RDS has gone . . . Brendan O’Connell whacks into him after his passing saying, “Good riddance to bad rubbish” . . . His ‘mentor’ Benjamin Fulford is silent about it . . . Alt-right truthers are in shock . . . those who fought with him (and who robbed him according to the man himself) breathe a collective sigh of relief . . . Meanwhile back at the office, it’s lockdown and office from home – all over an invisible, divisive and massive global terror. A mate of mine loses her youngest boy to a car accident before he has a chance to live his life. It’s hard to work out WTF is really going on in this ‘crazy’ world around us. If we care though, we must ‘engage brain’, now more than ever.

I’ve asked enough questions about the so-called Pandemic that I have a very good handle on what the real story is – BS! Look at what the American Medical Association says in its own materials:
COVID-19 AMA Recommended Language Swaps
The AMA is deeply concerned that rampant disinformation and the politicization of health issues are
eroding public confidence in science and undermining trust in physicians and medical institutions.
Though these trends have existed for decades, they have become particularly acute during the COVID-19
Instead of … Say …
ibid P9 H/T Mike Adams
Lockdown –> Stay-at-home order
COVID mandates, directives, controls, orders –> COVID protocols
National duty –> Personal responsibility
Coronavirus/COVID-19 –> Pandemic
Hospitalization rates –> Deaths
Defeat, crush –> Eliminate, eradicate
Operation warp speed –> Standard process
Government –> Public health agencies
Science-, medicine-, data-based –> Fact-based
The consequences of not taking the vaccine –> The benefits of taking it
Getting the vaccine is the right thing to do –> Getting the vaccine will keep you safe
Predictability/certainty –> A return to normal
Discover/create/invent –> Research
The dollars spent; number of participants –> A transparent, rigorous process
Security –> Safety
Misled/confused about the vaccine –> Skeptical/concerned about the vaccine
Historic –> Advanced/groundbreaking
The world’s leading experts –> America’s leading experts
So listen up Comrade ‘Winston‘, the Ministry of Truth ‘recommends’ that you do NOT use the words: Lockdown, COVID mandates, directives, controls, orders, National duty, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Hospitalization rates, Defeat, crush, Operation warp speed, Government, Science-, medicine-, data-based, The consequences of not taking the vaccine, Getting the vaccine is the right thing to do, Predictability/certainty, Discover/create/invent, The dollars spent; number of participants, Security, Misled/confused about the vaccine, Historic or The world’s leading experts.
Got all that?
2+2 does NOT equal 4!
Natural News founder Mike Adams doesn’t pull any punches when he calls this twisting of truth “medical fraud”. Hospitalization rates –> Deaths? Yup read that one again! Hospitalization rates –> Deaths. Let’s now just read that little puppy again shall we? Hospitalization rates –> Deaths!
So was George writing theory and fiction way back when, when he penned 1984? Perhaps we should speak to Mark Ebrey, owner/editor of the local rag (Taumarunui Bulletin) who obviously has vested interests in banning questions about the jab – and any conspiracy it appears. Spare me days! I’d hate to be in his position when the truth all comes out.
Hopefully common sense seems to have struck Germany and Denmark, with more likely to get over this BS soon, according to Benjamin Fulford. He predicts that evidence of Japan, France and Canada waking up will be seen more as corrupted political leaders “go down”.
Already we are seeing signs that Germany, Japan, and other supposed allies of the U.S. regime are breaking ranks. The immediate trigger for this is a growing realization that the fake pandemic is a massive war crime.
In Germany, a legal team has been running an exercise for a new government structure with a priority to stop all Covid-19 injections because they are unsafe. https://www.bitchute.com/video/5Rf83cc8FDPB/
German allies like Denmark are planning to end all Covid-related measures by October. https://freewestmedia.com/2021/08/09/denmark-abolishes-all-corona-measures/
In Japan, Dr. Kazuhiro Nagao held a press conference on Japanese TV where he came out against vaccines and says he’s used #ivermectin as an early treatment for over 500 covid patients with a practically 100% success rate. Nagao has asked for nationwide use. https://www.bitchute.com/video/R1vBnnGUpzxh/ …
However, Germany and Japan both went through war crimes tribunals and remember the Nuremberg code. That is why the ongoing pandemic-related war crimes have led to regime changes in these countries first.
In Japan, Sheila Smith, a senior fellow for Asia Pacific studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, is fighting to keep the criminal Rockefeller slave regime in power. However, an execution warrant has been signed for her because she has been openly pushing for mass vaccination without safety testing …
Regime change in Canada and France are also now expected.
Holy Schmoley who can you believe? How on earth can you make sense out of all this BS?
Getting It Right
The first thing to accept and understand is that in a fallen world deception is the rule, not an aberration. Politicians politick the same as dogs bark. It’s what they do. It’s who they are. In the realm of sales we say that we never lie, we just put the truth in a way that is beneficial to gaining the sale. Politicians are known for their forked tongues for a reason.
Secondly the connection between power and money is tight. Control the money, and you have the power. The global spiritual battle for power started a very long time ago and just because we have food on the table today doesn’t mean that we always will have it there the same way in the future. Centralisation of power and wealth increases it. God’s way is the opposite – decentralisation, bringing the globalism trends back to personal accountability. No longer can we should we or do we hide behind globalist “things”. We face our Maker at the end of time, alone, naked and ‘with’ nothing of value in a material sense.
A friend of mine is currently grieving while she copes with the trauma of losing one of her boys, her youngest, who was hit by a car last weekend and didn’t make it. It sucks I know because I’ve lost a couple of kids and Isaac and Jacob, my twins are buried up there in Snapper Rock Cemetery in Albany. Why we have to bury our own kids, I’m buggered if I know but this death thing is real. It is life whether we like it or not.
And this brings me back to the subject of the moment, RDS, Robert David Steele and his recent passing. My take?
“They” got him but Sheriff Mack tells it like it is. He’s gone. His health went down, he went to hospital (forced, tricked or voluntarily is a separate issue) and twelve days later he was dead.
Yes, he was a fighter. Yes, he did a US tour and was an ex-CIA spy. Yes, he did some weird things in his time and sure, he may have had some issues but no, he is not still alive. No Brendan, he wasn’t evil and full of sh*t because of his past relationships and activities. He was just a guy who did his best, had the balls to speak about it and then [eventually] had had his time.
This then is the ultimate reality – do we go up or down at the end of our time on the planet. “Get away from me, for I never knew you!” is the phrase of rejection that quite frankly scares the living daylights out of me. “Well done good and faithful servant!” though, is the one I want to hear. Make sure it’s the one you get to hear too . . .
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