This post explains the nature and significance of worship, describing the way our spirituality determines our value systems, which then in turn determine our thought patterns, words & actions which then determine the physical events that occur in and around and to us. Understanding how we fit into this all is a crucial challenge – one that we all must deal with eventually, whether we like it or not. I hit on the key topics of democracy, usury and the Christian worldview. Enjoy this important one.
We all have our opinions. Trump, Cindy, Justin, Boris this or that. The Illuminati does (or does not) rule the world. Then there’s the religious question, the Pope, Jesus, God this or that. People tell me what they think about all of this all the time. Sometimes I agree. Other times I don’t. Sometimes I agree then see things more clearly. Other times I disagree then come to see anothers’ wisdom. Most of the time though I’ve already done the research and have my own opinions.
One thing is clear though, our spirituality determines our thought processes, our words and our actions. If we see a big black void out there we can play fast and loose with life, truth and logic, but if we see a God to whom we will eventually be accountable, we’ll play the game straight, even if it means ‘taking one for the team’. And speak to the Master if you want to know what that means! He did.
Worship is spoken of in church circles as an event, usually once a week on a Sunday morning at a “worship service” or a “mass” if you’re dealing with the Roman Catholic church. We “go to worship” defined as an act.
In this post however I wish to deal with worship as something a lot deeper – it’s where our true loyalties lie. This is not the shallow, “Oh I’m a Christian and go to church” or “I believe in Jesus”. No! Even the devil knows that Jesus is the Son of God and the ‘bad guy’ sure as eggs frequents all the churches I know.
The worship I refer to here goes to the root of our spirituality, who we are. This is far deeper than what we think. It is deeper than what we say, or do in fact.
The Christian worldview is that there is a God, who created. Mankind screwed up and turning to Jesus (God’s solution) gets us out of the pickle we find ourselves in. That’s a pretty crude and simple summary but this is not a religious blog. The essence of this screw-up way back when, was that it was all caused by our pride, and what we in Christian circles call, “going our own way” i.e. not doing things God’s way. This concept runs throughout scripture but is well encapsulated by Paul in a well known memory verse from the letter he wrote to the Romans – basically, we’ve all screwed up, turned from God and are trying to do it our way.
At it’s heart this original error is basically pride – from which greed, self-interest and all manner of ungodliness, anti-social and self-destructive behaviour comes. Well, it’s the thing that enables it and justifies it, regardless of your theology.
The solution is pretty simple really (maybe not so easy to do, but …) it is to humble ourselves and turn back to doing things His way.
Democracy & Usury
For me, the two factors that seem to stand head and shoulders above the rest, are mankind’s unrelenting worship of both democracy and usury. Ron McKenzie deals with the former topic a lot more elegantly than I ever could. The return of democracy most definitely fits the bill of a resurrected Beast (its head having been previously chopped off a couple of thousand years ago) – the worship of this ‘thing’ is where the deception occurs. We clearly worship something when we are prepared to pay with our lives for it.
World Wars anyone?
Likewise with the charging of interest – although I note that Ron drops the ball on this one. The charging of interest is totally and utterly banned as an immoral, ungodly practice. It enslaves, period. Michael Hoffman’s book Usury is the primary resource of note on this topic but Dutch blogger Anthony Migchells has the best ongoing commentary on this topic as far as I have seen. Normality should never be used as a validation for determining righteousness, as can be seen by the normalising of homosexuality, promiscuity, pornography and prostitution. Usury is the method by which enslavement occurs. Just like it doesn’t matter how much arsenic our food is laced with, we will still die, it does not matter the rate of interest we pay or gain, compounding interest enslaves – period.
Worship can be seen and properly understood by the astute as both these objects of worship have indeed become normal now – usury from 1515 (when a crooked Pope justified it for use in church purposes) to a point where it is expected that we pay and earn interest (indeed our global currencies are based on usurious concepts), and Democracy with the rise of the American Dream, essentially rebellion to get out from under Colonial [royalty] rule. I simply state these as facts, not judgments here, meaning that I do not claim that Royal rule was better than Democracy, nor that the Roman Catholic church pre-1500 was the only legitimate spiritual authority.
Normalisation involves deception, which in order to escape requires an awakening, a specific moment in time where people recognise that something is wrong. In regards to democracy, people need to understand that it is not godly that the 51% can rule over the 49%. That this is the end-game of deceivers – that it is the dream of manipulators, the greedy, immoral and ungodly to utilise power for personal profit.
The way that this occurs is to bring the concept of self-rule into the public consciousness, then to manipulate the message to present good as bad and bad as good, then to present themselves as something they are not in order to rule and gain benefit. In a political situation this is outworked through the voting system. In a financial sense this is outworked through the boardroom, the profit motive. In a personal sense this is outworked through gender conflict and the breakdown of proven societal values (male vs female and the woman’s lib movement). In a spiritual sense this is enabled through both the denial of a Creator to whom we would be accountable or equally prevalent a transfer away to other man-made ideas or concepts presented as spiritual truth.
Let’s go deeper now into where this deception occurs.
When we believe in democracy we believe that we exercise our rights by voting. Voting is therefore akin to a prayer.
When we do this we abdicate our spiritual responsibilities, entrusting others to make decisions on our behalf. This is the heart of the problem, and tracks right back to the Garden of Eden and the temptation to go our own way. All that a manipulator need do is tweak the voting process and voila, they have the power and your authority to do whatever they please!
There it is – you’ve given the crooks your authority despite knowing that all politicians lie present the facts in a light that are favourable to themselves, so now according to the way things are, you now feel trapped and powerless! You believed in the ‘might is right’ concept. You forsake godliness for another way. God says, “Well if you’re not going to listen to me, you’ve got to live with it!”
Democracy is nothing more than one of many ungodly concepts of a method to manage mankind’s affairs. The worship of it however is the real problem.
The Current Context
Applying this understanding of what worship is into current geo-political situation is an exercise in extending wisdom. People with short-term views, even those ‘awake or aware’ can easily get caught up in the Trucker’s False Flags threats, Charlie Ward’s ‘gulliblity’ and QFS commentary, Simon Parkes‘ mesmerising New Age wisdom and optimism; talk of war, or otherwise and the religious dogmatism. It is though all rearranging decks on the Titanic if it doesn’t address the issue of where our worship is focused.
Major shifts in power are and have been occurring in the last couple of years and this is now in Q1 of 2022 becoming recognised internationally. The downfall of powerful interests is spectacular to watch. I have reported on some of them, the likes of Michael Baxter’s [an assumed surname, BTW] Real Raw News and his role in getting the Whitehats’ news out gently; Benjamin Fulford‘s analysis, supported by Simon Parkes’ more careful analysis.
It was 31 December 2020 that I was prepared to risk my reputation and go public with it all claiming that the events surrounding the US Presidential Election were momentous. Little did I know at that stage how accurate I would be when I claimed that they would affect world affairs greater than WW2 and by a factor of multiples!
There are two ways of looking at any situation – from the inside out or from the outside in. We can work from known facts to theology or we can apply our theology into a given situation. When these two views collide you can generally conclude that you have a good grasp of reality. My Christian worldview has been tested valid from decades of being applied. I look at this worship thing from the outside therefore I look in assessing who is saying what and why, then apply this filter. The other way is to take the conspiratorial view, powerbrokers are all crooked, sort of thing, then see what sticks theologically.
When we see the two match, then I know that we’ve got it pretty right.
Let’s take one example then (the QFS) and apply this process. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) involves a reset to the global financial markets. Charlie Ward rants about this as God’s solution and all the ‘good guys’ can or will make a bundle out of it, I mean he has and will of course. The question to ask then is, “Who sets the interest rates?”
The answer to this one will show you reality. First you will never find out. The real people in power will never reveal themselves! Secondly it is a trick question because any godly financial system will not have ANY interest applied. Interest compounds and is payable to somebody, somewhere! China, Russia, Brazil, India, who cares?
The QFS system therefore is yet another ungodly system! Easy? Mutual credit is God’s way and reducing centralisation (aka globalism) down to individual responsibility is His way. You see, it is when individuals all learn to take personal responsibility and when we all do the right and honourable thing that He (via the Holy Spirit) has the authority and opportunity to outwork His magic. Extend this into the financial field and you can then see reality. It is not a binary “Whitehats are good. The Cabal is bad!” scenario.
Evil has tried to implement their plans for decades – the COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccines and depopulation stuff is just the same as Ebola, Avian bird flu, Aids, and more. Deception exercised by manipulators is always employed, generally using fear.
God’s way is to let evil have it’s way as it will always self-destruct. I think we have generations ahead of us before the ‘dawning of the age of Aquarius’ or ‘Nirvana’ or whatever sweetspot you believe will be worth living for!
Fixing the Problem
Let’s get practical then. Fight the Beast as much as you have a stomach for. Go for it and say or do what you will, but once you have destroyed something, then what?
In my book Let Go the Peanut, I shared the possibilities that naturally arise when we let go of the evil that ensnares us. One of the incredible things that doesn’t make sense at the outset is the way that it is not until you step out in faith that you can see how it all fits together.
Take for example the way voting works . . . Participation within the system of voting enables the status quo. The problem is that you can never change a system from the inside – never. It’s a delusion to think that you ever can. You have to step out of the system in order to replace the system. Likewise with any monetary enslavement. You have to stop using the primary currency that enslaves us (at least as much as possible) before we can really see the value of mutual credit. We can talk about it until the cows come home but if we still go off to work to get the money we think we need then nothing will change. Our desperation to keep up with the Joneses will usually prevent us from experiencing the freedom we can have.
This is also true in terms of bowing down to Democracy, or in a faith situation. It is when we say, “Right, that’s it! Nisi is right. I do worship an ungodly system and vote when I know that they are all crooks in it for themselves!” that we can see alternatives. Then, outside of that system of worship we are then free to make the world a better place.
The VICTUSINAMBITUS way is to get our own lives into order FIRST, to step out and do, or say something constructive. Then and only then after having stepped out into the big wide world do we have the authority to act, speak or have any influence on others.
All cool?
Robert Eady says
The private fractional reserve banking system charging interest on credit and debasing the currency by money-printing, transfers humanities productive wealth into the hands of the Digital Financial Complex,, all done by numbers, as we know. Fortunately, humanity has the smarts to invent a better way and that way is now on our doorstep; RAIDATech and CloudCoin. Both are Quantum-safe, thus incorruptible, unlike the blockchain and its supported cryptos. In combo with the Volta secure wireless service it is possible to construct a personal identity and payment system that cannot be tracked or controlled by Mr Global, the DFC. Wholesale adoption of these technologies would sideline the DFC and allow it to implode together with all its sycophant democracies – for the erasure of national debts and other forms of enslavement via taxation – and allow its replacement by a sound national banking system. Humanity will flourish like never before.