If there’s a concept, an idea or a discipline that shows its failings of logic, it’s evolution – macroevolution that is (Did you even know there were different forms?) Logical fallacies galore within evolutionary thought expose the multiple deceptions in which genuine truthseekers revel. It’s a massive subject which I flick through quickly in this post showing that the whole thing is intellectually bankrupt. Enjoy!

At the age of 29 (or perhaps 28), I engaged in a decades-long intensive study of the debate between evolutionary claims and creationism. Usually billed as a matter of “science vs religion” it is actually more an exposé of logical failure and deception revealed by the application of sound logic onto fact.
The subconscious human spirit knows inherently that if there is proven to be a Creator, then there must therefore be some form of accountability from the created to that Creator. Due to Christ’s claim of exclusivity, Christianity poses the greatest perceived threat to our independence, thus the massive drive to explain away the spiritual – any natural ‘first cause’ therefore appeals. This creates the fundamental logical fallacy that underpins the entire evolutionary movement – that science alone can explain our existence.
That it is impossible to prove a negative (in this case that there is no God), is ‘conveniently’ omitted from any mainstream scientific viewpoint. The separation of natural processes from a holistic view is faulty thinking – the Christian worldview holds strong when tested. It takes greater ‘blind’ faith to ignore ‘first cause’ and to believe in macroevolution (that claims we humans developed from sludge) than to simply accept that there is an Intelligent Designer) to whom of course we must [logically] be accountable.
First cause is an arguable, logical existence of a Creator – that caused events to occur.
There are a string of big names in the creation science movement, and I’ve blogged about them over the years. For me Ken Ham, Michael Behe & Werner Gitt are heros – Ken has spearheaded and developed the incredible Creation website from his early days in Australia; Michael introduced and explained the concept of “irreducible complexity” & Werner applied information theory to this concept showing it outworked in practice. Legion though are others who have explained in their various disciplines how the religious fervour of those out to deceive do exactly that.
Let’s go through some examples picking random subjects then wrap up with the big picture resulting conclusions.
- Macroevolution is the concept that mankind evolved from monkeys who evolved from something before that right back to some primordial sludge. We call it mockingly, “From Goo to You, Via the Zoo”. It’s utter nonsense for a million sound reasons. Microevolution however is observable and testable and fact. This latter concept includes adaptation of the species, which is absolutely fine. In fact though microevolution is almost always the LOSS of original information, aka entropy, as mutations very rarely create. Most of us do not know that there is even a difference and understanding this difference is obviously NOT promoted by the evolution
bigotszealots. - Massive pressures exist in the scientific community to avoid the spiritual, especially the Christian take. These pressures are primarily financial but are outworked socially and have a spiritual root. “Play the game or lose your funding, if not your job!” is the essence of this reality. Do not underestimate this massive influence on the messages we hear, as most do. There is however a huge dissatisfaction with the macroevolutionary, anti-godly explanation promoted widely in primarily the Western societies in the last century or so. This has largely been exposed with support of the Intelligent Design movement in the last couple of decades.
- As scientific knowledge has increased a myriad of little things from all scientific disciplines have increasingly shown the bankruptcy of the anti-Creator stance. Whereas Charles Darwin could claim (and be believed) that a human eye simply “evolved” the incredible complexity of all living things has forced right-thinking people to conclude that, “Yeah, we’re much more than a monkey!” I love the design that has gone into the human hair that simultaneously needs to prevent itself falling out, but has to enable its growing out. Beat just that challenge by chance! And the complexity of each single cell that contains fully functional motors and communication between components within the cell but also with other cells. How even can the top teeth know where the bottom teeth will eventuate to give a functioning eating surface? Thousands upon thousands of other examples exist that challenge ‘chance’.
- Giving time to an equation doesn’t change the maths of something that is essentially intellectually bankrupt. If it doesn’t add up then no amount of millions, or billions, or trillions will make zero times something into anything. Just as removing the Creator gives you a falsehood, so too does zero times a gazillion still equal zero! This logical failure is used by dreamers and deceivers to explain Him away, but in no way fools genuine truthseekers.
- Assumptions are an enemy of logic. When say, we assume that things were always the same as what we see today (called, “uniformitarianism”) we deny the logical possibility that things are (or could be) different today to that which was before. If a cataclysmic event occurred a few thousand years ago in which the environment drastically changed (which it did) then radiometric datings (that assume no change) will be wrong – and they are. If ‘long earth age’ assumptions are used to date fossils and uniformitarianism is nonsense (and it is) then fossil dating is nonsense (it often is!) because it too is based on error. I note with hilarity the exercise whereby multiple mainstream scientists dated Mt St Helens rocks in gazillions of years (but were known to be only a decade old) totally incorrectly due to these faulty assumptions.
- A couple of decades ago I went to the Grand Canyon in person and saw a little trickle in the bottom of a large canyon clearly gouged out by a huge plateau of what looked to me like layered sedimentary deposits, i.e. layers of water-borne sand and rock laid down by large water-flow. I could see this obvious evidence of a global flood but had to listen to a guide attempt to explain it all away to my gullible companions with the “millions of years BS”. OMG it’s so much easier to look at things and see reality for yourself. Sure, we’ve got to undo so much conditioning but even a child can work it out. Put sand, mud, little stones and water into a fishtank; swirl it around and bingo you’ve got the water-borne sedimentary layers. Pour a bucket of water onto the top of a sand castle and you’ve got canyons appearing inside seconds. Compare with the Grand Canyon and there’s a pretty simple explanation. “Oh sh*t, wait, the bible talks of Noah and a global flood. OMG and it was only a few thousand years ago too! Houston . . . we’ve got a problem. Quick! Change the subject.”
- I love the photo above, painted by my great grandfather John Cooke*. Old Cookie was a brilliant copy artist (working for a ‘big shot’ of the time) who knocked out this gem of a painting currently held in the Geological Society in the UK. In this painting he shows then big names all sucked in by a con-artist (third from the left) who knew how to make fools out of his colleagues with multiple forgeries. The Piltdown man was his crowning glory – billed as the “missing link” between man and monkey. Anybody with a pea-brain could tell you that a monkey is just an animal (OK sure, with a brain) and man is, well, different. God made it pretty clear that He made them different too, but we can’t take common sense into science here now, can we [sarcasm]? Charles Darwin himself predicted that in the future scientists would discover the missing link. He also said that if his ideas were sound then they would be proven over time. We’re still waiting Charlie . . . millions of fossils found, analysed and we have only more fossils the same. Darwin’s ideas were not original and it was Huxley who promulgated them at the time. Did you know those two facts? No? Remember that deception is the norm in this fallen world.
- The Piltdown forgery was always suspect by those in the know (just like Albert Einstein’s colleagues knew at the time that he was a plagiarising fraud) but pride-based politics ensured its widespread acceptance for years. This is commonplace agenda-driven conduct, whereby the MSM will heavily promote something deceptive (usually that puffs mankind or ‘proves’ that there is no, or no need for, God) then later quietly retracts – usually only if/when it is forced to do so. Virtually every major story is the same – World Wars; Crises of all manner and shape – “Reds under the bed” was a New Zealand version when I was a child (fear-mongering over Communists). Global Warming (now changed to Climate Change) deceptions and health issues (SARS, Asian bird-flu, Corona virus are current ones. In evolutionary matters, one tooth, bone or fossil will be trumpeted as some great find, that proves/reinforces the evolution story only to be forgotten or ignored when challenged or proven to be otherwise.
- Rarely will people engage with those who challenge the mantra of the day, especially if they fear that it will cost them in some way. Most of the time evolutionary thought is one of those accepted norms that cannot be argued with logic. Most scientists preclude the possibility of a Creator, and even if they do accept intelligent design as a valid concept, most of them also avoid His identity. I don’t! Both of these things are telling to the discerning.
Informed, hopefully a little wiser for having read this post, let’s talk religion and the wrap it all up with the biggest, big picture look at life . . .
John Cooke [d. 1925] was the father of Enid Marion Cooke, who married Willoughby Vernon Smith who both gifted the world with my father David Lewis Smith. Yes, you can partially blame him for this post!
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