With substantial change occurring in global geo-politics, much of it behind the scenes but increasing amounts coming out from behind the veil, it is appropriate to ask the Sanskrit question, ‘Su Vasti Ku? (Where have you gone?)’

Michael Bradley wrote extensively up until his relatively recent death, moving from open direct style into fiction, the option for whistleblowers and truthseekers who are concerned about their safety. Here’s a little from the man himself before we get into those who have disappeared . . .
… I have always suspected that the modern word swastika may be a contraction and distortion of a Sanskrit phrase, a question: Su-Vasti-Ku? It can be broken down into its component parts easily enough. Su is cognate with the German “Du” or French “Tu”, meaning you in the familiar sense used for close friends, relatives, children or pets. Vasti is the past participle of the verb “to go” in Sanskrit, cognate with the Latin verb vadire. The ku means simply “where?”, as in the Latin quo, the Persian ku or the Irish cw. Therefore, we have the simple question: “Where have you gone?” — perhaps directed to the memory of Atlantis.
The New Testament (The Acts of the Apostles) supplies some of this linguistic information with the famous question Quo vadis? (Where are you going?) asked by God to Saul/Paul on the road to Damascus.
Over the last year or two many people have disappeared from public and corporate life – many. This is not an accident and is at a chronic level. Just ask questions and think. You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to look and see. The Pope? Prince Charlie? The Queen? Ultra high profile CEOs? Bill Gates? The Clintons? Hundreds and hundreds of high profile people, if not thousands, Hollywood celebs, political and big-business leaders.
Many, many have ‘gone” which leaves only two centres of influence for the ‘Deep State’ really remaining . . . the Media and Israel. Both these two are in the process of change too. These are huge shifts in global power and the War is on-going. These are the kind of power shifts that only occur once in a Century – multiple lifetimes. When I wrote my book US Election Fraud UNMASKED!! I saw the impact of this process having an impact greater than WW2 by a factor of multiples. I was right!
Benjamin Fulford reports this frustration with TPTB:
All this means there has been a “sea change within the military-industrial complex,” MI6 sources say. “All of the worlds’ police and all of the worlds’ intelligence agencies are fed up with this, we have had enough. We are getting to the point where we are saying ‘blow the whole lot of them up.’ The vast majority of the celebrity world are rapists. We have proof on all of them and they know that. Most of them are dead, what we are seeing are body doubles. When we release our information they will all be gone. We will continue to fight very hard.”
and more recently:
… the Khazarian mafia elite have retreated to bunkers around Lake Geneva, Switzerland and Palo Alto, California, according to multiple intelligence sources. The Swiss group controls the fiat money being issued by the central banks they own. The Palo Alto group is using control of major internet companies to convey a false reality to the worlds’ people. Both of these centers are now going to be targeted with bunker-busting nuclear weapons, Pentagon sources promise.
I guess this will all be proven one way of the other but using a nuke to achieve godliness doesn’t make sense to me!
Simon Parkes has also raised a bunch of questions about the significance of the attempt at the Iraqi Prime Minister’s life. Downplayed by the MSM, this assassination attempt was clearly a Deep State move.
He also asks when the Queen’s death will be announced. Benjamin Fulford talks of the Australian Secret Service talking of Jacinda Adern going soon . . . Canada, Australia’s leaders are all marked for the chop as mankind gets to saturation point – the vast majority who have been woken are those to whom the MSM hold little credibility. It does seem as if those with vested interests (politicians, bankers and businessmen) are the remaining holdouts.
While Benjamin is not exactly known for restraining from the little emotional outburst (aka preaching to the choir) his predictions based on his web research and miltary intel puts major political change on the horizon. Here’s Ben:
Their lackeys in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and elsewhere are also doomed. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison for example is now wearing an ankle bracelet with a GPS monitor, according to Australian intelligence sources. “Morrison is under the control of the Alliance. He is co-operating,” the sources say.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has also revealed herself to be a lying psychopath when she abruptly ended a press conference after being asked why COVID was spreading the fastest in countries like Israel that had been thoroughly vaccinated. She will not be around much longer, the Australian sources promise.
The arrest of Canada’s Justin Castro is also now a matter of time, say Canadian intelligence agency sources.
and more recently:
… now that war has been formally declared the following disciples of KM Honcho Klaus Schwab Rothschild have been or will be removed:
Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, Tony Blair. Jacinda Ardern (the Prime Minister of New Zealand), Emmanuel Macron, Sebastian Kurz (who was until recently the Chancellor of Austria), Viktor Orbán (Prime Minister of Hungary), Jean-Claude Juncker (former President of the EU), Annalena Baerbock (the leader of the German Greens), California Governor Gavin Newsom, US Secretary of Transportation Peter Buttigieg, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Virgin’s Richard Branson, Chelsea Clinton. Christine Lagarde and Larry Fink (CEO of BlackRock the corporation internationally and which handles approximately $9 trillion annually. national governments).
The real ‘shock’ here is that I think this has indeed or will occur!
Simon’s assessment that TPTB have agreed to go no further down this track of ‘secret, secret, keep the war in the back-rooms’ have agreed to make things happen more openly now and this aligns with the intel coming out from Benjamin Fulford, the Japanese-based journalist who reports from his contacts within the Asian Secret societies and various Alphabet agencies.
As Simon says, the “Softly, softly approach,” has gone as far as it can. The key question of course is how can those who peddle the MSM narrative really believe the man on the TV? “Why or how did a man in a suit brainwash or mind control us – why did we all so slavishly follow so unthinkingly?”
I understand the power of brainwashing and bribery and blackmail and it takes a huge amount of energy to stand behind truth. As people have responded to me recently, yes they call it “balls” and bravery but this independent thought (while counter-current) eventually wins out as the truth outs. Putting it like this, you can lie and deceive as much as you want but a two year old with a pin can in a minute destroy a room full of balloons that may have taken weeks to set up! Truth can easily destroy in an instant what years of deception has built.
I’m also sadly surprised at how gullible my fellow travelers are or have been and at the extent to which submission has been willing. In what I consider to be a real beauty (albeit somewhat benign), John Anderson talks here with Jordan Petersen (BTW, welcome back Jordan!) at the lack of intelligent discussion about the excesses of the COVID-19 lockdowns and massive borrowing of our childrens’ future to fund what is essentially Communist dictatorial processes of control.
I do NOT believe that democracy should be worshiped like many others currently do, but deception is afoot for sure as COVID-19, it’s source, nature and impact are all exaggerated if not outright lies. My website www.jabquestions.com points to many alternative sources of information but have you heard of people getting the flu recently? I haven’t. Did the flu just become COVID-19?
I put a lot of weight onto the high profile sources of (particularly military) intel that Simon shares. While I do not share his same spirtuality and take on ET stuff, he has (as I have reported more than once previously) reported that which he is being fed from the ‘whitehats’ in the US Military with integrity. Taking out the spin, and US bias, it has also aligned closely with Benjamin Fulford’s weekly reporting.
Information Sources
In regards to my global geo-political understanding, I take my primary information from four daily sources with perhaps a couple of dozen others as ‘occasional’ others. I mix this with decades of asking serious questions and digging and a lifetime of “sussing things out” using genuine independent thought! I am a proud man and I hate getting things wrong so work hard to get it right.
Guantanamo Bay
Since December 2020 I have taken my understanding of the latest Gitmo events from Michael Tuffin. I caution this always, with knowledge that Michael has had what could be best written about as a ‘shady’ past and that he uses a pseudonym (Michael Baxter) and that this is Military censored intel. It is only ‘released’ after the events and it is only what they want out there. He also plays a lot to the “Alt Right, Conspiracy” market. Michael has reported a good couple of dozen high-profile arrests, trials and executions at Gitmo. As I asked above, have you seen Chelsea, Hillary or Bill for example recently? What about Barr, Cuomo or even Bill Gates? They’ve all gone the way of Bush and other traitors! When are you going to get with it if you’re not aware? When the man on the TV says so?
US Military/Global Geo Politics
Simon Parkes as I have referenced above strikes me as having a great overview and probably repeats the ‘official backstream/Whitehats’ US Military message the best of any I have seen. His cobber Charlie Ward too has great sources but Charlie is a lot more gullible and provides much more hopium than intel.
Secret Societies & Services
Benjamin Fulford is definitely the goto guy here. Yes, sometimes he gets a minor detail wrong as his sources spin him or use him or that their plans change, but he has what appears to be great up-to-the-minute intel from high sources, working above the political leadership. The biggie for me was when he pinged Trump rather than getting on the “Trump is returning on xxx date” bandwagon:
“Much as I wanted to believe in Trump, It is a matter of Public record that Donald Trump was Bailed Out Multiple Times by the Rothschilds during his Business Career.
My Understanding is that he was Offered Protection from Blackmail if he Agreed to Go Along with a Military Move against Hillary Rockefeller Clinton.
At first he Seemed to be “Draining the Swamp” but Something Happened. My Understanding is that he was Unable to Stop the US Default on International Payments that took place on February 16th 2020.
After that the Rockefellers Offered ASEAN, Japan, Australia and New Zealand to China in Exchange for Money to keep the USA Corporation Afloat.
What Trump should have done is Formally Declare Bankruptcy and Negotiate a Restructuring of Debt. He did not do that. Now the US is a Dystopian Failed State Controlled by Satanic Gangsters.
The US Military offered Trump the Chance to Overturn the Stolen Election. He Failed to Do That. He also Strongly Pushed Vaccines for a Disease that does Not even Exist.
That is Why the Military needs To Stand Behind Someone like General Mike Flynn who does not have Skeletons in his Closet.”
A Mexican perspective
Jim Stone first revealed the Fukushima fraud and has now relocated to Mexico with his wife. His constant ‘bleating’ about those out to silence him has increased his credibilty over the years that I’ve followed him and he has gained credibility in my eyes. He is ‘hard work’ and a real character but his style is fresh and shows maturity at the same time. That’s an art and he does it well. His take on recent things is that the US is being deliberately attacked and dismantled – that the pandemic and election fraud is just a part of this all. His reporting of weather and commodity pricing in Mexico is IMHO well worth the time taken to read his work.
It does seem that (like Simon says) it is the US Marine Corp who is the agency “doing it”. That he finds it frustrating that he can’t show us the evidence he has seen (The whitehats don’t want it in MSM yet) there have been many arrests and events as the “vile key players are forced to resign, arrested, charged” or whatever, some filmed.
Usury & More
Anthony Migchells from The Netherlands has spoken much over the years against the scourge of usury – although he is either years ahead of us all or years behind, depending on your perspective. He has my attention in this regard because the worship of democracy and the participation in usurious monetary systems are the two biggies that most people seem to miss. The worship of democracy gives spiritual power to evil (as God seeks our worship first, not mankind’s intervention) and usury (the charging of interest on money) is the tool that brings slavery to the people.
Anthony says recently about the rise of Communist-like dictatorship:
The Black Art of Government is twofold: on the one hand a vicious mix of terror and make believe. Creating narratives to sway the masses, and terror to imbue them deeply into the souls of men. Basically trauma based mind control.
And on the other a meticulous, utterly rational and scientific study of everything observable in the natural world.
In this way, men are kept in the dark, while the rulers know everything. …
And in regards to pedophilia:
Torturing, raping, and killing purely innocent young children is the most terrible crime known to man. And it does invite demonic possession.
War is taking place across the globe. The majority of the people in most countries are actively being deceived. I believe that my role here is to help you to see the extent to which we have been brainwashed. Can you really believe that forced vaccination of not only us but also our children, compulsory mask wearing and more is not only accepted but that it is required of us?
When you can tell me where Bill Gates is, or Hillary, Chelsea or Bill Clinton is, or when you can show me that dying with COVID-19 is the same as dying because of COVID-19, or prove to me that the Commonwealth even still exists or WTF this COVID-19 thing really is, then sure, maybe I’ll shut up and keep my peace. Until then though, mankind is getting screwed big-time by warring factions all out to twist our minds into their little worlds and I ain’t having none of it!
There is hope though . . . it’s not that Trump is coming back, nor that Cindy’s days are numbered, nor that the bad dudes are being taken out and the whitehats are winning . . . it is that when you ask the right questions, engage brain, and stand up for what you know is right, then life looks up!
Let’s be brave and do it then, huh?
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