This post is an open letter to Nicholas Veniamin a young man recently (2021) mentored into ‘the truth business’ by Charlie Ward, who is a likable, informed but gullible truther who is actively promoting the QFS Ponzi Scheme. Nicholas impresses me with his dedication and humility, which has been rewarded recently with an amazing coup – a ‘world-first’ – he got, finally, a straight answer from the guru of verbosity himself, Juan O’Savin. Yes, Juan right out called the QFS a Ponzi Scheme! Yay! Now F-I-N-A-L-L-Y maybe some common sense will start to filter through the Hopium Community.

In Nicholas Veniamin’s exclusive interview with Juan O’Savin, Nicholas extracts a massive nugget that nobody that I know of thus far has spoken about. Even I, a self-confessed expert in the field of alternative currencies, didn’t go there in full. I’ve played around the edges with it taking pot shots at the charging of Interest (usury is a big biblical no-no); mentioning the concept that Charlie Ward is likable but gullible and not to be fully trusted; poo-pooing the ET thing & the idea that we can get something for nothing. I’ve also done this in various forums. My recent blog post however takes Juan’s analysis and explains why the QFS shows all the signs of being a Ponzi Scheme.
BTW, the QFS is supposedly run by ETs from space using a Quantum Computer & Quantum Consciousness (according to Charlie Ward), i.e. actual reality, which can read what you are thinking – the opposite of AI [Artificial Intelligence] which is Deep State prediction technology.
In this post I share now directly with Nicholas via an Open (teaching) Letter, expanding on the lessons shared recently and giving my advice to a young man starting out on his truth-speaking career.
The first and most important thing to understand is that money is only ever a measurement. When it is created or issued, yes, it can be used a store of value, and a means to trade but it *is* always a unit of measure, exactly the same as a litre, a metre or an hour. We always have a litre OF something – a litre of milk or petrol. We always have a metre as a measurement OF something, like a road, land or our desk for example. Also an hour is a measurement of time – 1/24th of a day or 60 minutes. It is utterly illogical to say that a dollar (for example) is otherwise. While a litre measures liquid; a metre measures distance and an hour measures time, money (like a dollar, or a Euro, or a Yen, or a Zip, or a Zap, or a Dinar) measures debt. Technically money is only ever a measurement, a measurement OF a half completed transaction. Somebody can create a currency and then they can issue and control their currency, wherein they can create value but true money at its core *IS* always only a measurement of debt.
This understanding is critical to understanding everything to do with money (which then flows into power, politics, most control systems and business). This is why I consider understanding the true nature of money to be the second most important subject in life (following the question of the identity of the Master, which I consider to be the prime issue we humans face). In the West we generally measure our time and labours in financial terms, thus it is important to understand this issue. Deception comes into the equation when we mix the ‘value thing’ with the ‘measurement thing’. When we view money as a commodity (i.e. we perceive the measurement to be the value) we err, and make ourselves vulnerable to those who seek to enslave. I have much more on this elsewhere in my blogging & writing.
In any trading system – be it the local garden community barter co-operative; in a commercial barter system; at a country level; at the global trading level; or with the QFS supposedly run by ETs sitting up there with their Quantum computer tapping into our Quantum Consciousness – nothing changes the above analysis. Money is still a measurement – never a commodity that therefore has value in and of itself or can be issued or controlled. Yes, the USD can be issued and controlled, and its value can go up or down because it is issued by Uncle Sam (The Fed, now under the control of the US Treasury, actually does this). The backing of this USD is debt; the public’s trust in the capacity of the US being where the perceived value lies.
So, when a man highly respected in the alternative & conservative circles, high up in the world of politics & business, a man of means who knows the inside story about crypto currency calls the QFS a Ponzi Scheme, one would be wise to heed his warning. His analysis is generally much more cautious but Juan issued this analysis because he was asked directly. Nicholas then had to determine how to handle the news – run with it and go against his mentor Charlie, or to ignore or counter this advice.
Based on what he then said in a later interview, I believe that he did the latter. IMHO, this was a mistake if Nicholas seeks to be known as a genuine truth seeker. If Juan has any sense he will never again appear on Nicholas’ show, unless an apology is forthcoming or Juan uncharacteristically raises the controversial topic again.
1 June 2021
Hello Nicholas
This public advice would be difficult to give if I seek to be accepted, or seen as friendly. Sadly, I understand that you are likely to reject it. I approve of your dedication to speaking the truth and to establishing yourself as a source of reliable commentary in the alternative truth community. As you clearly know, it is a growing market.
IMHO however, you err in rejecting Juan O’Savin’s (and my) conclusion that the QFS is a Ponzi Scheme, which I understand that you do from perusing a subsequent video you have produced.
Aside from the use of NDAs, the marketing and other signs of Ponzi Schemes, any financial system that is used for trading performs the function of storing value, as well as providing a mechanism for trading interaction. The money itself however, is always a measurement of debt, technically a record of a half completed transaction. In this case of the QFS system it is presented as something which it is not, and regardless of what is claimed by those who have established it, every Dollar, Dinar or whatever simply records debt. You MUST understand this if you do not wish to get caught out.
Conmen are always capable of concealing this fact, and you will understand this only when you identify to whom the [new] debt is owed to, and what the costs of this debt is [not only interest, but the indirect costs of allegiance etc]. The increasing global awareness that the world is enslaved to the Cartel via BIS lending practices must push on through deception to an understanding of why this is so (it is the usury that enslaves, not the credit) before mankind can claim to have truly escaped from the heat of the frying-pan.
In more than fifty years of truth searching and truth speaking, I have found that the primary question is indeed a binary one which when addressed one way or the other then opens up a plethora of secondary issues which are not binary. I have also found that if you seek credibility in God’s eyes then you will gain a silent following but will not be popular. The New Age thinking and feel-good alternatives however play into the hands of manipulators.
I repeat that IMHO, your rejection of Juan O’Savin’s analysis that the QFS is a Ponzi Scheme is unwise, although perfectly understandable, given your desire to build a popular business. Identify to whom the debt is due to and determine who sets the QFS interest rates and (like Juan has advised you) you will see the true nature of the QFS system. IMHO, Quantum Global Consciousness and a new financial system run by ET’s providing a miracle for humanity, is bait for the same old, same old.
Dennis A. Smith
Private Investigative Blogger
New Zealand
Nicholas Veniamin has the same issue that we all have – to what extent are we prepared to speak truth and are we prepared to pay the price for doing this? If Nicholas gets real value for having invested something into Dinars, he will be lucky few who do. Most will either lose all, some will lose much. If the QFS system is what I think it is then it will be a new variant of the existing system issued by the same people in what is called the Hegelian Dialectic process – it will be controlled opposition.
This though is not the key point of this post, which is that it is costly to speak the truth because it is not popular, no matter who it is who is speaking it or being referred to, or the aspect of life that we are dealing with when we speak it – health, wealth, faith or whatever.
Brilliant analysis, I don’t trust any of the Ward circle. “Gene” says some truth but I don’t get the association with the man (Charlie Ward the fraud)who supplied underage girls to jimmy Saville
I stay clear from these people they are not truth speakers they are grifters.
I don’t see why people don’t see this truth!
Anyway great work
Thank you Ak. It’s nice to have you bother to write so. As an expert on alternative currencies I can assure you that ALL, and I repeat ALL currencies that I have analysed fail many tests of godliness and logic. Anthony Migchell has the purest understanding of godly currency that I have found being anti-usury but pegging a currency to the local equivalent devalues it instantly; a gelre had no value to me in NZ nor anyone in the USA and it lacks a compelling reason for me to attempt to use it. There are many questions that I have relating to the QFS, Nicolas, Charlie & the others but please be careful when writing off “grifters” totally – even a stopped clock . . . The questions you should ask of the QFS is not whether Ward & Co have done bad things in the past; nor whether they are right or wrong today in their information sharing ‘hopium’ business, but who controls the QFS? Who sets the interest rates? Who gets the interest? How does one define “good people” or “evil people” or “projects beneficial to humanity”? I have seen no clear answer to this (other than ET and global consciousness) thus I have to assume that the people at the top don’t want me or the enquiring public to know. My take is that Charlie is gullible and that Nicholas has chosen to throw Juan’s advice under the bus because it doesn’t go with the “Ward group-think” – the reason why I highlighted this at this time. Truthseekers are not popular whereas the Ward circle thrives on anti-establishment populism – masquerading as godliness. Thank you so much for commenting Ak. Keep asking questions! PS UPDATE: All digital currencies such as BITCoin based on the blockchain fail the basics of analysis. Godliness is found the other way – increasing human trust, not diverting that trust into a formula and a system marketed by the manipulators as unmanipulatable. Juan knows this, as do those who know the significance of Switzerland, BITCoin past frauds and who understand digital systems.
The only truther in my eyes is King John Smarty. my advice to anyone should seek King Smarty out.