“Obonoxious” is the global response to corruption, but using recent examples from engagements I explain how systemic corruption gains a foothold, then takes over, gaining power and then I go into the only real way to deal with it constructively. The way of the Master is NOT easy; nor is it popular, and it costs a lot more than many are prepared to pay, but it does deal to it once and for all. Enjoy.
I popped down to see the cops recently – they’d called me in to provide a statement following a nasty assault last week. One of the local goons got physical when he got caught trespassing and was embarrassed in front of his mates. On the way back I stopped in to see a mate and he scoffed when I mentioned that the young man who took my statement was a “good cop”. “I’ve been to Trentham and my father said [this and that] and they [this and that]. There’s no such thing as a ‘good cop’!” he started off. I’d heard it all before, from my mate who’s well past 90 years old so I argued for a bit, explaining that there are a few good ones, and how this boy was a new one therefore hadn’t got polluted by the system – then I changed the subject!
And there’s the rub – the system. What I attempt to do is to explain the dynamics of how the system pollutes.
Struggling with the Crewe Murders
I received another communication from a guy who has spent the last 52 years researching and struggling with the Crewe murders. Same thing – the system got to Bruce Hutton and he used the system for his own advantage in 1970 superbly well. Sure it meant that Arthur Allan Thomas spent a few years in the slammer unjustly but you really have to give these guys credit for being able to cover it up for so long.
Many do not even realise that one of the first acts that Andy Lovelock did when tasked with investigating the Crewe Murder Investigation ‘Review’ was to take his boys down to the Mangere Historical Society and hook out photos of the Bader Drive Pub, then take them away, never to be seen again. Why were they so important to these cops representing authority? Well did they show Bruce Hutton and Len Demler sharing a cold bubbly in the years before the murder? Hmmm. I bet you never knew that did you? So where was the prime beneficiary of the murders at the time? The USA, you may reply, as have many over the years done. And from what source did you get that info? You mean the same source that provided the evidence used to convict AAT – the planted cartridge case exhibit 350?
And what about our research into the side of the family who ended up with the loot assets? How often can you remember seeing photos of Heather or Bob and why is Rochelle’s lawyer ‘suddenly’ off work at present and why has her Crown Prosecutor’s business grown faster than weeds in springtime and . . . and . . .
Let’s take the words then of another private researcher and pick a few gems out of them:
Hello Dennis
After reading what I thought was a lot about this affair over the last 52 years , I have been reading alot more recently thanks to your book and website.
He’s talking about the I Fed the Baby book and this website here.
I still feel outraged by the entire affair and our systems !
This feeling of outrage is universal and is due to an unrealistic expectation that people in authority should act in others’ best interest (usually ours) when most people in power seek it to use it, for themselves. Note that the first task of any system is to protect itself. Thus when immorality enters (in a Christian context we call this “sin”) it protects itself. This is only natural and all living things from plants to animals to systems and even ideas do this and we need to understand this. The world is NOT a benign little place, even Godzone.
Most Kiwis dont really have any idea what happened here or why it matters to our system or why it is stain on our nation.
True, agreed. I like many other astute commentators have always said that the Crewe murders, more particularly the exposure of Police corruption, woke the sleepy little trusting country up to the point that we matured enormously, almost over night!
Whatever the fine detail in my mind Demler was at the heart of this and both he, and Heather had the most to gain.
Agreed. A lot of this man’s learning has come from my material.
Its amazing how little there is on Heather and Robert, not even pictures.
Yes and this is by design. It is no accident, I can assure you!
I realize that many aspects things wont ever get answers that I like to see, I understand the early issues leading to this and the key events that bought this to a head culminating in the murders of Harvey & Jeanette.
I have also seen 1st hand how the courts and the police get carried away and that once a error is recognized, these are generally the last organizations to correct this.
Again we have to understand how things work. This man is right but it is when the power brokers are exposed that there is any hope of change for the better. More on this in a moment.
The area I am examining at the moment and one of the threads came from your documents is the “3 americans staying in Tuakau”. I have also read from Yallops book BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT how Heathers job as an air hostess, probably with ANZ on a DC8 may have got her to NZ with no official alibi. Guess its impossible to prove these days but never disproved. Maybe with Robert as well (I caught one myself in 1975 to Australia then onto Middles East)
I think it could be said accurately that I understand the events surrounding the Crewe Murders probably better than most, but the details are known by many others out there, especially in pockets and in limited ways. Some people for example who lived there knew the people and how some used their contacts to their advantage – rugby, racing and beer comes to mind.
Others were involved in the international things. Others the legal things. Others the criminal and political things. It seems like every man and his dog has their pet theory but the real story is only just starting to come out.
Cops who were involved way back when that are still alive now are actively watching this website and when the time is right they will share what they know. When it is safe, many will come forward and let their words join in. Things like, “How the F*** did you know [this or that]? I thought my mother/grandfather or whoever was nuts when they said [whatever] but now I can see how they knew” come to me all the time – not daily but certainly every month and sometimes weekly!
What are your thoughts on Heather and Roberts possible direct involvement? Its clear that several were involved in the “plan”…
This is simple to answer but requires time to think and to understand. There is no question in my mind that Bob Souter and therefore Heather was involved. From the outset then Rochelle’s paternity and involvement has been in question but this has been suppressed. Nobody wants to blame a child as she lost her parents through no fault of her own BUT . . . please don’t tell me that she was raised by her aunt and an uncle who her grandmother went through a lot to avoid getting any financial benefit from her but that she didn’t. She did. Maisie knew Heather’s mate only too well and I cannot believe that Rochelle doesn’t know the score. Don’t be scared to ask the difficult questions!
There’s just way, way too much wrong to think that Bob, Heather and others were intimately involved. Just some of the things that come to mind are:
- What do you remember about Bob’s or Heather’s testimony in court. Anything? I mean every man and his dog seemed to be up there for something but …
- From what source did the information come that Bob was in the USA? You mean the official one … the same one that …
- Then those pesky American’s that just happened to be …
- And why was there a desperate need to present things as normal for a few days? Was it so that Bob could get back to the USA for his alibi to be sound? When or how would that have been communicated and what was the significance of the Monday ‘release’?
- Who was closest to Len and who got the actual benefit of the crimes in the end?
Nah! There’s way too much in there and this is only the start especially when you look into the many land transactions all around ‘Demler country’ and up into Auckland East, and North West, who benefited and more!
I’ve shared privately that as editor and publisher of John Ingley’s work posthumously we felt a need to present his materials in a certain way, which we did, but if asked directly, as this dude has done, my money is on Bob being the shooter, and ‘the team’ covering for him both before and for years following the murders.
Now the idea of a plan is a difficult one because while the human mind seeks to have simplicity the reality of life is that it is multidimensional and changes over time.
My take on this is that Len had a sense of entitlement equal to his Autism and that he simply instructed others to “do the deed” which had been talked about for ages but not planned in detail. Their greed and willingness to go along with the plan meant that this was more along the lines of opportunism than a long-term strategic planned murder.
Apart from knowing how things work in real life, you can see this from their failure to remember the milk deliveries; their partial cleaning up; their combined absence on the Thursday and Friday but reappearance on the Saturday as if everything was normal. It strikes me that their planning was more akin to “Shit what do we do now?” rather than detailed planning according to a master plan.
Bringing Harvey’s body into the house for example, then taking him back out quite soon afterwards . . . The girls starting to clean up then abandoning that idea . . . Taking the bodies to the wool shed then on the truck up to their runoff properties up north . . . then disposing them later in the Waikato – these are not the signs of “a plan” as such.
Likewise the idea that there is or was one bad guy and everyone else was innocent, or a goodie. This thinking is just unrealistic. If you asked Len whether he had done anything wrong he would have probably said, “No!” because he thought that. Likewise Hutton, which is why he was given a hero’s send off by the cops at the time.
Our Worldview
So the Christian worldview is that God made good, but mankind screwed up. Many great minds have dealt with this area of sin over the eons, but the trouble with our messed up world is not so much that we’re all screwed (we are that!) it is that we all measure reality from different perspectives. In psychological speak we call this having “situational ethics”. Situation ethics looks at a given situation and says that based on this set of circumstances, this set of rules applies to our judgment. Abortion is OK up to a certain age. It is OK to smoke dope in this county or country but not this one. We can tell this porkie here but not that one there.
The danger is that when we bring in absolutes, we confuse things for those who live by pragmatism and this confusion brings a negative reaction. For whatever reason, Bruce Hutton believed that he had a right to do a deal with Len Demler, take some land and set-up a patsy to take the fall for murdering Jeannette and Harvey Crewe. That he got caught out on one of his misdeeds did not change his behaviour or value systems as he and his mates continued to do what they had always done. We think that is wrong because we ‘know’ that it is according to our value systems, but we fail to see our own weaknesses when we arrive late to work but still charge out at full rates, or dodge our taxes or tell a white-lie to avoid having to pay our fair share of something.
Those who live by absolutes are rare and are generally hated by those in power. We must understand that this is reality though.
The way that the Master dealt with sin, what we generally call systemic corruption, was to deny it’s temptation then to expose it, period. This runs the total opposite to most thinking and teaching where we attempt to use force, whatever we can to achieve our goals. “There but for the grace of God, go I” becomes a phrase to show others that we’re good, rather than something for us to live by.
I share all the time of how the cockroaches all flee when we turn the light on. Most laugh and agree, those up with the play mentioning the ones that have done the dirty on me but the reason that Jesus had real power when He spoke and even more when He chose not to was that he was clean. When the light came on the cockroaches all got exposed but He had His trousers on. We all hate it when we realise that by turning that light on we’ve got no pants on! Another way of putting this, is that we can only claim to have an exclusive lien on the truth when we are perfect. The master claimed this by saying that, “no one came to the Father but by Him!”
His way was to let things be but to expose it. The Holy Spirit led Him into the desert to be tempted (note who took Him there) which He passed on the offer of the gold. He then deliberately, consciously took the truth into the corrupt world and baited the enemy right into revealing Himself with His resurrection. He used the political, business and religious leaders of the day and in the end took it all on the cross. He had the faith that as long as He did what was called of Him that the Holy Spirit would use Him. He did.
None of us are greater than Him. If all we do is to stand up for the truth and expose the corruption when we find it, as long as we do this in faith, then we’ve simply got to see the results in due course.
I’ve been working over the last year or more to get a man’s life’s work ready for publication. He told me this morning that this was a real mission, way more than he ever expected when he started writing but that he was called into this work. “For such a time as this” is the Christian concept here, based on Queen Esther’s calling and saving of her people. “Bro, my task is just to get the book finished to the best finished product possible and then leave it to the others to share it!” – like bees telling the bees where they honey is.
Basically our work shows not only where the missing MH370 flight went to, but also who stole it and why. It has shocking significance for all who travel knowing that most modern commercial flights can be flown like drones (from or to anywhere) at any time disabling the flight controls and locking out local pilot control. Any (probably “every”) pilot suicide event can be safely read as being a mass-murder event.
Ummm, say whaaaaaaa’?
I think that researching past corruption like this gentleman does (and offers to continue to do) is important. I understand his, and our universal distaste of corruption intimately. It too makes me sick when lawyers, pastors and politicians and their ilk lie and deceive, as it’s always the little people who get hurt as a result of ‘the elephant rolling over while they sleep’ but the way to deal with corruption is to simply expose it. We share what we know about what we see and actively trust that a Higher Authority will be dealing with it.
He’s never let me down thus far!
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