This post gives a commentary on a unique offering by a top Washington-based Private Investigator & political insider Wayne Willott, using his latest nom de plume Juane O Savin (107). Wayne is a long time (and verbose) Conservative commentator with an increasingly vocal and respected take on geo-politics most recently surrounding the 2020 US Presidential Elections and the stunningly successful Q military operation – an operation that has perfectly matched and suited President Trump’s unique style. Enjoy this – for I have!

This book is an elegantly presented, four chapter transcript of speeches by Wayne Willott, using his nom de plume Juan O Savin (107). Wayne is now a major player in the Conspiracy movement having established for himself excellent credibility as a Q Anon, following an active string of identities over some decades.
Listen to this glowing testimonial from Robert David Steele, a guy who doesn’t beat about the bush:
[Juan O’Savin] has been operating at a presidential level for the last 4 or 5 administrations … he has been a part of a small group that does special things that cannot be trusted to the intelligence community or the financial community. Juan is a very unusual individual. I regard 107 as a precious national asset and I think that he is serving the country in a spectacular way right now.
Robert heavily limits his engagements with others time-wise and notes that he speaks to 107 often, twice extending his conversations to some eight hours! I would note that Wayne’s style is somewhat more verbose than most so the reason for this extended engagement is more than just a good content issue.
I think he’s very heavily experienced in the private investigative and private intelligence and private covert action arena and I think he’s very well connected with SEALS and other people who have been seconded to . . . “beyond Special Operations” (kind of like Executive Special Operations)
Thirty Years ago I entered this [Conspiracy] space while researching the early anti-Evolution/Creationist movement and I have been an active analyst as Henry Makow in his hey-day exposed the Illuminati; then the 9-11 truth movement developed public awareness and more recently the Q phenomena has caught on across the globe.
Wayne’s success at interpreting reality via Conspiratorial circles came of age in 2020 as he actively sought airtime on the incredible rise of alternative news sources and conspiracy commentators gave him opportunity to lift his profile.
This book was created prior to the 2020 Presidential election and thus is aged slightly. The essence of Wayne’s message though remains valid . . . “Don’t panic because the Whitehats are in control. God willing, change for the better is coming although the exact timing can never be certain. Get involved with your community and trust the Plan”.
I absolutely concur as long as the ‘Plan’ has a capital ‘P’.
Wayne’s ‘hopium’ is indeed mesmerising to the conservative mindset and in the trade he is recognised as knowing much more than most. He is a prime source and is (as Robert says) a unique individual – clearly a respected insider. I will be sharing more about Wayne in due course. IMHO Wayne deserves huge credit for becoming the goto person for the ‘Conspiracy industry’ because over the years he has put in the hard yards, constantly calling radio shows and putting his money on the line.
I quote from Wayne’s book now, interspersing my commentary lightly as we go. Having been pretty much up with the play over the years I knew most of the historical revelations before reading the book, but Wayne’s broad and deep knowledge of current events in the age of Q, is unsurpassed.
… there’s a common theme that’s been going on through all of those crises … who is actually behind the scene orchestrating these events that we are continually put into … is there an underlying theme and a common group of perpetrators with these crimes against America and the world? Is there an organization of people trying to keep us enslaved?
This is a soft entry designed to ‘break in’ those unfamiliar with the Conspiratorial view of the world. This gentle start toughens appreciably as Wayne later gets into it! Following President Lincoln’s greenback challenge to the central bankers the London Times reported:
“If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origins in the North American Republic, should become indurated [established] down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will [be] prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”
The bankers obviously got it! Those thirteen royal-bloodline families, of which the Rothschilds sit at the head of the table there in the City of London [aka the Illuminati], understood that the only real threats to their power are sovereign governments like ours that are able to print their interest-free and debt-free paper money. Those bankers knew it would break their power over people in the U.S. and then spread to the rest of the world.
This is the essence of Conspiracy, at least relating to power and money. Note that it is issuing of a currency that incurs debt by way of interest charges that introduces the ungodliness and enslavement problem – NOT banking per se. When, for example, the Fed takes 3% of all money issued as an administration fee (which I believe they do) and charge compounding interest on the money issued (which they do) this immediately enslaves the US people.
President Trump moved the private banking cartel’s Federal Reserve, back under U.S. Treasury authority, where the Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin, is answerable only to the president of the United States.
This is huge!
This is a massively critical component of recent events and why I am saying constantly that these times must be more tumultuous than WW2!
…the Queen of England … has to annually present him or herself in front of, and bow or curtsey to, is the mayor of the City of London. Why? It’s because of the power behind the throne, which is the real money behind all the royalbloodline families. It’s these people that consider themselves to be descendants of the biblical Cain, who was the first born of mankind¬¬–and its first murderer. They are these kings who presume to rule by what they feel is their blood right; these people who get their power by working as a team to control all the governments of the world by domination of the planet’s money. And it’s all done out of the City of London. Annually, the Queen of England has to present herself to the mayor of the City of London and does so with her shoes off. She curtsies and defers to that mayor’s authority, which comes from the bankers. And it’s because that mayor runs a city-state, the City of London, which is not a part of England, but is on its own sovereign territory; just as are the city-states of the Vatican and Washington DC.
Man, I wish that the entire world would understand the importance of this above paragraph! Thank you Wayne for sharing it like you have.
During the Kennedy administration, President Kennedy had a similar situation. He also realized what was going on with these people. So, he set out to create our own currency that would again be interest-free money … When Kennedy came into office, he was fighting these monsters, who were really destroying the United States. They created wars and pushed us into all kinds of other efforts we didn’t want to take on. And that’s because they have always manipulated us in their pursuit of making money from us; constantly keeping us in whatever battles they’d like, using our citizens and the American military against other lands. They instigate and push wars all over the planet with use of Americans and our military might, as if we’re a branch office of their secret-service spy agencies around the world … On June 4th, 1963, he signed Executive Order 11110 … And running our country’s finances, that executive order gave President Kennedy the legal authority to create money that was interest and debt free; currency belonging only to the American people. It was just what Lincoln had done with his greenbacks.
And so they took JFK out. Wayne goes on to discuss the significance of the deliberate sinking of the Titanic, explaining that three of the USA’s richest business people who opposed the creation of a Central bank were lured on board and were thus murdered just prior to the creation of the Fed. I knew of the swapping of the two ships and I think I remember their luring on board but the significance was new to me (thank you Wayne).
Again, this was a plot and plan by those wizards to gain control over America. Though it was a huge tragedy of lives lost, the incident looked relatively inconsequential to the financial affairs of the world on that day. Because few understand the leverage those deaths had on the fate of America, even up to right now, over a hundred years later.
I agree, few know, including me and I consider myself pretty much up with the play!
Repeatedly, we were warned that these bankers would do what they’ve always done: print money like mad men, lower interest rates, get a whole bunch of loans out there, and then suddenly reverse course to spring their trap; stopping the flow of money, raising interest rates to the moon, and in that way, grabbing their ill-gotten gains from the boom and bust cycles that snatch away people’s life savings. After creation of their predatory bank, the foreign bankers employed those cycles almost immediately. What happened with the crash of 1929? It started in Europe when the bankers withdrew credit, setting off a daisy chain of financial busts that reached America in the fall of 1929 with our stock market crash and the collapse of business. What gain did these bankers collect? What action did those bloodline families take? They bought the dazed people’s farms and businesses for pennies, (even fractions of a penny), on the dollar.
This is the critical difference that the Conspiratorial [Christian] worldview brings into the equation, the deliberate actions of the elite. I say critical because those who consider the boom and bust cycle to be natural are utterly deluded. ALL markets are controlled by controllers out to profit. I repeat, ALL – including capital markets. Over the coming months and years as people are awakened by the events surrounding President Trump, the Patriots and the outcome of this massive information war currently under way, many more will see how the awake are starting to see then break free from this enslavement. The Christian take is that freedom from widespread spiritual enslavement cannot come naturally until the physical enslavement dissolves.
When we look at the “Q” project in light of what’s happening in our country right now, we have to remember that the central focal point of the whole operation is to reverse the effects of a coup that occurred at the killing of President Kennedy … it’s not just a political issue or military fight; and not only a way to wake up the American people to what’s really happening. It’s also about removing the sharp teeth of these money monsters; getting their fangs out of us as a country that is being bled dry by vampires as they take the wealth out of America to make themselves stronger, in order to do their globalist mischief around the planet.
Again these words are gold in terms understanding the disinformation campaign being waged around us. Remember the saying that “all wars are bankers wars”? According to scripture the battlefield in the fight for truth is the mind – power & money are its weapons. The important thing for newcomers and naysayers to take out of this is that just because we do not deliberately engage with these matters daily these are actually DELIBERATE intergenerational actions by those out to enslave us.
… at the end of the day, who controls these bankers? It is Jesuits governing these bloodline families… the big deal isn’t actually happening in New York at the Fed; it’s at the Vatican Bank in Rome. The hybridized Jesuit-Cainite minds controlling their hidden hands, operate through the City of London Banks and the Vatican Bank; each playing their role in the Fed manipulation of the money supply, thereby leveraging the Federal Reserve Systems around the world. With that they remotely manipulate all the economies of the world.
So there you have Wayne’s observations. He continues, going into an important aspect of this whole subject talking about the role of Baal, sun-god worship, the significance of numerals to the elite and eventually discussing the child-sacrifice, pedophilia and so on. This becomes hugely relevant to living in the here and now today, even though it is not well understood. Here he is again:
People don’t understand the globalists are actually a religious operation … As I first wrote decades ago, “Belief is the driver of action and their actions are based on their beliefs.” What I think is irrelevant and unimportant. They believe …
I can confirm that this phrase is Wayne’s and Wayne’s alone. Most phrases are taken from others over the centuries, rehashed and or requoted but I ascribe this phrase to Wayne, which he uses a lot. The importance is that as I always say that I speak from a Christian world-view (or perspective), so too do the elite have their perspective. Wayne elaborates on the importance of this later, but the essence of belief is that we act in accordance with our belief. If we believe that we are a Mafia target, then we check under our car for bombs before we start it. If we believe that we are better or above others then we will have little compunction about using or abusing them. Truth comes secondary to belief in this regard. Wayne is dead right in what he says here. He then goes on discussing this anti-Christian viewpoint:
They believe they are descendants of Cain; Cain-line kings who are destined to inherit the earth. This fiction is what they’ve been given by their father (the father of lies), who is Lucifer, Satan, the devil, Samael, and any of a thousand other names. The “Serpent” is another name he goes by. Serpents come from the reptilian line of species, which just happens to parallel our world’s propagandized idea that aliens are reptilian. So, if Lucifer isn’t human, and if he was able to beguile Eve so that the two of them fathered Cain, after which Eve taught Adam the trick and she also conceived Adam’s child, Abel, that would make the two boys twins from two different fathers in just one birth cycle. Then we’d really be looking at a situation where the same fight that’s been going on since Genesis, is still being fought today, and it continues to be about which bloodline inherits the Earth. And as long as there is even one direct descendant from Adam alive, these monarchial and monetary Cain bloodlines still believe that person must be killed so that only hybrid descendants of Eve can inherit the Earth. Lucifer, Satan, the devil, or whatever you want to call him, is then an equal with God because, in order to remain God, He had to bless that which He had cursed. Then Satan would not be less than God, he’d be the same as God; on an equal level. What was Lucifer’s sin to begin with? It wasn’t that he wanted to be greater than God. Instead, he sought to be God’s equal. Today, Satan’s goal remains unchanged from the moment he was cast out of heaven. His goal has been to make himself God’s coequal, bringing himself up and taking God down. Now you know the Luciferian plot and plan.
The Serpent’s Seed theology causes many concern particularly in relation to the justification for racism and temptation to elitism but logically the fact that the original sin was sexual in nature can be derived from Adam and Eve’s reaction when confronted. That twins can be conceived from different fathers is still fact today, and could easily have been the case in the Garden of Eden before genetic degradation occurred. I suspect that there is truth in there somewhere but I am not a theologian!
Kid by the Side of the Road appears to be a transcript taken from various speeches and it seems to encapsulate a massive body of work from Wayne over the years. It brings a large dollop of wisdom and knowledge gained from a lifetime of work in this field.
We also need to speak against the action of certain Jewish factions … Evil is not exclusive to only some areas of our society. Earlier, I mentioned that the captain of the Titanic was Jesuit and that the banker families are controlled by them. In fact, much of this present fight we’re in is being manipulated by Jesuits.
Religious! Wayne carries on with the same thinking that truth is not important to these people, the elite and this is so, so, so very important for us to grapple with:
It doesn’t matter if it can’t happen. The idea is evil, twisted, chaotic, and the very definition of insanity. Yet, so many people want to argue against the threat of that information by just dismissing it as unworkable because certain Scripture tells us it can’t happen. They use that truth to dismiss any discussion or action needed. They say, “Hey, God wins in the end and Jesus is coming back to wipe them all out.” But those sentiments are missing the point. These satanists have an insane mission, which was deranged from the moment it came into the devil’s mind. No one can logically explain it. Asking me or anyone else to make sense out of evil, is one of the stupidest requests possible. Hell is a place where reason does not exist. There is no logic behind insanity, confusion, and chaos. The fact that anyone would even pose the question, indicates that he or she hasn’t really thought it through.
I find the way he put this last statement a little tough on those just awakening, but it is true.
God … allows evil for a season but will not allow evil to win in the end. It is against the very nature of the Almighty. The Cainite weeds will be pulled and burned in the end-time harvest. Getting back to our modern-day situation with these evil masters who seek to take over and control the whole world, they’ve been working their scheme for a very long time. And it includes the intent to wipe out much of the earth’s population.
Depopulation as a concept really needs to be understood in a spiritual sense and as Wayne has already pointed out, it doesn’t matter what we think about it – outright evil, spiritually divorced or spiritually attuned to the New Age gods – it is what the perpetrating elite believe in that matters. The depopulation agenda is indeed a spiritually based philosophy. Wayne notes that the Jesuits are experienced in infiltrating . . .
Today, governments and their deep-state controllers around the world are continuously coordinating their actions. England’s MI5 and MI6, our FBI and CIA, the Israeli Mossad, German intelligence, and all the other intelligence agencies, are coordinated behind the scenes in this type of “spectre” operation like the James Bond movie series of the same name. Their efforts working together worldwide, control governments, politics, institutions, and us.
Now, I would chip in here that this is only limited to “efforts” (as Wayne puts it) and by the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit (who as I have previously mentioned has total control over the timing of events) and our active participation. It is through our compliance that evil has its way. According to my understanding of reality, Jesus is very much alive and well having on the Cross, broken the power of evil over the earth and restored all authority in heaven and earth. He chooses to use us but we are deceived into using enslaving currency and ungodly governmental practices based on prohibited, sinful usury and ungodly, immoral democracy.
In these past few months [written mid 2020] we’ve had the Covid-19 shutdown … they haven’t really understood why it’s been happening … you are watching an extremely important and epic reversal. We are in … a biblical Haman-type point in time, like when the Jewish people were saved from a planned surprise destruction at Haman’s hands. That evil guy ended up being executed on the same petard (device) he had built as part of his attempt to genocide all Jews.
Saved by the bell Lord!
They were going to take out Seattle with a nuclear bomb, while portraying it as having come from a North Korean sub. That setup had been in play for decades. Fortunately, it was nixed at the beginning of this president’s administration. We have had protection over this country that most people can’t begin to comprehend. And what was the plan before that? You might remember February of last year (2019) when those helicopters landed at night in the middle of Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles. Our military operators rushed into the Guatemalan Cultural Center in the successful effort to protect us by removing chemical, biological, and radiological weapons stored there to be used against the American people.
Saved . . . again! Did you know that President Trump and his family survived multiple assassination attempts? Even one where incredibly they shot into his bedroom while he was sleeping in Mar-a-Lago from a drone or helicopter? Apparently the bullet would have hit him in the head except for the recently installed bullet-proof glass. I can’t confirm this and it seems incredible but the story has been verified from worthy sources. So have things gotten worse or better under President Trump? And what can we do about all this trauma? Wayne continues:
… all of you readers have to understand these things and decide to shoulder up with us and to be part of the answer as we overcome and overwhelm the oppression of these lecherous self-serving deviants . A lot of people are fussing right now about how the various federal agencies and their officials are supposedly the entities really in charge of our country and it’s somehow not the president. Let me be kind: That is not the way it is … The saboteurs and infiltrators are continuously being identified and eliminated, or extracted. Our team is doing just fine. People have a wrong notion that these emergency-management operations somehow give the deep-state black hats control. Those who worry like this, are listening to the wrong team. I don’t want to hurt anyone over that misconception, but they need to just take a deep breath and realize they’re listening to the beats of the wrong drummers. It’s important for us is to relax, take a deep breath, and think about all this rationally. With executive authority and especially under these national-emergency situations, the decision-making command comes under the president’s direct control; not some agency person. That said, there may be a bit of a wrestling match that occurs at times, but who’s ultimately going to win? It will be the president—every time!
Written (or spoken) pre-election these words contain huge value, even understating the fight, “there may be a bit of a wrestling match”! Wayne’s next quoted comments here who his deep understanding of the issues as well as showing the insider’s fore-knowledge.
… our currency is now back under the U.S. Treasury’s control through what has been a methodical process that essentially nationalizes the Federal Reserve. Several years ago, back even before Trump was the candidate, I said this method would be the eventual strategy.
I note here that my learning of the taking back control of the US currency from the Central bankers (i.e. folding the Fed under the US Treasury and effectively making Donald Trump the Fed’s Chairman) was THE pivotal event that really caught my attention. That single event alerted me to the entire Trump plan and his long-term involvement much deeper than the politics. Nobody ever, in modern history has ever taken on TPTB and achieved that kind of thing. No religious leader, no political and no business leader, certainly right back to the leading of the Israelites out of Egypt!
After sweeping these monsters out, I would contend that, as we people and our nation come out of this crisis with clean houses, hearts, and minds, to then just return to business as usual means that we’re wide open for something far worse than ever was there before President Trump and the Q team came along.
Having now set the scene of Conspiracy in a general sense in this first chapter, Wayne now moves into the subject of Q and the role of the people, introducing his second chapter, getting the people involved.
They can help us to a certain point but then it’s up to the people to become what we’re supposed to be. All the Q team and President Trump can do is their best effort. Then, it’s up to us to decide how we’re going to take the country forward. And if we don’t do it proactively, filling ourselves with godly things, these other demons are going to be back, at which point our problem returns, but much worse.
These globalist monsters are going to be back with a passion.
God-willing, after a second administration by President Trump, we’re going to be faced with a big question: What’s next? Will there be people of substance able and willing to take the helm after this administration is gone? Who will take the baton?
Understand that this was written before the election and that even as an insider, Wayne only has a partial knowledge of what is going on. I have watched as his wording and understanding has changed and matured since the election and he, like us all on the outside has seen the much bigger picture and how President Trump went into the election not only knowing the events as they would occur but actively working with the Military and others to flush traitors out, and playing his power games. As I have said previously, the 2020 Presidential Election was a Military sting operation. They knew.
You see, part of the whole thing that people don’t understand with the Q operation, is that the core of it is to train a new generation to grow and mature into power.
The Q project was aimed at gamers, younger people with inquiring minds and the skill sets to educate themselves
I’m not a gamer myself having lived the bulk of my life prior to gaming developments, but I do understand the core concepts and it is akin to the principles of good business, faith and successful commercial investigative endeavours. It requires balls, brains and brawn . . .
… the goal is that you become of a mind that YOU are the Q team; that you’re a member of the Q team. All those people who participated, learned, and were educated at Q University, are graduates. They are PHD’s in the great war to free mankind from these banker monsters who kill presidents, take over economies, and bleed us off like vampires. Your labor, work, and sweat have been going to them. Your land has been stolen away through banker frauds and scams. Your sons have been sent to war on foreign soil, many sent home in parts and pieces.
My observations are that as a rule people tend to think of others as if they were in the other person’s shoes and use their own values transplanted into the adversaries, rather than realise that they are actually in the middle of a war. They act in horror or shock or surprise when adversity strikes them, but things change when we think of others actually out to ‘get’ us, be it political enslavement like communism or physical death like Gates’ depopulation efforts or financial enslavement from the charging of interest.
The idea is that you must choose to graduate and become a Q team member … It will be a very sad day if all we have, out of this current turmoil, is a bunch of sheep bleating and looking around for the new shepherd or master, who’s going to lead us out of this. If that’s what we do, then we have failed and we’re doomed. We must each grow up, rise to the occasion, and become leaders ourselves; each ready to take a position at the helm. It’s the only way we survive.
Now before you write this off and think that this applies to OTHERS not you, how about you take these really important words from this top, connected insider who has had the balls to speak it like it is and answer the question, “If you faced someone at your door who was going to rape your daughter or who was casing your joint preparing to rob you, would you pull the trigger, literally?” What these “bank monsters” (as Wayne puts it) are doing to us is far worse!
While I am in agreement with all that Wayne has written thus far, I wish to draw our attention to this one last phrase I will quote from this first chapter:
Nobody’s promoting someone coming in to be the next savior for America. That’s b.s. The people of America are the savior of America.
No they are not, never have been and never will be . . . they may think this and they may bow down to their Constitution but they are deluded if they do.
God, by way of the bible claims that right, alone. He created. He issued dominion of His creation to His creation. Mankind screwed up. Christ came and paid the price to get us out of the proverbial. He is the saviour for America. Wayne, you know better than this, so be careful what you say, please.
There is one aspect of Wayne’s work that I assess to be missing or out of balance overall and it is the role of the Chinese in recently revealed geo-politics. I’m not sure why this is so – it could be that Chinese interests have overtaken those of the ‘Western’ Central banks and Wayne is still caught in the old US v UK paradigm; it could be that politically Wayne is aligned with the Trump agenda and that the whitehats want to nail the Illuminati enemy before turning on defending against China’s aggression or something a little more sinister. Whatever the case though, IMHO Wayne’s work and message remains entirely valid.
In a future post I will share more of Wayne’s words in this unusual book, getting into detail with Chapter 2, which is basically a rant – largely a good one and an interesting one, but more of a rant than the chapter of a book nonetheless.
Best Honest Intriguing book I ever read all the lies they told us thank you Juan O ‘Savin
IMHO Juan has an inflated ego but yes, I agree that it is an “honest” book. I learned a few little nuggets despite having researched these topics for decades. Thank you for commenting here Josephine.
The author of the book is dishonest.
The proof of his dishonesty is the fact that he managed to shift the blame for the conspiracy from the Jews to the mythical Jesuits.
Banking and money manipulation is a JEW activity. It is the Jews who have had the monopoly of the World’s financial racket. The author of the book protects the guilty by shifting the blame, he even managed to sneak in the so-called holocaust of Jews into his discussion about the crimes of the banking Cabal of the Jewish Illuminati.
To be “illuminated” means obtaining the knowledge of occult Gnostic-Satanist Kabbalah. The Kabbalah is not a work of the Jesuits, it is a work of Jews, particularly a work of the rabbis of the teaching tradition which Christ vehemently condemned.
The Jewish Gnosis teaches that Satan, the leader of the fallen angels, is the liberator of mankind from the oppressive laws of God.
For centuries the Jesuits have fought the Illuminati and tried to obstruct their evil political and cultural agenda.
And this man writes a book in which he lies by omission, in which he presents the progressive Jewish Satanists as victims because they belong to the tribe of “persecuted Jews”, and he presents the opponents of Satanism as perpetrators of Satanist conspiracy.
In other words, he presents black as white, and white as black.
There is plenty of good information on internet about the Jew bankers, about the Kabbalah and about the Illuminati.
There is no need to waste money on this book the author of which claims to expose the evildoers but in fact, he protects them.
Thank you Josephine. This is a well considered response.
In regards to the Jewish question, and indeed the Jesuits I concur with your analysis but put in the proviso that we must define “Jew”. I find this analysis revealing, but this is not a religious nor doctrinal blog.
In regards to the issue of wasting money on a book, I disagree. Long ago I found that the capacity to discern truth came from within and that there was only one source – Him. If I couldn’t trust anyone unless they got it all right then I would never read anything. I feel I am richer and am able to speak more wisely as a result of reading others – like you, for example.
What is beyond the issue of deception though is Juan’s huge ego. If I were going to expose him, I would leave the issue of misrepresenting the Jewish influence and focus more on that. I think that it’s more obvious to more people. Also, as the observable Jewish influence wanes (I think this will inevitably happen) your subject will become less contentious. Juan being ‘up himself’ seems to me to be much more personal, relate=able and important. Do you agree?
Oh and I also agree that the Holocaust story is also another focus of primarily Jewish manipulation.
Wayne is a fraud and your fool
Wayne is an alias, you idiot – read the post! And it’s “you’re” (short for “you are”) not “your”, you illiterate goose!
Read your Bible…Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 Those that call themselves Jews and are not but worship in the synagogue of Satan. The Khazarian Mafia was ordered by the Czar to pick a religion Judisim, Christianity, or Muslim “History of Khazairian Mafia, which by now has been sensored. Only to be found on Duck Duck go and I do have the copy can you find. Ask your self when did they change from Hebrew to Jew? Like when did they change from Corona to Covid and still be the same
For those not able or willing to look these references up, Misty has referred to two references to the synagogue of Satan:
Revelation 2:9 (NIV) I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 2:9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.
I do not claim to be a theologian. Thanks Misty.