In this post I share an interesting exchange between an Israeli and Japanese-based journalist Benjamin Fulford. I find it interesting because Benjamin details his take on Zionism then openly and consciously changes his terminology as a result of his increased knowledge. This is the mark of integrity and shows sensitivity. It is not that Benjamin is “always right”, it is that a commentator with integrity can and will alter his position when shown a more viable alternative. Enjoy.

Benjamin Fulford is a Japanese-based journalist who has provided an independent long-term geo-political commentary. He is actively involved in exposing the influence of what he calls “the Khazarian Mafia” and their myriad off-shoots, associates and hirelings across the globe. His continued existence surprises me, but I guess he has had some form of divine protection thus far. In particular I have found his intel to be hugely helpful in understanding the basis for questioning aspects of the ‘hopium’ peddled by most of the alternative alt-right news sources.
A greater understanding of Benjamin’s role can be found on his website and the following text explains how he started:
If you are really doing your job as a front-line reporter, it will not take too long before you run into a dark underside of the powers that run the world. In my case, I first ran into the hoodlums who run the world while reporting on the Japanese financial bubble of the late 1980s. Japan was very important at the time because the bubble made the real estate in Japan worth 20 times more than all the real estate in the United States. The stock market too was worth by far more than that of the U.S. With so much money involved, the foreign financial companies and their controlled press wanted in on the action.
At the time, I was a rare native English speaker who could read a Japanese newspaper and as a result, was offered many lucrative jobs in the financial industry. I chose to become a reporter instead. My first reporting job (with Knight Ridder Financial News) involved going every week to the Finance Minister’s (Kiichi Miyazawa at the time) weekly press conferences so I had a front-row seat at the center of Japanese power.
My understanding from university and reference books was that the real power in Japan rested within the finance ministry.
So I’ve highlighted some important aspects . . . If you are really doing your job … the powers that run the world …. the hoodlums who run the world … – This is a mark of a professional. Benjamin is a conspiracy theorist BECAUSE he is doing his job, not because he’s a contrary personality and wears a tin hat.
Note also that Benjamin started a long time ago and was different – he spoke English in Japan. I have published more than 2.5 million words and 36 books not because I am a genius writer, but because I have been doing it a long time, and sure, I may be a little different.
Here then is a Letter to the Editor and his reply.
Dear Benjamin,
I follow your videos and newsletter ever since the beginning of the scamdemic and find it outstandingly accurate.
However, I am Israeli and I do not understand who are the zionists that you keep talking about.
In Israel, zionist is a term used to define the jews that returned to Israel after 2000 years in exile, following the Jewish faith Zion was the land promised to the Jews by God and temporarily taken for 2000 years.
IN Israel, the use of the term Zionists does not refer to any violent group of people that seek the destruction of others as suggested by you.
Can you kindly define who are the zionists, who is heading them, where do they operate from, what are their goals, whats their relation to Israel so also do they pose any threats to the Israeli citizens otherwise who do they target and why?
Thank you,
I find this communication educational and respectful. It’s a good read.
Dear PC
First of all, rest assured that the people of the world will guarantee there will never be another holocaust. The Jews will be allowed to live peacefully in their own homes now and forever.
Benjamin talks about a holocaust, and the lessons learned from Second World War events. I note that huge losses of life occurred in WW2 and that nothing could or should be taken away from the horrors that mankind did to its own but that the massive focus on and exaggeration of Jewish loss is based on a political agenda and is falsehood.
Now for some hard truth. First of all, a holocaust is a burnt offering to Moloch, otherwise known as Ba’al or Set. This is known to the Christians as Satan. During World War II, the Jews of Europe were killed as a burnt offering to Moloch.
The people I sometimes refer to as the Zionists are a specific group known as the Sabbattean or Frankist Jews. These people believe that it is up to them to make the prophecies of the holy books come true. They were funded and headed by the Rothschilds and other prominent pseudo-Jewish families. When the Jews of Europe refused to accept financial incentives to move to Israel, these people used one of their family members, a certain Adolf Hitler (Saxe Gotha) to force the Jews out of Europe on pain of death.
This understanding is key to interpreting reality. Revisionists who find falsehood in the “Six million Jews exterminated by Zyklon-B gassing in German concentration camps” often err by then claiming that Hitler was a saint, innocent of all human error and falsely maligned by Jewish interests. The truth is found in between these two extremes.
Imagine if a group of Chinese people were brainwashed into believing they were the true Franks and that France was their ancestral homeland. At first, some of these Chinese fanatics moved to France and bought land around Brittany. Then when the locals refused to move, they started burning their villages and forcing them out.
In China meanwhile, many of the Chinese Frankists did not want to leave their ancestral homeland to go to France. For this reason, their rulers set up a dictator who started killing them and forcing them to flee. At the same time, the rulers bribed leaders in other countries not to accept them. The only place they could flee to was their “ancestral homeland,” of France.
This is what happened to the Ashkenazi Jews, including members of my Polish and German Jewish family who were either killed or forced to flee their ancestral European homeland by the Nazis (National Socialist Zionists). They opposed the Sabbatteans, saying only God did God’s work and it was blasphemy for humans to try to take on this task. That is why they were persecuted and killed.
The Jews need to understand it was Satan-worshipping pseudo-Jews who were behind the holocaust.
I listen to Benjamin here, particularly when he says, “The Jews need to …”.
The worst part of it is that these are still trying to start a war between Gog and Magog in order to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the survivors. I did not read about this on some sort of internet “conspiracy site,” I was invited to join them in this plot by representatives of David Rockefeller. I have the tapes to prove it. There is plenty of other rock-solid evidence showing this plot is very real.
I concur, totally.
The forensic trail shows that the leadership of this cult of death has its headquarters in the Rothschild family complex near Zug, Switzerland. They are now being systematically hunted down and brought to justice.
Now this is where Benjamin’s research and writing diverges from the bulk of the me-too alternative news sources. While it is popular in alternative media to talk about the Illuminati, Rotheschild’s, Rockefeller’s and the Black Nobility and so on, Benjamin’s understanding of the real geo-political power dynamics goes much deeper and he has my respect.
Another thing the Jews need to realize is that the inhabitants of the Ghettos were not only Jews. The most persecuted group of all were the atheists, who lived in the Ghettos as well. Another group was descendants of the Carthaginians, who practice child sacrifice. They appear in the Book of Ruth. It was the murder of children by this sect that was often the trigger for pogroms and persecutions.
The true ancestral homeland of the Khazars or Ashkenazi Jews is roughly correspondent with present-day Poland and the Ukraine. If the Ashkenazi really wish to return to their ancestral homeland, then that is where they should go. The Palestinians are the original inhabitants of the region who at a certain point in history converted to Islam.
However, the Jews in Israel are now living in their spiritual homeland and deserve to be allowed to continue to live there in peace. They just have to reach a fair deal with the Palestinians. This could be done either by giving them Israeli citizenship or creating a viable Palestinian homeland. Israel also needs to make peace with its’ neighbors.
I doubt that this will occur, certainly not in my lifetime, but it is indeed possible.
In any case, out of respect for the peaceful and law-abiding Jews in Israel, from now on I will stop using the term Zionist interchangeably with the Khazarian mafia, the term I use to describe the Satanic cult pretending to be Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc. I will refer to the specific group that is trying to provoke Armageddon as the Chabad death cult.
And this is the attention grabbing approach that shows to me a sensitivity to truth that Benjamin has. It’s also why I have paid $11.00 USD more than once to read his work, a rare expenditure from a low income dude down-under.
However, the Jews need to learn there is no such a thing as a Goyim or a Gentile. God does not choose a people, we are all god’s children.
AFAIK Benjamin does not share a Christian faith but while he is right about this subject, it has not always been this way. My understanding is that indeed from the point of creation of the Israelites there was such a thing as a Gentile and a Goyim, but this changed when Jesus united mankind back with the Father some 2,000 years ago. Those who fail to see His restorative work deny the truth that Benjamin speaks here of course, thus the continued religious tensions and conflict.
In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, I am fighting to free my people from thousands of years of enslavement by a Satan-worshipping cult.
A great letter shared and an equally great response, thank you Benjamin.
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