What is really happening around us? Which Conspiracy Theories actually stack up? My seminars are entitled “Swapping Ignorance”. These seminars give the local Taumarunui public the opportunity to engage with someone who has actually done the research. The Swapping Ignorance Seminar series is designed to bring stability and hope to those of like mind, helping people to understand the world around them as it changes at an increasing rate.

A cosmic war has existed since the Fall in the Garden of Eden, good vs evil, and deception has been at the centre of it all. In the global war what is called the Cabal; the Deep State; the elite, has used information and disinformation to gain control of the world. Their objectives are called the New World Order and their modus operandii was exposed by George Orwell in his book Animal Farm of 1945 where the pigs (the self-elected leaders) talked of equality as they simultaneously exercised their “more-equal” rights to ‘lord it over’ the rest.
The United Nations agenda as well as that of many other globalist organisations’ has been implemented without respite but a massive fight back from Patriots, also called “the Alliance” and “white hats” particularly in the USA surrounding President Trumps first term but now following his re-election, stepping aside to let the Military sort things out and impending return.
Truth divining is particularly difficult in a sea of deliberate confusion. Conspiracy Theorists are working overtime to establish reality on a myriad of fronts – politics, spirituality, science, philosophy, finance and more are all hot topics, some of them going back decades if not centuries.
These seminars offer the public a chance to test their perception of reality against those of a long-term expert Conspiracy Analyst. In each seminar I will be covering one topic in detail but addressing many, and in the second hour I will be opening up to answer or address any topic of the attendees choosing.

These topics are all found in my book “50 Years a Truthseeker” ISBN: which I plan on publishing Q3, 2021.
Join NZ-based Private Investigator Dennis A. Smith for a presentation of his amazing 50 year, private conspiracy research.
Conspiracy topics include politics, spirituality, science, philosophy, finance and more at both local & global levels.
Q & A sessions cover any topic of your choosing.
Formal seminars are one hour followed by up to another hour of Q&A at Matapuna, Taumarunui, the first Saturday of every month at 2.00pm, the following Monday at midday & the Tuesday at 7.00pm. Strictly limited numbers. $6.00 cover charge which includes handouts and refreshments. Age limited to 16+. Bookings are essential. First Seminar [Conspiracy 101 – How to find the truth] 1, 3 & 4 May 2021. www.writingthewrong.com or 0211183296.
Private email and web access is recommended but not essential.
Presenter, Dennis A. Smith is a long-term self-confessed truth-seeker and Conspiracy Analyst. He has blogged 2.5 million words and has written 36 books, most specifically relating to his research. A trained teacher, his commercial career has wound through technology from computer hardware sales to software design, to Internet website development, always with an interest in helping, mentoring and teaching others.
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