The Good Book explains that the “love of money is the root of all evil”. But which kind of money do you use and indeed worship? In this post I dig into evil by explaining that there are two kinds of money – and that it is not always a neutral benign item. I speak from the Christian worldview. Enjoy.

In a nutshell, the Christian worldview is that there is a Creator. He created. He set the rules. Mankind screwed up. Christ sorted it all. That’s pretty much it. Sure, you can throw in the Church, the Pope, religions, denominations, theology, eschatology and more if you want a fight or to complicate things, but I’ll leave that to others to fight over and join in to support them when they all agree.
Jesus didn’t seem to worry too much about what the politicians of the day thought about things, and the kids that followed Him seemed pretty happy. It was only really the religious leaders of the day who got their tits in a tangle over what He said and did. He deliberately chose to work with those who would ‘listen up and do’ what He said and again, pretty much left the rebellious heathen to their own devices. Christians who follow Christ should take note and do likewise.
So the thing about money was that Jesus taught the same as His Father did – do NOT lend at interest. The charging of interest was banned in the Old Testament as compounding interest was seen as an unnatural, therefore an ungodly practice. Nothing is new under the sun, so it still is.
Michael Hoffman has the best thesis I’ve ever seen on this evil with his immensely important book Usury in Christendom – The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not. Those who claim to know and understand anything economic should buy and read it forthwith. It’s pure gold, essentially providing the historical proof of the fact that up until 1515 when the bankrupt Pope Leo X legitimised usury for his mates the money-lenders, the charging of (and believe it or not the paying of) interest instantly caused excommunication, Phew, how far have we come now when the charging of interest is universal practice?
It is a biblical principle that the seed sets the genetics of the offspring, so that we are sinners because we are the seed of sinners, back to Adam & Eve. Likewise with money. If the issuers of money charge interest (and they do) and if this charging of interest is accursed conduct (and it is) then that money is accursed – forever and right down the chain of usage and right down through the ages.
Money as a pure concept is neutral, such as a litre, or a metre, inch or hour. It is actually only a measurement and simply represents a half completed transaction. The deception comes when it is converted into a commodity, thus issuable, controllable and can be profited from. Jesus’ command NOT to lend at interest hit right at the heart of the money-lenders’ deception. His exposure through teaching and example revealed the truth that I mentioned in the intro above – that the love of money is the root of all evil.
Now the charging of interest is an enslavement technique. The Lord permitted the Israelites to only charge interest to the nation’s’ enemies (not within the tribe) and He did this as an enslavement technique, pure and simple. Economic booms and busts, inflation and deflation and the vagaries of the resulting human induced misery is NOT His way at all. During the depression of the late 1920s and early 1930s the birds, bees and butterflies didn’t bat an eyelid!
I have written a lot about this subject previously including my book Mistakes of the Monetary Reformers, in which I explain the core deception as well as how to create a perfect traders currency. God’s given system is to affect Mutual Credit, whereby we naturally build social capital, not interest-bearing money, nor money that incurs interest.
I mentioned previously how all the financial systems of the world settle through the BIS in Basel, Switzerland which is in turn a privately owned entity. This means that the enslavement promised by the Lord from the outset has now invaded the globe. Whereas previously only components of the developed world were subject to usury enslavement, the consolidation of power and wealth has moved steadily towards global enslavement.
This enslavement by the elite commenced in 27 July 1694 with the establishment of the Bank of England and its loaning to the King at interest. It received a major boost with the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913, and most countries capitulated voluntarily within 30 years of that date, although a few pockets of ‘resistance’ remained. Force has been used against independence since.
The establishment of the BRIC is no different BTW – it is simply another variant of the same usurious system.
The enforcement of this enslavement occurs using deception and understanding how this occurs explains the scriptures’ description whereby the populace are described as willing participants in this worship of the Beast. The alternative to using the payment systems that use usurious money is currently difficult and costly but this need not be so, and will not be in due course.
When I emigrated to Samoa in 2009, I had achieved a 40% reduction in my use of the cash economy (and this was when a 5% usage of alternatives was considered strong). In Samoa, I had achieved an almost 100% extraction when I was evicted, but this was very hard work in many regards. Those with 100% non-cash lives live quite isolated and difficult existences here in New Zealand. It is possible but it is currently costly and quite challenging.
The coming implosion, which I have referenced many times previously, will force people to find alternatives and has to be opportunity for increased godliness. My [as yet unpublished] book, Let Go the Peanut gives a theoretical example of how this process outworks in the lives of a couple in England. Greece is another example in that when there is no money available, people find other ways to trade. Sadly , as the monetary restrictions ease (and Greece should thank China as their ‘financial saviour’), they return to it because it is their norm, and it is easy.
A serious sustained global depression whereby the entire political, financial and commercial structure totally breaks down is, sadly, the only way that humankind will regain the wisdom of old, and as a unit wake up to smell the roses. Some call this the long-awaited, long-sought-after and predicted/promised “global consciousness change”, aka “Nirvana”.
Appreciation of direct barter, one on one, where there is a “double co-incidence of wants” is a good first step to personal enlightenment. This is an achievable goal and a positive step towards godliness, as it instantly breaks one free from the clutches of usury. Debt reduction also, or preferably debt elimination is another. All can (and should) do this immediately. There are many phases following that though, as we learn, develop, grow and experience the freedom achieved from avoiding the use of usurious money.
I would note also that the Christian worldview as detailed here, shares its condemnation of the practice usury with most major religions – regardless of the dodgy practical outworking of theory and workarounds.
I also repeat here the important role of the increasing worship of democracy in this mix. It is the gifting of our spiritual freedom with its inherent blessings and responsibilities to the voted politicians (who in turn trade this power with the money-men) that empowers the global elite. The universally accepted national laws that restrict the use of currencies to one Legal Tender only (a clear monopoly) exist only through the willing compliance of the voters within the democratic process. Fascism, where the government and businesses work together (and the people pay), is the expected form of government in the New World Order.
The New Zealand version of this powerful monetary monopoly can be read online. I quote :
The [Reserve] Bank shall have the sole right to issue bank notes and coins in New Zealand.
“Legal Tender” is the phrase used to describe the only currency that can be used to pay [enforced] debts – just try paying the taxman with brussel sprouts or cabbages! The same form of monopoly exists almost globally and the obscene penalties for attempting to undermine this monopoly indicate the seriousness of the threat to TPTB – up to three years in jail or $100k in NZ. Much more elsewhere!
I have said before that understanding money is the second most important question in life. There is very good reason for that statement. It is crucial and I do not see this subject discussed anywhere in the MSM, let alone with maturity and certainly not within Christendom. This indicates to me that:
- I am “ahead of the curve” and am “preaching to an empty pulpit”
- The Holy Spirit is biding His time on this matter
- The time is not yet right for implementation of godly alternative currencies
- The people’s enslavement to ungodliness through the use of usurious currencies will continue and will probably grow
- Those involved with establishing alternatives must accept the commensurate ‘prophetic loneliness’ and an ‘advanced guard’ lifestyle
Of course there is the possibility that I am wrong, but as an intensely proud and deep thinker, I try not to be.
Summarising then and putting the Christian worldview into order:
- God created
- He set the parameters, guidelines & rules for living
- He prohibited usury (except as an enslavement technique)
- Christ came, taught and conquered
- Jesus endorsed His Father’s guidance by teaching and giving an unequivocal outright prohibition on the lending at interest
- Mankind has [almost] universally chosen to give Him the single finger salute through the worship of democratic systems that have been used to enforce usage of usurious money
- Disaster is inevitable but is currently being divinely restrained
- The promised global consciousness change is currently a long way off
- There is a long way to go yet with the increasing of consolidation of power and wealth
We have the tools, opportunity and now the explanation to do the honourable thing to be blessed. I am. Rationalise, ignore, or argue away as you wish but I dare you too, to escape . . .
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