Hillary Clinton was hanged in April 2021. Bill Clinton was found guilty of treason & more and was sentenced to life in prison. He is a Guantanamo Bay resident, for life. Faucci, Podesta, Schiff, Comey, Barr and many, many others have also been dealt to. The Arizona audit has shown substantial fraud and set the pattern by way of a gold standard in ethics and transparency. Can you trust the CDC? WHO? CNN? Jacinda? Politicians? The Media? Any one? In this post I explain how to get to the bottom of the truth. Enjoy. It should help and motivate those who want to get to the bottom of difficult things.

Claims in 2020 that Hillary Clinton was already brought to justice and that she has had a body double do not stack up when compared to apparently more accurate reporting of her arrest in March of 2021 and her hanging on 17 April 2021.
The audit of Arizona’s 2020 presidential elections has found patterns of substantial fraud which is “outcome determinative”, meaning that Joe Biden’s claimed win is and always was a joke. Regardless of your political colours, it is becoming obvious that President Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide. He is clearly one of the most popular presidents in US history, actually increasing his vote share in his 2020 re-election – to something in the order of 80% (Republican) compared to only 17% (Democrat).
Not claiming that all are crooks, the CDC, WHO and other letter agencies from both the USA and most other countries have all been proven in one way or another to have been compromised by vested interests. Financial markets are (and for decades have been) rigged and oversight agencies are also corrupted. Dishonesty in technical controls abounds.
How can this all be verified when the MSM fail to report it and those with technical and political power censor our access to facts, and why does this happen?
Regular people expect those in authority to do the honourable thing but this is naive. The big picture to understanding how corruption works is to understand that we all live in a sea of self-interest and deception. Fraud, corruption, lies and deception is NORMAL, not an exception. People in power do and have always used power for personal gain, and human nature is such that if we are told we can’t do something then we will find a way to do it. The spiritual reason for this is best explained by events in the Garden of Eden and the Fall. Good created, ‘good’. Mankind screwed up.
The natural way since the Fall is to protect our perceived self-interest, to turn the other way to personal accountability and to keep the status quo. In business the saying is that “nobody ever got fired for buying blue” [blue is IBM] – meaning that one is rewarded for not rocking the boat, i.e. that politics interferes with truth. It doesn’t matter at what level this occurs, nor in what discipline, be it spiritual and global or down and dirty at a personal interpersonal level, truth-seeking is a dangerous game. Speaking it even more so!
As I say, it is the sticky beaks who find things first but they also get their noses bopped more regularly. Philosophers often quote Mahatma Gandhi’s quips that first they ignore you, then they mock you and fight you, then they give in and pretend that they were with you all along but the truth is that since the Fall, human nature has never changed. Yes, the truth can come out and I believe that it will all come out in due course too but this change should be recognised as long-term events over many centuries not in short lifetimes like our own, today.
I observe repeating patterns and cycles of behaviour outside of one generation – manipulation of the masses by way of war, abuse of power, political and financial tendencies. Ray Dalio has done some excellent work in this area too, much of it available free online.
At a personal level though, belief should be tested. It should be backed by instinct and common sense. Each of us has inherent in our genetic makeup knowledge of right and wrong thus it is incumbent upon each of us to back ourselves in our judgment. We will face our Maker at the end of our time alone, and blaming or trusting others (even if we do so on earth) is not and will never work, assuming that there is personal accountability and that there is Truth.
Our inbuilt conscience can be seared of course as our pride mixes with our life experiences but deep down we all can recognise BS. Most of us know that politicians politick, the same as dogs bark, and fish swim. We all know (or should know) that there are vested interests out there actively deceiving us for various reasons. The braver of us actively dig these BS artists out. Only the bravest speak it.
As a based Private Investigative blogger, I have completed several decades of research into many subjects, people, situations and circumstances. It is my findings that:
- Most people know that ‘things are wrong’ out there. They know that vested interests are actively lying to them, but they don’t know to what extent or exactly about what. Most have not done the research and thus they rely on people like me for their take on conspiracy details.
- Most people think that they want to know the truth but almost everyone I have met has a limit to their acceptance of truth. They may for example, readily agree that they might have been conned over the events of 9-11 but they will pause before admitting that JFK, or the supposed Moon Landings or Pearl Harbour were con jobs too, and they sure as eggs will not go there when it comes to any questioning of the Holocaust. The existence, teaching and presence of Jesus Christ of course is the ultimate topic of a widely recognised taboo.
- Most conspiracy theories relating to politics, power and money stack up – most of them. Most relating to New Age theories such as UFOs do not – or if they do pass muster in some regards then the evidence doesn’t exist, is dodgy or doesn’t stack up.
- Corruption does exist and that these deceptions are pervasive, persistent and systemic but are fully verifiable to those willing to do the research; who engage brain and who humble themselves.
- When faced with personal costs to exposing truth, most choose not to pay. Putting this another way, it is rare to find people willing to pay the price for speaking or believing the truth, and this gets more pronounced the more that people age, or get established or entrenched into society. This can be seen when we cannot speak about fraudulent COVID-19 or so-called “pandemic” or “vaccine” claims without fearing the ire of others around us; we suppress the rights or opportunities for others unreasonably when we can – for fear of losing our jobs or commercial income; or when the fear of social ostracism causes us to hurt the innocent through attacking the messenger.
With this analysis, one would think that there is no hope and that one cannot trust anyone, but this is not true. The art of truth divining involves recognising that the world is indeed a very messed up place, but that there is such a thing as truth, justice and absolutes such as right and wrong. We may not all know this at any particular point in time and in any one particular circumstance, but it does exist. Fortunately the truth never changes. It is never in a hurry and does not need violence or noise to exist. When we humble ourselves, do the hard yards and ask the right questions we can find it.
I wrote the book US Election Fraud UNMASKED!! in the face of adversity from many around me. There mere fact that I believed that fraud existed made some of my friends into my enemies. When the results of the Arizona audit comes out and when other states follow Arizona’s example and conduct their own audits, and when President Trump finally returns to active leadership in the USA, those with integrity will note the b*lls that I had to speak truth when facing BS. The focus should not be on me and how I determined reality and spoke it, rather it should be on others and how and why they got it so wrong.
Back yourself people. Ask the difficult questions and apply sound logic onto facts as you find them. Yes, it can be a challenge initially but don’t give up.
If you do, then you’ll be better off for it, I promise!
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