I recently had occasion to ask a new friend where she got her values from. The enjoyable conversation ‘got around’ to this, via a discussion on the Corona Virus (more on that shortly) but she couldn’t answer; took a guess; admitted that she had never thought about it; hummed and harred about it; then asked me the same question back without answering for herself. I answered her succinctly and directly. I summarise the discussion and provide commentary. Enjoy!

I make friends easily. Anywhere, anytime, anyone. That’s easy for people who ask questions, like me, because everybody wants to talk about themselves and what is important to them.
But sticky-beaks always end up getting their noses bopped. Nobody likes people to get too close – nobody – especially when they ask heaps of questions, thus it is easy for me to burn friends off. Throw in a smidgen of fearlessness; a dollop of straight-talking (online too if you will!) and a bit of time and my friends simply aren’t any more. It’s par for the course for people like me.
But it’s a full and rich life, the lifestyle I call VICTUSINAMBITUS, Latin for “living on the edge”.
Rest assured when people are ready to meet their maker (or sometimes they have already met Him somehow) and they want to really know wassup, deep down, they don’t pop down to their mates at the pub, nor do they call the politicians, bankers or others of the same ilk. “Nisi”, they will often say . . . “a million years ago you said [enter your unpopular comment of wisdom here] and I never forgot it!”
This girl is a smart cookie and she’ll probably never forget the challenge I gave her today, “From whence your values, my dear?” to paraphrase the hour or two that we engaged.
There are a many takehomes from this experience, a few of them I will now detail.
- We started talking about the Corona Virus. I stated my belief that it was a manufactured crisis of the 9-11 ilk. My friends asked for more information but I encouraged them to do their own research. This girl has a good degree of cynicism thus will work it all out – at least I hope and pray!
- I explained that as an investigator we always “follow the money” and this always leads us back through the democratic voting system (where political power is legitimised by the populace entrusting their god-given independence/freedoms to [usually corrupted] politicians), to the money-men (first in commerce, then to retail then wholesale banking systems; to the central banks who are either all privately owned (or at least are privately controlled in areas where they cannot yet be owned), who all settle with the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) again another privately owned entity based in Basel, Switzerland.
- My friend prompted me to confirm that I was talking about the Jews, but while most of the elite are Jewish I needed to clarify whether she viewed the Jews as a race or as a religion, for this determines my response. We left the matter because I am more interested in the spiritual nature (i.e. submission) of those individuals who own the BIS and therefore control and profit from the global monetary supply.
- We spoke of the long desired global consciousness change, to which I suggested that it would happen but not in our lifetimes and that evil of necessity must implode. It cannot do anything but. Compounding interest for example can never be sustained in a godly environment, as determined by nature. Anything compounding is akin a pyramid scheme.
- We discussed the fact that all living entities exist only because they have defence mechanisms. If they don’t, they will die – be it a tree in a drought; a school overtaken by a better school down the road; a belief system (such as a religion or denomination); a business with an increasing quality of opposition; or a human being coping with disease (such as the Corona virus).
- I claimed that it is a technical impossibility to change a system from within as any system’s defence mechanisms are designed to protect the entity. That’s why voting can never change the actual system of democracy. It can change the players but not the system. I didn’t mention it with my friends today but there is also a spiritual component to this as the spiritual authority that we have been granted in our areas of influence (i.e. where we can affect change) are binary/exclusive – we are either within the system (submitted to it) or we are outside of it. This is the meaning of Jesus’ teaching against divided loyalties. It’s a deception, an impossibility.
So this brings us back to the key question, from where do we gain our values? You see, this girl is smart, and she knew that I was asking her to explain where her authority came from to judge people and things. Is for example paedophilia acceptable or not (which was her example), and if one way or the other, why?
You see the Christian worldview is that the scriptures, the Bible, explain the Creator’s standards and values. I’ve researched all options over many decades and have yet to find fault with the Biblical take, whereas all other options lack the ring of truth, lead back to self and ultimately decay and death. All.
I lost count of the number of times my newfound friend started a sentence with, “I” or “I believe” and this is not compelling logic. Nobody really cares what I, nor she nor indeed what the 49% think or believe at the end of the day!
It is actually the age-old issue of (on the one hand) pride and independence enforced against the Creator’s ways or (on the other) freedom through submission. Adam and Eve chose to do it their way and the world is a hell of a mess as a result of that choice. Since Jesus did His stuff here on earth and showed us the way, we have no excuse. Sending the Holy Spirit to earth has given us the power now to affect the positive change that all seek. Again this act removes validity for ALL our excuses for we now have the power to act on top of the authority that Christ gained with His resurrection.
This requires fear first (of the Lord, not of what human beings think, feel or say) which brings wisdom; then humility to hear (what He is saying) and lastly action to DO that which we know He desires us to do. Oh how very simple life is when it is all boiled down and explained thus, eh? Basic respect, humility and obedience!
It reminds me of the old Christian hymn that includes the phrase, “Trust and Obey“.
Now, my friend, and her father do not share the same faith as I do, far from it, but their failure to determine from whence their values come stands in stark contrast to my instant, simple explanation. I said earlier that I answered their question when she inverted my question back to me. That was clever of her, eh? But I explained that I hung my values upon the scriptures – the bible – Jesus. Easy.
To me, paedophilia is wrong, not because my kids are traumatised if they get abused by some jerk out there but because it breaks the biblical absolutes. Politically incorrect, I know, but [leaving aside other religions for the moment] the personal choice that we all seek to enforce when we divert from the biblical absolute is destined to manipulation; it is illogical and intellectually dishonest.
When the 51% rule the 49%, and the money-men manipulate the politicians, who largely can be trusted totally (to look after their own interests FIRST!) then you see the Garden of Eden events replicated, replicated and replicated, then eventually implode.
According to my friends today, in the 1920’s the Maoris of New Zealand (who had a largely self-sufficient lifestyle) fed the bankrupt, hungry and ‘lost’ Pakehas around them. Their social structure, values and lifestyle (back then, not now) was much closer to the biblical guidelines.
In Samoa, the matai system of governance (as the Maori one is too) is equally close to the biblical one. Both Polynesian social systems [originally] got it right, as the Pakeha ones did when it came to personal responsibility and accountability. Put those two cultural strengths together though and you’ve got God’s blueprint in action!
In the coming traumas it will be the ones who know their Maker; who fear Him first and foremost; who can hear Him and who actually do what He asks who will be helping those who don’t have money.
Make sure you are one of those, and not a proud, independent, voting family who entrusts their god-given independence to a political and financial system that MUST ultimately fail through implosion.
Oh, and for the record, when your research into the Corona virus reaches up to the elite and the way that they manipulate the plebs like us into slavery and submission, then you’ve got to the top and can stop looking. Until then Corona is just another JFK, Tonkin, Pearl Harbour, Aids, Asian Bird Flu, 9-11, Peak Oil, Sandy Hook Line and Sinker!
Lastly, cynicism is one of the building blocks of integrity. The thing with cynicism is that while it can bring knowledge, and increased understanding, without hope it is essentially negative, hence its generally bad wrap in society. It pulls us down by nature, but those (like my newfound friend) who exercise it have the best chance of grasping reality because they ask the questions that many don’t.
Their faith though can only come from humility. Most, sadly go down ‘up themselves’ and bitter. Don’t be that way, if that’s you!
Thanks for swinging by again today! See you again shortly.
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