis show me that ET (little green men in flying saucers) if they do even exist are spiritual in nature; that angry scheming Arabs in caves on the other side of the world didn’t bring down huge towers specifically built to withstand aircraft impact with box-cutters and that NASA sent flying bathtubs into space but not to the moon and back way back when and mankind still can’t get a man through the Van Allen radiation belts today! Oh, and it also shows me that there were people around town who conspired to boot Ron Cooke out of the Memory Bank, sell it and then try to shuffle the funds into the RDC-led Museum project! Got some interest in that have we troll? Do you see how anonymity online actually works now? Hmmm. - with psychological issues.
Yup! As above, I must be a blooming idiot to take power on eh? Perhaps you should try to lock me up now seeing as backstabbing has backfired and ‘anonymous’ threatening and sniping hasn’t worked? - No one else behaves like you
True! Is it any wonder why though when you’ve got people like this idiot around and having influence? - with your self-righteous behavior,
Yup! Accepted as I explained up front. The sort of behaviour that pisses others off (like trolls, gossips and others who think they know better) you mean? - claiming that women should be subjective to men
Ouch! Did that one hurt did it? For the record, if you want men to protect, provide and care for you (note that this is an IF) then those who want this should really give men what is due to them eh? Those who cannot balance responsibility with respect that is due do not deserve what they have. This is actually a form of stealing which is a form of theft – which is [arguably] wrong. Oh and for the other gender, assuming that you accept that there are two genders, which I bet you probably did for the first 50+ years if your life, perhaps they too should stand up for what is right rather than abdicate responsibility? For the record though, my advice is not what you present here, deceiver! - because of a collection of cobbled together documents which you rely on to justify
Now we’re getting really touchy here aren’t we? The God thing! - your hatred of others and bitterness
Transferring are we now? You see, the real haters attempt to hide – they pretend that they don’t hate or that they are not bitter of that they are the righteous ones when the truth is that they do hate and are bitter and do think that they’re smarter than the rest of us. These are the ones that many people run scared of, saying things like, “Oh watch out for them!” . . . and worse. They sit back and snipe trying to hide behind anonymity and their attacks on others, so that their own ugliness is not shown up for what it really is! “Mirror, mirror on the wall …” - (now let’s not forget the multiple interpretations of the bible, the fact that ALL other religions must be wrong by default, and that there’s missing books of the bible, or that it was collated hundreds of years after the fact – no, nutters like you use it to manipulate people into subservience,
I’ll address this ‘loopy’ shallow religious attack here more in a minute. - use it to justify your bad manners and
Look, I confess to this one too – I call a spade a spade and you call it “bad manners”. My audience loves the way I talk. They tell me that they appreciate the simple direct no-nonsense no-BS way I talk. Nah! I don’t need any bible nor religious text to call a spade a spade. This is a real logical fallacy! - hatred and
Here we have transference again. Now there is an exception to this “I don’t hate” claim, and it is the deep and real hatred I have for liars, cheats and thieves, especially the sort that takes or tries to take from the little people using gossip and political power to do so. You see, I love the truth and hate BS. Got it? - your desire to be put on a pedestal.
Yup! When you come by my place, I definitely expect to be listened to and to be appreciated. In my home and in my place it’s “my way or the by-way”. I don’t care who you are or what your background, political status (coming or going), your values or what your belief systems are. If you swing by my website which I write, invest into and pay for then you will either show me respect or you will f*-off. - We don’t want you here in this town. We’ve all made it clear you are
So who is this anonymous, “we”? Fess up I dare you. Show your face[s] to the world voluntarily or I will do it for you! Oh sorry, I already have and am. Oops! - universally disliked.
Nope! Yes, widely disliked by some – you and your mates, true – but deeply appreciated by many others (many who know who you and your ilk actually are and who urge me to NEVER stop taking on the likes of you, It gives them hope you know. Hope!) - Piss off mate.
Show me the authority that you have to require me to leave town and if it is greater than the authority I claim to have to be here then I will seriously consider that. Until then though, nope! You’re just an frightened little troll who got his/her beans dealt to her when he/she was exposed and who is shit-scared that you’ll be found to have your pants down when the light comes on!
As they say around town, “BRING IT ON” honey/mate!
The Religious Thing
One of the real biggies in dealing with any human dynamics, be it social things, cultural differences or any form of conflict is the “Religious Thing”. I laugh at how this always comes up because of my statements of blogging from a biblical world-view. If I said I was a Muslim, or Hindi or tranny or Maori it generally wouldn’t matter two hoots to these idiots but it’s a BIG no-no to state that you’re a “Christian”. Then to disclose the fact that you’re a white male as well and you’ll become a massive target at present, but this cycle will revert, in time. In time.
You can see the way this troll ‘bites’ on the religious thing here which brings up all their own ‘spiritual baggage’. I got zapped at the age of 20 and from the earliest moment of my faith journey have never actively proselytised. My thinking is that if God can do what He did with me, then He can do it with others, and that if Jesus is alive and cares then He can surely sort others out in the way time and place of His choosing, as He did with me. The opposite is also true, so that if there is no God, or if Christ was a mere mortal who got Himself strung upon a cross way back when and He didn’t have the power to raise Himself from the dead then so be it. No biggie – I was just wrong!
I don’t know when or if this goose will ever get zapped like I did. That’s none of my business.
(now let’s not forget the multiple interpretations of the bible, the fact that ALL other religions must be wrong by default, and that there’s missing books of the bible, or that it was collated hundreds of years after the fact – no, nutters like you use it to manipulate people into subservience,
So here this troll gives us four ‘reasons” why the bible is bad, or why it is BS or whatever, then makes some twisted claim of why “nutters like me … manipulate” others.
First let me draw our attention to the fact that this dude is the one that hangs around my place like a bad smell. It’s easy to bugger off, but he (I’ll use the masculine personal pronoun here so I don’t show too much) doesn’t. He, like his mates, has what we call “a chip on his shoulder”. It means that he has an axe to grind, or a beef, or a problem that I gets wound up every time my name or words is raised.
Secondly, in my experience, most people know instinctively that there is a God, a Creator to whom we must logically be accountable (this is often called a conscience – knowing right from wrong), and most people know that Christ is the Son of God. Look, I mean even the devil knows this. It is therefore a real problem for those that deny reality that somebody like me references my values back to scripture. It doesn’t matter what the subject is, any reference back to an absolute and especially back to a biblical absolute really, really pisses people off when they are on the run! IMHO it is lapsed Catholics who have a massive conscience and reject these absolutes most viciously, but so too do many others – just saying.
Thirdly, I really do not care what this dude or dudess thinks about the bible, its claims or teaching. Just like you’re probably really not interested in how many times Madonna spreads her legs or had it off with whoever in the past, sure it may be interesting for a moment, but this is actually all history, gossip and happened on the other side of the world. I am however really interested in my wife, and my kids and the people whom I know personally and who engage with me personally. For the record these anti-biblical arguments have all been addressed many times in many ways by others much more literate and capable than me, and I don’t claim to be a biblical expert, so I won’t address them here. They’re shallow and pretty pathetic though, really. Attack the scriptures for all you’re worth mate because AFAIK the Master is alive and He lives within!
Fourthly, the claim that I may seek to “manipulate [others into] subservience” is patent nonsense – it’s actually what this fool is trying to do to me – get me to “piss off” or make him/herself feel better or give her some fill for his/her emptiness because of . . . [whatever]! They keep lashing out and trying to get rid of me but the court will sort things out for sure. The court deals with evidence.
Take Homes
There’s quite a bit to learn from all of this . . .
- NFWAB. This is code for “Never *** Blogger”. If you do you better be ready for exposure and the graphic above says it all.
- Trolling or gossip like this can come back to bite you! When the exposure comes, it can cause serious difficulties. I’ve shared previously of how high profile people in the community have brought shame onto themselves. Karen Ngatai is still the current Deputy Mayor but is standing down. I wonder why? Reputations Karen, reputations! You live by the sword and you die by it. I am suing Karen and her employer for defamation. I wonder what the outcome of that case will be. She left the Police but nobody talks openly about why she did that. Why on earth would that be all hush-hush?
- When you attack another person, especially someone like me, make very sure that you get your facts right. I’ve freely admitted to some sins above. I’ve denied some others. This troll could easily get done for defamation if their identity is ever revealed. Oops, let’s hope for their sake that it never does eh? Learn from this, mate, please learn!
- You gotta wonder why eh? Why the hatred and the hanging around this website like a bad smell? The reason is probably that this is all they have to do and there is no logical reason why. This is feminine logic at it’s
bestworst. Think about it for a minute . . . do you really think that he/she’s going to get me to move on from here? Really? What is achieved by bleating on and on and on about how bad I am? Get over it ‘love’ or ‘mate’. STFU and maybe, just maybe you can realise that the real world doesn’t all buy your BS! Quite frankly the feedback I get from around town is that . . . well, let’s just say that methinks a little blogger will probably be blogging from Taumarunui for a while more! - And on the God thing . . . look, we all know the score. If you want to deny Him, the best way to do this is to leave His people alone. He really does have a way of looking after His own! If you really want to stay on the run, go for it, but don’t tell me I didn’t warn you!
Thanks for swinging by again today. This one’s been a real hoot!
It really is a situation of a man who has nowhere to go and is clinging on to a piece of land that he does not own or ever will as he has nowhere else to go.. imagine if you had never embarked on your ranting and raving and actually had been kind and humble and done something good in the space that you occupy? If you had not published anything but filled your world with actions that prove you could be a real part of a community .. you have not done this and yes.. you will spaz off with words and your paranoid carry on and threaten court cases and bully your way around the places you invade.
Nobody wants the level of disharmony you bring with you. and you do not have the insight to see that, though i am sure you will write another tome of endless carry on..
Horses for courses eh Zac? Dream on . . . you were caught out lying and you’ve now got your tits in a tangle as a result. Shame! I’ve told you to go away and get a life. Please do so.
No mate you weren’t trying to pay GST. You were trying to claim back GST. The IRD found that you were not engaged in a taxible activity and not allowed to recover GST on expenses. You keep trying to twist everything to be the opposite of reality. You weren’t wanting to PAY anyone. You wanted REFUNDS. That’s 180 degrees different from your claim. Lying is a sin, remember. Tut Tut.
The IRS already held meetings with interested peoples here and explained what happened. Everyone knows about the dodgy goings on of your little tax fraud. You lost. Deal with it.
You have cheated so many of us locals out of money with your foolish scams and claims here. Harassing neighbours. Trying to get everything your way. You have an inflated self of ego and are obviously a narcisst. Like your lies about trying to pay the IRS and not claim back money instead, you want to twist everything your own way. Never a moment of self-reflection with you as to why everyone (and I do mean EVERYONE) hates you here. At the meeting a week back there was approximately 70 of us and none had a single kind word to say about you, not even the cops. That goes to show just how far your ego has gotten.
You bully people with threatening to expose them for perceived slights against you, publish their faces and details in obvious defamatory actions, slander and try and destroy peoples reputations. People don’t have the time and energy to lodge multitudes of lawsuits in relatiation because they have lives, families, and aren’t bitter horrible narcissists like you who lie always to get your own way.
After our meeting you’ll get what’s coming to you. The IRS, police and locals have an interest in this.
Yup, and it’s called a witch hunt! Show me the evidence of ANY of this please “anon”! Cat got tongue?
Nah mate, you were trying to claim back GST, not pay GST. Never to pay it. Be honest for once.
Same as you were trying to bully neighbours on land you don’t have title to, or a lease for, to pay for a fence you wanted when the Fencing Act didn’t allow you to do it. Then you cried foul because that law didn’t suit your needs.
You don’t fit into any place you go, you’re just stuck here because no one wants you anywhere else. Even your daugthers were contacted and ex-wife and they don’t care two hoots about you. They think you’re a mysogynist billy (their words) who twists the bible to justify your hatred of women and self-righteousness. Everyone knows about you in this town. You’re just a skint old guy who doesn’t spend time integrating, doesn’t help others. doesn’t do things to be supportive of the community, and just tries to bully people into whatever he wants.
Let’s face it, you don’t have any friends. You diagnose people with mental illnesses because you have one. You’re a narcissist with delusions of grandeur that god chose you to be superior over all women and that you can do no wrong. It’s your way or the highway.